Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

wow lol im an idiot

nice job man thats a lot to bench at any weight but at 170 very very good

do u normally do flat bench as part of your workout routine? im curious to see what i could max out at but i pretty much only use DB's these days.
Don't do too much flat bench, more DB's I'd say, but it's pretty even.  Maybe 65/35 ratio of DB to BB.

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Chewtoy... how long did that take you? truly inspirational
Thanks a lot.  Can't really say how long it really took, because I don't really care much for maxing out on any lift and lifting huge numbers isn't something I purposely set out to do.  I just tried it today because I was working out with my personal training business partner, and he was there to spot me.  The last time I maxed out a couple years ago was 275 if that helps give an idea, and I've been lifting since late 2005.  I'll be trying 300 soon, though, just so I can say I did it. lol
I found these workout videos on youtube...hope they help
before i purchase this bottle of creatine is their any thing i should know, i keep reading that ounce u go off of it u loose all of the strength u have gained from it??
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH
Don't do too much flat bench, more DB's I'd say, but it's pretty even.  Maybe 65/35 ratio of DB to BB.

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Chewtoy... how long did that take you? truly inspirational
Thanks a lot.  Can't really say how long it really took, because I don't really care much for maxing out on any lift and lifting huge numbers isn't something I purposely set out to do.  I just tried it today because I was working out with my personal training business partner, and he was there to spot me.  The last time I maxed out a couple years ago was 275 if that helps give an idea, and I've been lifting since late 2005.  I'll be trying 300 soon, though, just so I can say I did it. lol
So, just curious. On "chest day" what weight would you use for a working set?
Two weeks out of the gym. Did chest today. Back down to 165 
 Just can't get my numbers up/keep them up
Originally Posted by kobe4threebang

before i purchase this bottle of creatine is their any thing i should know, i keep reading that ounce u go off of it u loose all of the strength u have gained from it??

You should be able to use heavier weight and thus stimulate more of a response than without it, but it's not like all your gains magically vanish once you stop taking it. You might see a slight decrease in strength once you stop, but you should definitely still be stronger at the end of the cycle than before. The bottle will probably instruct you to "load" it but that's not really necessary, just take 5g per day. From my own experience, I don't lose any strength but I notice less energy when doing higher rep ranges when I'm off creatine. Make sure you drink plenty of water.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

So, just curious. On "chest day" what weight would you use for a working set?
Two weeks out of the gym. Did chest today. Back down to 165 
 Just can't get my numbers up/keep them up

you probably jus need to "trick" your body more brett... its really easy to plateau if you arnt always changing your routine

if a normal day is like flat bench, db incline, db decline, flys lets say

the next chest workout roll cable crossovers, bar incline, stability ball flys, weighted pushups, dumbell pushups/pulls

make sure your training your tri's well too... thats half the battle.

basically keep your body guessing and you will be able to progressively add numbers to that bench in no time. also dont over train. twice a week is money if your going heavy (not that @ 165

you qualify jus yet)
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

you probably jus need to "trick" your body more brett... its really easy to plateau if you arnt always changing your routine
Its also difficult to make progress if things are always changing.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Which angles could I work with?

I know these arent as great as squats, but generally if I stick to this, can I still get the same results that squats will net me (relatively the same)? Im sure it doesnt work the core as hard as squats do.
The reason I say you're missing out by not squatting isn't simply that you won't hypertrophy or gain strength in certain areas. My point of view is this: squatting is a primal pattern of movement. Everyone does it. To sit down, stand up, etc. By not squatting, you're losing your ability to squat. I'm not suggesting that you have to back squat. There are many many variations of the squat that have many many uses. Box squats, bodyweight squats, one legged squats, plyometric squats, front squat, goblet squat etc. Find one you can work and keep pushing the intensity. Here's something Ido Portal had to say on the matter:
...Squat is one of our most primal patterns.Increasing your squat WILL increase various other functions thatinclude the squat. If that is not functional I dont know what is.(perhaps the only more primal pattern than a squat is locomotion, butits next up on the hierarchy.)...Squattingis essential as a basic human function. Even a violin player has tosit. Besides walking it is the lowest common denominator. Lack ofsquatting in the western world is leading to loss of this position andall ROM's involved in squ...attingmusculature in as early age as 13. So, yes, if I would have beentraining a violin player he would be squatting big time. (not only forstrength, but more importantly for movement!)
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

you probably jus need to "trick" your body more brett... its really easy to plateau if you arnt always changing your routine
Its also difficult to make progress if things are always changing.

Not for me... 2 dif routines for the same muscle group. Doing each once a week with maybe 2 or 3 overlapping exercises... Success
Can a changed routine be simple as going for higher reps and lower weights, but same exercises?
And to nealraj, who answered my question last page, thank you tons.
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

you probably jus need to "trick" your body more brett... its really easy to plateau if you arnt always changing your routine
Its also difficult to make progress if things are always changing.

Not for me... 2 dif routines for the same muscle group. Doing each once a week with maybe 2 or 3 overlapping exercises... Success
Do you repeat those same 2 routines the following week
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Can a changed routine be simple as going for higher reps and lower weights, but same exercises?
And to nealraj, who answered my question last page, thank you tons.
No problem
There are many ways to change a routine. Exercise variation, tempo, # of sets, reps, rest, intensity, etc. There are many tried and true methods out there: 5x5, 3x5, 6x4, density training, 10x3, 3x8, 7x1, 12x2, etc. Find one that suits  your goals. Use it for a bit, use another variation that fits with your goals, rinse and repeat. I strongly recommend the book "The Poliquin Principles" by Charles Poliquin. It lays all the variables out in a simple manner and is straight to the point.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by Durden7

Its also difficult to make progress if things are always changing.

Not for me... 2 dif routines for the same muscle group. Doing each once a week with maybe 2 or 3 overlapping exercises... Success
Do you repeat those same 2 routines the following week
usually, but i never do the same routine rep for rep all the way through... so the next week id prolly swap out one of the OG exercise for something new... that way I have a set routine its jus ever evolving... i get bored easily and lose focus if its jus the same ol 3x8 routine day in and day out
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Not for me... 2 dif routines for the same muscle group. Doing each once a week with maybe 2 or 3 overlapping exercises... Success
Do you repeat those same 2 routines the following week
usually, but i never do the same routine rep for rep all the way through... so the next week id prolly swap out one of the OG exercise for something new... that way I have a set routine its jus ever evolving... i get bored easily and lose focus if its jus the same ol 3x8 routine day in and day out
If it works for you, good, but just keep in mind that a progressive, repetitive routine will not make someone plateau.

It's much easier to make progress when theres consistency and a means for evaluating progression.
For all the dudes talking about potential steroid use... I highly recommend watchin the documentary bigger faster stronger. Pretty sure its on Netflix
yo yo yo,
I need help fellas.

I wanna look like this


[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif] I'm mad scrawny yo, 5'9 at 135
, I'm getting tired of it. I dont' wanna get mad yolked or anything of said nature, just something like dude in the picture. 

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]

Will Rippetoe's Starting Strength workout get me this physique? Should I look into something different? Sorry for the noob question, I just wanna get started on putting on some damb weight.

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Getting Gym membership tonight, attending tomorrow

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Thanks fellas.[/font]

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]
Durden7 wrote:
If it works for you, good, but just keep in mind that a progressive, repetitive routine will not make someone plateau.

It's much easier to make progress when theres consistency and a means for evaluating progression.

Durden, what's your take on frequency of testing max strength? How often do you recommend/do it?
Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif] I'm mad scrawny yo, 5'9 at 135
, I'm getting tired of it. I dont' wanna get mad yolked or anything of said nature, just something like dude in the picture. 
[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]

Will Rippetoe's Starting Strength workout get me this physique? Should I look into something different? Sorry for the noob question, I just wanna get started on putting on some damb weight.

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Getting Gym membership tonight, attending tomorrow

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Thanks fellas.[/font]

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]

Props for starting on working out

No particular workout program will give you a specific physique, but you can always bodybuild later on to add to what you're lacking. Starting Strength will definitely get you stronger and if you eat right you'll see results.

The good news is that physique is not that hard to obtain. I can't see his abs, but based on dudes shoulders/arms it looks like something you can get just by working out and eating smart. No bragging or anything, but I probably look like a slightly smaller version of that dude after a good workout, and I still consider myself a beginner.
you and me both hendrix. i still got like 6 months before i can hit the gym. (had some major hernia surgery). but as of now i'm 5ft 8 and 135 pounds. smh @!#
i don't wanna get swole to the max. i just wanna be a lean 150 or something.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH
Don't do too much flat bench, more DB's I'd say, but it's pretty even.  Maybe 65/35 ratio of DB to BB.

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Chewtoy... how long did that take you? truly inspirational
Thanks a lot.  Can't really say how long it really took, because I don't really care much for maxing out on any lift and lifting huge numbers isn't something I purposely set out to do.  I just tried it today because I was working out with my personal training business partner, and he was there to spot me.  The last time I maxed out a couple years ago was 275 if that helps give an idea, and I've been lifting since late 2005.  I'll be trying 300 soon, though, just so I can say I did it. lol
So, just curious. On "chest day" what weight would you use for a working set?
Two weeks out of the gym. Did chest today. Back down to 165 
 Just can't get my numbers up/keep them up
Mmm, right now my working weights for chest is 100lbs for dumbbell bench, and I usually rep 225 on the flat, but after knowing my true max, I should be pushing the barbell weight up a bit.  Not sure what I'm gonna do when I get too strong for the 100lb DB's though.  Both the gyms I have access to only go up to 100.  Lately, though, I've been focusing a lot more on plyo pushup variations and one handed pushup variations because I had a short term goal to be able to do double clapping pushups (one front, one behind) and one handed clapping pushups.
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

If brett stuck with a strength progression prog for 3 months he could beat that by far.
Did 5/3/1 for 6 months on a 3100 caloric deficit STRICT every day.
squat     225>260

dead      295 >360

military  95>135

bench    185>185

Then took a couple weeks off and my bench is back down!

w/e though foreveralone
I kinda irks me when people say "I dont wanna get too big/look like Ronnie Coleman/get too swole" like its the easiest thing to do.
Its hard work and takes a long time. Those guys are just genetic freaks.
I know most people do not want to look like Ronnie Coleman, but lifting weight is not going to make you look like him in one day or year.

So you guys have nothing to worry about with it do not want to be "yoked".

I'm willing to bet most skinny guys could get the underwear, soccer, skinny rip guy look with maybe 15-20 of muscle add to the fame with in a year with weights and eating more food.
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