Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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To be fair:

so kylo turns back to ben when the ghost of han give him a similar speech that he gave him when he was alive just a year ago? why didnt he turn back to ben when han was alive? makes no damn sense.
Maybe cuz Snoke was still alive and influencing him through force bonds and ****? He at the time still thought he was hearing granddaddy Vader.Vader.

palpatine can create sith clones as powerful as snoke and still be alive. but guess what the chosen one luke cant even project himself without dying 🤦🏻‍♂️
Palp does also have breakthrough science on his side.

only leia and luke appear as force ghosts at the end. is kylo a joke to you jj abrams?
Hopefully. Apparently. Trash character.
Poor Finn. Never go to tell Rey what he wanted. Also the force ghosts. If she’s truly a skywalker you have to put Anakin in there.
I like the film.

A LOT to digest. Way too much new info/powers/plot lines to fully flush out in one movie.

This was the best case scenario based on what JJ had to work with from the mess Episode 8 left behind.

Ray, Kylo, Finn all became WAYYYYY more compelling.

I felt satisfied when it ended.
Just got out the theater. Film is the greatest troll job in cinema history. The cinematography of the film will fool you. I came out thinking “wait, this wasn’t THAT bad”....and then I really start thinking about it. How can you be puppeteering everything behind the scenes and still fall for the SAME trick?! :smh: Get this **** out my face man
From the NTers that have posted, I'm seeing a lot of there was a lot in the movie.

For the final movie in the trilogy why didn't they just go the full 3 hours? Its not the same but they had an example in how Endgame took their time to conclude that saga.
i’m not gonna lie i read (skimmed over) the spoilers and thought this movie was gonna be a travesty

went in with lower expectations that rich eisen running the 40 yard dash

i really enjoyed it lol. non stop action and i guess i was already prepared for the kinda cringe stuff

gonna see it again but it def wasn’t bad and it’s def not a 58 on rotten tomatoes.

also i’m not a huge star wars mark so maybe i’m looking at it as just an end to this trilogy and and not an end to the entire 9 movie saga. if i was doing the latter i def wouldn’t be happy. but i dunno if you should or shouldn’t look at it like that....if that makes sense
Just watched. Great movie with excellent messages for people of overcoming your past, breaking generational curses, and blood doesn’t make you family. Story was fine, but you can’t please everyone. I’m pretty sure the ones who read the extended universe books through the years are the majority spiritually injured individuals by this movie.
This is hands down the worst Star Wars film.

they tried to make Endgame 2.0

I thought the same thing with only the part of the black man (Lando) coming in with the”On Your Left” lol other than that, it was more ROTJ-ish than anything.
I'm coming at this as an end to the 9-film saga. It's hard not to think of it in that way given that they've tied in so much of episodes 4,5,6.

There were moments I really enjoyed, like the voices that Rey heard when she was calling out the the Jedi. The cinematography was great also. Some funny bits here and there.

Other than that it was hard for me to wrap my mind around a lot of clear attempts at JJ just trying to clean up the pile that Rian left. Snoke(s) in a tank...Palpatine not really explaining how he still alive...or how he built all those ships...knights of ren are useless...i can go on

Besides this really making the whole chosen one and bringing balance to the force stuff kinda moot, this really made me hate 8 more. It was a baffling choice then and its an even more absurd one looking bad. I really hope we get to see what JJ had intended some day
Wasn’t feeling it. Everything felt forced. I understand it was the end of the trilogy but it seemed like they were trying to stack as many plot twists as they could. The nostalgia felt forced as well. Meh.
Just got out.......

I enjoyed it. But I always knew I would. I'm not a sheep and don't give a **** about others, internet, spoilers etc.

It wasn't perfect, clearly, but it was very good. It really was Revenge of the Sith.

I hated 1-2 and how much wasn't done/ready for Ep 3, but he closed it strong. He rushed things, he forced things, but we got there. Anakin was still a Jedi hero 2 hours in. We got 10 seconds of Vader and not a single Jedi killed by him. But he did an honorable job getting as much in as possible.

Same here. First 45-50 minutes we were all over the place, literally. I'm a few galaxies away, aiight, see ya in a few...... :lol:

Hyper jumps, blindly? :lol: Cool lookin, but c'mon now.

The force strength/connection between them to PHYSICALLY touch each other was next level. That was actually enhanced, and cool imo.

Good to see Lando, but again.....I never agreed with the 70's something characters. Til I die I believe we should have gone Heir to the Empire 5 years after Jedi. Thrawn v heroes in their prime, recasted.
Still, good to see Lando.

Kylo got busy this time. He took on the Rens, barehanded. :wow: And when he got ol blue, WRAP. :pimp:

Leia was an honorable close. I think it may have been smarter to let her go in TLJ and keep Luke for this, but they did a nice touch with her here.

Young Luke/Leia :wow:

Ghost Luke was a damn G. Seein that X rise up was :smokin

We can relax on the bomb drops, we can run around on ships with no masks now. Or back the Falcon up and blast folks with no masks on, in space. So drop that complaint on TLJ.

Palps was brilliant. Eerie as ****, maniacal as hell, and powerful as all get out........however.........loved the VISUAL of lightning up every ship. I mean.....beautiful, BUT.........all that power, hundreds of ships........but a single lightsaber can block it no problem? :lol: Needed to tone that one down a smidge.
That said, LOVED the Jedi talkin to her. Awesome stuff and I actually heard Anakin and damn near jumped out my seat.

The grandson of Vader. The grandaughter of Palpatine.

Their child would have been insane.
Now we can chill on the Mary Sue stuff, she's a legend. Made up, forced in, whatever, it explains her talent.

Reason he wasn't a force ghost at the end, I don't think he had training for it. I assume Luke taught Leia about it, but Ben never had the same training. Just my thought, doesn't mean I'm right.

I'm goin again tomorrow with my daughter.

Theater tonight was packed, every seat. And everyone was happy.......for now. We'll see what the internet and reviews does.

What do we have, 11 film's now? This was in the 5-6 range, imo. After I watch 2-3 more times I'll arrange them and see how it looks.

Keri Russell outfit....... Whew.

6.5-7/8 I could lean either number. Second viewing should help me.
The Antichrist‘s granddaughter completely embarrasses the chosen one and his whole lineage by not only doing feats they couldn’t even dream of doing but making their story a complete tragedy. And then to add insult to injury, takes their last name as her own.

My ******* goodness.
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