Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Based Mod

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

anyone here have any posture problems theyre trying to fix? i noticed i have developed some APT (anterior pelvic tilt)/hyperlordosis of the lower back from so much sitting due to driving/school.

trying to stretch the hip flexors out daily, target hamstrings more, buy a foam roller and use that, etc.

i feel like narealj knows a ton about this sort of stuff

my shoulders hunch forward whether walking or standing.  it's been like that since forever.
would building my upper back help pull my shoulders back in a neutral position?  
yeah but the key is the rear delts
do face pulls and rear delt flies....weak rear delts usually are "overpowered" by chest and cause the shoulders to hunch forward

and try to be conscious of the shoulder hunching and pull them back/straighten up whenever you notice it happening.
Originally Posted by alhubley

^i wouldn't try to lose it super fast just aim for 2 lbs a week at the most. Losing it any faster then that will cause to much muscle loss. I don't do any cardio when I cut anymore and drop my bodyfat better then I used to with cardio. Cardio just killed my muscle and for me was counter productive. I'm cutting now at 3500 calories a day and losing weight almost to fast there. Im at 350 grams protein 350 grams carbs and 78 grams fat. I'll stay here until I stall then drop 200 calories and continue. As long as I eat healthy and put forth maximum effort on my workouts i can cut pretty high calorie and no cardio.
thanks, pretty much what i was trying to ask...just couldnt word it..

want to start gaining more muscle but i know by doing cardio for example HIIT every other day or every day would deplete the muscle that im going to get...just goint to watch what i eat and lift....

just going to be slow with the last pounds i lost because i already lost 60lbs but i think i could have gotten way more muscle than what i have now
I dislocated my left shoulder about 3 or 4 times at least (long story) and i have some issues with my right one as well - what kind of exercises would you guys recommend getting into in order to strengthen them + my back in general? Im about 6 4 but only 190 (Ridiculous I know) and Im mostly concerned with just getting my shoulders strong and healthy and then building up core/back muscles.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Based Mod

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

anyone here have any posture problems theyre trying to fix? i noticed i have developed some APT (anterior pelvic tilt)/hyperlordosis of the lower back from so much sitting due to driving/school.

trying to stretch the hip flexors out daily, target hamstrings more, buy a foam roller and use that, etc.

i feel like narealj knows a ton about this sort of stuff

my shoulders hunch forward whether walking or standing.  it's been like that since forever.
would building my upper back help pull my shoulders back in a neutral position?  
yeah but the key is the rear delts
do face pulls and rear delt flies....weak rear delts usually are "overpowered" by chest and cause the shoulders to hunch forward

and try to be conscious of the shoulder hunching and pull them back/straighten up whenever you notice it happening.

Its more than the rear delt though.

The posterior delt isnt what's being overpowered.  It's the rhomboids, rotator cuff muscles (subscap,supraspin,infraspin,teres minor) and to a lesser extent the traps.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Based Mod

my shoulders hunch forward whether walking or standing.  it's been like that since forever.
would building my upper back help pull my shoulders back in a neutral position?  
yeah but the key is the rear delts
do face pulls and rear delt flies....weak rear delts usually are "overpowered" by chest and cause the shoulders to hunch forward

and try to be conscious of the shoulder hunching and pull them back/straighten up whenever you notice it happening.

Its more than the rear delt though.

The posterior delt isnt what's being overpowered.  It's the rhomboids, rotator cuff muscles (subscap,supraspin,infraspin,teres minor) and to a lesser extent the traps.
oh my bad
those all get hit by those rear delt lifts though, right? or are there better exercises to do? i always have been told those are the ones. 
I haven't said much in this thread, really just kinda lurked, but I'd like to say there are some very knowledgeable people in this thread...

I started around December weighing in at 260+... one day my moms called me fat, so I decided I needed to make a change

Completely changed my diet... Grilled everything, lots of veggies, brown rice etc, etc

Supplements I started with (From nutrishop if you have one, local store in my area)

Protein 7 (blend of whey & casein)
Vasocor (Pre-work out, kinda like jacked, but with 0 creatine)
Fish Oil

Started working out lifting heavy, then doing cardio/basketball afterwards put on a lil muscle mass... dropped to about 235-240 $## in about 4-5 months

Eventually my body plateaued, changed workouts to low weights high rep type stuff, still doing cardio/basketball afterward... dropped to about 225 two months later

Around this time I hit another plateau, was stuck at 225 for the longest.... Started an EC stack... still doing the same weight training, but upped the cardio a little bit more... fast forward to today... I'm at about 216

It's possible bros, you just gotta stick with it, and do what works for you...

I'd like to add, I did this ALL while still drinking... However I did change what I drank from Four Lokos, beer, sugary drinks... to straight liquor (jameson and water shots), gin and tonics, and the occasional beer... I must say, if you love to party as I do... you can def succeed this way... I'm proof

Keep going strong bros
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

yeah but the key is the rear delts
do face pulls and rear delt flies....weak rear delts usually are "overpowered" by chest and cause the shoulders to hunch forward

and try to be conscious of the shoulder hunching and pull them back/straighten up whenever you notice it happening.

Its more than the rear delt though.

The posterior delt isnt what's being overpowered.  It's the rhomboids, rotator cuff muscles (subscap,supraspin,infraspin,teres minor) and to a lesser extent the traps.
oh my bad
those all get hit by those rear delt lifts though, right? or are there better exercises to do? i always have been told those are the ones. 
They could be hit with those exercises, but it's all about having the consciousness of mind to engage the rhomboids during the movement. 
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

yeah but the key is the rear delts
do face pulls and rear delt flies....weak rear delts usually are "overpowered" by chest and cause the shoulders to hunch forward

and try to be conscious of the shoulder hunching and pull them back/straighten up whenever you notice it happening.

Its more than the rear delt though.

The posterior delt isnt what's being overpowered.  It's the rhomboids, rotator cuff muscles (subscap,supraspin,infraspin,teres minor) and to a lesser extent the traps.
oh my bad
those all get hit by those rear delt lifts though, right? or are there better exercises to do? i always have been told those are the ones. 

Some of them get used during rear delt movements, however, some of them don't. 

The reverse flies are much better than the face pulls.  There's a bunch of resistance band exercises and light dumbbell movements that can be done to help with the imbalance.  (Ex:  Blackburns, Ts, Ws, Ls, Ys, Internal rotation, External rotation.)

The exercises to fix the imbalance are less of a "gym" workout and more of a physical therapy type exercise.  (No/little weight, isometric based)
Anybody have any tips for trying to maintain/grow muscle during Ramadan? It's hard when you can only eat from about 8:30 at night to 5:00 in the morning. I was so exhausted from fasting today that I'm considering just taking a week off from the gym and trying to start anew next Monday 
Originally Posted by bigballa8716

I haven't said much in this thread, really just kinda lurked, but I'd like to say there are some very knowledgeable people in this thread...

I started around December weighing in at 260+... one day my moms called me fat, so I decided I needed to make a change

Completely changed my diet... Grilled everything, lots of veggies, brown rice etc, etc

Supplements I started with (From nutrishop if you have one, local store in my area)

Protein 7 (blend of whey & casein)
Vasocor (Pre-work out, kinda like jacked, but with 0 creatine)
Fish Oil

Started working out lifting heavy, then doing cardio/basketball afterwards put on a lil muscle mass... dropped to about 235-240 $## in about 4-5 months

Eventually my body plateaued, changed workouts to low weights high rep type stuff, still doing cardio/basketball afterward... dropped to about 225 two months later

Around this time I hit another plateau, was stuck at 225 for the longest.... Started an EC stack... still doing the same weight training, but upped the cardio a little bit more... fast forward to today... I'm at about 216

It's possible bros, you just gotta stick with it, and do what works for you...

I'd like to add, I did this ALL while still drinking... However I did change what I drank from Four Lokos, beer, sugary drinks... to straight liquor (jameson and water shots), gin and tonics, and the occasional beer... I must say, if you love to party as I do... you can def succeed this way... I'm proof

Keep going strong bros
good stuff bro
Anyone have a good bicep routine they do?

My triceps are pretty good as is, but I feel that my biceps are the only thing lagging behind in terms of my arms.
Originally Posted by MrMundayNite

Anybody have any tips for trying to maintain/grow muscle during Ramadan? It's hard when you can only eat from about 8:30 at night to 5:00 in the morning. I was so exhausted from fasting today that I'm considering just taking a week off from the gym and trying to start anew next Monday 

dont b a dummy bro... to do work (lift) requires energy (food) if your not eating no u will not have the energy to do any effective lifting... drink protein shakes whenever u can eat and do bodyweight exercises. get enough sleep. then eat like crazy when ur done with that shizz
alright thanks for the corrections guys, good stuff
im no expert on physiology, but i should def start learning more about it. 

work smarter not harder, that sort of thing 
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by MrMundayNite

Anybody have any tips for trying to maintain/grow muscle during Ramadan? It's hard when you can only eat from about 8:30 at night to 5:00 in the morning. I was so exhausted from fasting today that I'm considering just taking a week off from the gym and trying to start anew next Monday 

dont b a dummy bro... to do work (lift) requires energy (food) if your not eating no u will not have the energy to do any effective lifting... drink protein shakes whenever u can eat and do bodyweight exercises. get enough sleep. then eat like crazy when ur done with that shizz

This is almost like intermittent fasting... Question is, when do you hit the gym??
If you can hit the gym in the evening, say 9:30PM...get a light Pre-WO meal in (some protein and complex carbs), lift, then meet all your caloric/macro goals in your Post-WO meal.
Originally Posted by MrMundayNite

Anybody have any tips for trying to maintain/grow muscle during Ramadan? It's hard when you can only eat from about 8:30 at night to 5:00 in the morning. I was so exhausted from fasting today that I'm considering just taking a week off from the gym and trying to start anew next Monday 

look up the warriors diet.
Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by alhubley

Yeah around 8 reps is where you wanna be on first set. Each of the next sets you'll probably lose a rep or two. I wait 90 seconds between sets for first 2 exercises and 3 minutes between sets on squats and deads. As for warm ups i do a few reps at about 50% and 75% for the first 2 lifts and work my way up with about 4 warm up sets on squats and deads. I don't kill myself on these just get a feel for the weight.

Hey mate, what happens when you stall on a certain exercise? i.e. can't make 20 reps on bench

Do we continue trying to get that 20 then after 3-4 tries we decrease the weight?

Damn im going to need a spotter
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

what is the death stretch though? i searched for it on google and on that site and i got no results.

For hunched shoulders, lower trapezius, scapular retractors, and external rotator strengthening will usually help. Adhesions in the anterior shoulder girdle(pecs, anterior delt) and internal rotators(lats, teres major, subscapularis, pecs) can also cause some problems. Stretching and releasing the anterior shoudler girdle will help. I'm a fan of Active Release Technique(ART), Graston/Gua Sha, trigger point therapy, foam rolling, self myofascial release, etc. Here's a good routine for the knee:;feature=player_embedded

Far too many people are weak in the scapular muscles(rotator cuff, rhomboids, lower and mid trapezius, serratus anterior, etc.) and this is keeping their performance from reaching higher levels. Check out Charles Poliquin's work on structural balance on how to correct these deficiencies. For example, your single arm external rotation 8RM should be roughly 10% of your 1RM for the close grip bench press. If it isn't, then your nervous system may not allow you to press more weight. In more severe cases, injury can occur.

Face pulls work the retractors and can work the external rotators. There are a few variations. Eric Cressey has written on them on T-Nation somewhere. Search for that. You can pull to the throat, forehead, with a rope, with a bar, etc.
A personal favorite for working the retractors and posterior deltoid is heavy band pull aparts with a 31X3 tempo(Ian King/Charles Poliquin tempo format). Rows are a crucial part of a training program for this reason.

Joe, I strongly recommend that you read up on anatomy and physiology, especially if you want to further your practice. Lots of misinformation is spread in the fitness/sports industry and knowing how things work will allow you to better judge the information out there. As I've stated in the past, bicep work is a good example. Most people train the biceps through the elbow joint only and only with bent arm work. Straight arm work when the biceps are stretched will elicit a different kind of hypertrophy. This can be useful for performance athletes(protect the elbow joint) or bodybuilders(bigger biceps). Skin the cats are a good place to start for that. Then progression to the back lever.
I3 if you don't get the 20 it's fine. As long as you keep adding reps you'll get it. If you go a few workouts where you can't even add reps just switch that exercise to another movement for that bodypart. I've yet to have a workout where I didnt add reps myself though. If you stall on everything it's probably time for a week off.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

what is the death stretch though? i searched for it on google and on that site and i got no results.

For hunched shoulders, lower trapezius, scapular retractors, and external rotator strengthening will usually help. Adhesions in the anterior shoulder girdle(pecs, anterior delt) and internal rotators(lats, teres major, subscapularis, pecs) can also cause some problems. Stretching and releasing the anterior shoudler girdle will help. I'm a fan of Active Release Technique(ART), Graston/Gua Sha, trigger point therapy, foam rolling, self myofascial release, etc. Here's a good routine for the knee:;feature=player_embedded

Far too many people are weak in the scapular muscles(rotator cuff, rhomboids, lower and mid trapezius, serratus anterior, etc.) and this is keeping their performance from reaching higher levels. Check out Charles Poliquin's work on structural balance on how to correct these deficiencies. For example, your single arm external rotation 8RM should be roughly 10% of your 1RM for the close grip bench press. If it isn't, then your nervous system may not allow you to press more weight. In more severe cases, injury can occur.

Face pulls work the retractors and can work the external rotators. There are a few variations. Eric Cressey has written on them on T-Nation somewhere. Search for that. You can pull to the throat, forehead, with a rope, with a bar, etc.
A personal favorite for working the retractors and posterior deltoid is heavy band pull aparts with a 31X3 tempo(Ian King/Charles Poliquin tempo format). Rows are a crucial part of a training program for this reason.

Joe, I strongly recommend that you read up on anatomy and physiology, especially if you want to further your practice. Lots of misinformation is spread in the fitness/sports industry and knowing how things work will allow you to better judge the information out there. As I've stated in the past, bicep work is a good example. Most people train the biceps through the elbow joint only and only with bent arm work. Straight arm work when the biceps are stretched will elicit a different kind of hypertrophy. This can be useful for performance athletes(protect the elbow joint) or bodybuilders(bigger biceps). Skin the cats are a good place to start for that. Then progression to the back lever.
awesome thanks so much bro
i will be looking into this stuff a lot more.....i never cared about it....ive paid the price for ignoring it (bad posture)  

better late than never i guess
I posted a few pages back about Whey Protein, its supposed to be good post workout, which is what i need. Are there any side affects to it, is it good for you?
Originally Posted by jonathan0389

I posted a few pages back about Whey Protein, its supposed to be good post workout, which is what i need. Are there any side affects to it, is it good for you?

No side effects, just make sure you take it right after your workout.
how do i know if i have any kyphosis or not? also is it normal to have sort of exaggerated hyperlordosis when trying to stand up straight/straighten my back or raise my arms?
also on wikipedia in the lumbar hyperlordosis article it says:

"In the situation of lumbar lordosis, abdominal muscles are weaker than the muscles in the lumbar spine and the hamstring muscles. The muscular imbalance results in pulling down the pelvis in the front of the body, creating the swayback in the spine.[sup][color= rgb(6, 69, 173)][[/color]2[color= rgb(6, 69, 173)]][/color]"[/sup]


i thought WEAK hamstring muscles were the this statement wrong or am i wrong? i think i have relatively weak hams compared to my quads/glutes, so i would think this article is incorrect. and despite dl'ing a lot i mostly rely on my back/glutes/quads, not my hamstrings as much as i should
Originally Posted by jonathan0389

I posted a few pages back about Whey Protein, its supposed to be good post workout, which is what i need. Are there any side affects to it, is it good for you?

No sides. Youll want to take it with some carbs too. I do 100 grams of dextrose and 2 scoops whey.
Originally Posted by alhubley

I3 if you don't get the 20 it's fine. As long as you keep adding reps you'll get it. If you go a few workouts where you can't even add reps just switch that exercise to another movement for that bodypart. I've yet to have a workout where I didnt add reps myself though. If you stall on everything it's probably time for a week off.

Cool. Thanks
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