Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Brett I don't know my deadlift max right now because I have not tested for it but I do 335 no problem. I been doin 225 first set, 275, 315, 335 for my final 10 reps 4th/set.
L2L, you take any appetite suppressants when cutting? I feel like I cant cut without them because I'm always so damn hungry. I agree with you though that its possible to drop serious weight while maintaining/gaining strength.

February has not been a good month for me though...I was like 9% BF last month and now I dont even wanna step next to a scale. Maintaining weight at low BF% is hard as hell...I was eating 3000k a day at 165 pounds and still hungry
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

L2L, you take any appetite suppressants when cutting? I feel like I cant cut without them because I'm always so damn hungry. I agree with you though that its possible to drop serious weight while maintaining/gaining strength.

February has not been a good month for me though...I was like 9% BF last month and now I dont even wanna step next to a scale. Maintaining weight at low BF% is hard as hell...I was eating 3000k a day at 165 pounds and still hungry
ive never takin a appetie suppressant.................its a lot of mental work and WATER, WATER, WATER

scott depending on the day 30-40
brett no hate but you need to switch chest routine or maybe do less cable or go heavier. Maybe do 3 sets of 5 negatives first thing your numbers just seem really low for how long you been at it
More Keto Info:

Keto Fat Sources

Fish oil
Extra Virgin olive oil
Mac-nut oil
Avocado oil
Egg Yolks

Not Recommended:
Flax oil
flax seed meal/seeds
Omega-6 supplements
O-3 Combo oils (3/6/9/ mixtures)
excessive amounts of nuts

Omega-3 + Omega-6 fats are essential, because they cannot be produced in humans by any known chemical pathways; and therefore must be obtained from the diet.

Omega-9 fats (like EVOO) are not essential, but are monounsaturated fats, and are very heart healthy.

I believe in supplementing with Omega-3 fats (Fish oil), however, I don't feel it’s necessary to supplement with Omega-6 fats; because plenty of Omega-6 fats are obtained through the diet.

Excess Omega−6 fats can actually interfere with the health benefits of O−3 fats; partly because they compete for the same rate-limiting enzymes. A high proportion of O−6 to O−3 fat in the diet shifts the physiological state in the tissues toward the pathogenesis of many diseases: prothrombotic, proinflammatory and proconstrictive.

Excessive production of O−6 is associated with heart attacks, thrombotic stroke, arrhythmia, arthritis, osteoporosis, inflammation, mood disorders and cancer

Omega-3 fatty acids:

Eicosapentaenoic Acid or EPA
Docosahexaenoic Acid or DHA

Alpha linolenic Acid or ALA (not recommended as a main source)

Omega 3 examples:

Fish oil

Omega-6 fatty acids

gamma-linolenic acid or GLA
dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid
arachidonic acid

Omega-6 Examples:

Evening primrose oil
Borage oil

Foods that contain Omega-6 fatty acids:



cereals grains
whole-grains breads

whole-grain breads
baked goods..etc, etc.

Low carb diets work if you know what you doing.

How many grams of fish oil everyone taking?

I try to take 3gm of Dha/epa

1 pill is like 1300mg with 950mg of epa/dha
When I hit a plateau on bench, I figured I had to go harder on shoulders and tris so I can support the higher DB weights for bench. To go higher in weight on bench I basically did strength sets with high weight low reps.. Eventually I went higher in reps on the higher weight. This may not work for you Brett but you def gotta change something up. That's not a good bench for your weight.
Originally Posted by Chonky Monk

Anybody here used jack3d??
Whats it like? Any negative effects?

I'd like to know this as well. Also what is the best pre-workout supplement? I'm tired of having the typical lazy feeling before I work out, I need more energy. Thx in advance
Originally Posted by CanIFly34

Originally Posted by Chonky Monk

Anybody here used jack3d??
Whats it like? Any negative effects?

I'd like to know this as well. Also what is the best pre-workout supplement? I'm tired of having the typical lazy feeling before I work out, I need more energy. Thx in advance
side effects: a bit jittery if you DON'T work it out, limp erection
, loss of appetite (maybe for me because i dont drink  a gallon a water a day), and if you take it late afternoon, it might keep you up

those are all it for me
Originally Posted by wanksta23

Originally Posted by CanIFly34

Originally Posted by Chonky Monk

Anybody here used jack3d??
Whats it like? Any negative effects?
I'd like to know this as well. Also what is the best pre-workout supplement? I'm tired of having the typical lazy feeling before I work out, I need more energy. Thx in advance
limp erection
I honestly think its a real side effect

I need to hurry up and finish this damn bottle
Im 6'0 187 Lbs, i wanna get it down to 170ish, while getting toned muscle,

what would be the fastest way?
Audi you anorexic? You need to eat. I can email you some information about people you can see to talk you through your situation.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Yeah some good info but this guy came across as a bigger dbag than the people he was calling dbags.

yea i noticed that too..............

i like how this guy talks though, he is obviously into this (&#$# for real and very informative i believe he has a bright future in this industry

 hyper anorexic, yea right....., i was at the chinese buffet last night. see me in real life im a very healthy fit person.

the cut with hp was great, im gonna use it on my lean mass plan also. this time i gotta really get my diet all the one down. i cant have any slip ups. its like im in a contest prep mode now. (think im gonna finally become a rep) 
Originally Posted by nyk buc

can anyone hook me up with the p90x workout routine? thanks a lot


Day 1 - Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 2 - Plyometrics
Day 3 - Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
Day 4 - Yoga X
Day 5 - Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 6 - Kenpo X
Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch

Week 4

Day 1 - Yoga X
Day 2 - Core Synergistics
Day 3 - Kenpo X
Day 4 - X Stretch
Day 5 - Core Synergistics
Day 6 - Yoga X
Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch

Weeks 5-7

Day 1 - Chest Shoulders & Triceps, Ab Ripper X
Day 2 - Plyometrics
Day 3 - Back & Biceps, Ab Ripper X
Day 4 - Yoga X
Day 5 - Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 6 - Kenpo X
Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch

Week 8

Day 1 - Yoga X
Day 2 - Core Synergistics
Day 3 - Kenpo X
Day 4 - X Stretch
Day 5 - Core Synergistics
Day 6 - Yoga X
Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch

Weeks 9 & 11

Day 1 - Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 2 - Plyometrics
Day 3 - Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
Day 4 - Yoga X
Day 5 - Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 6 - Kenpo X
Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch

Weeks 10 & 12

Day 1 - Chest Shoulders & Triceps, Ab Ripper X
Day 2 - Plyometrics
Day 3 - Back & Biceps, Ab Ripper X
Day 4 - Yoga X
Day 5 - Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 6 - Kenpo X
Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch

Week 13

Day 1 - Yoga X
Day 2 - Core Synergistics
Day 3 - Kenpo X
Day 4 - X Stretch
Day 5 - Core Synergistics
Day 6 - Yoga X
Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch

And for the dudes asking about PWO, i've been using MP's Assault recently, im on my second bottle actually and i LOVE it.
Okay I think in order to prioritize my bench/chest development I need to start doing it more
1 - chest
2 - rest
3 - legs
4 - chest
5 - rest
6 - back
7 - chest
8 - rest
9 - shoulders

Each main muscle group will have a workout based around the main lift i.e. shoulder day is really just Military press + assistance exercises.
Does this seem logical??? Can someone PLEASE suggest a good chest routine for each day?
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