Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Decline and flat put more mass on your chest than incline. No question.

Where are you getting this information from.

Why not hit your chest from all angles and call it a day.

Incline is utilizes much much more tricep and delt muscles. Your pecs aren't being worked as hard. 
depends on your angle...from personal experience decline db press or bb press tend to give you muscular ****...while it does add mass I still find it the worst chest exercise because if overdone you get ****.
I would rather recommend a flat bench with proper form.  An incline bench done at a 30-35 degree angle will be able to hit your upper chest and get some work done on your front delts.  Your triceps and delts get hit no matter what bench position your in.  The higher you go above 30-35 degrees your focusing more on your shoulders and from personal experience if your trying to hit upper chest Higher =/= better for upper chest.
Speaking of chest, my homie just posted his new tattoo, I gotta ask him what his workout is 
.... he's in the league btw
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Where are you getting this information from.

Why not hit your chest from all angles and call it a day.

Incline is utilizes much much more tricep and delt muscles. Your pecs aren't being worked as hard. 
depends on your angle...from personal experience decline db press or bb press tend to give you muscular ****...while it does add mass I still find it the worst chest exercise because if overdone you get ****.
I would rather recommend a flat bench with proper form.  An incline bench done at a 30-35 degree angle will be able to hit your upper chest and get some work done on your front delts.  Your triceps and delts get hit no matter what bench position your in.  The higher you go above 30-35 degrees your focusing more on your shoulders and from personal experience if your trying to hit upper chest Higher =/= better for upper chest.

I lol'ed every time I read th word ****. Well played/

The single greatest factor is genetics imo.  I'm about 5'7", 190  lbs (so it's not an overall lack of mass), I can flat BB 280 x 5 , incline is about 260 x 5 and I do not have a developed chest at all. It may be because my entire chest routine consists of 5x5 or 7x 3 once a week. Even when I had a higher volume chest routine, it still wasn't that developed. I see a lot of people chasing that perfect chest but it's futile. It's mostly genetics as it pertains to your chest shape. 
Anyone here taken 1MR? I was just wondering how it was, especially compared to Jack3d if you've done that. I've been on Jack3d and it's not really doing much for me anymore (I stopped for like a month and started again but it's still not very effective).
Originally Posted by bbllplaya23

Anyone here taken 1MR? I was just wondering how it was, especially compared to Jack3d if you've done that. I've been on Jack3d and it's not really doing much for me anymore (I stopped for like a month and started again but it's still not very effective).
I got a free sample of this, I might take it tomorrow and let you know how it worked out...
Originally Posted by bbllplaya23

Anyone here taken 1MR? I was just wondering how it was, especially compared to Jack3d if you've done that. I've been on Jack3d and it's not really doing much for me anymore (I stopped for like a month and started again but it's still not very effective).
I didn't care for it at all. I liked Jack3d for the first 2 weeks or so and the effects wore off. 1mr felt like just a TON of stims with no real workout enhancing ingredients. Look into Muscle Pharm Assault for a pre...thank me after
I do 60% flat bench, 30% decline, and 10% dips and my chest has exploded in 4 months. My biceps, delts, and abs are lagging compared to my chest. For the next couple weeks ima focus on them.
Is it better to completely concentrate on working out one muscle (for example, work on chest exercises until you're done with your chest workout for the day) then move on to the next, or is it more beneficial to do 3 sets for one muscle, work on another muscle, then return to the first muscle group later?
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Al Audi

i dont have lifting goals, just mirror

dont get me wrong i am strong, i accomplished that long ago.

this right here
i wish i was a pro athlete or something, i want some physical goals that aren't strength based, i'm not trying to pull a truck or deadlift 1000 lbs. 

btw since ive been on cycle ive had no life whatsoever, i am staying in on this beautiful saturday night and have only been out a handful of times.......i have no self control when it comes to going out and drinking so i figure might as well stay away from all that. but i dont think i can last a full 8 weeks. 
So is it even safe to party on a cycle?

you shouldnt be drinking at all while on cycle
joe my co worker who is on gear isnt even havin sex at all........dude is chillin, matter fact he told me his libido is already shot the other day.

awesome pecs nh

genetics are def a part of that.
Yeah I haven't done decline presses since 2 years ago. I'm going for square pecs not rounded ones. Your lower chest develops faster than your upper chest and doing flat benches in enough to cover the mid and lower parts of your chest. My current chest workout consists of 75% incline and 25% flat.
Does anyone have /use any apps on their Droid or iPhone that they use to maximize their workouts? Looking to use different regiments, but all i see is app
hey guys,  I've decided to be less lazy and start  working out, im 19 and 160-165 pounds and 5'9- 5'10 , i was wondering if someone could post a routine that would be good for me, im not very strong, thanks in advance!
Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

Does anyone have /use any apps on their Droid or iPhone that they use to maximize their workouts? Looking to use different regiments, but all i see is app

on iphone i use mens health workouts, and full fitness. both are great apps. lots of different routines excercises
can anybody here recommend me a workout to LOSE lovehandles...... im 5'11 195 pounds.... u dont see it wen i got a shirt on but wen i take it off thats another story...... ANY HELP??

BTW- ive gotten so desperate that ive surran wrapped my mid section with that plastic u wrap meats with and went jogging then did sit ups just so i sweated more in that area
you can't necessarily target an area to lose weight in.... clean up your diet and keep up your cardio and weights then you'll see your improvements
Originally Posted by HOHLegend

can anybody here recommend me a workout to LOSE lovehandles...... im 5'11 195 pounds.... u dont see it wen i got a shirt on but wen i take it off thats another story...... ANY HELP??

BTW- ive gotten so desperate that ive surran wrapped my mid section with that plastic u wrap meats with and went jogging then did sit ups just so i sweated more in that area
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

I feel as though my chest is lagging a bit. Would it be prudent to throw another chest day in the week?

This is what I did to get some growth and strength in my chest..

5x5 BB flat or DB - increasing weight every set, or sometimes increasing the weight first 2 sets, then sticking at your max last 3 reps (have a spotter - this is important)
5x5 BB incline or DB - same as above
5x5 Decline BB - same as above
Pec Dec or Flat bench flys
Then maybe close grip bench..

Then I do squats and abs...

My chest has grown quite a bit, more definition and more strength.
Lurkin what's he running? I'm on just test and it's a joke how horny k am

As for incline I always do it because it's the best for upper chest. But for overall mass decline puts on more. They are different lifts for different purposes.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Lurkin what's he running? I'm on just test and it's a joke how horny k am

As for incline I always do it because it's the best for upper chest. But for overall mass decline puts on more. They are different lifts for different purposes.

Incline (upper chest ) is able to hold more muscle mass. I have no idea where you hear that the bottom chest (decline) can have more mass growth lol. If you are in a bulking phase incline and flat are a must. Decline promotes more cutting in the bottom of your pec. More shape.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

As for incline I always do it because it's the best for upper chest. But for overall mass decline puts on more. They are different lifts for different purposes.

Just stop with this friend.
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