Staten Island man dies after NYPD cop puts him in chokehold

At this juncture in time I see no way the concept of eye for an eye wins for our side.

1st off, they are already hoping we jump stupid with a few rocks so they can fire off into a crowd. Us running up armed is gon give them just cause for them to set up some prison camps for every black person they see so they can protect themselves

2nd, it'll be years before a legitimate plan is drawn up to even combat the plans they have against us. They not out there flying by the seat of they pants, this is planned out for some time. There's a reason why they are asking for us to keep protesting because they are banking on provoking protesters to get a reaction so they can, once again, protect themselves

But, I do somewhat forsee a Civil War II breaking out. I just don't know when
If theres a war.. blacks from other coutnires should come here in mass support to participate ebcause e all know that blacks are not the majority population they can just animalize us and drop bombs on us like funk flex does after every sentence on his hot 97 mix. So if theres a a war we would need more people to outnumber the cops and national gaurd.. but we can fight economically.. If blacks alone dont buy the air jordan 11's go to MCd's or other fast food chains or buy these games or this and that.. that alone would hurt alot of those companies who pay these racist people to enforce their new jimc row.. look at the montogomery bus boycott.. it litterally shut that cities economy down.. we if we are going to do something we have to go at it in a tactful way and be FIRM about it.. at least 90% of us have to be down
If theres a war.. blacks from other coutnires should come here in mass support to participate ebcause e all know that blacks are not the majority population they can just animalize us and drop bombs on us like funk flex does after every sentence on his hot 97 mix. So if theres a a war we would need more people to outnumber the cops and national gaurd.. but we can fight economically.. If blacks alone dont buy the air jordan 11's go to MCd's or other fast food chains or buy these games or this and that.. that alone would hurt alot of those companies who pay these racist people to enforce their new jimc row.. look at the montogomery bus boycott.. it litterally shut that cities economy down.. we if we are going to do something we have to go at it in a tactful way and be FIRM about it.. at least 90% of us have to be down

The second part of your statement is literally the smartest way to approach this, hit them in their pockets and they'll make sure cops act accordingly...but let's be serious...the death of 100 Garners and Browns won't stop minorities from lining up to the latest Jordan Release or the McDonald's Drive through or gunning through the door on Black Friday.....wasn't there supposed to be a boycot on this past Black Friday?...did that work?...puttin a halt to the cities economy ever so slightly will force them to act right by their citizens
The second part of your statement is literally the smartest way to approach this, hit them in their pockets and they'll make sure cops act accordingly...but let's be serious...the death of 100 Garners and Browns won't stop minorities from lining up to the latest Jordan Release or the McDonald's Drive through or gunning through the door on Black Friday.....wasn't there supposed to be a boycot on this past Black Friday?...did that work?...puttin a halt to the cities economy ever so slightly will force them to act right by their citizens
it would be difficult but we actually could if everyone stuck in with it and didnt allow greed to happen.. its going to be a few guys like.. let me buy up all these while the rest of them are boycotting.. no we would have to all do it but most blacks only focus on individualism and thats what makes change difficult
There was supposedly a hit on shopping on black Friday and if the numbers I saw were real there was a 7% reduction in BF shopping this year as well as there were some protests in stores that impeded or stopped shopping which caused a few companies to extend their sales

It's going to be hard and we cannot protest every big business because there are very few small gas stations and many if not most of the small grocers are unknown or may also be owned by antiblack owners.

Which is why there has to be a economical and a political movement. If we want to remember the Montgomery boycott we have to notice that solution was major for us but minor for them in the long run. The politicians in place will appease us but will still be in charge and still won't care about us. We need to get those people out and put people who have everyone's best interest in mind in their places
There was supposedly a hit on shopping on black Friday and if the numbers I saw were real there was a 7% reduction in BF shopping this year as well as there were some protests in stores that impeded or stopped shopping which caused a few companies to extend their sales

It's going to be hard and we cannot protest every big business because there are very few small gas stations and many if not most of the small grocers are unknown or may also be owned by antiblack owners.

Which is why there has to be a economical and a political movement. If we want to remember the Montgomery boycott we have to notice that solution was major for us but minor for them in the long run. The politicians in place will appease us but will still be in charge and still won't care about us. We need to get those people out and put people who have everyone's best interest in mind in their places
it was powerful.. think about like this

black people were the majority riders..

take away the riders..

less money for the bus company

less money creates layoffs for drivers

they passed laws to fight that step like carpooling was illegal for blacks

blacks started walking because they couldnt pass a law to stop people from

back to the gameplan

more layoffs took money from the managers and station mangers

then they got layed off

since that was a big business.. and with no big money coming in.. they couldnt pay the cities budget..

they had to settle because without black money their white business couldnt function..
it was powerful.. think about like this

black people were the majority riders..
take away the riders..
less money for the bus company
less money creates layoffs for drivers
they passed laws to fight that step like carpooling was illegal for blacks
blacks started walking because they couldnt pass a law to stop people from
back to the gameplan
more layoffs took money from the managers and station mangers
then they got layed off
since that was a big business.. and with no big money coming in.. they couldnt pay the cities budget..
they had to settle because without black money their white business couldnt function..

That's just beautiful...and that is legit the only way to bring change forth.
Not debating that it worked but the problem is the people who were trying to do the least just to get us back on the bus are still in charge. They haven't changed. We have to remove them because they are just going to be looking to make as small of a change to pacify us and move on.
:lol: @ chuck Barkley.

Dude on tariq show made an excellent point about crippling Newport sakes.

Don't know why Tariq tried to clown him.

We don't know what people have their hands in Newport's pockets... Cigarette companies are MAJOR lobbyists IB this country...

And for them not to step out and try to help their consumer...

Damage could be done
Not debating that it worked but the problem is the people who were trying to do the least just to get us back on the bus are still in charge. They haven't changed. We have to remove them because they are just going to be looking to make as small of a change to pacify us and move on.
or we can boycott and make our own thing.. sneakerwise a good example of this was Patrick Ewing.. of course hes not making as much as jordan but its a shoe company he built and created that he totally owns on a manufacter level.. If Jordan left nike which im sure he may have tried to do.. they have no choice but to give him "a little" ownership and pay him more money.. Fact.. Jordan actually got FIRED from the wizards when he was a team owner when he played and he couldnt play as well as the "I'm Back" Jordan.. and jordan is RICH.. he still got fired..
@ chuck Barkley.

Dude on tariq show made an excellent point about crippling Newport sakes.

Don't know why Tariq tried to clown him.

We don't know what people have their hands in Newport's pockets... Cigarette companies are MAJOR lobbyists IB this country...

And for them not to step out and try to help their consumer...

Damage could be done
this is the webcast last night or the podcast? I'm going to have to listen to that.
@ chuck Barkley.

Dude on tariq show made an excellent point about crippling Newport sakes.

Don't know why Tariq tried to clown him.

We don't know what people have their hands in Newport's pockets... Cigarette companies are MAJOR lobbyists IB this country...

And for them not to step out and try to help their consumer...

Damage could be done
yea I get what tariq was saying but the other dude wasn't in the wrong at all....

tariq just wanted a reason and for it not to be random 
Serious question, what is our goal/end game for boycotting? What result are we looking for?
yea I get what tariq was saying but the other dude wasn't in the wrong at all....

tariq just wanted a reason and for it not to be random 

but i didnt think it was random.

Showing solidarity is something that needs to be exhibited.

And the thing is... if 90% of sales DO actually come from black people.. why WOULDNT newport want to stick up for their customer?

And in regards to my point about lobbyists...

Trust me... cigarette companies have LONG been in bed w/ politicians due to how bad they are for people and yet they continue to thrive.

Serious question, what is our goal/end game for boycotting? What result are we looking for?

Read someone's post about the montgomery bus boycotts...

When you get after them greenbacks, people start to listen.

it's a reason why obama respects the LGBT community so much. Them folks know their buying power and will get folks FIRED QUICKLY.
The reason I ask the question is that the boycotting is only going to do so much. It's not going to give us equality because we will still be governed by the men who see us as less than, and they will give us just enough to appear equal. Seperate but equal sounded good till time told that it wasn't so equal. Y'all wanna trust the system that let all this happen to straighten up? Nah, they prob won't let us boycott for very long because of course they are gonna try to wait us out and see if we fall apart but they'll soon give us some bull song and dance that sounds good and looks appropriate from a distance but inspect it and it's faulty and biased.

It's like having a selfish boss and the cost of living has risen and so have profitable but he refuses to increase wages. So they picket and demand higher wages instead of demanding a new boss. It doesn't matter what they adjust for our demands, that does not change the people's hearts that are allowing this to happen
The reason I ask the question is that the boycotting is only going to do so much. It's not going to give us equality because we will still be governed by the men who see us as less than, and they will give us just enough to appear equal. Seperate but equal sounded good till time told that it wasn't so equal. Y'all wanna trust the system that let all this happen to straighten up? Nah, they prob won't let us boycott for very long because of course they are gonna try to wait us out and see if we fall apart but they'll soon give us some bull song and dance that sounds good and looks appropriate from a distance but inspect it and it's faulty and biased.

It's like having a selfish boss and the cost of living has risen and so have profitable but he refuses to increase wages. So they picket and demand higher wages instead of demanding a new boss. It doesn't matter what they adjust for our demands, that does not change the people's hearts that are allowing this to happen
but look at it like this.. if we take money away from them and put that money into the hands of each other and circulate it

then when we have guys who represent us who are going for the political positions, we can afford to finace their campaigns.. then we can get them in office to get equality back in our ommunities.. and yea even if the boycott takes years we have to do it to hurt them because USA is a Consumer based economy. without money going into their businesses they cant survive if its a business that tailors to black people and makes money off of black people.. Newports.. Nike..Timberland..etc

and the boss situation.. if everyone walks out and files a class action lawsuit he and the company are out of good workers.. Trust me ive known people who done it .. and it worked..
Putting your money where your mouth is is always a good first step in ANYTHING.
Was it 7% decline for IN STORE purchases or 7% down all together (including online sales).

I heard a report on the radio, not in any way related to Ferguson, but it was saying that many retailers saw an increase in online sales and a decrease in the # of people actually shopping in-store on BF.
it was random because Newport (RJR) isn't in the news about **** right now that's "controversial" 

what's the point of boycotting newports if mogs gonna smoke other RJR tobacco and/or vapes

boycotting cool but that guy was just rambling with no plan...he just randomly said "Newports" 
they make it sound like dude would have died that minute on the street from his health and weight anyway even if the police aint start harrassin him 
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Was it 7% decline for IN STORE purchases or 7% down all together (including online sales).

I heard a report on the radio, not in any way related to Ferguson, but it was saying that many retailers saw an increase in online sales and a decrease in the # of people actually shopping in-store on BF.
i read the 7% decline too but the article i read said it was because a bunch of retailers started sales early and those numbers weren't accounted for, not sure if it was accurate or not though
Serious question, what is our goal/end game for boycotting? What result are we looking for?
Equality and our own parallell economy.
I just don't ever see this happening.

"Hey guys, we've been noticing all the injustice, and we do admit we have been ******* with you guys for a really long time.. So are we cool? We good now? We've complied with your demands and we can all just live in peace."

I don't think one time in history we've seen a case of this. The only way we'd have equality is if a general consensus of whites decided to relinquish themselves of their advantage.. Not happening. We could try to take it by force... Also not happening, we have neither the numbers or the arms. Separate economy? RIP Child of Lil' Africa.

Personally, I've just been slowly approaching the conclusion that it's best to just leave while you still can. I've been giving that thought some heavy play for post-graduation.
I just don't ever see this happening.

"Hey guys, we've been noticing all the injustice, and we do admit we have been ******* with you guys for a really long time.. So are we cool? We good now? We've complied with your demands and we can all just live in peace."

I don't think one time in history we've seen a case of this. The only way we'd have equality is if a general consensus of whites decided to relinquish themselves of their advantage.. Not happening. We could try to take it by force... Also not happening, we have neither the numbers or the arms. Separate economy? RIP Child of Lil' Africa.

Personally, I've just been slowly approaching the conclusion that it's best to just leave while you still can. I've been giving that thought some heavy play for post-graduation.
but where do we go?
The NYPD are mad about DeBlasio's statements :lol: :smh:

If they stopped murdering people then people wouldn't say anything. Not to mention I'm sure people won't be thrilled to have to use their tax dollars to pay the inevitable multi million dollar settlement the city will pay to Garner's family.
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