Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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Idk man. They gave us GoT (sort of), but they also thought a show about the south winning the Civil War would be a good idea...especially in this climate. I'll hold out judgment until more info comes out, but I'm not 100% optimistic.
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Idk man. They gave us GoT (sort of), but they also thought a show about the south winning the Civil War would be a good idea...especially in this climate. I'll hold out judgment until more info comes out, but I'm not 100% optometrist

I remember being excited about the same thing about dude who directed Thor 2 and well, we got Thor 2:lol:
Idk man. They gave us GoT (sort of), but they also thought a show about the south winning the Civil War would be a good idea...especially in this climate. I'll hold out judgment until more info comes out, but I'm not 100% optometrist

I usually don’t care for spelling errors but this one had me :lol:
Not to get back into TLJ but, one of the big fan complaints of the film is that Rian visualized the movie and the scenes he wanted before he scripted it...Fair to say it was a visually beautiful film and that the majority of the problems people have with it is clearly the plot...

All that being said, this seems like Disney is reacting to that by hiring Benioff and Weiss who are story oriented...Like they literally work in reverse of how Rian worked...

Rian ~ Visuals / Scenes - - Story / Script

Benioff and Weiss ~ Story / Script - - Visuals / Scenes

Just an observation...

Anyway as always I’m cautiously optimistic with this news...
Interesting choice. I'm all for Disney giving these creators a planned trilogy or series of movies. I'm sure it'll be a relief for the team to know they believe in them enough for multiple movies as well as making it easier to plan out their vision for the movies.

Of course, they could still remove them... but I'm sure that's part of the reason behind giving them the full trilogy plans, a much bigger vote of confidence.
From the moment this thread came to life, I jumped up and down that Star Wars COULD live on a front of just pounding out films/shows/cartoons/books, whatever.

4 years later, here we are. :pimp:

Thank you for selling, George. Truly.
And a star wars land, plus already made their money back. Marketing, they've got it on lock.
There is like 75 full novels they can go off of. I could write 20 films off the top of my stupid head there is so much material to choose from. There are comics they can go off of, there are the clone wars cartoons you could base off of.

They could jump ahead years after Jedi, they could jump back hundreds of years and start pre Vader era. They can do ANYTHING. Long as it has Sith, Jedi, lightsabers, and **** like that, they can just have my money.

I NEVER thought Lucas would sell. This is unbelievable. I'm so freaking geeked right now.

Thrawn, Mara Jade, Yuuzhan Vong, planet of the Sith, Talon Karde, Palleon, Jacen, Jaina, Anakin (not that one) the characters are ENDLESS.

This is an amazing day.

6 years ago I said this. Minus SOME of the EU stuff they can't use, everything else rings true today. :lol:

BTW, Pablo has been hinting that there is more EU stuff coming, but he wouldn't say what, specifically. Could that be Old Republic? Bane? Revan?
Love Driver/Kylo, hate the way he (or events concerning him) was written in TLJ
I can not separate the two.

Writing made Kylo trash. Closest thing I can think of is the nonsense Snyder did with MoS and BvS. Such poor character creations and motivations.

Eh, these guys got exposed once they ran out of book material.

So if they not adapting those non-canon books or the current in continuity comics and books its gonna be a lot of spectacle and pomp. Hopefully they just adapt something good amd make good creatove changes.

Not surprised Disney has Lucasfilm film pumping out movies and series though. Pretty much knew that's be the case despite ppl saying the opposite.
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I can not separate the two.

Writing made Kylo trash. Closest thing I can think of is the nonsense Snyder did with MoS and BvS. Such poor character creations and motivations.

Eh, these guys got exposed once they ran out of book material.

So if they not adapting those non-canon books or the current in continuity co ice and books its gonna be a lot of spectacle and pomp.

The last 2 seasons of GOT have been entertaining, but you're right; the writing has been subpar, and people are doing ridiculous out of character things just to move the story along.

What these two did to Tyrion :smh:
This. GRR aint walking through that door. Put me down as lukewarm

We'd be collecting nonexistent retirement benefits and GRR would be a Force Ghost before he could finish one, let alone three movies. His writing style is not all that. At least these two guys can head a big budget production.
Put me down for Old Republic stories.

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