Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

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Am i going crazy, or did Forest whitaker's character have no hair or beard in a previous trailer? Was that a flashback or did they change that with the reshoots?

I've always assumed one was from early on in the movie and the other one is for his last hurrah or whatever.
Rogue One >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A New Hope Redux

Felicity >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Daisy

lol i actually like his robot feet

man **** looks so action packed

that mendelston guy looks like hes about to drop dead any second tho
I honestly liked the last trailer more than this one. I felt like it was more epic and building hype, where this one tried to reveal more "story" but won't appeal to as many fans who aren't die hards. The marketing for this has definitely felt less widespread than TFA (for obvious reasons), but even Force Friday didn't have that same feeling from fans. My biggest hope is that this doesn't slow down any anthology stories, because i'm still holding out for a Boba Fett story.

I'm just not very excited about Han Solo tbh, and it's weird knowing that this movie is a standalone and that this will be our only exposure to these characters. I'm trying really hard to be as excited about them.
I honestly liked the last trailer more than this one. I felt like it was more epic and building hype, where this one tried to reveal more "story" but won't appeal to as many fans who aren't die hards. The marketing for this has definitely felt less widespread than TFA (for obvious reasons), but even Force Friday didn't have that same feeling from fans. My biggest hope is that this doesn't slow down any anthology stories, because i'm still holding out for a Boba Fett story.

I'm just not very excited about Han Solo tbh, and it's weird knowing that this movie is a standalone and that this will be our only exposure to these characters. I'm trying really hard to be as excited about them.

I've never understood the need for a Boba Fett standalone.

All hype, no reason or need for it.

I get how it can be done, but why not an Obi Wan first? That makes WAY MORE SENSE.

Boba Fett movie is like asking for a random character to have a movie focused on them.

It's just a cool costume.
From a story standpoint, yes, Obi Wan would make more sense with a stand alone movie and tying it into the original stories. I think that fans would appreciate a Boba Fett/Bounty Hunter movie because they feel like they didn't get enough screen time. Just seeing the awesome fan-made movies around Bounty Hunters have made me realize that with the right production, there could be good stories to tell.

I'm biased, because Boba is one of my favorite characters. :D

With all of that said, I would of still appreciated a standalone Obi Wan before Han as well. I DO think that Rogue One is the perfect anthology movie to stand on its own and kickstart that side of the film universe.
From a story standpoint, yes, Obi Wan would make more sense with a stand alone movie and tying it into the original stories. I think that fans would appreciate a Boba Fett/Bounty Hunter movie because they feel like they didn't get enough screen time. Just seeing the awesome fan-made movies around Bounty Hunters have made me realize that with the right production, there could be good stories to tell.

I'm biased, because Boba is one of my favorite characters. :D

With all of that said, I would of still appreciated a standalone Obi Wan before Han as well. I DO think that Rogue One is the perfect anthology movie to stand on its own and kickstart that side of the film universe.

Yeah man rogue one is a brilliant idea.

You could do like a No Country for old Men thing for Boba. I can see that, but please no dialogues.

I don't NEED nor WANT a Han Solo film.

Obi is just way too interesting. So many things to dig in to.
I think that Rogue One is just so damn interesting because it's a story that we have known for almost 40 years, but have never seen executed. So for old heads, this is automatically interesting. New fans may have trouble understanding exactly what the story is about until they hear more. I know of a few people that have been confused if Vader was actually in the trailer or if it was someone else.

First weekend numbers will be impressive for sure, but I don't think it will keep much momentum over the Holiday season. I do think it was smart on Disney to put this out during the Holidays, because a summer release could of hurt even more when theres so much competition.

I just wanna hear Jyn say "I rebelle" one more time. :smokin
I'm biased with Fett too but I have no interest in either a Han Solo or Obi Wan standalone. It's supposed to mean something when Ben comes out of hiding and after the PT, you see a man who's been in exile for 20 years come back. I have no interest in seeing any solo adventures on Tattooine because it has nothing to do with the endgame of his storyline.

I have no interest in a young Han Solo just because but maybe seeing a trailer will change my mind.

At least a Fett movie or Netflix show could just be a badass action driven story that doesn't really need to tie in with any main characters or Saga events. You can copy and paste Fett into the 2012 Dredd movie and make changes to the set to make it more SW-esque and you'll have an awesome movie that fits the character.

But yeah, other than any of the Bounty Hunters getting a standalone, I'd rather get new stories from new characters than giving any of the other OT characters their own movie. Actually, I would love a Tarkin movie though. He gets a pass from me.
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It doesnt have to tie in to anything.

An Obi Wan movie could just be him navigating through a post jedi era with a mission and end.
I'm guessing we will not get any glimpse of Episode 8 tied in with Rogue One. Has that been confirmed or denied anywhere at this point?

Seems smart to keep them separate, however I think that it would drive extra interest if it was there. Maybe Disney doesn't think they need to do so at this point, but i'm surprised that advance ticket sales haven't opened up yet.
I'm guessing marketing is still ongoing before ticket sales. It's been pretty light up to now.

I wouldnt want them to tie in Rogue One to TFA.

That's the beauty of Rogue One, finally it's not Skywalker-centric.

Until Vader kills them all.
How much screen time do we anticipate Vader to have in this? Hoping it's not like some Jared Leto joker stuff, but I have a feeling thats how it will be, and thats why he has taken a backseat in the marketing.

I feel like his presence will be felt from an emotional "fear" type of way, but his screen time will be less than 10 mins.

Speaking of time, has a runtime been confirmed yet? I wouldn't anticipate anything over two hours, but would love a 140 min runtime. One of my only concerns about runtime is that it feels rushed and doesn't explain some of the story of the Death Star along with introducing all these new characters.
It doesnt have to tie in to anything.

An Obi Wan movie could just be him navigating through a post jedi era with a mission and end.

I suppose they could come up with a story and I just remembered that Visionaries comic with Maul that was pretty cool. Other than that, I just have a hard time thinking I'd be interested in seeing what a 50 year old former Jedi does in his spare time, while keeping tabs on a kid from a distance like some creeper.

It's not like he'd be able to use much force power either since he has to keep a low profile. What's he going to do in 2 hours? Meditate half the movie?
I suppose they could come up with a story and I just remembered that Visionaries comic with Maul that was pretty cool. Other than that, I just have a hard time thinking I'd be interested in seeing what a 50 year old former Jedi does in his spare time, while keeping tabs on a kid from a distance like some creeper.

It's not like he'd be able to use much force power either since he has to keep a low profile. What's he going to do in 2 hours? Meditate half the movie?

This is a legitimate concern. There are ways to tell this story, he doesnt need to be trapped in Tat the entire time Luke's there. It could be a side mission from Yoda asking for help or whatever.

Again, if done wrong, it could be a disaster.

I feel like his presence will be felt from an emotional "fear" type of way, but his screen time will be less than 10 mins.

the less Vader there is the better. His looming pressence alone is impactful. Need a Jaws type thing going on.
As long as they're good movies and give a good sense of that universe, I don't care who it's based on. I do agree Boba Fett is just a cool costume, never got the hype. Full Mandalorian folklore would be interesting to explore though.
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