Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Question for people who have done P90X or are in the process of it.  Do you ever skip the superman/banana part of core synergestics? I can't do it all cause my penis/pelvis is always getting smushed. Any tips?
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Noskey

So, guys, what do you eat when trying to put on muscle? I'm planning on going shopping later this week, and was wondering what kind of foods have high amounts of protein.
liquid egg whites
turkey burgers + whole wheat buns
chocolate milk
chicken +pasta
sweet potatoes

..that's essentially my week-week shopping list. you dont need a whole lot more than that, just high in quantity
quoting this list to bookmark it.
Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Question for people who have done P90X or are in the process of it.  Do you ever skip the superman/banana part of core synergestics? I can't do it all cause my penis/pelvis is always getting smushed. Any tips?

You need to lift your legs higher.

What should be rep/weight spread look like for military press/push press.
Top weight of 120x5
went to applebees last night, checked the nutritional value of the food i was ordering, orange chicken bowl = 1900 calories with 200g + of carbs, needless to say i had 2 bites and didn't eat it...SMH @ me for being food conscious all of a sudden
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Anyone else think that getting the majority of their food from carbs is not good for their particular body? I tried experimenting with no carbs, high fat and moderate protein for the last 6 days and I was pretty surprised with the result. I had high levels of energy, didnt experience much brain problems and my body felt good. I lifted on all 6 days and my lifts actually went up. Today I decided to eat mostly carbs and I feel like utter crap stomach is bloated, I feel sluggish and it's given me crazy gas
. I think I'm gonna try a high fat/moderate protein diet again after this weekend is done and see if I'm able to maintain my energy levels and strength. I've been getting my fats from almonds, coconut oil, olive oil, butter (I know its not healthy but I like it) and my protein from chicken, beef, tuna, cottage cheese, egg whites while also consuming enormous amounts of veggies per day (broccolli, green beans, okra are my favorite). I'm beginning to think Keto diets aren't that hard/so bad afterall. I just think the biggest issue is being able to maintain it for an extended period of time and what happens to your body when you go back to eating carbs on a daily basis. I'm not saying that carbs = evil but I'm beginning to think that some humans aren't meant to be consuming 60% of their calories from carbs.
You're onto something!... Everybody has biochemical individuality so you really have to tailor your diet to your own body.

You should check out metabolic typing. The system is used to try and determine what foods your body should be consuming for optimal health and well being. Whether that be high carbs or a majority protein diet. I too find myself functioning better off a high protein diet and i dont think there's anything wrong with that. I think genrally speaking people think that eating lots of meat and fat is generally seen as a bad look., but i dont think that is the case for everybody.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

nealraj006, you seem to speak highly of fasting.

1. Pros and COns
2. Will I lose much muscle mass?
3. Where will my energy come from?

I just got back from LA, I ate like I should eat on a vacation. I never had issues using the bathroom so that isn't an issue. But I just know I ate a lot of nonsense and I want to get my body back the way it was 2 weeks ago. I just feel like I need a cleanse. A total cleanse. Should I be a vegetarian for a week or so but that wouldn't make sense if I go right back to my old diet right? I regularly eat well, not much junk at all.

Anyone else a fan of fasting?
Pro's: Convenient, Research shows health benefits, Good for GI Tract, Hormonal Change, Body learns to better regulate energy pathways, Increased Insulin Sensitivity, Less likely to eat too much, etc. It's a lifestyle
Con's: Some people feel deprived

I can't say whether you'd lose muscle mass. Some people do it wrong. Intermittent Fasting on Crap isn't going to get you much farther than a traditional meal frequency plan. If you eat unprocessed, whole foods most of the time, you shouldn't lose muscle mass. Take a look at Martin Berkhan. A solid 200 lbs at about 6% bodyfat.

Energy comes from glycogen, body fat, and lean mass breakdown. To which extent depends on levels of each, length of fast, regularity of the fast, etc. The lean mass will be replenished as long as proper stimulation is given. So don't worry too much about losing heaps and heaps of muscle. Ketone bodies also form to feed the brain.

Regularity was never an issue for me. But some people have mentioned that they had problems before IF, but after they starting fasting, they are much more regular.

If you go right back to your old diet, it wouldn't really help. The best way is to adopt an eating style that's clean, and sustainable. I like intermittent fasting because each meal is like a reset. Your taste buds, sense of smell, etc. are replenished and you can enjoy the foods' natural flavors. I like the recommendation that Ori Hofmekler has in the Warrior Diet, eat salad first. If you don't, then you'll likely not like it because it is not as aggressive tasting as other foods. You can do this while not doing IF, just eat veggies for breakfast. I've done it a few times, and I didn't feel very weird. It didn't slow me down as much as a traditional breakfast does(oatmeal, milk, etc.). Give it a shot. If you like it, stick with it. If not, get off  of it. I primarily like IF because it allows me to enjoy food and is very convenient. Plus, it's taught me the importance of food and how to tell whether I am actually hungry. I can always weight for food because I know how my body works now.

check out: 

It outlines many of the numerous pro's and con's of IF. Johnny, the owner, maintains very low body fat year-round by IF. It's worth checking out because he looks at it not just in a scientific way, but a personal way.
Originally Posted by rhester

questions go unnoticed all the time in here
so dont take offense

yes it's normal that you're gaining weight...

it's not like it's going to make you look any worse if it's lean mass, if anything itll tone you up and is a nice sign of progress

if you're that concerned with gaining weight, up your reps, lighten the weight, control your diet, and add some cardio

you wont build much muscle though, keep that in mind.

also.... wawa, you recommended zma awhile back...

was wondering about your experiences taking it?

ive been on it since you've posted about it and havent noticed much but deep sleeps and crazy dreaming

thanks in advance
I have a question to all you skinny guys that have been trying to gain weight.

What was your weight gain in the span of 3 months? 6 months?
Originally Posted by Andrew630

I have a question to all you skinny guys that have been trying to gain weight.

What was your weight gain in the span of 3 months? 6 months?
For me I would say about 20 pounds within the first six months and like 4 in the last two but that's because I just haven't been eating enough. I went from 125 to as of this morning 149 in 8 months. I'm 5'9 btw if that matters.
Originally Posted by BmoneyBagz

Does anybody in here train without supplements?

I don't use anything but I've been thinking of creatine since I like doing strength based programs.
Does anybody in here train without supplements?
After about 6 months of training I stopped using supplements for financial reasons.
I went w/o for about 2 months.
Now, I take jack3d because it helps me get into the zone when I'm at the gym and gives me a MUCH needed boost of energy (albeit, I understand it is a frivolous luxury and a large coffee+espresso shot prior to workout will have the same effect). When jack3d runs out I will probably go w/o again for a while.
I also use ON whey. 1 scoop after a workout. Also, if I have missed a meal or otherwise lacked in calories I will throw a scoop in a shake to get quick protein.

It's be discussed before, but I have solidified it to myself. Eating whole foods is MUCH BETTER than supplements. 1 can of tuna = more protein than a scoop of whey plus is has omegas.
As far as carbs go, I was actually considering one of those mega-carb proteins like Serious Mass (250g/scoop
). It just chemical though... 1 cup of oats in my PWO shake is way more beneficial... it has fiber, etc.

I have a question to all you skinny guys that have been trying to gain weight.

What was your weight gain in the span of 3 months? 6 months?

It really depends on how much fat you are willing to put on.
When I started I was 6'0, 155lbs and low body fat. Nine-+$# months later I'm about 170lbs and low body fat.
I went through phases (i.e. bulking) to see how I looked. At one point I was drinking 1 gallon of milk per day on top of my high-calorie intake. I put on like 10 lbs (literally) in a week.
However, I realized it's better to be ripped and 'skinny' than to just bulk like crazy.
Remember, muscle takes a long time to build. If you eat healthy and in large quantities you can put on about 5-10 lbs every six months.

Sorry for the spam, but I get the feeling this answers a few peoples' questions.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

At one point I was drinking 1 gallon of milk per day on top of my high-calorie intake. I put on like 10 lbs (literally) in a week.
, didn't it make you dookie a lot?
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

also.... wawa, you recommended zma awhile back...

was wondering about your experiences taking it?

ive been on it since you've posted about it and havent noticed much but deep sleeps and crazy dreaming

thanks in advance
You won't notice much accept for those 2 "side effects", per se.
The lucid dreams are pretty cool though, right?

Considering that a large percentage of the popualtion is deficient in magnesium and that around 25% of the mineral is located within muscles, it's pretty important to make sure you don't have a magnesium deficiency. Also, magnesium is a key component in the production of  stable ATP. If your ATP "lot" is not particularly stable then it breaks down easier and you ultimately store less of it.  
Maybe stop taking protein all together? Just eat food.

Why not with water, though? I've also done it with juice.

You can expect frequent dookie with any weight gain plan though
yeah mix protein with water

as for supplements all i take right now is protein and creatine when i remember to

not that i'm anti-supp at all. most are trash but there are plenty that work great. i will recommend intrabolic to anyone and everyone for example, it's definitely effective. pre-workouts help some people a lot too.

i just go through phases where mixing all this crap before i go lift and remembering to take everything gets annoying and i stick to just protein for a while.

also i take a multi but that's not what i consider a "supplement." at least not a lifting supplement.
Originally Posted by CrunkJuicedUp

hey guys, im lactose intolerant and i really cant handle drinking milk anymore, its like getting kicked in the stomach by bas rutten when i have a protein shake, and ive tried the milk with no lactaid and pills to help digest the milk, still no money, i heard Asians specifically people from the middle eastern area cant drink milk at all, my question is, i cant take my protein shake with water, or juice so whats a brah 2 do? anyone else have this problem?.

soy milk?
done with week 2 and feel better then i have in a few years if i feel like this after next week ill have to add something to my sat to keep this going something light like swimming
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I have a question to all you skinny guys that have been trying to gain weight.

What was your weight gain in the span of 3 months? 6 months?

It really depends on how much fat you are willing to put on.
When I started I was 6'0, 155lbs and low body fat. Nine-+$# months later I'm about 170lbs and low body fat.
I went through phases (i.e. bulking) to see how I looked. At one point I was drinking 1 gallon of milk per day on top of my high-calorie intake. I put on like 10 lbs (literally) in a week.
However, I realized it's better to be ripped and 'skinny' than to just bulk like crazy.
Remember, muscle takes a long time to build. If you eat healthy and in large quantities you can put on about 5-10 lbs every six months.

Sorry for the spam, but I get the feeling this answers a few peoples' questions.

I was 151 in May 31, 2010. now i'm 163.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

yeah mix protein with water

as for supplements all i take right now is protein and creatine when i remember to

not that i'm anti-supp at all. most are trash but there are plenty that work great. i will recommend intrabolic to anyone and everyone for example, it's definitely effective. pre-workouts help some people a lot too.

i just go through phases where mixing all this crap before i go lift and remembering to take everything gets annoying and i stick to just protein for a while.

also i take a multi but that's not what i consider a "supplement." at least not a lifting supplement.
Phew. Thought you swore off intrabolic for a second there. I'm the same way, I recommend it to anyone who asks "what's the blue/pink stuff". I just kicked AOR. Holy crap, after 6 months that's like 200 bucks on a multi!
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