Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

man I hate when you guys post those gay +!% pics...just pm each other with pics to tell them what kinda body you want.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

What fruits do you guys normally eat?

Bananas contain a lot of sugar right? Should I still eat it?

Grapefruit. Some like it some dont but I been eatin them since I was a tiny tot so they
to me
^Grapefruit isn't too bad.
Originally Posted by LiCeNseD To BaLL

Originally Posted by Luong1209

What fruits do you guys normally eat?

Bananas contain a lot of sugar right? Should I still eat it?
Cmon man, all fruit is good for you, just dont go binging on it as your only meal. balance it within your protein, carbs, and good fats. In between meals... A banana, an apple, an orange...combined with a handful of unsalted nuts or some cottage cheese is the perfect snack. an apple is probably better because of the fiber, but regardless fruit and veggies are a must in a healthy diet no matter what the goals.
Appreciate it.
I've always hated oatmeal ever since the day I barfed after I had it in pre-school.

What do you guys put in oatmeal to make it taste good? I'm willing to give it a second chance.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

I've always hated oatmeal ever since the day I barfed after I had it in pre-school.

What do you guys put in oatmeal to make it taste good? I'm willing to give it a second chance.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

I've always hated oatmeal ever since the day I barfed after I had it in pre-school.

What do you guys put in oatmeal to make it taste good? I'm willing to give it a second chance.
I hate oatmeal too dog but my alternative:


I'm usually short on time I just blend this with some 1% milk and maybe some cane sugar and i'm good.
Originally Posted by gatorad3

Originally Posted by Luong1209

I've always hated oatmeal ever since the day I barfed after I had it in pre-school.

What do you guys put in oatmeal to make it taste good? I'm willing to give it a second chance.
Are you saying that'll amend my relationship with oatmeal? If not, I need better.
I I always put in some sort of splenda/truvia & usually some jello sf/ff pudding mix, vanilla or chocolate

then add in any of the following like berries, raisins, chocochips, milk, almonds, PB, Almond butter, peanuts

you can really add anything, try things that you really enjoy
i havent eaten oatmeal in a while, but i usually added some of the following:

-raw cane sugar
-maple syrup
-sliced apple
-sliced strawberries
-ground flaxseed
-sliced raw almonds

also making it with milk is a helluva lot better than water
Not having patience sucks... Been 2 weeks of consuming 3000ish calories, still havent really noticed anything
Originally Posted by Shaq DIESEL 34

How long does it take to lose muscle? I'm having a tough time keeping up with workouts with my Summer Job.
supposedly as long as your protein intake is good along with a moderate amount of carbs you won't lose muscle.  But just to add, my last strength workout was last friday and i'm going to ohio for a month and I had to cycle off creatine and I already notice the decrease in size.

On a similar note i've gotten to a point in my life where I understand what my body is capable of, what my natural weight for my frame is and I can live with it.  I stopped working out towards a certain goal like get super big, or get super strong and I just workout because I actually love working out.  I see the progress I make as a secondary type of reward honestly.  I understand that if I went hard at it I could look like solid snake or one of them ripped yolked up dudes but working out to me is a lifestyle and I don't let specific goals take the fun out of it so when I get there I #%%+$@% get there, especially when you don't look a certain way when all is said and done and you get frustrated.  If people came to the gym with a good plan for what they're doing and just stuck with it instead of giving themselves a time period to achieve it I think they would stick with it longer and wouldn't let working out dictate the rest of their lives, which isn't the worse thing but they always say moderation is the key.
Originally Posted by ii FLaSh ii

Not having patience sucks... Been 2 weeks of consuming 3000ish calories, still havent really noticed anything
How old are you?  How much do you weigh?  I'm guessing if your a relatively young guy and you're trying to add mass, there's 2 things happening:

1. You probably need 3500 to 4000 calories a day to bulk up.  I wouldn't think 3000 would be a bulking plan just from a caloric standpoint.

2. Yes, you are being impatient.  Like I said, I don't know what you're going for, I'm just guessing so forgive me if I'm way off base.  You're not gonna see a huge difference in gains or anything after 2 weeks.  You should, after a month or so, start seeing some increase in strength when you hit the gym.  From there, you'll know if you're making gains.

I don't even eat for taste, I eat oatmeal plain, drink egg whites right out the carton, eat chicken without any seasoning........I just don't got time to get all fancy with food. I don't use salad dressing or condiments either unless I'm like out.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

I don't even eat for taste, I eat oatmeal plain, drink egg whites right out the carton, eat chicken without any seasoning........I just don't got time to get all fancy with food. I don't use salad dressing or condiments either unless I'm like out.
I know what you mean. I had a teacher who was just like that. She would always bring her food to class and eat in between sentences. She said something like, "I don't eat food for the taste because all the bad food tastes good to the tounge." She was in her late 30's and was a slim lady, so what she said worked for her.

I don't necessarily agree, but it works. If you want to reach a great level of anything, you have to learn to sacrifice. Whether it be taste, convenience, etc.
I started doing 100 sit ups a day alongside my daily runs. I forgot how tiring they are.
Here's my question i really need some help on. Im gonna be working out after work but here's the catch my drive home at work is about 45 mins to a hour and it's between 7-8:30pm. I use superpump for my pre-workout (untill its gone and im switching to jack3d). Now whats the ideal time i should drink this if i need to be back home and sleep by 11:30 12pm. Im thinking i need to drink it during my drive home but i dont want to drink it to early and not have the focus and pump when i get to the gym but i also dont want to drink it to late and not be able to sleep.

Any suggestion and or help please..........
Im doing a strength programme.

I've got a new PB on my bench (67.5) kg. However, my programme is 5x5, currently I was only able to complete 5/4/3/3/3.. I need a spotter.

Now my question is if I can do 5/5/5/5/5 with a spotter, should I move onto 70kg, or do 67.5 until I can get it by myself?

Im getting down to 220lbs 5x5 squats below parallel now, seeing crazy improvement in my vert and explosivity.

Another question - im beginning basketball training, where I train 3x a week. My programme is designed to do squats 3x a week. This will not work. Is there anyway around this? i'd hate to lose my progress yet id hate to be fatigued/overtrained for basketball..

Any experienced heads can help me out??
The worst form.. dudes back is bearing all the weight on the way up.. yikes..
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