Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

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yeah that video making me think

I've also inadvertently spoiled the campaign of BF2 for myself :lol:
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Super Carlin Bros always put their research into their theory videos whether they turn out to be right or wrong.

Exact face at the 11 min mark of that video.
The kylo theory is legit but reys parents im skeptical

I mean there are millions of people who don't play that game
They're gonna be like "wat" lol

Unless I'm missing something
The kylo theory is legit but reys parents im skeptical

I mean there are millions of people who don't play that game
They're gonna be like "wat" lol

Unless I'm missing something

He made an excellent point.

If Luke is not her pops then who cares? And trust, if that Kylo theory is true, it will trump anything involving Rey.
You do know that's how the force works right? Random people are force sensitive. Force Sensitive parents will make a really Force strong child tho.
I thought those 2 characters were just normal people?

Also I saw this on reddit

"No, we already found out their names though people going though the games files. She has a daughter and possibly a younger son. I forget the girls name but it isn't Rey and the girl is to young."

Revealing something like that in a video game seems weird to me but I dunno.

I'm sure they can make whatever work.
If it doesn't really tie into the story they are telling in the movies, I feel like they could do that. Like if her parents are dead and have no sway on the story whatsoever go for it.

And for all we know Rey isn't Rey's birth name.

And if they are her parents, Luke and Leia have met with them. I'm sure Luke will bring it up at some point. It just wont be that big as Luke being her pops.
To me the fact that they have Del as the person giving the map to Lor San Tekka is a massive revelation...It shows that not only has Luke and Del had some form of contact during that in game time jump, but it also implies Iden and Del have had a much larger connection to the story we’re seeing in the movies...How are we to know that Del, having found the force, didn’t do some actual training with Luke? Far to open ended at this point to say the game doesn’t connect to the story going on in the movies...Without Del we don’t get the opening scene in Episode VII...

That being said, I don’t think they’re Rey’s parents...TONS of very circumstantial stuff that points to that...I think the vagueness in the game regarding the child / children of Iden and Del is far more likely setting up the story points for Battlefront III...It’ll probably a story running parallel to what we’re getting in the films involving kids of Iden and Del...
Lukes daughter seems TOO obvious but It would work

Anakin and Luke's old lightsaber calls to her.

-She dreams of an island on an ocean at night - when she's lonely and missing her parents - and that's exactly where she finds Luke.

-When she does see Luke, he definitely has a look of recognition, and she looks extremely upset (on the verge of tears).

-She also connects with and hugs Leia, despite never having met her.

-Her aforementioned crazy power, but also her specific abilities (like knowing about a Jedi Mind Trick) suggest some training early in life.

And that's where this really picks up. Say, Rey was a youngling at Luke's Jedi Academy, but also his daughter. Kylo is corrupted and starts the killing, so Luke hides Rey on Jakku. But he doesn't just hide her. He assigns an old man (Max von Sydow's character, who is watching over her, who it's established has great reverence for the Jedi) WITH A PIECE OF A MAP TO HELP REY FIND HIM WHEN IT'S SAFE. That explains both the existence and location of the map; many people have pointed out that it's bizarre for a map to Luke to exist when he doesn't want to be found. And then, that explains R2 turning back on: Rey returns, and R2 would be programmed to reveal Luke's location only when Rey had been deemed ready/it was safe enough (at which point Sydow would have given her the map fragment). Further supporting that: when Luke appears to be mourning (presumably in the wake of Kylo's betrayal) R2 is very much active and doing well. It's after that that R2 shuts down...WAITING FOR REY, who has just been put into hiding. I mean, it doesn't really make sense for R2 to just be moping, does it? It watched Padme and Anakin die, killed by Obi-Wan. It can't be that sensitive!

Finally, Kylo's reaction when he hears about a "girl" (he flips out and yells "What girl?") suggests he knows there's a missing female apprentice from Luke's old Jedi.
Lukes daughter seems TOO obvious but It would work

I just don’t buy into all that...

Rey’s Parent’s aren’t important in the story because she was born out of necessity for the force to gain a balance...Things are obviously dark side leaning...We’ve heard through all the movies released that the force needs balance blah blah blah...

I’m looking at it like this...

Luke’s whole thing in this movie with the Jedi must end stuff is that he himself has realized that full on light side beliefs and ideals are just as detrimental to the force as their dark side counterparts...Force was light side leaning in the prequels and that resulted in Palpatine, Vader, and the Empire which in turn produced Luke and the OT group to swing it back to the light side...The force is never balanced, just bouncing back and forth between light and dark, always trying to correct itself...Luke gets it now, he’s the first force user to see what everybody else has missed...Jedi ideals, Sith ideals, neither are fully correct...It’s been plastered in front of our faces for 7 movies now, “BALANCE”, and we’ve yet to see it...

The reason Rey is being drawn to Luke via the lightsaber and the island dreams isn’t because he’s her father, it’s because he’s the best chance for the force to correct itself through his training of Rey in both light and dark side philosophies...

As for the Leia hugging stuff...That gets WAY over used when bringing up the Rey being a Skywalker theory...We’ve been shown, and told countless times that Leia is force sensitive...Is it too far out of the realm of belief that she felt Rey’s great pain when she walked off the Falcon?

Kylo Ren? He’s just pissed off that he isn’t “the one”...Guys probably been groomed by Snoke to think he’s greater than Vader, then along comes this person with no training who is threatening everything he’s built...Of course he’s angry...Emo gonna emo...

It’s as simple as this...We’ve been told at several times this trilogy will end the Skywalker story right? We also know that Disney plans on future movies featuring these new characters right? How would the Skywalker story end with Rey Skywalker continuing on with her adventures?

Luke dies...Leia dies...Ben dies...Skywalker bloodline dies with them...

Rey, Finn, and Poe carry on the legacy for future movies...
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Also for the Kylo theory...

Wasn't it in a newly released book somewhere that has Leia talking about being pregnant with Kylo and Luke sensing great power in him or something? I remember seeing that...
What did i just watch in that vide,,,,,SOS HELP! I tainted my TLJ innocence....My heart can't take it I need to watch TLJ NOW!
That Kylo theory though :lol:

I prefer the incest angle

Get a reaction like this from Kylo


Then Luke says you know it to be true :lol:

Plus it'll tie in to a plot point established in the OG.
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The American Music Awards are this Sunday. We might get a new clip of TLJ during the broadcast.

I ain't gonna watch it or anything, but they did it for TFA, so...
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