St. John's University Heads please check in! (new yorkers also welcome)

Just get that 3.5 intern at a BIG 4. Get your 150 credits Pass the CPA. Grind for a few years then Bottles and Models hopefully lol

That's what my roomate did...he started EARLY @ D&T...dude is making that $$$ right now as a CPA
Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

don't listen to people.. if you got the scholarship why not come out to NY and get a chance to experience life on the east coast.. its not a party school but if your looking for fun in a city of 8 million you'll find it
He's still looking at 25K of loans/money of his own/parent's money that he has to pay which is why he's asking people... I'm pretty sure dude wants all the info instead of going in blindly.

I know a couple people that go to St. John's and they hate it. One ended up transferring to Fordham and the other to Syracuse. I wouldn't waste my time there unless you're going for pharmacy. If you really wanna live in the city try CUNY Baruch or Fordham. Both are harder to get into then St. John's but it's worth a shot (looking at the stats and what I know of Fordham). Baruch is also a lot cheaper.

EXACTLY im pretty sure i will have other options in cali, i just want to see if going to SJU/NYC is a good idea and howit is out there hence this thread/me visiting. if i hate the campus then whats the use of signing up and going there, when everyday i will regret it

mid east i pm'd you
Originally Posted by JCASH DA KID

I'm just saying Baruch>SJU Tobin. Plus I feel SJU is run so poorly. How are you going have a program where you can get your BS in Business (Finance, Econ, MGT) Etc and Get your masters in Accounting have students apply then halfway through the semester say that they might be pulling the program so you might have wasted a semester. God I cant wait to be done with this +$+@#+$!. I pretty much just pay 30k a year to drive to school sit and learn nothing cram during finals and get decent grades at the end. Also 9 credits in Theo and 9 credits in Philosophy like come on man. 3 credits on DNY. So much garbage and wasted cores
Yeah, the bureaucracy at SJU FTL. How am I gonna get a postcard reminding me to register for something when the deadline already passed?

I wasn't too fond of Theology, but considering it is a Catholic school, I had no problems with taking those classes...
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

people hating on St. John's...prolly the ones waiting on pins and needles for the acceptance letter from LaGuardia CC


Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

people hating on St. John's...prolly the ones waiting on pins and needles for the acceptance letter from LaGuardia CC

Yup you are completely right. I go to Fordham, got into NYU(but they offered way to little aid/scholarship), and I'm just hating on St. John's. St.John's was a safety school for me if I even chose to apply to it. Take it like it is, St. John's is very limited in programs that are actually good. Pharmacy, business is decent, sciences are fine, and so is your law school. Everything else is subpar and nowhere near worth the tuition. Just take it how itis, you are the 4th at best private school in the area. If you consider overall schools, probably even lower. I'm taking this from friends that I knowthat go to the undergrad, the law school and ones that even teach there(fellowships working on their PhDs).

It's a good Univ for some don't get me wrong. But if you are seriously smart, like top 10 percentile of your age group. There are better options outthere for you. I'm not trying to be elitist, but it's just the truth.
Originally Posted by ThizzBaby

yeah i feel u king, u down to give me a campus tour =D i want to see everything. and for the record i got a3.0GPA and 1860 SAT 28 ACT
with those scores you should be looking at better schools

honestly as a senior in HS now.. i heard bad things about SJ so i didnt even apply there.. like i heard it's not a fun school to be at. but not only that,i know personally of someone who went there then transferred out to Queens College and he says that he's getting the same education for way cheaper.

Now considering the deadline for Columbia has passed and thats the best school in NYC imo, i would apply to places like NYU or Fordham [ idk when theirdeadlines are ]

and btw. i want to be an accountant too

i wanna go to syracuse though, i love that school
i graduated from SJU Staten Island campus this May, and i honestly wish i had gone to CUNY Baruch. there are very few schools within the 5 boros that offer"real campus life" because of that facts thats its NYC. the nicest campus that i've seen is Wagner college on Staten Island, literally 1 blockaway from the St. Johns Staten Island campus, but again its Staten Island and a 20 minute ferry ride from Manhattan.

My advice if your looking to be an accountant..look into Pace University in dowtown Manhattan, one of the best business schools in NYC. about 5 of my friendsgraduated from there in may and are doing very well in the business field.

My best friend is currently in his 5th year if a 5 year masters program at Pace. He'll be graduating in May with a masters degree in accounting and takinghis CPA exam in the summer. Seems like a option that i would DEFINITELY look into if i were you if you want to be an accountant.
Originally Posted by DRjordanlover45

Originally Posted by ThizzBaby

yeah i feel u king, u down to give me a campus tour =D i want to see everything. and for the record i got a3.0GPA and 1860 SAT 28 ACT
with those scores you should be looking at better schools

honestly as a senior in HS now.. i heard bad things about SJ so i didnt even apply there.. like i heard it's not a fun school to be at. but not only that, i know personally of someone who went there then transferred out to Queens College and he says that he's getting the same education for way cheaper.

Now considering the deadline for Columbia has passed and thats the best school in NYC imo, i would apply to places like NYU or Fordham [ idk when their deadlines are ]

and btw. i want to be an accountant too

i wanna go to syracuse though, i love that school
NYU might be over, not sure. But Fordham is like 3rd week of January I think. But then again my HS class was '05, and Fordham became muchmore selective since then. So they might have toughened up their deadline and made it earlier. BTW, business school at Fordham is hard as hell to get into. My HS has ties to the school(both Jesuit + it use to be the Manhattan affiliate of Fordham till like the 1930s which means they lowered requirements for us),and I know a lot of last years graduates that normally would have gotten in, were denied last year. It's a top 30 Business school now from what I hearfrom my friends said who are graduating this year.
Academically, SJU is just an average school. The on-campus experience is mediocre, but Manhattan is fairly closeby. SJU specializes in certain grad programs,but the undergrad is nothing special, and not worth the tuition they charge. The scholarship you're getting is pretty nice, but if you're looking intoaccountancy, check out (at the risk of sounding redundantly redundant) Baruch. My boy is a Baruch grad and is working at E&Y now, and just passed his CPA.My other friends who graduated from Baruch are doing well for themselves. For NYers, CUNY > SJU. I know CUNYs don't do housing, but there areroommate/housing-finding services. I do college counseling on the side and one of my kids got into SJU with a 1440 SAT (didn't even break 1000 inMath/Verbal), and he's deferring admission! That in itself should tell you the academic standards SJU holds for their incoming freshmen.

But college is what you make of it. If you sit in your room all day playing video games and watching porn, it really doesn't matter where you go. SJU canbe a great experience if you surround yourself with good people and take your academics seriously, but the dorm life (from what i've heard) is pretty lame.The SJU campus is pretty nice (lots of new buildings), but there seems to be nothing going on. I once walked around the campus on a Saturday afternoon, andthere might've been 10 people walking around. Some students go home for the weekends, and those who are not from the area hang out in the city. Despitebeing a 30-minute PT ride away, it's not the same as going to a school IN the city. I'd rather go to Baruch and get an apartment/roommate.

SJU tuition after scholarship NOT including housing: $50,900 for four years
CUNY tuition without scholarship/financial aid: $43,200 for four years.

The cheapest dorm/meal plan is $12,700 a year (regular meal plan, share a room with three people). With that money you can rent an apartment with a roommateand feed yourself. Might cost a bit more, but $12,700 isn't anywhere close to starving. Living in Manhattan will give you better access to more part-timejobs (there's nothing much around SJU, all suburbs, unless you want to commute to Elmhurst), and living in city is a far better experience than dorming inSJU or living in the SJU area.

In response to the suggestion of applying to NYU/Columbia/Cornell with a 1860 SAT...don't even bother. Doesn't hurt to try, but 1860 isn't aspectacular score; you'll need a minimum of 2000 to have a chance.

Congratulations on the scholarship, but there ARE better options in NYC.
Not to mention he will get full tuition paid if he goes to Baruch or any CUNY school
go on the CUNY website under scholarships, many people actually get laptops for free, and tuition for free

I'm actually torn between going to SJU or Hunter/Baruch I want a good, affordable (poli sci) education in NYC but at the same time I want a college sociallife
I want to go out, lots of EC's, dorming, and partying.

And people tell me "go to fordham,nyu,columbia".. as previously stated SJU is a average University.
I have a 1670 and 87 avg and I can't be doing that..and being that I'm going to grad school its stupid to incur so much debt from undergrad..


you graduated from S.I. campus?...whats your name, if you dont mind me askin...PM me if you want...
Im a senior on S.I. campus bout to graduate in May...
Originally Posted by heartofthacity

Not to mention he will get full tuition paid if he goes to Baruch or any CUNY school
go on the CUNY website under scholarships, many people actually get laptops for free, and tuition for free

I'm actually torn between going to SJU or Hunter/Baruch I want a good, affordable (poli sci) education in NYC but at the same time I want a college social life
I want to go out, lots of EC's, dorming, and partying.

And people tell me "go to fordham,nyu,columbia".. as previously stated SJU is a average University.
I have a 1670 and 87 avg and I can't be doing that..and being that I'm going to grad school its stupid to incur so much debt from undergrad..

Here's a warning. I go to Fordham. They gave me a LOT of aid compared to NYU, and that's the reason I chose it. But they REALLy startcutting it heavy as you get up to junior year which I'm at right now. I mean I was paying 8K my first year, they making me pay 16k now. If I honestlyknew they would do this than I would have chosen NYU. So don't be swayed by huge aid packages. They will be cut as you become an upper classmen.
I graduated out of St. John's in '07...
Its a good school and i learned alot while my time there. Everybody experiances is different. Yours will be different than mine for sure. Female wise itsgreat! The stories and events during my four years there i will never forget. The only knock SJU has vs. a traditional college campus is that its in a city.Parties in the city are expensive, not your $5 dollar room parties you see upstate NY. There is alot of Cali girls to make you feel comfortable. They sure mademe feel nice
. As an alum I would like you to come and see SJU and NYC.Its an experiances you will never forget.
I went to St.Johns for 2 years and i must say it was a terrible experience...i was an accounting major though and the academics were jus awful...i have a fewfriends who are in the pharm program though and from what ive heard its definitely worth it if your going for pharm...very competitive, a lot of work though, alot of people who apply don't make it past the first year...if you go try and get off campus housing the second year...way to strict on campus...

ok i now see your going for accounting...don't go...
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