Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by kicksnmusic

what rep range should i be in for muscle growth? i currently do 12, 10, 8, 6 or 10 reps 4x of any given exercise.

Anywhere from 6 to 10.
I gotz a question (first time being in here lol)

ive been at home on medical leave from school and decided I was going to spend some of my time working out
Cant drive for 6 months cause of meds, and dont want to do too too much

Im fairly skinny 6'9 180-185
I started doing 20 pushups, 20 situps and 10 over Behind) head dumbell presses for my triceps every hour from 10am-10pm alternating wide, regular, and diamonds
that plus eating, gained me 12-15 pounds
This was all using that Golds Gym bar thing that has the options

I weigh 192-195 right now, and am trying to get a good beach body for spring break or the Summer (I have a pretty boring life)
I got a pretty good lower chest and want to build my upper chest area more, and want to define the abs that I have
right now im doing 30 pushups, a set of 30 left side situps, 30 on the right, and doing 20 tricep excersises (sp?)

should i do the same pushups in a decline way, and would running define my abs?
ideas, suggestions would be helpful

(im taking Amplified Creatine one in the morning and one at night) before and after workout...mainly cause im bored and want to see the results but im sure itll get me bigger
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I wish I was able to push myself as far as I do with DL, doing bench press. No spotter FTL. I rarely go to failure worried I'm gonna get pinned under the bar.
Thats why I'm still benching 185 max and my chest is not growing. dumbbells (55s) are not helping me grow
One time I was doing a set of bench press to failure at the end of my workout, just the barbell with 2 25lb plates on it (95lbs total). When I failed, the bar rested on my chest, I rolled it to my waist then curled it back onto the rack. Felt like a boss

But man, seriously, your bench press max is 185 and you use the 55lb dumbbells? Crazy... I'm using the 70lb dumbbells for 3-5 reps on a good day and I can only bench like 160 once. I NEED that 185lb bench press.
Well 55s would be for 3x10 on a good day. I did 70s ONE time and got about three reps out. bad form. 65s max. 
my damn wrists are just too damn skinny 

not gonna lie... I do DL every week and I'm gonna be doing 350 next week without straps. hasn't done a damn thing for my wrists 

Should I be holding the bar for a count when I get to the top of a DL? will that build my wrists?
for bench, maybe try doing some forearm exercises just sitting around or between sets of leg exercises, don't know if it'll help your bench or not, but 
maybe vary the grips you have benching, i don't know if you naturally tuck your elbows in like how i do with push-ups and i somewhat do so when i bench but, 

I believe, or at least it feels like the wider grip you have benching the more i feel it in my chest. 
Been lurking awhile on this thread, and definitely appreciate the useful info that has been shared

I have a quick question for the pro's. I'm looking to do a second cycle of clen/t3. However I'm curious as to which research companies may provide the best clen for my lab rats, seeing as my first experiment was very dissappointing
. I've got better results from doin a ECA stack. However I'm looking to do this again, since I think another reason for the lack of success was not dosing high enough (ramped up to 100mcg max for both & have read that liquid clen is usually underdosed) and I'm roughly 6'4 & 250lbs. I have a 4 day split, with cardio 3 days out the week. I've also finally got my diet in check, so I'm hoping for far greater results this time around.

So does anyone have any experience with any of the following:

AG Research aka Ancillary Guys
RUI Products aka AR-R

Please feel free to recommend any others you have had great experiences with and hopefully with your recommendations, I place my order tomorrow.
hey what's up NT fam...

so i will be going on a liquid diet starting next monday.... can anyone give me ANY information or tips? (foods to consume/avoid, how long, meal plans, etc.) anything helps!!!

thanks in advance
What in the world is a liquid diet? and if it is a liquid diet, how do you need tips on foods to consume and meal plans?
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

What in the world is a liquid diet? and if it is a liquid diet, how do you need tips on foods to consume and meal plans?
oh its not literally a liquid diet.... its just what they call it u still eat fruits and vegetable broths and stuff like that...

search it up, apparently it helps reprogram and kinda gives your digestive system a nice little break.. lots of people do it, and like any other sort of diet there has to be some sort of guideline to follow

just wonderin if any Nters ever been on dat diet before, so any help is appreciated
Originally Posted by GreenRanger

Been lurking awhile on this thread, and definitely appreciate the useful info that has been shared

I have a quick question for the pro's. I'm looking to do a second cycle of clen/t3. However I'm curious as to which research companies may provide the best clen for my lab rats, seeing as my first experiment was very dissappointing
. I've got better results from doin a ECA stack. However I'm looking to do this again, since I think another reason for the lack of success was not dosing high enough (ramped up to 100mcg max for both & have read that liquid clen is usually underdosed) and I'm roughly 6'4 & 250lbs. I have a 4 day split, with cardio 3 days out the week. I've also finally got my diet in check, so I'm hoping for far greater results this time around.

So does anyone have any experience with any of the following:

AG Research aka Ancillary Guys
RUI Products aka AR-R

Please feel free to recommend any others you have had great experiences with and hopefully with your recommendations, I place my order tomorrow.

I used an AR-R clen product a few years back and i couldnt stop shaking.

it wasnt that bad, but when I was writing, I couldnt put the pencil to the paper without shaking uncontrollably.

I never used anything like that ever again

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

AudiA1 what weightxrep do you use for deadlifting??

I wish I was able to push myself as far as I do with DL, doing bench press. No spotter FTL. I rarely go to failure worried I'm gonna get pinned under the bar.
Thats why I'm still benching 185 max and my chest is not growing. dumbbells (55s) are not helping me grow
have you tried supersetting dumbbell bench presses with another chest exercise?
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Well 55s would be for 3x10 on a good day. I did 70s ONE time and got about three reps out. bad form. 65s max. 
my damn wrists are just too damn skinny 

not gonna lie... I do DL every week and I'm gonna be doing 350 next week without straps. hasn't done a damn thing for my wrists 

Should I be holding the bar for a count when I get to the top of a DL? will that build my wrists?

Do you mean your forearms?

the 'upper' forarm is actually an alright size... but lower, closer to my hand it just BONE. I can easily touch my index finger to my thumb wrapped around my wrist
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by GreenRanger

Been lurking awhile on this thread, and definitely appreciate the useful info that has been shared

I have a quick question for the pro's. I'm looking to do a second cycle of clen/t3. However I'm curious as to which research companies may provide the best clen for my lab rats, seeing as my first experiment was very dissappointing
. I've got better results from doin a ECA stack. However I'm looking to do this again, since I think another reason for the lack of success was not dosing high enough (ramped up to 100mcg max for both & have read that liquid clen is usually underdosed) and I'm roughly 6'4 & 250lbs. I have a 4 day split, with cardio 3 days out the week. I've also finally got my diet in check, so I'm hoping for far greater results this time around.

So does anyone have any experience with any of the following:

AG Research aka Ancillary Guys
RUI Products aka AR-R

Please feel free to recommend any others you have had great experiences with and hopefully with your recommendations, I place my order tomorrow.

I used an AR-R clen product a few years back and i couldnt stop shaking.

it wasnt that bad, but when I was writing, I couldnt put the pencil to the paper without shaking uncontrollably.

I never used anything like that ever again

Wellness Policy Violation.
I just finished Day 3 of Week 2 of P90X.

After last week I didn't do anything on Saturday or Sunday. That meant no Kenpo or stretching. My body was just beat.

I started this week off strong, but got sick yesterday, so I skipped yesterday and began today off with yesterdays workout which was Shoulders/Arms. I will play catch up and do Yoga tomorrow, and legs and back on Saturday, and hopefully Kenpo on Sunday.

So far it is working great. It really keeps me motivated to turn it on everyday and I have a ton of energy and I can already feel some of the fat shredding off.

Keep you posted later this week on my P90X Challenge.

Brett. What's your chest routine like? I was stuck at only pushing 185 on the barbell bench-press for about 6 reps about 2 months ago. I switched to doing chest twice a week. On my first day I would do incline dumbbell bench press first and I would hit them hard every week along with some hammer strength machine presses and cable flyes. On my second chest day I would do heavy weighted dips and heavy close grip barbell bench-press along with some dumbbell flyes. Each chest day didn't have too many exercises, but I would do high volume with 4-6 sets per exercise. After the 2 months I decided to try out the flat barbell bench-press again for fun and I was able to put up 215 for 8 reps for 2 sets. Felt good man. I would pick incline dumbbell bench-press over flat barbell bench any day. I feel my chest working a lot much harder than the flat barbell.
Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by man listen

nt meatheads quick question......squats and deadlifts, same day, good idea?

does that apply to romanian deadlifts as well?
really? i been doing squats and deadlifts on the same day since i started lifting. any reason why?
Originally Posted by comacoma33

I just finished Day 3 of Week 2 of P90X.

After last week I didn't do anything on Saturday or Sunday. That meant no Kenpo or stretching. My body was just beat.

I started this week off strong, but got sick yesterday, so I skipped yesterday and began today off with yesterdays workout which was Shoulders/Arms. I will play catch up and do Yoga tomorrow, and legs and back on Saturday, and hopefully Kenpo on Sunday.

So far it is working great. It really keeps me motivated to turn it on everyday and I have a ton of energy and I can already feel some of the fat shredding off.

Keep you posted later this week on my P90X Challenge.


Just stick on the program the best you can man. I just started the second round last week and I'm feeling great

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

AudiA1 what weightxrep do you use for deadlifting??

I wish I was able to push myself as far as I do with DL, doing bench press. No spotter FTL. I rarely go to failure worried I'm gonna get pinned under the bar.
Thats why I'm still benching 185 max and my chest is not growing. dumbbells (55s) are not helping me grow
Bench in a power rack and set the safeties.  You should still see progress in your bench even without going to failure though.    
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by kicksnmusic

what rep range should i be in for muscle growth? i currently do 12, 10, 8, 6 or 10 reps 4x of any given exercise.

Anywhere from 6 to 10.

I always thought low rep, high weight got the best growth.

so 3X5 with a longer rest period.
Originally Posted by Ground King

oh its not literally a liquid diet.... its just what they call it u still eat fruits and vegetable broths and stuff like that...

search it up, apparently it helps reprogram and kinda gives your digestive system a nice little break.. lots of people do it, and like any other sort of diet there has to be some sort of guideline to follow

just wonderin if any Nters ever been on dat diet before, so any help is appreciated

Don't do it. Isn't any good for anything aside from catabolism. You're better off with fasting. Check out LeanGains, Warrior Diet, and Eat Stop Eat. Far better alternatives in my opinion.
ShadyKay NT wrote:
Durden7 wrote:
kicksnmusic wrote:
what rep range should i be in for muscle growth? i currently do 12, 10, 8, 6 or 10 reps 4x of any given exercise.

Anywhere from 6 to 10.

I always thought low rep, high weight got the best growth.

so 3X5 with a longer rest period. 
Heavy weight, low reps, and high volume work wonderfully. Check out Pavel's Russian Bear routine. He says to get a pump with a heavy weight.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Well 55s would be for 3x10 on a good day. I did 70s ONE time and got about three reps out. bad form. 65s max. 
my damn wrists are just too damn skinny 

not gonna lie... I do DL every week and I'm gonna be doing 350 next week without straps. hasn't done a damn thing for my wrists 

Should I be holding the bar for a count when I get to the top of a DL? will that build my wrists?

Do you mean your forearms?

the 'upper' forarm is actually an alright size... but lower, closer to my hand it just BONE. I can easily touch my index finger to my thumb wrapped around my wrist
Thats because theres no muscles at your wrist.  Its all bone ligaments and tendons.  Your wrist circumference cant grow. 
Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by man listen

nt meatheads quick question......squats and deadlifts, same day, good idea?

does that apply to romanian deadlifts as well?
really? i been doing squats and deadlifts on the same day since i started lifting. any reason why?
Same here. 2 workouts a week with squats and deadlifts on each day.

I guess it's probably because you can probably lift more and get better results doing them on separate days. Does this mean I should just do them 1x a week if I workout twice per week?
So I've been cutting for about a month now and my upper abs are taking shape again.  However, I'm still having issues with my lower back (love handles) and lower stomach.  It's not significantly bad, but I want to eliminate it fully (I know you can't spot reduce
My diet is really clean and I'm doing a variation of HIIT and steady state cardio 4 times a week.  I'm also doing a single bodypart SS workout, something that is new to me but really gets my heart rate up.  Any other advice?
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