Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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Apparently the force skips a generation. Because Palpatine has a grandchild that is the strongest in the galaxy and yet his son was apparently a drunk who couldn't even evade random henchmen.....

They clearly stated the guy who got him was a Jedi Hunter who was working for Palps. I'm cool with whatever you say even if you're just going by leak info and haven't seen the movie, but just had to make sure the facts were straight on that hot take:D
They clearly stated the guy who got him was a Jedi Hunter who was working for Palps. I'm cool with whatever you say even if you're just going by leak info and haven't seen the movie, but just had to make sure the facts were straight on that hot take:D


Semantics doesn’t change the fact that the son of the lord of the Sith couldn’t protect himself or his immediate family from a Jedi Hunter. I think more of a hot take is disliking every episode of the Mandalorian after episode 3 :D

Semantics doesn’t change the fact that the son of the lord of the Sith couldn’t protect himself or his immediate family from a Jedi Hunter. I think more of a hot take is disliking every episode of the Mandalorian after episode 3 :D

coincientally, I haven’t watched Mando since episode 3. Might catch up when I have more time next week. What’s wrong with the side questing show?
I've really liked the Mandalorian thus far. jaypesoz jaypesoz has a hot take for you however :lol:

Here's my exact quote.

First three episodes were great but these last three have just been whatever to me.

I'll add that the last episode was great again so 4 great episodes and 3 meh ones I didn't care for but #ntextremes will dictate I somehow said the show is "trash":lol:
all this love for the movie yall making me want to see it now 😏

i feel like the best way to put is if you wanna be entertained by a movie then you’ll like it. i can’t rememeber a point where there was a good time to a bathroom break
Yeah like forreal Finn was gonna tell her he loved her but then nah Rey and kylo get smiley kissy time

pretty sure he was gonna tell her that he’s force sensitive and that’s she’s not the only one.
i feel like the best way to put is if you wanna be entertained by a movie then you’ll like it. i can’t rememeber a point where there was a good time to a bathroom break

pretty sure he was gonna tell her that he’s force sensitive and that’s she’s not the only one.
I can see that. He was able to sense where she was and if she was alive or not. Same thing Leia did in ROTJ or he had a thing for Poe so he didn’t want Poe to know but you still gotta let us know or something
JJ had absolutely no respect for the PT in this film and its so egregious. The prophecy of the chosen one literally can't fit into this ST and its why I'm disavowing it as canon. But my root of disgust with this film and this ST as a whole comes from the character development of its protagonist. I will say it until i'm blue in the face; this movie NEEDED for Rey to be Luke's daughter. The connection between her and Kylo becomes an actual connection that can go from antagonistic to empathetic when ever it needed to. Not some forced romance that never had any foundation. The irony is that JJ literally defended the idea of Rey being no one all along only to not have the guts to go through with it.

JJ in 2015 about Rey :

"And so, I really feel like the assumption that any character needs to have inherited a certain number of midi-chlorians or needs to be part of a bloodline, it’s not that I don’t believe that as part of the canon, I’m just saying that at 11 years old, that wasn’t where my heart was. And so I respect and adhere to the canon but I also say that the Force has always seemed to me to be more inclusive and stronger than that."

JJ in 2019 about Rey :

Rey Palpatine!


Rey Skywalker in Episode 7
Rey Random in Episode 8
Rey Palpatine in Episode 9

Our punishment for running George Lucas off. Bravo.
it’s very clear that he had an idea for rey being an orphan and wanted to stick to that until rian johnson killed snoke coupled with the fact that the backlash the series was getting from fans.

he reneged on that idea and killed two birds with one stone
it’s very clear that he had an idea for rey being an orphan and wanted to stick to that until rian johnson killed snoke coupled with the fact that the backlash the series was getting from fans.

he reneged on that idea and killed two birds with one stone

Killing two birds with one stone is meant to be a benefit, not a hindrance. He was better off bringing Snoke from the dead than Palpatine. How does Palpatine have a henchmen in Snoke who is able to corrupt Kylo from a young age and yet can't corrupt his own blood in his granddaughter. The fact that Sheev even has a granddaughter is absolutely hilarious. Like what?!
Mando using the X-Files formula... a few "Monster of the Week" epis mixed in with the Conspiracy epis. The problem is that with only 8 episodes, 3 Monster of the Week ones will feel like a lot.

Chapter 7 is how I envisioned Mando would be after watching the initial trailers. Hope we'll get more "Conspiracy" episodes in Season 2.
I don't know how to tell you this but Friendzone Finn was always destined to be just that. That was obvious since even early on into TFA and pretty much cemented in TLJ. Not sure what you were expecting to come out of this last movie.

You wanna talk disrespectful? At least she gave him a hug and not a pat on the back like he gave Rose after the stunt she pulled at the end of the last movie. Should've just called her buddy too:lol:
Rose better be glad he didn’t file sexual assault chargers on her. She should’ve known better
The prequel hater himself :smh:

The hate for the prequels resides in the actual story(ies) Lucas himself wrote.

Leia, what do you remember about your mother?
She died when I was very young........

No ****, you were 3 minutes old. :lol:

Vader hunted down and destroyed the Jedi......

THREE film's, we saw exactly ZERO of that.

Baby Anakin, baby Boba Stormtrooper (?????) Roger Roger droids, and Jar Jar. Film's for 9 year olds.
Supposedly based off a story he gave us in 77-80-83.

This new trilogy didn't have that foundation. They were able to tell different paths without being held to what they had already written. George couldn't get details like that correct. His own story. Even in the OG he screwed up with the brother and sister kissing stuff. 3 years later.

But none of that matters, I wanted the ACTUAL story of Vader not based on his damn childhood but what he did to the Jedi.

You, what you wanted was just Luke's daughter. Had you gotten that, you'd be praising this trilogy better than the OG. I told you from jump, Luke's, or Leia's, or a nobody, or now even Palp's, I'm good with whatever as long as it makes sense. I told you from jump.

Vader's grandson. Palpatine's granddaughter. Yeah, I'm good with that.

Now.......I would have liked a little more emotion/explanation on Ben fading off........ :frown:
5th largest Thursday, ever.......


If it gets to 200 for the weekend, they should be in good shape for 1B. Now can it get to 1.5 is the question.
Mando using the X-Files formula... a few "Monster of the Week" epis mixed in with the Conspiracy epis. The problem is that with only 8 episodes, 3 Monster of the Week ones will feel like a lot.

Chapter 7 is how I envisioned Mando would be after watching the initial trailers. Hope we'll get more "Conspiracy" episodes in Season 2.

That's exactly where I was coming from but folks in the thread were getting all extra dramatic with it and hitting me with the "you can't satisfy everyone" and "what were you expecting?" type of stuff:lol:
The hate for the prequels resides in the actual story(ies) Lucas himself wrote.

Leia, what do you remember about your mother?
She died when I was very young........

No ****, you were 3 minutes old. :lol:

Vader hunted down and destroyed the Jedi......

THREE film's, we saw exactly ZERO of that.

Baby Anakin, baby Boba Stormtrooper (?????) Roger Roger droids, and Jar Jar. Film's for 9 year olds.
Supposedly based off a story he gave us in 77-80-83.

This new trilogy didn't have that foundation. They were able to tell different paths without being held to what they had already written. George couldn't get details like that correct. His own story. Even in the OG he screwed up with the brother and sister kissing stuff. 3 years later.

But none of that matters, I wanted the ACTUAL story of Vader not based on his damn childhood but what he did to the Jedi.

You, what you wanted was just Luke's daughter. Had you gotten that, you'd be praising this trilogy better than the OG. I told you from jump, Luke's, or Leia's, or a nobody, or now even Palp's, I'm good with whatever as long as it makes sense. I told you from jump.

Vader's grandson. Palpatine's granddaughter. Yeah, I'm good with that.

Now.......I would have liked a little more emotion/explanation on Ben fading off........ :frown:

Lol at faulting George for not having 20 years of foresight but giving Kathleen a pass for not having even 4 years of foresight. George wanted to flesh out Anakin. You know him to be a killing machine. You want to see only that in his upbringing? Had Rey been Luke’s daughter they wouldn’t have had to go out there way to make nonsensical plot points stick. They want the pass to die and to subvert expectations in one movie so the trilogy can take fans in a new direction, only to give us a direct copy of RotJ in the next installment. Alan Horn and Bob Iger clearly lost some kind of bet to Kathleen Kennedy for allowing this to happen.

5th largest Thursday, ever.......


If it gets to 200 for the weekend, they should be in good shape for 1B. Now can it get to 1.5 is the question.

The movie is trailing TLJ in every major region including the U.S. mind you, TLJ did 1.3 bili world wide....

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