Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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  • Poll closed .
For cats who think this way with the inability to suspend disbelief, why not check out decades ago? Yall know what it is.

Suspend what?

Im one of the biggest star wars fans alive but im not gonna look past what they did with you know who which made NO sense whatsoever
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I just saw it. It was good but underwhelming at points.

I honestly almost felt like nothing happened in the movie until the last 30 minutes. Wish there was way more info on the last few decades and on kylo. Didn't feel like there was much of a plot.

Regardless it's a great "set up" movie. The look and feel is perfect and the new characters will pay off.
I just saw it. It was good but underwhelming at points.

I honestly almost felt like nothing happened in the movie until the last 30 minutes. Wish there was way more info on the last few decades and on kylo. Didn't feel like there was much of a plot.

Regardless it's a great "set up" movie. The look and feel is perfect and the new characters will pay off.

Yea the look and characters are great i think they just took a really cheap way of continuing the story.
Man I have such mixed feelings about Kylo. I wanna love him as a villain but he's got some definite whininess in him. I hope he steps his game up in the sequels
I saw it today and felling like I'm in the know now 

Only on page 254 but will catch up but.....
Kylo throwing his temper tatrums 
 I feel like he's gonna grow into a bad ***. 
The way Rey learned she had the force and instantly was more powerful then Kylo 
 Worst part of the movie but still 
ok i had some drinks to calm myself so heres my review.

Going in all i had seent were the trailers.

the theatre was packed and an old dude......grey hair.....sat next to me.

The movie started and the crawl came on screen, my hands started to sweat.

Then it all started.......the opening visual was awesome.....the star destroyer eclipsing the moon.
Then kaylo ren steppin out......and his saber.....the sound the saber makes when it starts up has to be one of the most awesomingly menacing sounds in cinematic history.
Son stopped the blaster and poe lookin like "did dis man really do dis??????????"

then rey on jakku. OMG the visuals. the visuals. i was lookin to my left and my right like " ARE YALL SEEING THIS????"
the downed star destroyers, the at at.....this film is worth it for the visuals ALONE.
And when they ran and the shot panned to the millineum falcon. everybody cheered. it was like when jordan made the last shot against the jazz if you were watching in chicago.
old dude next to me gave me a high 5 and i acknowledged.

then han and chewie showed up......real inside tears.
theatre claps and so do i .

then the thing with the monsters......i dunno what the hell that was

kaylo ren.....ol boy is the real deal.
when he kilt han.......i cant talk about that now i need some time.
finn....the way they did the marvel comical approach was absolutely great to was so realistic.


would let rey carry me real tawk.

bb8....i want to give him a hug.

and da last scene....omg the last scene.

i was like "maaaaaan this is gonna be corny as hell" but no. no it was not.
the shot....i dunno if them mfs used a drone or sum **** but it was epic. spilled my damb recess pieces.

film was great.

the best thing that this film does is that it makes you feel like a kid again.
the wonderment, the excitement, the chills, the giddiness, the feels.

im not eem going to rate the film because in my opinion this is the type of film that does not need to be rated.
its the type of film that needs to be watched and enjoyed.

when it was finished ol dude next to me was like
"wasnt that great!!!????!!!!!!!"

and he shook my hand hard like i know that you know.

never experienced a film like this in my life where the audience was so involved.

it does have its setbacks, which are clear, but the overall film eclipses all of that.

i LOVE this movie.

it makes me proud to be a nerd
Yea the look and characters are great i think they just took a really cheap way of continuing the story.
I would use the word "safe." They used a template that's known to work, and the casting of the new characters was on-point. And as mentioned above, this was the definition of a set-up movie. Heading into the third act I was scratching my head as to why Kylo was being played a certain way, but realized they were just laying the foundation for a potentially great movie villain.

I'm eager to see it again in 2D. The 3D was a complete waste (as always).
Cross post from other thread. Thoughts

Few thoughts

- solid movie. Not great or fantastic but a nice effort to jump start the universe again

- I feel like I was watching a reimagining of ep 4. Whether that's a good or bad thing is up for debate

- Finn was the best character followed by Poe and Han. Finn had the humor, the relatability/ like ability. Rey didn't really do much for me.kinda so so. Id say it's more of the character than Daisy. She was fine. It felt as if the director was saying, " she is who you think she is, don't worry too much about her character anymore. Well do more next movie with her"

- I kinda feel that while I like Finn as a character, he and Poe maybe check off too many of the same boxes or are alike as characters too much( personality wise imo). I don't know if they were both needed

- I hope Finn isn't cast aside in the future. While I think Rey's story has potential, I feel like this story is just as much of Finns as it is hers( and Luke in a sense)

- While Kylo as a character was interesting, I think they made him to much of a *****. Emotionally and power wise. Like I feel like I'm watching Anakin 2.0 and not in a good way. Assuming that he's been under Snoak for 10 years, if think he'd be stronger. But then Finn and Rey wouldn't stand much of a chance

- I think a mistake was made in the sense that just because you are strong in the force doesn't make you a competent light saber duelist. Like Finn was standing his own strictly from a physical stand point against Kylo but Rey was flailing around against him. Even though I mentioned he was a ***** previously Kylo still shouldn't have lost a duel against her. Like where is his force push and other peers he was using earlier. Granted she had to win for the sake of the plot but at least write it better

- I'm a sucker for a good light saber battle and while the prequels sucked, I still loved that aspect and wish/ hope the the following movies incorporate more of that

- the short pieces of the rebellion is enough for me for the entire remaining movies. I just don't find it interesting and I have no hype for Rogue One at all
Ugh, all our IMAX theaters are in 3D. 
I saw it in 3D, really not needed IMO but there were some parts I could tell where in 3D.

Mostly the flying scenes.

I don't think I've ever recognized evry trailer scene in a movie like this.
Did I miss that shot?
I'm also mad they gave us NO Knights of Ren info 
What huge plot hole?

in order for them to progress the story 30 years later they made luke a mentally challenged ****** on a rock
mentally challenged? I mean he feels messed up that his nephew went to the dark side and slaughtered his other students and he did nothing so he went into exile.

How is that a plot hole?
Yea the look and characters are great i think they just took a really cheap way of continuing the story.
I would use the word "safe." They used a template that's known to work, and the casting of the new characters was on-point. And as mentioned above, this was the definition of a set-up movie. Heading into the third act I was scratching my head as to why Kylo was being played a certain way, but realized they were just laying the foundation for a potentially great movie villain.

I'm eager to see it again in 2D. The 3D was a complete waste (as always).

Yeah we're follow a new set of characters learning their place in the galaxy. Rey, Finn and "Kylo"
I don't think I've ever recognized evry trailer scene in a movie like this.

Did I miss that shot?

They showed it when Rey first touched Lukes lightsaber and she had that whole scene playing in her head/mind, not really sure what to call it, an epiphany?
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The infamous ren in the woods scene isn't even in it.

3D wasn't necessary but that was the only one available with good seats. Only scene that stood out was a star destroyer looking like it was right on top of you.
this is :pimp: if true

When Rey approaches Luke at the top of the hill, he is standing and staring at a gravestone. He turns around and seems surprised when she pulls out his old lost lightsaber. He looks at her with many different emotions on his face, but then the camera pulls back and does an areal shot of the two of them, looking at one another.

As the camera panned around, what I saw on my second viewing was Luke, Rey, and someone's grave, almost like the reunion was for 3 people, not two. My theory is that this is Rey's mother, and that the "family" she was waiting for all these years was right there in front of her. At this point I believe Luke is her father, and that her mother was ultimately killed by Kylo and the rest of the Knights. If you watch the final scene as though you are looking at 3 people, not two, the whole scene gets a bit heavier and A LOT more conclusive.
I went to watch it a second time today to catch hints and now after reading more theories, I'm going to have to watch it again :lol:

Not complaining one bit :pimp:
Seriously if George Lucas was anyway involved or attached to Episode VII. The movie would be ripped apart and trashed in reviews and by literally everyone right now :lol:
i don't see why people think this.

dudes act like people hate Lucas. Just mentions of his name still get standing ovations at Star Wars events :lol:
Man I have such mixed feelings about Kylo. I wanna love him as a villain but he's got some definite whininess in him. I hope he steps his game up in the sequels

I saw it today and felling like I'm in the know now :pimp:

Only on page 254 but will catch up but.....

Kylo throwing his temper tatrums :lol: :pimp:  I feel like he's gonna grow into a bad ***. 
The way Rey learned she had the force and instantly was more powerful then Kylo :stoneface:  Worst part of the movie but still :pimp:

I've been told that in the Novelization it's explained that he hits a wall in her brain/memory and begins to get frustrated. It's also kind of implied that when he hits the wall her powers activate as a defensive mechanism

it changes the reading of the scene for me. he begins to over extend, thus weakening his control over his own power and she exploits it
this is :pimp: if true

When Rey approaches Luke at the top of the hill, he is standing and staring at a gravestone. He turns around and seems surprised when she pulls out his old lost lightsaber. He looks at her with many different emotions on his face, but then the camera pulls back and does an areal shot of the two of them, looking at one another.

As the camera panned around, what I saw on my second viewing was Luke, Rey, and someone's grave, almost like the reunion was for 3 people, not two. My theory is that this is Rey's mother, and that the "family" she was waiting for all these years was right there in front of her. At this point I believe Luke is her father, and that her mother was ultimately killed by Kylo and the rest of the Knights. If you watch the final scene as though you are looking at 3 people, not two, the whole scene gets a bit heavier and A LOT more conclusive.

I noticed this too. Going to my 4th viewing Monday.

If Luke is at a burial sight for Rey's mother at the first Jedi temple then it could be assumed that Rey's mother was also a Jedi. Regardless I'm 110% sure that Luke is Rey's father. The whole scene, which is being garnered as the best scene as well as the most powerful scene in the movie would have no merit if that wasn't a father/daughter reunion
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