Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

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[h2]In Defense of Star Wars[/h2]So yeah, if you're a 25-year-old and you watch Star Wars for the first time, you'll probably think, "This is pretty cheesy." You won't be wrong. And it has lots of other problems worthy of critique, from its gender politics to its fundamental lack of ideas.
Yup. Yup. Yup. That's exactly me.
But when you hear someone's phone go off and realize they have Darth Vader's imperial march as their ring tone, just remember: you had to be there.
Fair enough. :lol: Good article.
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I think he meant the difference between hard science fiction and pop sci-fi. Like the difference between Children of Men and The Fifth Element. Not that it wasn't creative. It's just...Star Wars is the most famous science fiction. And when that is pretty basic and popcorn, and takes the crown away from a 2001: A Space influences everyone to be basic and popcorn.

And it did. I remember seeing an old interview on YT of Spielberg responding to critics, cuz I guess all the foreign critics **** on his movies, saying he was influencing a generation to dumb their movies down. I think it's like that. Science fiction was always an intelligent thing. You build a world to speak on the one we live in. To say something about the human condition in a way straight drama can't. I think Star Wars influenced everyone to paint in big, bold simple colors. And to make sure there's a toyline on the way.

But light sabers are cool. :nerd: :lol:
Yeah, no. Not buying any of that.

Builds entire universe, including alien species with purpose, Senate's, villains, greed, deception, mystical forces, detail and lack "ideas".

Yeah, that article is whiny bull ****.

Boo hoo, a book you like hasn't been adapted. Awwww.

So ******* what? Lucas created this movie out of thin air, not copied some book. Lack of ideas? F that.

I see there could be a point about dumbing down the genre, but fault the other "artists" for not creating their own ideas.

That article is garbage.
He just said Star Wars was a negative influence on sci-fi films...and it was. Dude just came at it from a balanced perspective trying to convert the nonbelievers, and that makes more sense to me than Kool-Aid speak.
No kool aid here tho. I hate George Lucas. Think I've been clear on that.

But that idea line needs to get edited out or somethin.

Negative Should have opened MANY doors. Proved you could do anything not of this world if you put the same attention to detail in your script.

If others couldn't figure it out, shouldn't be on George. Hell, he his own damn self screwed up his own creation after a while. :lol:
Yeah, that article is whiny bull ****.

Boo hoo, a book you like hasn't been adapted. Awwww.

So ******* what? Lucas created this movie out of thin air, not copied some book. Lack of ideas? F that.

I see there could be a point about dumbing down the genre, but fault the other "artists" for not creating their own ideas.

That article is garbage.


But yeah that's my point, he's not talking about Star Wars in a vacuum for himself. Everyone and their moms saw it when it came out. And if you grew up in the 70s or 80s, there was something wrong with you if you didn't watch it. But if you grew up in the 90s?...watched it after you saw the prequels?...that's what this was for. It showed how it became 60s, 70s and 80s baby crack, and for it's time, had a super massive influence, for better or worse.

And cmon with that 'opening the world up.' Star Wars came after 2001: A Space Odyssey and Planet of the Apes. They did it bigger than anyone ever and then some, but don't act likethey invented big screen sci-fi, and without them there'd be nothing. Hell the Star Trek show came out 10 yrs before it.
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I'm going to save you a lot of time.. you're not going to change CP's mind even a little in regards to anything Star Wars related.
Planet of the Apes is one planet, and monkey's, no?

And Star Trek was TV, SW did the big screen and Trek immediately tried to respond and get their guys on the silver screen.

I don't know anything about 2001 honestly.
CGI to the max, plenty of explosions and little thought of any kind.
Thing is, I don't get what his point is, or what he's complaining about.   Little thought, of any kind?   Star ******* Wars?????  

Now, is he referring to the prequels, or the original trilogy?  I hope like hell he is talking about the prequels.  He'd still be wrong, but less wrong at least.  
To be sure, the first "Star Wars" was a breath of fresh air, a fun flick for sci-fi geeks. But the series quickly ossified, a victim of its own success. Only two of the films -- "Star Wars" and "The Empire Strikes Back" -- show any originality. 
Ok, this is a little better.  Only problem to his logic, the prequels were all derived from the OG script.  Everything spoken of in the first films were alluding to works they hadn't even begun yet.  How the hell is that lack of originality?  Do we have ANY other franchise that started with the 4th movie, ever?   Like really, ever?  

No, right?  So then he can shove his lack of originality up his ***.  
The rest tread water, give the hardcore fans the same old, same old. I mean, how many light sabre duels can you sit through before you're bored out of your skull? How many outer space dogfights?
I see.  Let's see.....Wars, Star, Wars.  So, how many machine gun fights can we sit thru in movies about war?  How many airplanes do we have to watch fly, in movies about airplanes?  How many cars do I have to watch drive fast, in Fast and Furious?   The damn franchise is about Wars, in the Stars.  In those wars, they use lasers, light sabers, and space ships.  When we start filming movies about the Revolutionary War with ninja swords instead of muskets, then he can complain.  

The heroes fighting for good, and the villains fighting for evil use light sabers to battle.  How that's difficult to comprehend, I have no idea.  Maybe Captain America needs to put away his shield in the 3rd film to avoid being "unoriginal"   

Me, I'm giving up on the whole thing. I don't care that J.J. Abrams, a director with talent, is helming the new flick. He's hemmed in by audience expectations -- like casting the stars of the original in this film -- and recycling stale material. I'll pass.
Clearly doesn't mean me.  I don't want JJ recycling a God damn thing.  There is plenty of new material out there, if they fail to use it, that's on them.  I'll be sittin over here with my "told you so".  
Instead, I'll queue up "The Matrix," and enjoy the most original sci-fi movie of the past 25 years. I recommend "Star Wars" fans do the same. They need to be reminded what real creativity is all about.
I assume he didn't finish that trilogy.   

Very creative, plugging into the "real world" to fight karate style, for all 3 movies.  

But the series that can travel to a billion different planets, with a billion species, and countless good or bad guys, all with backgrounds, that span thousands of years, and feature countless wars and battles across centuries of time in space, lacks creativity.  

All because other directors/studios/writers didn't do their own exploring into the reaches of space.  The one franchise that lives "out there" lacks creativity and originality, but all the ones who failed to capitalize and do their own exploring, they were ruined by Star Wars success.   Whatever.  
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I always laugh when geeks complain about "too much CGI" in Star Wars but every film in the last 15 years or so isn't fair game.

Everyone loves the Pixar films and they're all CGI.
Anytime I think of CGI overload, I think about the Agent Smith fight (Burly Brawl) in the matrix reloaded...
C CP1708

A reimagining of the Star Wars prequel trilogy edited into a single compelling movie, based on the structure conceived by actor Topher Grace. As a critique of episodes 1-3, many large plot pieces have been removed or changed to strengthen the core relationship between Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala. More than 100 video and audio edits heighten the main character's tragic fall from grace.
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Episode 3 could've been good if Anakin didn't go from good guy to killing kids with no remorse and wanting to control the galaxy in a span of 15 mins. Absolutely no transition. I mean, the only questionable thing he did before that was get revenge on the sand people for killing his mother, now suddenly he's a psychopath?
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The prequels would have been way better without phantom menace. We should have never seen anakin as a little boy especially that little boy from jingle all the way.

Should have started from attack of the clones and developed slowly with his turn to the darkside slow but with hints along the way of confusion and temptation.

Also a different actor for anakin one that didnt seem so mute and boring. Luke was a loud whiny cornball. I would have liked to see someone like that.

They could have started with attack of the clones and instead of the clone wars cartoon they could have made a story for that as a second non animated movie

I would have loved to have seen that female sith in live action
Agreed. His turn to the dark side should've been spread out over 3 films instead of one scene in the final film
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