Stack Bundles Appreciation/Tribute Post (sticky?)

that song is a feature with mazardi fox, i got it but without the girl singing in the beginning and with mazardi of course. if any got that sameexact version in the video let me know
Yeah also used by pac on the song pain
EDIT:I always thought Icon was suppose to be Stacks version of My diary
the song in the youtube someone mixed that themselves with the chorus singing and stacks so i dont think anyone has it except him.
What happen to I know

R.I.P my dude
"I'm the savior of the game at it's worst I's somethin you celebrate/A breath of fresh air I's some you gotta hate/Never
fresh airs try somethin prada make"
Originally Posted by pastellove88

What happen to I know

"What happened?"

Long story short, it went from an unscheduled week off, to a natural disaster knocking out the power for a week, to moving the site to a new server - and that is why this site was down for 3 weeks. There's only one admin running this site, so pardon the absence. But we're back and that should be all that matters.

All previous entries such as videos and tracks will be imported soon. Bare with us, as several updates over the next week or so will be re-posted.

The regular updates will begin within the next 48 hours. At this stage, everything is just being ironed out for public release.

-September 30, 2008
I've given up on everything Stack related that was to be "released"......we ain't seeing that Documentary or the album
Bynoe is shopping the album and doing his best to get a deal. Rockstar will be packaged with the Documentary. Don't !#%* on Bynoe, !#%* on the labels thatare closing their doors on it.
Originally Posted by iQonoclast

Bynoe is shopping the album and doing his best to get a deal. Rockstar will be packaged with the Documentary. Don't !#%* on Bynoe, !#%* on the labels that are closing their doors on it.

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