Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Dbags using chalk at the gym and leaving that #+$% all over the place.

this... thats worse than ignorant folks that dont wipe down the bench after they use it
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

I dunno if I have been *****ing about my elbow in this thread or not......

But I finally got it looked at.

I tore my bicep.

what was the exact feeling? I strained my bicep really bad...would i know if it was a torn bicep right away or no?

curious what you felt--- i couldn't extend my right arm fully out for about 2 i can though easily
well... looks like it'll be a top heavy or cutting type summer...
finally got xrays for my knee and doc diagnosed it as a lateral meniscus tear
it looked exactly as my right knee did when it was torn 4 years ago.....
MRIs later this week..... I HATE not being able to do legs, esp heavy. They're my favorite days
injuries do suck... and i notice the same with deads, not soo much squats.... i mainly notice it when my core weakens though. so it's all upper body and core strengthening along with just keeping my legs "in shape" or as strong as possible so when surgery comes, PT isn't as hard as it should be. i can't really do any weighted squats so i just do the bar and press afterwards. worked on one legged squats/presses today and a lot of stability work, needless to say my left knee wasn't having it =/
Originally Posted by DNeou20

injuries do suck... and i notice the same with deads, not soo much squats.... i mainly notice it when my core weakens though. so it's all upper body and core strengthening along with just keeping my legs "in shape" or as strong as possible so when surgery comes, PT isn't as hard as it should be. i can't really do any weighted squats so i just do the bar and press afterwards. worked on one legged squats/presses today and a lot of stability work, needless to say my left knee wasn't having it =/

i had a acl/partial meniscus tear back on Halloween...
i had surgery to clean up and fix my meniscus tear about a month ago... my doctor didn't say i couldn't do squats, dead lifts and stuff (before surgery)...just said no deep squats...

do you know how long after meniscus surgery you cant do any leg work (weights) ?  i prompted to do my meniscus and leave ACL til winter.
Originally Posted by copped

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

I dunno if I have been *****ing about my elbow in this thread or not......

But I finally got it looked at.

I tore my bicep.

what was the exact feeling? I strained my bicep really bad...would i know if it was a torn bicep right away or no?

curious what you felt--- i couldn't extend my right arm fully out for about 2 i can though easily
Just intense stiffness. At first I thought it was just really bad tennis elbow that had been lingering. But then a few days ago when I came back home from vacation and did some dips I felt a weird clicking/popping in my elbow, didn't really think much of it and then a few hours later the bruise started developing. But the main feeling was just that pop, but I've been so used to the pops and cracks coming from that elbow for awhile now so I wasn't too worried until the bruising came. 
Also I really didn't know I tore or hurt anything right away. I just thought I might have pulled something badly or was just really sore
So I kept going. Heck even when the bruise came in I kept going at it until one of my friends mentioned his dad having a Bicep Tear and it kinda looked like the bruise I had, that was when I finally decided to get it looked at

The x-rays came back negative for any kind of bone spurs or fractures that the doctor was afraid of tho
and it turned out that the tear was somewhat minimal so no surgery for me
just have to stay outta the gym until the swelling and bruising goes away. I guess I got pretty lucky because most Bicep Tendon Tears result in complete tears and those usually require surgery. After that I'm gonna see a Sports Medicine Orthopedist to get some rehab around the joint since I have had tendinitis in their for YEARS now
I swear Ive been at 16.5% bf for like 2 months. caloric deficit and everything. i carb up on saturdays and keto on the others. should i try fat burning supplements? and do you guys recommend cardio and hiit on a keto?
If you don't re-rack weights when you're finished with them, I hope your children group up to never respect you....
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

If you don't re-rack weights when you're finished with them, I hope your children group up to never respect you....

y we still *****in about gym ettiquette tho? thats why they hire attendees to go around n spray down the machines n put misc. weights back

i dont use chalk and leave everything how it was when i got there if it matters
Originally Posted by bwood056

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by bwood056

I use straps, I have NO grip strength whatsoever. 2 broken wrists since high school will do that to u. All it helps u do is be one with the bar, your still lifting the weight.
I use lifting chalk...helps a lot.
Not a fan. Something about the texture of the bar of chalk that urks me. Aha
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Personally i think using straps....Gives you false grip, if you can't hold onto the weight, you probably shouldn't be lifting it....My opinion [/color]
Ideally, how much cardio did you do weekly to lose fat?
This question is directed at everybody.
Originally Posted by iYen

Ideally, how much cardio did you do weekly to lose fat?
This question is directed at everybody.

bruh... we all have different body types/composition... a 5'6 200 lbs dude is gunna need a lil more cardio than a 6'3 170 lb dude...

but if u want a generic number... do 30 min a day and ull be good
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by iYen

Ideally, how much cardio did you do weekly to lose fat?
This question is directed at everybody.

bruh... we all have different body types/composition... a 5'6 200 lbs dude is gunna need a lil more cardio than a 6'3 170 lb dude...

but if u want a generic number... do 30 min a day and ull be good
Thanks for the info.
Looking for a pre-workout supplement that will give me more energy.. Anyone have any recommendations? (I have used Jack3d but, don't really think its working or effective)

I am currently on a low-carb diet (5-10G carbs a day at most); sometimes I find myself getting tired VERY quickly when working out, so I think it might be time for a pre-workout supplement..
/\ pretty much... if your not prepping for a competition or wrestling tournament or something along those lines up the carbs man...
dont get me wrong a keto diet has its place

ive done it and its very effective

but......with any cutting diet youre most likely gonna lose strength at the gym

keto it's even more dramatic.....its not permanent but as long as you arent eating carbs you really dont have the energy, especially at the end of a workout

its the worst for me the first few weeks though, then my body gets more adjusted to it.
also if youre doing a keto diet the most important thing to remmber is to CARB UP!!! eat a %%+@+!@% of carbs and not a lot of fat on 2 consecutive days every week......for me i like saturday and sunday but you can pick whatever days. your fat loss will plateau if you dont . 
Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

I swear Ive been at 16.5% bf for like 2 months. caloric deficit and everything. i carb up on saturdays and keto on the others. should i try fat burning supplements? and do you guys recommend cardio and hiit on a keto?
try lean gains bro
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