Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by bwood056

Didn't know he's on oral only

He's only been on for a lil over a weak. I think AI gets his rocks off making ppl trying to guess what he's on. I wouldnt be suprised if he isnt on anything lol.
if its hitting him in a week its gotta be placebo effect or a quick acting drug......orals wouldnt usually raise your sex drive though, pretty much only test would i believe
prob test prop or primo or var if its an oral......i felt AMAZING after my first injection of prop
 but placebo effect aside it really hit me maybe 12-14 days in in the gym

i feel like aside from var and maybe like tbol or some of the legal designer steroids that came out a while back oral only cycles are dumb tho
Anadrol > other orals. Yeah I know the side effects. But as far as effectiveness its numero uno orally
Anadrol > other orals. Yeah I know the side effects. But as far as effectiveness its numero uno orally
what are the dangers of these steroids?

its tempting to go to the dark side

if itll get me zyzz like results
so yall dudes r really putting ur health in jeopardy for a few extra gains in the weight room... seems narcissistic

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

if its hitting him in a week its gotta be placebo effect or a quick acting drug......orals wouldnt usually raise your sex drive though, pretty much only test would i believe
prob test prop or primo or var if its an oral......i felt AMAZING after my first injection of prop
 but placebo effect aside it really hit me maybe 12-14 days in in the gym

i feel like aside from var and maybe like tbol or some of the legal designer steroids that came out a while back oral only cycles are dumb tho

Some orals will increase ur sex drive. But it differs for each person. Dbol increases mine, var decreases mine. But theres other factors like dose that comes into play. Tren puts my sex drive into jungle mode. The beast comes out lol.
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

so yall dudes r really putting ur health in jeopardy for a few extra gains in the weight room... seems narcissistic


Please educate me about these jeapordizing health risks? And no, not what abc news says in a 2 min segment. I mean research and studies done over years.
Originally Posted by bkmac

So supposedly a friend of mine said starting July 1st, you can start signing up/inquiring about the FDNY Placement Exam. If I'm not mistaken, the physical test is not taken until you receive a call (should you warrant a phonecall based of your exam scores), but I feel as if it's better to start training/preparing now.

Now, I'm not frail, because I've been in the gym for quite some time now, but I'm far from FDNY ready. Any tips on workouts I should consider doing to bulk up a decent amount for the upcoming months, and tips to build up stamina?

Found out today from a phonecall by the FDNY asking if I'm still interested that the exams would start up again in December. Plenty of time from here on out to get bigger, and then cut.

Maybe someone can answer my question that I quoted seeing as it wasn't answered a few days ago....

Does anyone have experience with weighted vests?
Originally Posted by Dropten

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

so yall dudes r really putting ur health in jeopardy for a few extra gains in the weight room... seems narcissistic


Please educate me about these jeapordizing health risks? And no, not what abc news says in a 2 min segment. I mean research and studies done over years.
how bout this research... a personal friend of mine from my gym had a massive heart attack and died at age 34 about a week ago... he had been cycling on and off for about 3 years

Stacks SWORE he read extensively into every product hed ever used and many of times over a brew tried to sway me because I have naturally good genes for a massive frame... I was leary

but at least somewhat u couldnt pay me to touch the stuff... the problem is there isnt enough reasearch out there bro... believe whatever they tell u if u want, but for me ...

Im good....
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

so yall dudes r really putting ur health in jeopardy for a few extra gains in the weight room... seems narcissistic


I've thought about it. Genetically I don't think I was meant to be big. I've lifted hard throughout high school and college. I thought it was hard to keep muscle because I played basketball for so long up until college and I know how that effects muscle mass naturally having to put your body through that for a full season. I've tried "eating big" and that #%@% goes right to my stomach and SITS there. I have gotten ridiculously stronger (upper and lower) but my body doesn't show it like you would think for lifting hard and the amount of weight i've lifted this long. Thought about roids but I like the size of my balls as they are. No point in impressing the chicks with my muscles if my balls look like brown tic-tacs.
i have an issue.

it was about a year and a half ago that i gained a large amount of weight. i went from 168 to 200lbs in the course of 3 months. since then i havent gained any weight but ive struggled to lose it. i started weight lifting and it made me bigger but i havent done enough cardio to lose my stomach. now i keep trying to eat healthy but everytime i do, i get really bad headaches. ill start my day off with a good nutritious breakfast and have a a meal every 3 hours to move my metabolism and its healthy stuff. yet i get these severe migraines that make me resort back to fatty foods that im used to.

now i ask, what can i do to stop this from happening. is there a way to subsitute the fatty foods until my body is used to not having it?
So something is wrong with my left trapezoid muscle..

I fell asleep for an hour or so in a long car ride at an odd angle, and my neck felt like it was 50 lbs the next day when I woke up. Whenever I try to do shrugs, or pinch my shoulder blades together, my right shoulder blade contracts extremely stiff, while my left shoulder blade hardly contracts at all. Not only that, I can't turn my head as far as I can turn my head to the left. It feels like something is pulling it back.

Now when I do shrugs, my traps usually contract but this time, my left trap doesnt contract at all. And this time around, doing seated rows, I felt like my shoulder was gonna rip right out of its socket.

I did some research and I think it MIGHT be a pinched nerve, I'm not sure yet. I visited my campus chiropractor and they "fixed" me, but I'm still having this problem with my shoulder. I figured I might try and post here to get some insight on this...

I don't have any backpains, or suffer from any pain. Only when I workout. Any insight?
honestly the sides to a mild cycle are limited to your appearance
it's when you start cycling heavy and for long periods of time that you might get more serious health complications

as for a solo cycle im still stumped as to what else would be a good one.....masteron or winny? not a good call imo.

and on a very serious taking the ec stack like 4x a day, on a strict cutting diet, and today i notice i have new stretch marks??? what the hell man
Im doing machine squats to strengthen my legs. Im doing this mainly to benefit me in basketball and other sports. How many reps should I aim for? I dont know whether to go heavy 3-4 reps or go for 6-10 reps. 
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

i hear those are great for your vagina

for your legs id recommend barbell squats


Obviously barbell squats is the king of leg workouts, but I have a groin injury that hurts when I try to do those. Im just trying to do the next best thing.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

i hear those are great for your vagina

for your legs id recommend barbell squats


Obviously barbell squats is the king of leg workouts, but I have a groin injury that hurts when I try to do those. Im just trying to do the next best thing.
theyll probably do more harm than good....i was obviously just giving you a hard time but on a serious note smith machine squats are awful.
the unnatural ROM can lead to all sorts of problems. if you have a groin issue i'd just let it heal stick to whatever leg stuff you can still manage.......leg press, hack squats, lunges, whatever. go light if you have to, you don't have to put up major weight just don't completely ignore your legs while you recover

and if that still gives you trouble it's not the end of the world to drop the leg stuff for a while. 
Well I got the injury from basketball, a sharp cut in one direction and I felt it after. Happened summer of last year, and it still hasnt 100% healed. I play ball on it, back in the fall it would bother me to the point where I would have to stop, but its gotten better. Last winter, it would hurt after games, now its pretty much non-existant unless I run pickup games for an extended period of time. Never got it checked out. 
 It doesnt hurt at all doing machine squats, regular dumbell squats it feels like I just ran a game on the court and I have that lingering pain after, got me limping and whatnot 
seriously drop the smith squats bro they do very little good and theres potential for worse injury than what you currently have

stretch out more, try other exercises, and ideally see a physical therapist to get the issue taken care of
Looking to bulk up while still losing some weight. Currently sitting at 215 5'11. Methods of training, as well as suppliment info would be appreciated. Really just looking to gain arm mass while slimming down to about 195
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