Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

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    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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agreed. It’s not on the same level but it’s like when Yoda said there’s another in ROTJ and then it ended and we never found out who. People be up in arms. If it was brought up just once maybe ok but it was brought up multiple times
It was Leia who he was referring to. I thought the dialogue made that clear
I’ve said it before but the more I think about this the more it irritates me (even though I did like the movie overall). the fact that they kept backpedaling on big time moves that they’ve made:
  • Chewy dies, comes back like 5 minutes later
  • Kylo Ren takes a fatal stab and looks to be dying, resurrected like 30 seconds later
  • Rey somehow loses the will to live or something, only to be revived by Ben Solo
  • C3PO gets his memory wiped, only to be restored again even though they claimed it probably wouldn’t work
  • Palpetine being dead this entire time, somehow coming back and only to die again
I plan on seeing it again after a week or so, but did they ever explain how Palpetine came back? I know Poe made some comment, but it seemed like an assumption
For now we just have to assume that he has mastered cheating death like he explained Plagueis did in ROJ
George Lucas a sith lord. Had disney do their own diarrhea trilogy to make his crappy prequel ones look better in comparison. Only part of his plan that fell apart was those fraud game of throne showrunners quitting instead of making an even worse group of movies.
I plan on seeing it again after a week or so, but did they ever explain how Palpetine came back? I know Poe made some comment, but it seemed like an assumption
One of my complaints.

Apparently the whole world just knew about the emperor's clones, dark science, etc. The scene at the resistance after getting into from the spy/Hux where they just guess at that was laughable.

That is the full extent of explaining how he returned.
George Lucas a sith lord. Had disney do their own diarrhea trilogy to make his crappy prequel ones look better in comparison. Only part of his plan that fell apart was those fraud game of throne showrunners quitting instead of making an even worse group of movies.



The signs were all there.

I don't see where the villainy comes from, unless the films from now on abandon threats facing the entire galaxy and all that
I also forgot. If they got real balls @ Lucasfilm they'd resurrect and confirm this theory and bring a true villain and Sith Lord to Star Wars

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Watched Revenge of the Sith last night. It’s so weird how I end up “rediscovering” how amazing certain scenes from the original 6 are after I’ve toked on some kush but I’ve literally been blown away watching the Dagobah scene in Empire after watching a million times before hand. It happened again last night. Episode 3 was on television and I turn it on after coming into the house and it’s literally on the scene of Padme talking to Anakin on Mustafar. Hayden’s acting, the way he kept peering his eyes. The way McGregor was pleading. Everything felt like a Shakespearean tragedy playing out. And it’s like you’re watching everything fall apart. That little kid that loved his mom and loved pod racing....Obi-Wan’s master with his dying wish asked him to watch over that kid, to bring the prophecy to fruition. And Obi-Wan failed him. He looks at him and tells him he fails him and Anakin just stares back with these eyes fully possessed by the dark side. And it’s like we know why he got there. We fully understand. We empathize with it. And this is all while they’re on a lava planet and everything is falling apart around them. When Obi Wan has to cut Anakin And then Darth Vader officially being born on the same day as his twins. The force and the prophecy immediately healing itself. Mannn....

George Lucas is genius. Just ridiculous to think about what the ST did to dismiss all the groundwork that Lucas did.
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Watched Revenge of the Sith last night. It’s so weird how I end up “rediscovering” how amazing certain scenes from the original 6 are after I’ve toked on some kush but I’ve literally been blown away watching the Dagobah scene in Empire after watching a million times before hand. It happened again last night. Episode 3 was on television and I turn it on after coming into the house and it’s literally on the scene of Padme talking to Anakin on Mustafar. Hayden’s acting, the way he kept peering his eyes. The way McGregor was pleading. Everything felt like a Shakespearean tragedy playing out. And it’s like you’re watching everything fall apart. That little kid that loved his mom and loved pod racing....Obi-Wan’s master with his dying wish asked him to watch over that kid, to bring the prophecy to fruition. And Obi-Wan failed him. He looks at him and tells him he fails him and Anakin just stares back with these eyes fully possessed by the dark side. And it’s like we know why he got there. We fully understand. We empathize with it. And this is all while they’re on a lava planet and everything is falling apart around them. When Obi Wan has to cut Anakin And then Darth Vader officially being born on the same day as his twins. The force and the prophecy immediately healing itself. Mannn....

George Lucas is genius. Just ridiculous to think about what the ST did to dismiss all the groundwork that Lucas did.
So it’s cool to like the prequels now?
It's not so much that it's cool to like the Prequels. It's that the Disney Trilogy is so bad that the Prequels look amazing by comparison. Disney Trilogy was supposed to make people forget about the Prequel Trilogy. That's why people accepted TFA even though it was derivative and too much like ANH. But people said "It's a pallet cleanse, we need to forget about the horrible Prequel Trilogy". Disney Trilogy was supposed to destroy the Sith not join them. But the Prequels, even at their worst, were still Star Wars films. Epic lightsaber duels, Jedi lore, Yoda fighting for the first time, great villains like Maul and Grievous. These films abandoned that with the TLJ and the hole was so deep that it dragged ROS with it. I can understand bringing back Maul, great character but not developed well enough. But bringing back Palpatine in 2019?! Between that and Rey jumping over Kylo's ship in the teaser, I knew it was going to be a wash.
Imagine how different the reception of this film is with Hayden Christensen talking to Adam Driver’s Kylo Ren to return him to redemption instead of seeing that cringey nonsensical Han Solo talk. This was the Skywalker saga after all. And it’s that lack of simple but necessary things that’s the problem with the ST. They didn’t do the things that the trilogy NEEDED all in the name of subverting expectation.
Imagine the reception of this film with Hayden Christensen talking to Adam Driver’s Kylo Ren to return him to redemption instead of seeing that cringey nonsensical Han Solo talk. And that’s the problem with the ST. They did the WRONG type of fan service. They didn’t do the necessary things that the trilogy NEEDED all in the name of subverting expectation.
I happen to like the Han Solo talk. I thought it was fitting since Ben battled that throughout the trilogy.

But bringing back Anikan would have been fire too, since he was chasing that ghost too. Could have been a dope arch if they did all that to try and pull Ben out of the darkness.
I don’t mind the Han Solo talk. Since it’s been implied that Kylo struggles inside and tore him apart when killed him. Did I want Anakin back? Yeah. If Rey is really going take the Skywalker name then have him Leia and Luke there as force ghosts at the end.
My problem with the Han and Kylo talk was that it felt entirely too easy. You would think Han would’ve said some life changing **** with how all of a sudden Kylo turned good. The moment wasn’t earned imo.
Reading up on what they have planned for future movies and everything else, they're doing way too much. They need to scale it down a bit.
RotS is good.

The other two are complete utter garbage.

If RotS was the middle film, and the 3rd was Vader cleaning up Jedi, we woulda had something. :frown:

I still hope for a movie that gives us an entire film of the glimpse we seen of Vader in Rogue One. Vader mowing down Jedi and such. But after the last two films, I’m starting to think that not having it would be ok.
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RotS is good.

The other two are complete utter garbage.

If RotS was the middle film, and the 3rd was Vader cleaning up Jedi, we woulda had something. :frown:
While great sounding and dope fan service it just doesn't sound like the kind of movie George would make to conclude the trilogy. No poetry, it doesn't rhyme. Seems like 2 hours of the end of Rogue One :lol: or some Vader comic of him hunting down remaining Jedi with inquisitors, killing the growing rebellion, etc.

Looking back its clear what George was trying to do with the prequels. Story wise TPM was just an intro, it largely was a cash grab which worked. AOTC was his version of a Star Wars war movie (where it isnt some underdog vs. a giant juggernaut) but he made the cspan version for some odd reason. ROTS was him getting to the point and telling the story.

But we and many others have gone over how to fix the prequels.
My problem with the Han and Kylo talk was that it felt entirely too easy. You would think Han would’ve said some life changing **** with how all of a sudden Kylo turned good. The moment wasn’t earned imo.
Plenty unearned moments in the movie. Just gotta accept and roll with it.

In a movie with more time they'd hit harder like they're suppose to.

Reading up on what they have planned for future movies and everything else, they're doing way too much. They need to scale it down a bit.
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