Staten Island man dies after NYPD cop puts him in chokehold

so a white guy gets 5 police tackling him and chokin him out over loose cigarettes or "resisting"? 
race has to be thrown in here because this isn't happening to other races of people. 
whats the point of throwing the race card in when race had little to nothing to do with the situation? Crying wolf isn't gonna help.
at eye level it may not appear to be relevant but after you look at the history of these kind of incidents, and there's a pattern

if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck...
:lol: At race didn't have anything to do with it.

I swear some of y'all must be oblivious to life. As Cornel West said Race Matters all the damn time. Even if it's not the MAIN issue, its always there.

And more importantly its not always African Americans who bring it up. I'm the only black person in my department and I never bring up race at work, but everybody else damn sure does.

Race always matters, especially in situations involving police, whether it matters a lot or a little is debatable depending on the situatiom, but it's still a factor.
and everytime a black person gets killed i dont cry out the race card.. There was a case in Duval (not the one everyone talks about) the guy got in a scuffle with the cop after he was tased and attempted to gfrab the handcuffs and he got murdered in the process. In that scenario the cop was justified.. i dont even look at it in a messed up way because that guy the cops life was at risk then.
:lol: At race didn't have anything to do with it.

I swear some of y'all must be oblivious to life. As Cornel West said Race Matters all the damn time. Even if it's not the MAIN issue, its always there.

And more importantly its not always African Americans who bring it up. I'm the only black person in my department and I never bring up race at work, but everybody else damn sure does.

Race always matters, especially in situations involving police, whether it matters a lot or a little is debatable depending on the situatiom, but it's still a factor.

So true.

they just shot another dude dead in LA...not a lot of details yet but a dude recorded a video showing the aftermath and said it was for no reason :smh:
Let me throw a hypothetical out there. But before I do that, lemme make it clear, people got every right to be pissed and protest a blatant slap in the face injustice like this, I just think stuff like blocking traffic on the west side highway and fdr is not how you go about it.

What's going to happen if people block traffic on the highway chanting black lives matter or whatever and a black woman being rushed to the hospital for an emergency is severely delayed and doesn't make it due to this human road block on the highway?

Or if someone running late for work or has an emergency decides to say "protest this" and run a group of people over who have no right to be on the highway to begin with?

Again, people need to be protesting and getting their voice out but stuff like blocking traffic on a highway or lying down on train tracks isn't the way to do it. That affects people who have nothing to do with the situation whatsoever. When people lay on tracks like they did in Boston its affecting innocent people from getting to work on time, getting home to their kids on time etc and that's not cool and doesn't help rally empathy or support for the cause.
you call them innocent, but the ones complaining very well could be the ones who either are outright racist or passive about it

if people are inconvenienced oh well ppl are dying 
So if a black person who is being rushed to the hospital for an emergency procedure doesn't make it because the amber lamps rushing him to the hospital is significantly delayed on the highway because of people illegally entering said highway and causing delays and civil disturbances, we should just shrug out shoulders and say its no big deal?

That deflection and since they did this its ok to do this mindset is a bad look. Causing delays affects all races. Someone may be very sympathetic to the Eric Garner cause but they got every right to be pissed and/or run the illegal barrier over if its causing a huge delay.

All I'm saying is, nothing good comes from illegally walking onto freeways and disrupting traffic and sitting on subway train tracks.

Your beef is with the police department, not with everyday citizens just trying to get to work and get home to their families.
its too many people willing to look the other way, just wanting to go home

im not entertaining your black guy in an ambulance hypothetical because thats deflection
Sounds more like disregarding a legit potential situation that can come from illegally disrupting traffic. It doesn't have to be a black person being rushed in the amber lamps though.

At the end of the day you would be up in arms if a motorist ran a protester (probably only if the protester was black though) even though they had no right to be on said highway disrupting traffic to begin with.
That's your opinion, but don't cry foul when a car going 60 mph unintentionally or intentionally runs you over when you had no reason to be on that highway in the first place.

Your thinking is distorted and selfish. No one has any issue with protests, but when said protests affect others who have nothing to do with it and causes problems and ruins the credibility of the protests. This is a golden opportunity to raise awareness on a high level about police brutality and racial issues. Idiots putting themselves in the way of oncoming traffic on a highway take away from the actual matters at hands.
the point of the protest is to make it an issue for those who would otherwise ignore it

look at you wishing harm on protesters 

aint nobody thinkin about how credible you feel the protests are or how they get their message across

aint nobody waitin on a golden opportunity either

its not gonna be all easy and smiles how u want it to be
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So if a black person who is being rushed to the hospital for an emergency procedure doesn't make it because the amber lamps rushing him to the hospital is significantly delayed on the highway because of people illegally entering said highway and causing delays and civil disturbances, we should just shrug out shoulders and say its no big deal?

That deflection and since they did this its ok to do this mindset is a bad look. Causing delays affects all races. Someone may be very sympathetic to the Eric Garner cause but they got every right to be pissed and/or run the illegal barrier over if its causing a huge delay.

All I'm saying is, nothing good comes from illegally walking onto freeways and disrupting traffic and sitting on subway train tracks.

Your beef is with the police department, not with everyday citizens just trying to get to work and get home to their families.

Bruh. Seriously?

If they lady dies, then its quite unfortunate...

But if you look at life that way, damb near nothing would get done.

Take any reform:

Hell, MLK...

He KNEW some people would get injured and even killed...

Did he say "well... This may not benefit everyone... Some people might get injured... So let's just keep things the same"

Lol going back and forth with you is like talking to a rock.

Where did I wish harm on those causing a civil disturbance. All I said is don't cry foul if you get ran over when your not supposed to be on the highway to begin with. A motorist isn't expecting people to be on the road when their not supposed to be there to begin with.

Lol at "ain't nobody" I never knew you were the voice for everyone else.
Bruh. Seriously?

If they lady dies, then its quite unfortunate...

But if you look at life that way, damb near nothing would get done.

Take any reform:

Hell, MLK...

He KNEW some people would get injured and even killed...

Did he say "well... This may not benefit everyone... Some people might get injured... So let's just keep things the same"


I can respect your opinion unlike that one kid who's talking off emotion.

MLK led the bus protests which were ultimately a success. Their beef was with the bus company and rightfully so.

They boycotted the busses which directly affected the people they had issue with and when it impacted the bus company financially, ultimately they were successful.

I presented the problems blocking traffic and going onto a highway causes. You don't gotta agree with me but it can potentially put lives in danger both protesters and motorists who may be rushing to attend to an emergency.
well you tryna be the voice of reason 

who made you arbiter of the correct and most effective way to change society?

Who said I was trying to be. I just explained the problems of protesting on a highway and the potential problems it could cause. You decided to respond off emotion.
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