Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

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Yeah, the movie just needs to skip all intros and open with
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....

Got a sick feeling disney is going to wreck the series

Eh, alot of people said the same thing when they picked Marvel up, and they've done a wonderful job with them. They seem to be allowing Lucasfilm, like Marvel, to do their own thing, which is great.

They pissed people off with the LucasArts and EU announcements, but if Battlefront 3 comes out and is fire, and if the Sequel Trilogy ends up being the what we've always imagined it to be, all will be forgiven.

Some quick photoshop of Boyega with a Lightsaber
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The absolute bottom line is, they have got to get rid of the kid friendly bull ****.

Spaceships, blasters, lightsabers, droids, Jedi, all that stuff is already kid friendly. We don't need dumb *** aliens tripping all over themselves. Or 10 year old kids flyin spaceships and single handedly blowing up space blockades that an entire planet couldn't get past. :stoneface:

They need to set the tone right, or it will fail from jump.

As for Fett, it's not even just the underground stuff that would do it for me, just him and his Mando's would be enough. Let them get into some trouble somewhere and show that backstory.
100% agreed. Thankfully i don't think JJ will put any of that in VII.

Honestly, I'd be perfectly fine with the first 3 spin offs being Fett movies. Maybe showing him escaping the Sarlacc and eventually becoming Mandalore. So many ways they can go with him.
I hope John Boyega could still be cast as T'Challa when ever they plan on making the BP movie

Saw a couple of oscar isacc movies....

Disney gonna make him the first jedi with a singing career on the side? :lol:

I can see it now. Luke discovers him on stage at a concert playing a lightsaber guitar
Max von Sydow :smokin

As morbid as it may sound, I hope JJ films addition scenes with von Sydow in cases he passes away (if needed).

Rumored Working Title for STAR WARS: EPISODE VII Revealed; May Refer to One of the Characters

Now that most of the Star Wars: Episode VII cast has been announced, we can turn our attention to other speculative pursuits like trying to guess the film’s title. The title doesn’t really matter in the sense of whether or not it will steer people to see the movie. You could call the film Star Wars: Episode VII – Dead Puppies, and people would still flock to see it. I doubt that will be the title (probably wouldn’t test well), but for right now all we can really hope for is a working title, and keep our eye on the horizon for the real one.

Hit the jump for what the Star Wars: Episode VII working title might be and how it could relate to the story. The film opens December 18, 2015, and stars Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, Kenny Baker, John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, and Max von Sydow.

According to AICN, the working title for Star Wars: Episode VII is “The Ancient Fear“, and it refers to Max von Sydow’s character, a villain “who makes Pazuzu [the demon from The Exorcist] look like a *****!” You heard it folks: this is a character who’s even worse than a demon that took possession of a small child and made her do unspeakable things with a crucifix.
Rumor: ‘Star Wars Rebels’ Characters Could Appear in ‘Episode VII’
Posted on Tuesday, May 6th, 2014 by Germain Lussier

The first two pieces of original content the Disney Star Wars universe will provide are going to be Star Wars Rebels and Star Wars Episode VII. On paper, they couldn’t be further apart. One is an animated TV series, set between the events of the prequels and the original trilogy. The other is a live-action, big budget blockbuster that finally continues the story George Lucas began in 1977.

We do know both of these creations will be considered canon, so characters who may or may not appear in Rebels will exist in the same universe as Episode VII. But, a new interview suggests the connections could be even closer than expected. One former Star Wars actor says “Rebels will set up and point the direction for Episode VII” and “The characters they are creating in Rebels will be around in Episode VII.” Read more about the Star Wars Rebels characters potential Episode VII link below.

The actor in question is John Morton, who played Dak in The Empire Strikes Back and filled in as Boba Fett. Morton was at a Star Wars convention in England and told Movie Cricket (via JediNews) the following:

Rebels is the key. Rebels will provide the link to bring in the continuity from Clone Wars, the Original Trilogy and the Prequels to enable LucasFilm and Disney to tee-up ‘Episode VII’. If you want my informed opinion, it will enable ‘Episode VII’ to leapfrog over the whole trilogy.

He then added this:

The key that is going to make this work is Rebels. Rebels will set up and point the direction for ‘Episode VII’.

And finally, this potential bombshell:

The characters they are creating in Rebels will be around in ‘Episode VII’.

Now, after reading that, my first thought was excitement. Anything that can provide a hint at what to expect in Episode VII is interesting. But then I paused for a moment and realized, “What the heck does John Morton know about Star Wars Episode VII?” he hasn’t appeared in a movie since the year The Empire Strikes Back came out. Is Dak hanging out with J.J. Abrams, Kathleen Kennedy and Simon Kinberg, talking about overall canon arcs? Probably not. And if he was, why would he say anything about it?

So yeah, I’d say everything here should be taken with a huge grain of salt. Playing devil’s advocate, these Rebels characters were not created out of nowhere. They must have importance in the overall arc of the Star Wars saga.

Just how important though? We’ll have to wait a few months to find out for sure, but it speaks to a point about Rebels which I’ve been harping on. At the end of Episode III, we’re lead to believe almost all the Jedi have been killed or, at least, will be killed by the beginning of A New Hope. In fact, it’s likely Rebels has some kind of subplot about the Sith hunting down and murdering the Jedi. So then what’s the story behind Kanan, the Jedi voiced by Freddie Prinze Jr.? He seems to play a significant role in the formation of the Rebel Alliance. A Rebel Alliance who believes in the Force, yes, but doesn’t have any Jedi to help them fight the Empire. Hence Leia’s message to Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Luke being the galaxy’s “New Hope.”

But…maybe they do have some Jedi? Maybe during the original trilogy Kanan and the Rebels crew are off on some adventure and they return 40 years later for Episode VII. Maybe they were frozen in carbonite? You’d have to think, once the Disney cartoon Rebels is done, they won’t simply kill all the characters because they fail to appear in the original trilogy. According to the Star Wars story, though that might have to happen. The Rebels had no bigger task than taking down two Death Stars and if the crew of the Ghost was alive, they’d be there. Or they’re dead.

Then again, we’re taking the word here of an actor whose most prominent role in recent memory was a Warwick Davis documentary. He’s not exactly George Lucas.

Personally, I think it’s bull. Maybe the Star Wars Rebels characters are alive in the time of Episode VII but just like J.J. Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan cast away the Expanded Star Wars universe, I doubt they’d take their cues from an animated series.
Disney had a earnings call today, and during it the Disney CEO said that they changed the spin off plans from two movies, to three!!!! And that each episode movie would release two years apart, and all these movies would release before the close of 2019.

6 Star Wars Movies in the next 6 years :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow:
I said that would be the play as soon as Disney opened the vault.

Wish it was EU based, but a film a year is good enough I guess.
Wish it were more like episode vii in 2015. Episode viii in 2018 and episode ix in 2021

Too much star wars would be overkill

But then again most if us old heads will probably be dead by then :lol:
Yeah it could be, especially if the spin offs are bad, though I don't think they will be.

It's just crazy to me that we went from Lucas saying as recent ago as 09 that "there will never be a sequel trilogy" to having six confirmed Star Wars movies with Disney making it clear they want to make more for years.
Also id rather have the side movies be about new characters or of nights of the old republic

Recasting han solo for an orgin story would suck. You not gonna find an actor completely identical to harrison ford

A yoda movie would be cool
X-Men did it with First Class, Fassbender, McAvoy, etc were all recasts and that movie was received fine.

You can do Han Solo films before he even met Luke and Leia, just need a solid actor in his early 20's and if the stories are good, they'd be received just as well.

Star Trek has done a great job recasting icons as well, so there is precedent. It can be done.
Zac Efron, Sebastien Stan, or Miles Teller as young Han Solo.

Book it.

Wish it were more like episode vii in 2015. Episode viii in 2018 and episode ix in 2021

Too much star wars would be overkill

But then again most if us old heads will probably be dead by then :lol:

SW is the most whored out franchise already. With a cartoon series already out, solo spin-off movies in between "Saga" movies are more than welcomed, as long as they start focusing on quality instead of quantity.
^ I disagree. If you feel that way about it, you need to say the same about the Marvel movies. I'd say more so for Marvel if anything. Shoot, they have a Marvel Universe Tour. It's like Disney On Ice minus the ice... :rolleyes

After years of not having any Star Wars & Lucas saying nothing will come out it will be refreshing to see new material. The Cartoon is replacing the Clone Wars series which I was bummed about because it was really well done. I think it's smart of them to tie the new Cartoon into the movies. It should generate tons of interest. I just hope it's the same caliber of the Clone Wars series.

There is not one Marvel cartoon that's decent.... Not one, nadda, zilch... Tons of crappy ones though... I'd also say there have only been 2 solid Marvel movies (Iron Man 1 & Winter Soldier). The others have either been mediocre or serviceable at best or just plain terrible (all the x-men & Wolvy movies, all the Raimi Spidey movies)

So the whoring out description doesn't really fit at the moment IMO... :rolleyes
^ I disagree. If you feel that way about it, you need to say the same about the Marvel movies. I'd say more so for Marvel if anything. Shoot, they have a Marvel Universe Tour. It's like Disney On Ice minus the ice... :rolleyes

I can give Marvel a pass because, whether you like their movies or not, they're hot right now so I can understand all their merchandise. Show me Marvel equivalents of these things though?

or these

Just because there hasn't been anything "mainstream" SW other than the CW show, it doesn't mean the license isn't whored out to EVERY company that has an idea and want to use the SW brand to cash in on it.
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You don't think there are tons of crap marvel stuff out there? :rofl:

More power to you then... :D

I'm not saying they don't but you're not understanding my original statement, and we're just gonna go in circles, so I'll just say this and just leave it at that. Star Wars has THE MOST merchandise out from any franchise because George always took the money and allowed companies to use the brand. We're not talking about what brands are #2 in sales or has done similar things, Star Wars is THE MOST licensed/whored brand out. Is it not?
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