Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by Dropten

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

so yall dudes r really putting ur health in jeopardy for a few extra gains in the weight room... seems narcissistic


Please educate me about these jeapordizing health risks? And no, not what abc news says in a 2 min segment. I mean research and studies done over years.
how bout this research... a personal friend of mine from my gym had a massive heart attack and died at age 34 about a week ago... he had been cycling on and off for about 3 years

Stacks SWORE he read extensively into every product hed ever used and many of times over a brew tried to sway me because I have naturally good genes for a massive frame... I was leary

but at least somewhat u couldnt pay me to touch the stuff... the problem is there isnt enough reasearch out there bro... believe whatever they tell u if u want, but for me ...

Im good....
So your research is a friend that died of a heart attack????

Now of coarse there could be no other reason because steroids is the ONLY possible reason your friend had a heart attack right????
Is that what the doctors said???
What was your buddy taking? doses? length? health records? know, research...??? something to conclude that steroids was the and only reason he died besides your own ignorant, emotional opinion????

Funny, I have to take steroids for the rest of my life to prevent me from getting heart disease and heart attacks

Not saying steroids dont have its risks including death, but your buddy dieing doesnt justify your opinion.
Originally Posted by sosmoove

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

so yall dudes r really putting ur health in jeopardy for a few extra gains in the weight room... seems narcissistic


I've thought about it. Genetically I don't think I was meant to be big. I've lifted hard throughout high school and college. I thought it was hard to keep muscle because I played basketball for so long up until college and I know how that effects muscle mass naturally having to put your body through that for a full season. I've tried "eating big" and that #%@% goes right to my stomach and SITS there. I have gotten ridiculously stronger (upper and lower) but my body doesn't show it like you would think for lifting hard and the amount of weight i've lifted this long. Thought about roids but I like the size of my balls as they are. No point in impressing the chicks with my muscles if my balls look like brown tic-tacs.
Why do they shrink?...and how come by balls are full and fluff?
Originally Posted by Dropten

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by Dropten

Please educate me about these jeapordizing health risks? And no, not what abc news says in a 2 min segment. I mean research and studies done over years.
how bout this research... a personal friend of mine from my gym had a massive heart attack and died at age 34 about a week ago... he had been cycling on and off for about 3 years

Stacks SWORE he read extensively into every product hed ever used and many of times over a brew tried to sway me because I have naturally good genes for a massive frame... I was leary

but at least somewhat u couldnt pay me to touch the stuff... the problem is there isnt enough reasearch out there bro... believe whatever they tell u if u want, but for me ...

Im good....
So your research is a friend that died of a heart attack????

Now of coarse there could be no other reason because steroids is the ONLY possible reason your friend had a heart attack right????
Is that what the doctors said???
What was your buddy taking? doses? length? health records? know, research...??? something to conclude that steroids was the and only reason he died besides your own ignorant, emotional opinion????

Funny, I have to take steroids for the rest of my life to prevent me from getting heart disease and heart attacks

Not saying steroids dont have its risks including death, but your buddy dieing doesnt justify your opinion.

calm down bruh, no need to roid rage... my own ignorant opinion??

because I couldnt have possibly known any of the concrete facts? right... but u knew that since your knowledge on roids superceeds my knowledge of a PERSONAL friends journey down

that rabbit hole... Im not gunna talk you out of being a user/meat head im jus stating my opinion on using them. No need to tell me im being emotional...obviously bruh.  My little cousin has all

sort of lung problems and is forced to take them too but that doesnt make them safe... When ur liver fails and heart explodes Ill be sure to tell ur fam/freinds its not that big of deal and

probably woulda happened otherwise
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by Dropten

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

how bout this research... a personal friend of mine from my gym had a massive heart attack and died at age 34 about a week ago... he had been cycling on and off for about 3 years

Stacks SWORE he read extensively into every product hed ever used and many of times over a brew tried to sway me because I have naturally good genes for a massive frame... I was leary

but at least somewhat u couldnt pay me to touch the stuff... the problem is there isnt enough reasearch out there bro... believe whatever they tell u if u want, but for me ...

Im good....
So your research is a friend that died of a heart attack????

Now of coarse there could be no other reason because steroids is the ONLY possible reason your friend had a heart attack right????
Is that what the doctors said???
What was your buddy taking? doses? length? health records? know, research...??? something to conclude that steroids was the and only reason he died besides your own ignorant, emotional opinion????

Funny, I have to take steroids for the rest of my life to prevent me from getting heart disease and heart attacks

Not saying steroids dont have its risks including death, but your buddy dieing doesnt justify your opinion.

calm down bruh, no need to roid rage... my own ignorant opinion??

because I couldnt have possibly known any of the concrete facts? right... but u knew that since your knowledge on roids superceeds my knowledge of a PERSONAL friends journey down

that rabbit hole... Im not gunna talk you out of being a user/meat head im jus stating my opinion on using them. No need to tell me im being emotional...obviously bruh.  My little cousin has all

sort of lung problems and is forced to take them too but that doesnt make them safe... When ur liver fails and heart explodes Ill be sure to tell ur fam/freinds its not that big of deal and

probably woulda happened otherwise

Is that what the doctors said???
What was your buddy taking? doses? length? health records? know, research...??? something to conclude that steroids was the and only reason he died besides your own ignorant, emotional opinion????

Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

What happened to this thread???

**%# this thread im outta here!


Seems like its time for a new one AGAIN
This thread:

" I want to gain weight how do I do it"
"I want to lose weight how do I do it"
"Whats the best whey protein"
" Steroids kill, you suck"
" No they dont, you suck"
" Whats the best pre workout supp"
" Anyone tried Jack3d"

Its gonna be like that no matter how many threads we make. There's still useful stuff in here though.
if someone were to take steroids

would they not need to take in protein powder?

someone who stacks shoot me a pm

i really want to try a cycle
Originally Posted by NikeVandal

if someone were to take steroids

would they not need to take in protein powder?

someone who stacks shoot me a pm

i really want to try a cycle

If you dont know the answer to this then you shouldnt be thinking of doing aas. Im not trying to be a douche or anything but you should educate yourself first, then decide if its something you want to do. Hormones can be serious business.
Originally Posted by NikeVandal

if someone were to take steroids

would they not need to take in protein powder?

someone who stacks shoot me a pm

i really want to try a cycle

Doesn't seem like you're boutdatlife if you're asking this kind of question.
Do your research...hormones, like dropten said..."ain't no childs play"
Originally Posted by NikeVandal

if someone were to take steroids

would they not need to take in protein powder?

someone who stacks shoot me a pm

i really want to try a cycle

 YOU need to stay away from any sort of cycle for as long as possible. Possibly forever.
Originally Posted by Club 27

Originally Posted by NikeVandal

if someone were to take steroids

would they not need to take in protein powder?

someone who stacks shoot me a pm

i really want to try a cycle

 YOU need to stay away from any sort of cycle for as long as possible. Possibly forever.

Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

I don't even visit this thread anymore, its ridiculous now

Agreed... Every other post is "yo someone school me on whey protein!!"

Originally Posted by Dropten

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by Dropten

Not saying steroids dont have its risks including death
this was my entire point Ice... from your own mouth... well keyboard

y jeopardize your health for popcorn muscles? I hope you win your comps bro... jus dont seem worth it... to me
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Progress pic: Still bulking for another month. I started at 165 (no pic) I'm about 185 Lbs now. Yes legs need work.

Maybe hit the decline a litte more.

Stomach bloated, abs are a little more visible.

I probably want to get to 195-200 then cut. Only time being Ectomorph gives me an advantage.

Spoiler [+]

Your legs are dainty bro. Good work though
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by Dropten

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay
this was my entire point Ice... from your own mouth... well keyboard

y jeopardize your health for popcorn muscles? I hope you win your comps bro... jus dont seem worth it... to me

I get what your sayin I really do. But use and abuse is a very thick line when it comes to aas. And there SO many different types of aas, saying they kill is a very broad statement. Funny thing is, in the steroid world, the things that are most dangerous are not steroids at all.Like i tell alot of people, do the research your self and youll see how minucule the dangers are.
man, why is it so hard to get a 6 pack? ive lost a decent amount of weight and lean all over except my belly
id kill to get a 6 pack right now
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