Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by earvcunanan

Need advice on how to get to 150 while gaining weight/muscle/mass
I'm 5"6 and weigh 130 (I plateau'd with my current routine)
True Mass (630 calories per serving, taking 3 servings a day) just doesn't cut it
I eat 3 meals per day, but my breakfast starts off small (banana + True Mass + cereal)
I only have a pull-up bar, 2x 10lb dumb bells, 2x 20lb dumb bells, P90x DVDs, Insanity Workout DVD

Which protein shake would you guys recommend for me? And how should I space out my meals through out the day? Thanks.
I dont know what your monetary situation is but it sounds like your getting the majority of your calories from a shake which is not the best thing for you. Shakes should be used to compliment an already rounded diet. Look into oats, tuna, eggs, peanut butter, whole grain pasta etc. All of those things are relatively cheap and can help you put on mass. You gotta up the weights or find another way to lift weights. I have heard of people using milk as barbells or bags of rice. Do a lot of body lift exercises, pullups (wide grip, close grip) chin ups (wide, close) dips, squats, pushups from all different hand set ups and angles. You can get a decent workout with stuff around your house just gotta be resourceful.
Need some advice/motivation tips.

So to start off, I weigh 145, I'm 5"8 and well just a TAD bit lazy.

I'm trying to get into shape before the summer, or at least just in general. I have a hard time getting motivated which is why I usually sit on my couch do HW and watch TV if not jump on to the Xbox Live. I'm pretty sure the cold weather plays a big factor, but seeing how a lot of you guys sound like your in good shape so I wanted to ask.

Just wanted to know what keeps you motivated and what advice would you have for me to get cut up and gain some muscle tone. I'm not OUT of shape, but I know i'm not IN shape either. I just happen to be slim if you understand?

If you have any tips, could you please help me out?
Originally Posted by earvcunanan

Need advice on how to get to 150 while gaining weight/muscle/mass
I'm 5"6 and weigh 130 (I plateau'd with my current routine)
True Mass (630 calories per serving, taking 3 servings a day) just doesn't cut it
I eat 3 meals per day, but my breakfast starts off small (banana + True Mass + cereal)
I only have a pull-up bar, 2x 10lb dumb bells, 2x 20lb dumb bells, P90x DVDs, Insanity Workout DVD

Which protein shake would you guys recommend for me? And how should I space out my meals through out the day? Thanks.
eat more sammiches dawg

Originally Posted by man listen

nt meatheads quick question......squats and deadlifts, same day, good idea?
if u call urself a man its a good idea?
btw you will feel like ur gonna puke post-workout!!! and hydrate well before-hand

AudiA1 what weightxrep do you use for deadlifting??

I wish I was able to push myself as far as I do with DL, doing bench press. No spotter FTL. I rarely go to failure worried I'm gonna get pinned under the bar.
Thats why I'm still benching 185 max and my chest is not growing. dumbbells (55s) are not helping me grow
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

AudiA1 what weightxrep do you use for deadlifting??

I wish I was able to push myself as far as I do with DL, doing bench press. No spotter FTL. I rarely go to failure worried I'm gonna get pinned under the bar.
Thats why I'm still benching 185 max and my chest is not growing. dumbbells (55s) are not helping me grow

Why don't you go over to the smith machine? I know it limits your range of motion but you can max out on it without worrying about dying *shrugs*
Originally Posted by mrkane

Originally Posted by man listen

nt meatheads quick question......squats and deadlifts, same day, good idea?
if u call urself a man its a good idea?
btw you will feel like ur gonna puke post-workout!!! and hydrate well before-hand

just got back from the gym. 5x5 squat, 5x5 deadlift
. didn't feel like doing *!#% after that so I left

brett - pushups....kill yourself with pushups, you will get gains. just do them until you can't lift yourself anymore and then go immediately to the "girl" pushups until you can't do those anymore. rest, repeat. the good thing is that even though it's intense you won't be sore all day and the next like you would with weights. also gives your physique a distinct shape that you can't really get with weights
Originally Posted by i just got lucky

I need some advice.

I'm 5'8" and 185 lbs. (I used to be 195) my goal is to be 170 lbs. I've lost 10 lbs in 6 weeks. But I seem to have plateau'd and having a hard time losing the next 15 lbs.

When I was 195 I lifted a whole lot and ate a lot. so I wasn't cut, i just looked big with muscle and fat. But I wanted to look leaner/longer and I dont want that 'bulky' look IMO it looks kinda awkward since im short.

during the first 5 weeks I did nothing but cardio...

Mon/Wed/Fri - I pretty much went to the gym twice morning and night
Tues/Thurs - just on the evening
Sat/Sun - on the mornings

I would usually take a break on a Sat or Tues. It just depends on how my body felt. I would burn about 1000 calories per session. Anything from running for about 6 miles on threamill, and/or break it down and do 40 minutes on the bike and another 40 on the eliptical.

2 weeks ago I started adding 30 minutes of intense light weight training with my routine. But it seems like it is not working. I'm stuck at 185 and I can't seem to lose anymore weight.

BTW. I'm taking Jack3d (pre work out), Cell Mass (post work-out/before I go to sleep on my day off and I take another scoop as soon as I wake up), ON Gold standard Whey (mid-morning snack + fruit), Fish oil and Optimen multivitamin.

what am I doing wrong?
You taking mad supplements for just doing cardio.
Yo good advice right here.

Could I do regular bench till I'm not comfortable going solo, then do smith, then do pushups?
Is there such thing as over kill???? Failure and overloading = growth, right?
I just finished my getting stronger phase, now I need to lose all the fat I gained. How should my workouts be structured now, in terms of lifting and cardio? And what about supplements? I have whey protein in my house.

I can't afford to lose any of the strength I gained, or any of the mass. I do need to lose the fat though, I'm 5'7" 150lbs now and got quite some fat so hopefully I'll finish around 140 lbs.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I wish I was able to push myself as far as I do with DL, doing bench press. No spotter FTL. I rarely go to failure worried I'm gonna get pinned under the bar.
Thats why I'm still benching 185 max and my chest is not growing. dumbbells (55s) are not helping me grow
One time I was doing a set of bench press to failure at the end of my workout, just the barbell with 2 25lb plates on it (95lbs total). When I failed, the bar rested on my chest, I rolled it to my waist then curled it back onto the rack. Felt like a boss

But man, seriously, your bench press max is 185 and you use the 55lb dumbbells? Crazy... I'm using the 70lb dumbbells for 3-5 reps on a good day and I can only bench like 160 once. I NEED that 185lb bench press.
Originally Posted by El Unico

Need some advice/motivation tips.

So to start off, I weigh 145, I'm 5"8 and well just a TAD bit lazy.

I'm trying to get into shape before the summer, or at least just in general. I have a hard time getting motivated which is why I usually sit on my couch do HW and watch TV if not jump on to the Xbox Live. I'm pretty sure the cold weather plays a big factor, but seeing how a lot of you guys sound like your in good shape so I wanted to ask.

Just wanted to know what keeps you motivated and what advice would you have for me to get cut up and gain some muscle tone. I'm not OUT of shape, but I know i'm not IN shape either. I just happen to be slim if you understand?

If you have any tips, could you please help me out?

look in the mirror bro and realize that you weigh 145 lbs....that should be motivation enough
Originally Posted by CarolinaPack04

Originally Posted by El Unico

Need some advice/motivation tips.

So to start off, I weigh 145, I'm 5"8 and well just a TAD bit lazy.

I'm trying to get into shape before the summer, or at least just in general. I have a hard time getting motivated which is why I usually sit on my couch do HW and watch TV if not jump on to the Xbox Live. I'm pretty sure the cold weather plays a big factor, but seeing how a lot of you guys sound like your in good shape so I wanted to ask.

Just wanted to know what keeps you motivated and what advice would you have for me to get cut up and gain some muscle tone. I'm not OUT of shape, but I know i'm not IN shape either. I just happen to be slim if you understand?

If you have any tips, could you please help me out?

look in the mirror bro and realize that you weigh 145 lbs....that should be motivation enough


Tips? Invest in two 12lb bags of Serious Mass son and go to work.

-The Juice
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by man listen

nt meatheads quick question......squats and deadlifts, same day, good idea?


only time I do squats + deadlifts is if I'm doing Romanian deads to hit my hamstrings.

Standard deadlifts go on back days
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I wish I was able to push myself as far as I do with DL, doing bench press. No spotter FTL. I rarely go to failure worried I'm gonna get pinned under the bar.
Thats why I'm still benching 185 max and my chest is not growing. dumbbells (55s) are not helping me grow
One time I was doing a set of bench press to failure at the end of my workout, just the barbell with 2 25lb plates on it (95lbs total). When I failed, the bar rested on my chest, I rolled it to my waist then curled it back onto the rack. Felt like a boss

But man, seriously, your bench press max is 185 and you use the 55lb dumbbells? Crazy... I'm using the 70lb dumbbells for 3-5 reps on a good day and I can only bench like 160 once. I NEED that 185lb bench press.
Well 55s would be for 3x10 on a good day. I did 70s ONE time and got about three reps out. bad form. 65s max. 
my damn wrists are just too damn skinny 

not gonna lie... I do DL every week and I'm gonna be doing 350 next week without straps. hasn't done a damn thing for my wrists 

Should I be holding the bar for a count when I get to the top of a DL? will that build my wrists?
Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by man listen

nt meatheads quick question......squats and deadlifts, same day, good idea?

does that apply to romanian deadlifts as well?

I just dont think any variation of squats or deadlifts should be done on the same day.

waayyy too physically taxing, and you want to be at your freshest to produce maximum output in both workouts for optimum results.
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by man listen

nt meatheads quick question......squats and deadlifts, same day, good idea?

does that apply to romanian deadlifts as well?

I just dont think any variation of squats or deadlifts should be done on the same day.

waayyy too physically taxing, and you want to be at your freshest to produce maximum output in both workouts for optimum results.
I used to do deads, squats and power cleans on the same day back when I was in school. Saw the best gains I ever had. Not gonna lie the first time I finished the workout I honestly felt like I was gonna boot but didn't. After that I used to get really worn out but nothing I hadn't experienced from high intensity activity. I got decent gains in all three too
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Well 55s would be for 3x10 on a good day. I did 70s ONE time and got about three reps out. bad form. 65s max. 
my damn wrists are just too damn skinny 

not gonna lie... I do DL every week and I'm gonna be doing 350 next week without straps. hasn't done a damn thing for my wrists 

Should I be holding the bar for a count when I get to the top of a DL? will that build my wrists?

Do you mean your forearms?
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