Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

lets be clear

trim and shave are not the same

i had to pick up some nyquil, gonna take it tonight........i think ive been gettin these lil colds and (&#$# cuz i stopped takin  a multi V, ive never ever been like this before,  not sick sick but like half sick and (&#$# out the blue

picked this up yesterday.
Stoked to weigh in tomorrow evening.
Ate like a damn king from friday-sunday night.
Hopefully I'm at 180.... weighed in on friday at 176
I take a multivitamin everyday, should i take it before or after working out..

Or does it matter ?
24 Hour Fitness Store has 5-lbs Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey in Double Rich Chocolate or Vanilla flavors for $36.50 - $10.95 with code AFPNYR30 (may need to type code in, not copy/paste) = $25.55 with free shipping.

In for 2
Also from slickdeals

Muscle Milk Chocolate Collegiate 5 lb - $19 Shipped. @ Vitamin World
Everything 60% Off. Coupon Code - VW270

Need some fishoil
Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

I'm at 240 and I wan't to get to like 210.

Planning on going the HIIT route at the gym. Yay or Nay?

I'm sure it's been discussed but w/e.
i wouldnt suggest any form of cardio before lifting weights.
Originally Posted by Chico Cummings

Just downloaded the Feb 2011 issue of Men's Health magazine and it says that if you grip the bar VERY hard like you're trying to break it during your bench press, it helps you lift more. It says do it during the whole set. Don't know if that's common knowledge but I thought I would share...

do this for all your dumbbell/bar workouts a tight grip increases the use of more muscle fibers
The gym was packed today. But 1 of the 2 squat racks was still empty when I walked in

I've noticed this of some of the heavier deadlifters at the gym I go to. Most of them don't do full range of motion during their sets. They'll load the bar up with 405 lbs and hyperextend their backs. Then they'll lower to just below their knees and come and hyperextend their back again.
when doing thing like deadlifts and squats i usually try to do as much weight as i can but still being able to push out 5 reps, do you guys think this is good or bad? or does it all depend on what my goals are? especially with the squats because right now i really just wanna get my legs bigger, not too concerned about definition right now 
Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

I'm at 240 and I wan't to get to like 210.

Planning on going the HIIT route at the gym. Yay or Nay?

I'm sure it's been discussed but w/e.
i wouldnt suggest any form of cardio before lifting weights.
What'd you suggest? More reps of lighter weight or something else?
Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

I'm at 240 and I wan't to get to like 210.

Planning on going the HIIT route at the gym. Yay or Nay?

I'm sure it's been discussed but w/e.
i wouldnt suggest any form of cardio before lifting weights.
What'd you suggest? More reps of lighter weight or something else?
He's just saying not to do cardio before lifting because you'll be tired and wont be able to go as hard lifting.
Save the cardio for after lifting.
any foods/condiments/beverages you REFUSE or can't give up?

for me it has to be my orange juice, and ketchup in the morning for my breakfast...ill never give those up, i just cant
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by DunkNForce

anyone just going natural ?

no whey, no multi, no nothing?
thats what im doing, its kinda sad imo when people think that they need all of that stuff. 
Im all natural, i have a whey shake but most of the time i forget to take it. Ive made great gains in arms and chest, im in no means big tho, because i dont eat all that much and i have fast metabolism. even if i decide to get bigger im still gonna stay natural.

Originally Posted by wanksta23

any foods/condiments/beverages you REFUSE or can't give up?

for me it has to be my orange juice, and ketchup in the morning for my breakfast...ill never give those up, i just cant
I'm having trouble cutting back on my Ginger Ale! It's really the only soda that I drink (sometimes a lil orange Fanta too) and I'm trying to ween myself off it. Tried Diet Canada Dry the other day and it wasn't that bad. Might give that a shot.

Is OJ bad for you though cause I drink it too? It's also hard to give up mayo cause I hate dry sandwiches

Originally Posted by Chico Cummings

Originally Posted by wanksta23

any foods/condiments/beverages you REFUSE or can't give up?

for me it has to be my orange juice, and ketchup in the morning for my breakfast...ill never give those up, i just cant
I'm having trouble cutting back on my Ginger Ale! It's really the only soda that I drink (sometimes a lil orange Fanta too) and I'm trying to ween myself off it. Tried Diet Canada Dry the other day and it wasn't that bad. Might give that a shot.

Is OJ bad for you though cause I drink it too? It's also hard to give up mayo cause I hate dry sandwiches

i dont cut back on anything.....just portion control
i cant stay away from juice and mountain dew smh...

was thinking of doing 2 a days for about a month....anyone ever do this? I feel like if I can get into a routine it should be easy, and having the free time and dedication too...

I'm 210 now by April I want 200....

Before I started lifting I stayed around 200-205
Now I'm like 210 sometimes a pound or two over...
Not feeling it I want to be back down to 200 really like 195...
I had mono and haven't been to the gym in a good 3 months.

I'm all better now and am about to start lifting again either this week or next.

I was just coming in here to ask you guys if I think I should use my old routine (listed below) or if someone here can help me come up with a new one.

Bench Press
Low Incline Dumbbell Press


Chin Ups

Barbell Rows




Leg Curls

Straight legged Dead lifts

Standing Calf Raises


Military Press (In Rack)

Seated Dumbbell Press

Standing Lateral Raises

Rope Pull Downs


Barbell Curls

Hammer Curls

Forearm Curl

I'm extremely out of shape after mono, much weaker and super bad cardio as well. I know I gotta ease back into it but was just wondering if anyone on here could give me some advice before I start getting back into the gym. 
i weigh around 238, should be weighing around 200 in may....lets see if i can accomplish this, started the year eating unhealthy lets goo
Originally Posted by ATLfootballer

Originally Posted by scshift

How do you get the dumbbells up for shoulder press without a spotter? Now that I can't curl them, it's becoming an issue. I had to stand up and clean them today, then sit back down. Is there a better way to do this?

Place them on your knees, then hoist (sp) them up one at a time using your knees.... works everytime

had the same trouble when i started lifting, just get comfortable with lower weight first and use momentum to get one up at a time.

might need some practice, key is using your knees
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