Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Al Audi

you never tried it though.....

i dont even trust protein powders........

even hydrowhey from a respected company like dunno how much is really hydrolyzed

Nah I'm not knocking it,
however, I'm curious as to why you trust humapro over protein powders.


That will make a difference. Remember, it only take 5 snowflakes to start a snowball. Continue to read articles regarding nutrition and training to meet your ideal goals... eventually you'll be the guy who people are asking questions.

Chico Cummings

Good job on putting work in. as far as that article goes... just keep in mind that Yahoo contributes articles designed for the masses. That may be true for certain people or in certain studies but for a general rules of thumb your metabolism isn't going to "jump start". Whenever I even see the word metabolism I stop reading... so many myths out there

I failed on my 5th rep bench press today. didn't have a spotter and didnt want to yell HELP.... pictured someone with a loaded gun to my head and forced the %$## outta that bar
. Ive been utilizing a 5/5 cadence and my bench press weight is stalling 
Lets discuss weight gain.


meal 1

meal 2

+ 1/2 cup almonds, 2L of milk, 1 cup oatmeal, 16 egg whites total, 1/4cup almond butter
HIIT after every workout

I used to do the Elliptical but got the best results on a treadmill.

I go 1 1/2 minute intervals on 3.0 speed and 6.0 incline and then 1 1/2 minute interval on 8.0 and 10.0 incline

I go around 20-25 minutes.
Shoveling snow is a good workout.

Before going out I took a multi, omega capsules, flax seed, 1 scoop of protein, NO Explode, Super Pump and Beta-Alanine.

While shoveling I sipped on some BCAAs to preserve muscle.

Immediately after shoveling I jetted inside so that I wouldnt waste my workout. Chugged down another shake mixed with glutamine, creatine, test-booster and dextrose because I didnt want my muscles turning into fat.

Great workout for chest, shoulders, back, quads, glutes and calfs
Just started trying to get my aesthetics back in proper form, so the ladies will be mirin'... trying to drop about 50 overall
Starting weight-250, goal-200... the lowest I've been is 205 so ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE [/garnett]

went to local nutrishop here in san marcos and copped

- Protein 7 (Blend of whey & Caesin proteins and some other stuff)
- some BCAA supplement they have there, forgot what its called
- Vasocor (similar to NO-Xplode, minus the creatine)
- a herbal detox
- a "cardio" multi v from walgreens

Also switched my diet up
- Cut back on beer
- No more fried/fast food
- drink way more water
- high protein, low carbs with lots of veggies

My workouts are going to be full body workouts with emphasis on the legs and core
- instead of pyramids like i used to do, going to be doing less sets, with more reps and lower weight
- protein shake, and cardio immediately after the workout, usually 30 minutes of what I call "intense" basketball shooting lol
What supps are you guys taking that allow you to constantly attempt these odd sarcastic posts? who's enjoying/requesting these?
very well thought out

I like to picture myself 400 B.C kickin it with Adonis and Zeus in Greece.
I have a pet goat. I lift this sheep every day. As the goat gets bigger, so do I.
I drink the goats milk for protein. PWO and PWO.
Sadly, replace "shoveling snow" with "work out" and a lot of people wouldnt question that post.  Thats pretty bad.
My motivation for the post was that earlier in the day I decide to go to the gym for a quick workout. The same time I got in I see a muscular/chubby looking dude hopping onto the elliptical. I'm not sure how long my workout was but I'm guessing about 40 minutes. After I'm done I go to the lockerroom to get my stuff and I see the same dude drink a bottle of gatorade followed by a protein shake. I'm thinking, "This dude just burned maybe 300 calories doing cardio and nearly consumed that amount worth of calories in just a few seconds". Probably read that doing cardio burns muscle and that you need simple carbs combined with whey to shuffle protein to the muscles ASAP in order to prevent catabolism
Originally Posted by manamazing55

hey guys,

I just started going to the gym this week. I have been walking 30 minutes each day, trying to eat healthier and drink more water. Just doing those things should make a pretty big difference right?
eating healthier (clean if you could) and lesser calories is probably more important in weight loss. Yea but you are on the right track. Keep up the good work and try to increase your distance every week passing by. 
Originally Posted by blacktopking319

Originally Posted by manamazing55

hey guys,

I just started going to the gym this week. I have been walking 30 minutes each day, trying to eat healthier and drink more water. Just doing those things should make a pretty big difference right?
eating healthier (clean if you could) and lesser calories is probably more important in weight loss. Yea but you are on the right track. Keep up the good work and try to increase your distance every week passing by. 

thanks. Im really mad at myself for letting my weight get back out of hand, so I gotta put a stop to it now.
quick question. whenever my workout requires the use of legs (squat, deadlift, etc.) it trembles like crazy. i can't squat or dead lift in a smooth motion without my legs severely shaking. i'm not even using extremely heavy weight...
anything i can do to minimize the trembling? is it because of weak stabilizer muscles? obviously, i'm not an expert...
Originally Posted by l2icel3oi9i6

quick question. whenever my workout requires the use of legs (squat, deadlift, etc.) it trembles like crazy. i can't squat or dead lift in a smooth motion without my legs severely shaking. i'm not even using extremely heavy weight...
anything i can do to minimize the trembling? is it because of weak stabilizer muscles? obviously, i'm not an expert...

Yeah it's your stabilizers. Just keep at it and it will all come together
how can i increase the size of my chest? I only have a incline/decline/flat bench with a dumb set that go from 10 to 50 Lbs, and I also run on a treadmill after a workout.
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

I dont really take fat burners but do they work? I heard good things about oxy elite pro

Only temporary.  I knew a dude that took fat burners and there were crazy side effects.  Plus, you want people mirin your hard work, not b/c you pop pills
Originally Posted by pchen83

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

I dont really take fat burners but do they work? I heard good things about oxy elite pro

Only temporary.  I knew a dude that took fat burners and there were crazy side effects.  Plus, you want people mirin your hard work, not b/c you pop pills
You dont even squat man
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