Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

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Something that has occurred to me over the last few days, some of the angst about Luke Skywalker and what not, I realize, some of you don’t know what has gone on with the character of Luke Skywalker for the last 25-30 years.

I keep reading everyone so angry that THIS Luke Skywalker would never do this or that, etc, I can’t help but feel like you guys have already missed all the greatness that the character Luke Skywalker has put in, in the EU. He was the greatest Jedi of all time in those stories. I’ve already read for two and a half decades about him rebuilding the order, fighting off long dead Sith, turning to the Dark Side briefly to defeat the clone Emperor, fighting a massive invasion by an alien species from the unknown reaches that were voids in the force, to chasing down Abeloth and doing so with a Sith army at his side (and trying to stab him in the side at every turn) All the while, he raised his son Ben, after marrying Mara Jade, who wanted nothing more than to kill him from the day she met him. He also helped train Leia’s 3 kids. He also trained Leia, who would become a great Jedi Master, and a savage with a lightsaber herself.

A lot of you know nothing about those feats, because you don’t know the EU. So now you are expecting all these things in the movies, but Disney is going the opposite way, and showing you another path they COULD have gone. If they used Luke, great Jedi Master, rebuilder of the Jedi Order, then they’d just be rehashing the EU again, something they wiped out for the most part. They are taking a different path. I truly think that’s why I’m not bothered AT ALL about the path they chose, because I’ve already lived the greatness that is Luke Skywalker. I’ve already read 75+ books detailing his greatness, and that of his sister, and their kids.

You guys have the 3 OG movies, TFA he has nothing more than a silent cameo, and now this movie, basically his 4th, over the course of 30 years, and you guys are confused as hell how/why Disney would choose to go this route with him. It’s not like nothing has been done over the past 30-35 years with his character. It’s all out there. Rather than them adapting those stories on screen, they chose to completely “re-do” his character path, so to speak.

It’s very much the reasons I’ve stated since the day this thread was created, Star Wars >>>>>>> Skywalkers. The EU was FAR more reaching over 3 decades than the OG trilogy and then the prequel trilogy. Way more expansive, way more storytelling, way more characters to focus on. Far better than anything Lucas was ever able to detail as he kept coming back to the same planets, the same characters, etc over and over.
Let's face it, Luke was WASHED at that point in his life in this movie. He was old and completely turned his back to the Jedi life so it doesn't surprise me that using a force projection like that would end up draining the life out of him. If he had been there in person, he'd have died in seconds by getting blasted a million times or vs. Kylo in combat and that would have been weak. At least via the force projection, we got to see the closest thing to a prime Luke...even though it wasn't real. Otherwise, it would have just been another Obi Wan/Vader fight and I don't think anyone wanted to see that struggle :lol:
Something that has occurred to me over the last few days, some of the angst about Luke Skywalker and what not, I realize, some of you don’t know what has gone on with the character of Luke Skywalker for the last 25-30 years.

I keep reading everyone so angry that THIS Luke Skywalker would never do this or that, etc, I can’t help but feel like you guys have already missed all the greatness that the character Luke Skywalker has put in, in the EU. He was the greatest Jedi of all time in those stories. I’ve already read for two and a half decades about him rebuilding the order, fighting off long dead Sith, turning to the Dark Side briefly to defeat the clone Emperor, fighting a massive invasion by an alien species from the unknown reaches that were voids in the force, to chasing down Abeloth and doing so with a Sith army at his side (and trying to stab him in the side at every turn) All the while, he raised his son Ben, after marrying Mara Jade, who wanted nothing more than to kill him from the day she met him. He also helped train Leia’s 3 kids. He also trained Leia, who would become a great Jedi Master, and a savage with a lightsaber herself.

A lot of you know nothing about those feats, because you don’t know the EU. So now you are expecting all these things in the movies, but Disney is going the opposite way, and showing you another path they COULD have gone. If they used Luke, great Jedi Master, rebuilder of the Jedi Order, then they’d just be rehashing the EU again, something they wiped out for the most part. They are taking a different path. I truly think that’s why I’m not bothered AT ALL about the path they chose, because I’ve already lived the greatness that is Luke Skywalker. I’ve already read 75+ books detailing his greatness, and that of his sister, and their kids.

You guys have the 3 OG movies, TFA he has nothing more than a silent cameo, and now this movie, basically his 4th, over the course of 30 years, and you guys are confused as hell how/why Disney would choose to go this route with him. It’s not like nothing has been done over the past 30-35 years with his character. It’s all out there. Rather than them adapting those stories on screen, they chose to completely “re-do” his character path, so to speak.

It’s very much the reasons I’ve stated since the day this thread was created, Star Wars >>>>>>> Skywalkers. The EU was FAR more reaching over 3 decades than the OG trilogy and then the prequel trilogy. Way more expansive, way more storytelling, way more characters to focus on. Far better than anything Lucas was ever able to detail as he kept coming back to the same planets, the same characters, etc over and over.

That’s a good point but the creators of THIS movie have specifically told us that EU stuff never happened...

Also I’m thinking the reverse of this actually...Fans are upset because that’s not the Luke we got...People aren’t tired of the EU Luke Skywalker, or oblivious to the EU Luke...Fans are upset because they never gave us a chance to experience that Luke on screen...
That’s a good point but the creators of THIS movie have specifically told us that EU stuff never happened never happened...

Also I’m thinking the reverse of this actually...Fans are upset because that’s not the Luke we got...People aren’t tired of the EU Luke Skywalker, or oblivious to the EU Luke...Fans are upset because they never gave us a chance to experience that Luke on screen...

Understandable. But when we saw the great Obi Wan in ANH, he was ready to die to truly serve his pupil. He fought his one fight, and let himself go.

Here, at the same age nearly, we see Luke ready to die and serve his pupil. (Unwanted pupil, but still) he "fights" his one fight, and let himself go.
Let me write this again.

An OLD Luke Skywalker who had no connection to the force in YEARS, Astro projects to another planet perfectly. He simulates a small battle with Kylo Ren and then ends it when he knows Rey and others are safe.

What you see him doing after is breathing for air and trying to regain his stability. This is literally the most powerful light side power we have ever seen or heard of (unless y’all got something else idk about), used by an old man who hadn’t felt the force in years.

Darth Sidious was getting tired and old af just from using force Lightning in Ep3 if I remember correctly?
Luke is the child of the chosen one. You can’t ask us to accept Leia with no training surviving in space and flying but the greatest Jedi ever dies through a mental projection. Like did Luke have a stroke or something? C’mon
Luke is the child of the chosen one. You can’t ask us to accept Leia with no training surviving in space and flying but the greatest Jedi ever dies through a mental projection. Like did Luke have a stroke or something? C’mon

I ain’t asking you to accept that lol that was ridiculous and I shook my head in theatre but given we just lost Carrie I said I’ll allow it.

Him being Luke is the only reason he had access to that power after so long of not using the force. It had to come with a sacrifice.
Understandable. But when we saw the great Obi Wan in ANH, he was ready to die to truly serve his pupil. He fought his one fight, and let himself go.

Here, at the same age nearly, we see Luke ready to die and serve his pupil. (Unwanted pupil, but still) he "fights" his one fight, and let himself go.

I completely get that this is what Rian Johnson was going for...The Obi-Wan comparison is unmistakable...The Obi-Wan character didn’t have decades long backstory and Star Wars didnt have a built in fan base at that point either...Rian Johnson didn’t account for the EU stuff and how it might be forefront in the minds of the fans...
what if Luke didn't die and that was just his projection, projecting himself in front of Kylo and that projection was fading in the sunset?

Lukes actually just napping in his hut to recharge with the force
I ain’t asking you to accept that lol that was ridiculous and I shook my head in theatre but given we just lost Carrie I said I’ll allow it.

Him being Luke is the only reason he had access to that power after so long of not using the force. It had to come with a sacrifice.

I can wholeheartedly accept the astral projection but Rian copped out. You either make him an Astral projection on Crait and keep him alive or actually have him at Crait and have him die. You had him NOT be on Crait and STILL die??? Rubbish. The film is going to be clowned to pieces as the days weeks and months go by.
The Holdo hyperspace jump attack is unforgivable. Destroys the canon.

Though it looked stunning, it was probably one of the most egregious things they did. How many lives could’ve been saved if you just hyperdrived xwings into the death star.

what if Luke didn't die and that was just his projection, projecting himself in front of Kylo and that projection was fading in the sunset?

Lukes actually just napping in his hut to recharge with the force

JJ is gonna make it to where Rey takes off her mask and it was Luke the whole time :smh:
I enjoyed the movie. 2 and a half hours went by QUICK. It felt like the movie just started and then boom, end credits.
I can wholeheartedly accept the astral projection but Rian copped out. You either make him an Astral projection on Crait and keep him alive or actually have him at Crait and have him die. You had him NOT be on Crait and STILL die??? Rubbish. The film is going to be clowned to pieces as the days weeks and months go by.

Meh. Film was still amazing to me.

The beauty in the scenes alone and the perfect amount of comedy vs bada** moments make up for Luke dying in a way that makes sense to me. It was for a reason, makes sense, and they gave him a beautiful last scene.
Meh. Film was still amazing to me.

The beauty in the scenes alone and the perfect amount of comedy vs bada** moments make up for Luke dying in a way that makes sense to me. It was for a reason, makes sense, and they gave him a beautiful last scene.

The movie makes Luke Skywalker die on a rock alone and a failure. Luke Skywalker......

Nah fam. **** this movie.
The movie makes Luke Skywalker die on a rock alone and a failure. Luke Skywalker......

Nah fam. **** this movie.

A failure?

He taught Rey to use the force and passed the baton.

Jesus Christ man some of y’all just can’t let go of past things you love. It’s a movie. Luke supposed to be the star when Rey and Kylo are existent?

Would you rather have seen Luke in the next movie doing basically jack ****, or see him die for a cause and saving the rebellion and his sister?
A failure?

He taught Rey to use the force and passed the baton.

Jesus Christ man some of y’all just can’t let go of past things you love. It’s a movie. Luke supposed to be the star when Rey and Kylo are existent?

Would you rather have seen Luke in the next movie doing basically jack ****, or see him die for a cause and saving the rebellion and his sister?

He taught Rey to use the force? She was doing Jedi mind tricks and folding up his star pupil while she still thought Luke was a myth. What did he teach Rey exactly? That the force is “vanity” or some pointless **** that makes no sense? Rey took the Jedi books and is going to rebuild the Jedi order much better than Luke Skywalker....seriously, let that marinate. All you had to do was physically show Luke being domineering and you can make him mean hermit, kill him off, make Broom boys more talented than him all of that. But you made Luke get punked by Rey with his own father’s lightsaber. A lot of y’all ain’t seeing what Disney was trying to do. They tried to ruin the characterzation of Luke Skywalker so Disney wouldn’t have to be in the shadow of the OT.
Let me write this again.

An OLD Luke Skywalker who had no connection to the force in YEARS, Astro projects to another planet perfectly. He simulates a small battle with Kylo Ren and then ends it when he knows Rey and others are safe.

What you see him doing after is breathing for air and trying to regain his stability. This is literally the most powerful light side power we have ever seen or heard of (unless y’all got something else idk about), used by an old man who hadn’t felt the force in years.

Darth Sidious was getting tired and old af just from using force Lightning in Ep3 if I remember correctly?
Sidious was not tired from using force lightings he was tired because he got his but whipped from Windu as he could barely keep up once Windu tapped in Vaapad.
Luke dying is what it is he went out with a force hologram that drained him. But Luke Skywalker would still never murder or even think about murdering his family. That is what most are upset with
Yeah, I was wondering where Poe's Squad was at. I'm sure JJ will bring back his boy Matt, from Heroes. I don't know his name:lol:
Yeah, Greg Grunberg, who plays Temmin "Snap" Wexley in Star Wars.

I'm really hoping that J.J. will retcon some explanation like the rest of the squad was scouting out a new base location while they were trying to evacuate from D'Qar... or something

Still a shame that A-wing pilot bae had to die in TLJ :frown:
He taught Rey what the force is. She had no idea what it was or what she was doing. He taught her the light side of the force, and gave her a foundation to learn on with a new understanding of what she possesses. He told her she’s powerful, by saying he’s scared of her. He gave her confidence, and again, passed the baton.

You so mad like Luke literally just keeled over and died. He used the most powerful light side technique we’ve ever seen and probably won’t ever see it again because no one knows what he did but himself. Rey and Leia think he died fighting for them to escape. He went out in a great movie twist that had meaning, that’s a good thing in my book.

Put it this way- if he had died fighting Kylo Ren there in front of those AT-AT’s, you’d still be here complaining.
He taught Rey what the force is. She had no idea what it was or what she was doing. He taught her the light side of the force, and gave her a foundation to learn on with a new understanding of what she possesses. He told her she’s powerful, by saying he’s scared of her. He gave her confidence, and again, passed the baton.

You so mad like Luke literally just keeled over and died. He used the most powerful light side technique we’ve ever seen and probably won’t ever see it again because no one knows what he did but himself. Rey and Leia think he died fighting for them to escape. He went out in a great movie twist that had meaning, that’s a good thing in my book.

Put it this way- if he had died fighting Kylo Ren there in front of those AT-AT’s, you’d still be here complaining.

Pretty sure Kylo mentioned the Force in TFA and she tapped into it. Pretty sure Han Solo told her that Kylo was Luke’s student and she whooped his *** the first time she ever used a lightsaber so she knew she was strong. Pretty sure she had confidence as soon as the leader of the resistance tasked her with bringing her long lost twin brother and the biggest legend in the galaxy back to the fight. The astral projection is a cool technique but was extremely underwhelming and borderline disrespectful to us fans for waiting all this time to see Luke on the screen again for him to not do anything AND die.

You see the respect Vader got in Rogue one? That is probably the greatest Darth Vader scene in all of Star Wars. That is fan service.

Luke Skywalker is in a Star Wars movie in 2017 and his best action scene is still from 1983. The fans complaining aren’t the problem. It’s the ones defending this nonsense.
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