Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Luv Lindsay

Do i just need to take in more calories in order for this to happen?
Eat, lift, rest. Thats basically all there is to it, on the surface at least.

In order to grow you need a surplus of calories. If youre like most small kids you probably overestimate the amount of calories you consume and blame it on some metabolism you think is absurdly fast. So yeah, eat more and make sure you get enough to sleep if you want to build muscle. You damage your muscles at the gym, but youre recovery and growth is done outside the weight room. To tear the muscles up though, you have to make sure you're always pushing yourself to progress in some way. That means lifting as heavy as you can without sacrificing your form. Don't let yourself be one of those people that goes to the gym regularly but is always doing the same amount of reps with the same weight.

Try following this routine: http://forum.bodybuilding...showthread.php?t=4195843
Compound lifts are gonna be your best friend and depending on how everything goes for you, you might be able to progress faster than the schedule in the link.

Dont know why Im helping you, I hate you from all your other posts/threads.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

lol i used to vape before conditioning practices in HS all the time

makes running/cardio type stuff way less boring

i decided to go on a full body split but im making it up as i go along

im gonna basically do all compounds, have a high rep low weight day, a low rep high weight day, and a day in the middle.

1st day was yesterday, did
4x8 atg back squats,
4x8 DB bench press,
4x8 BB bent over row

brutal. im on keto and i had very short rests in between sets (1 min more or less) and gave it 110%. wow. looks pathetic on paper but it kicked my $%@. well, after the 4th set of squats i was pretty much dead, the other stuff wasn't as bad.

so next workout i'll probably do something like this:

4x12 atg squats (maybe front squats or hack squats dunno)
4xfailure pullups
4x12 incline DB bench press

and then next workout:

5x5 deadlift
5x5 military press ? decline bench ? close grip bench ?
5x5 ????

dammit i had it all planned out in my head now im

help please thanks

when you figure out what your weekly routine is going to look like, LMK
i am still trying to figure out a routine to do when i get back to college (mid aug)

that is when i will have full access to a complete gym and can get to the gym 7 days a week if i need to

il either do a 5-6 day split(maybe the josef rakich workout....
), or maybe the bosshogg. 

so far that is all ive looked into.

also, anyone elses routines would help. looking to put on some lean muscle, want to keep toning up.
Getting Insanity sometime next week. Will be doing this along with a few of the P90x dvd's and some days at the gym. 2 months of real hard work and healthy eating. It's gonna be great!
dude its frustrating because im basing this workout off of one i did back in like 2009 and i even posted it up in the first get in shape thread

it was insanely hard/effective, easily the most difficult and best results ive ever gotten

all my lifts went up on a severe caloric deficit, i went as low as 1500cals/day (this was leading up to spring break so i had to look good) i would leave the gym and have to sit down outside for like 20 min in the fresh air in order to not throw up, vision completely blacked out when i would stand up.....great feeling

it was the same concept.....full body stuff, cycling medium weight medium reps, low weight high reps, high weight low reps. legs back and chest/shoulders were all hit each workout
but i cant piece it together....i cant think of like half the lifts, its not like there were some obscure exercises, they were normal lifts.......frustrating man
Originally Posted by topherr

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

lol i used to vape before conditioning practices in HS all the time

makes running/cardio type stuff way less boring

i decided to go on a full body split but im making it up as i go along

im gonna basically do all compounds, have a high rep low weight day, a low rep high weight day, and a day in the middle.

1st day was yesterday, did
4x8 atg back squats,
4x8 DB bench press,
4x8 BB bent over row

brutal. im on keto and i had very short rests in between sets (1 min more or less) and gave it 110%. wow. looks pathetic on paper but it kicked my $%@. well, after the 4th set of squats i was pretty much dead, the other stuff wasn't as bad.

so next workout i'll probably do something like this:

4x12 atg squats (maybe front squats or hack squats dunno)
4xfailure pullups
4x12 incline DB bench press

and then next workout:

5x5 deadlift
5x5 military press ? decline bench ? close grip bench ?
5x5 ????

dammit i had it all planned out in my head now im

help please thanks

when you figure out what your weekly routine is going to look like, LMK
i am still trying to figure out a routine to do when i get back to college (mid aug)

that is when i will have full access to a complete gym and can get to the gym 7 days a week if i need to

il either do a 5-6 day split(maybe the josef rakich workout....
), or maybe the bosshogg. 

so far that is all ive looked into.

also, anyone elses routines would help. looking to put on some lean muscle, want to keep toning up.
I lift everyday except for Tues and Thurs, those are my main cardio days. 
But I'm considering switching to a full body routine, with every other day being a cardio day. I have an old routine that I came up with in high school that I never used, might give it a try but I wanna modify it a bit. I'll prob up the sets to 4 and down the reps to 8 or keep them at 10. Or incorporate low reps high weight/high reps low weight. Suggestions are more than welcomed

Day 1- Bench Press 3x8-10
         -DB Should Press 3x10
         -DB Rows 3x10
         -Standing DB Curls 3x10
         -Lying DB Tricep Extensions 3x10
         -DB Lunges 3x10
         -DB Calf Raises 3x10
         -Crunches on the exercise ball 3x10
        -Leg Raises 3x10
Day 2- 30/45 minutes of cardio

Day 3-  Squats 3x10
         -DB Flyes 3x10
         - Seated Calf Raises 3x10
         - Close Grip Push Ups 3x10
         -Lateral Raises 3x10
         - Concentration Curls[font=arial, sans-serif]
[/font]        - Bicycle Crunches 3x10
        -Bridges/Planks hold for 20-60seconds 3-5 reps

Day 4- 30/45 minutes of cardio

Day 5- -Deadlift 3x10
          - Overheard Tricep Extensions 3x10
          - Front Raises 3x10
          - Split Lunges on the Exercise Ball or bench 3x10
          - Hammer Curls 3x10
          - Inclined DB Flyes 3x10
          - DB Calf Raises 3x10
          - Verticle Leg Crunches 3x10
          -Side Bends 3x10

Day 6- 30/45 minutes of cardio
[font=arial, sans-serif]
somebody put me on to a good routine, i think I've plateau'd .... and I'd really like to try something new
my current split is: one body part a day, 6 days a week, one day rest. cardio (3-5 miles) every night.
currently on creatine (C-bol)
Originally Posted by Luv Lindsay

Need some help.

I have a high metabolism and im trying to put on atleast 10 pounds (im 128 and 5'5)

Do i just need to take in more calories in order for this to happen?

heres a pic of me (i was for a wdywt so yea lol) I want to get bigger on my stomach and arms/forearm.

Gaining weight is pretty much just eating enough to do it. A good workout and healthy food choices will help the gains be more muscle then fat. If you're really serious about doing it I'd recommend keeping track of your calories. You might think your eating a lot but with a fast metabolism your calorie needs to gain weight might get up there. I'd start at 4000 a day keep it there a couple weeks. If still not gaining up them. I myself won't gain weight until I get above 6000. Did my last bulk at 8000.
"I want to get bigger on my stomach and arms/forearm."

I've never heard anyone say they want to get bigger on their stomach, any particular reason for this?
help please thanks
when you figure out what your weekly routine is going to look like, LMK
i am still trying to figure out a routine to do when i get back to college (mid aug)

that is when i will have full access to a complete gym and can get to the gym 7 days a week if i need to

il either do a 5-6 day split(maybe the josef rakich workout....
), or maybe the bosshogg. 

so far that is all ive looked into.

also, anyone elses routines would help. looking to put on some lean muscle, want to keep toning up.
I lift everyday except for Tues and Thurs, those are my main cardio days. 
But I'm considering switching to a full body routine, with every other day being a cardio day. I have an old routine that I came up with in high school that I never used, might give it a try but I wanna modify it a bit. I'll prob up the sets to 4 and down the reps to 8 or keep them at 10. Or incorporate low reps high weight/high reps low weight. Suggestions are more than welcomed

Day 1- Bench Press 3x8-10
         -DB Should Press 3x10
         -DB Rows 3x10
         -Standing DB Curls 3x10
         -Lying DB Tricep Extensions 3x10
         -DB Lunges 3x10
         -DB Calf Raises 3x10
         -Crunches on the exercise ball 3x10
        -Leg Raises 3x10
Day 2- 30/45 minutes of cardio

Day 3-  Squats 3x10
         -DB Flyes 3x10
         - Seated Calf Raises 3x10
         - Close Grip Push Ups 3x10
         -Lateral Raises 3x10
         - Concentration Curls[font=arial, sans-serif]
[/font]        - Bicycle Crunches 3x10
        -Bridges/Planks hold for 20-60seconds 3-5 reps

Day 4- 30/45 minutes of cardio

Day 5- -Deadlift 3x10
          - Overheard Tricep Extensions 3x10
          - Front Raises 3x10
          - Split Lunges on the Exercise Ball or bench 3x10
          - Hammer Curls 3x10
          - Inclined DB Flyes 3x10
          - DB Calf Raises 3x10
          - Verticle Leg Crunches 3x10
          -Side Bends 3x10

Day 6- 30/45 minutes of cardio
[font=arial, sans-serif]

Oh man. How long are you in the gym each day? I think one of your days would take me a couple hours to complete.

4x12 atg squats (maybe front squats or hack squats dunno)

thought I was the only one doing these...people look at me funny as hell when I get to my hack squats.
Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

"I want to get bigger on my stomach and arms/forearm."

I've never heard anyone say they want to get bigger on their stomach, any particular reason for this?

stomach? lolwut? who wants a bigger stomach? maybe they're stupid and mean chest
I got a question, Im doing a routine which calls for me to eat 6 eggs in the morning. Its not convenient for me to do that so what could I use as a replacement? Would eating 2 eggs and then a protein shake be as effective?
Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

"I want to get bigger on my stomach and arms/forearm."

I've never heard anyone say they want to get bigger on their stomach, any particular reason for this?

well, a lil above my stomach i guess. where my ribs are lololololol
Originally Posted by AG 47

help please thanks
when you figure out what your weekly routine is going to look like, LMK
i am still trying to figure out a routine to do when i get back to college (mid aug)

that is when i will have full access to a complete gym and can get to the gym 7 days a week if i need to

il either do a 5-6 day split(maybe the josef rakich workout....
), or maybe the bosshogg. 

so far that is all ive looked into.

also, anyone elses routines would help. looking to put on some lean muscle, want to keep toning up.
I lift everyday except for Tues and Thurs, those are my main cardio days. 
But I'm considering switching to a full body routine, with every other day being a cardio day. I have an old routine that I came up with in high school that I never used, might give it a try but I wanna modify it a bit. I'll prob up the sets to 4 and down the reps to 8 or keep them at 10. Or incorporate low reps high weight/high reps low weight. Suggestions are more than welcomed

Day 1- Bench Press 3x8-10
         -DB Should Press 3x10
         -DB Rows 3x10
         -Standing DB Curls 3x10
         -Lying DB Tricep Extensions 3x10
         -DB Lunges 3x10
         -DB Calf Raises 3x10
         -Crunches on the exercise ball 3x10
        -Leg Raises 3x10
Day 2- 30/45 minutes of cardio

Day 3-  Squats 3x10
         -DB Flyes 3x10
         - Seated Calf Raises 3x10
         - Close Grip Push Ups 3x10
         -Lateral Raises 3x10
         - Concentration Curls[font=arial, sans-serif]
[/font]        - Bicycle Crunches 3x10
        -Bridges/Planks hold for 20-60seconds 3-5 reps

Day 4- 30/45 minutes of cardio

Day 5- -Deadlift 3x10
          - Overheard Tricep Extensions 3x10
          - Front Raises 3x10
          - Split Lunges on the Exercise Ball or bench 3x10
          - Hammer Curls 3x10
          - Inclined DB Flyes 3x10
          - DB Calf Raises 3x10
          - Verticle Leg Crunches 3x10
          -Side Bends 3x10

Day 6- 30/45 minutes of cardio
[font=arial, sans-serif]

Oh man. How long are you in the gym each day? I think one of your days would take me a couple hours to complete.

I've been doing one/two muscle groups per workout, so 45-60/70 minutes. I'm not really sure how the body workout routine will take me but the time lenghth did cross my mind. But I'll be posting a revised one shortly
If your gonna do a total body workout keep it short and sweet. A few compound exercises will be enough. You'll be hitting muscles three times a week you won't need a ton of volume.
Question for everyone, has anybody tried Re-Built Mass by GNC? I know it's a gainer and I think most are trying to lean out, but any feedback would be appreciated.
smoking and running???

ur gunna hate it, as stated vape if your doin cardio... i smoke before i lift ocassionally... gives me some crazy focus sumtimes

and that workout is OD... time to benefit ratio no bueno im sure...
Revised, might move a few exercises around
Day 1 4x8

Bench Press


Pull Ups

Shoulder Press

Concentration Curls

Decline Abs

Day 2 Cardio

Day 3 5x5


Clean and Press

Inclined Press

Leg Press

DB Tricep Ext

Hammer Curls

Day 4 Cardio

Day 5


BB Row


Chip Ups

Calf Raises 

Plate Twist
Originally Posted by AG 47

4x12 atg squats (maybe front squats or hack squats dunno)

thought I was the only one doing these...people look at me funny as hell when I get to my hack squats.
 same here man.....i can tell some of them are thinking "that's not how you do a deadlift dude."
gym in like 10 min for me.....gonna do my 5x5 low volume heavy weight day

5x5 DL

5x5 incline bench (maybe not today though, i sort of strained my shoulders a couple hrs ago helping a friend move his heavy *@$ furniture

5x5 ???? cable rows? good mornings or some other kind of hamstring exercise? 

Originally Posted by Luv Lindsay

Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

"I want to get bigger on my stomach and arms/forearm."

I've never heard anyone say they want to get bigger on their stomach, any particular reason for this?

well, a lil above my stomach i guess. where my ribs are lololololol
Core exercises will tone & strengthen your obliques but they're really not going to add size. Some suitable exercises for the chest that will also target the general thorax area:


But I think more realistically, you just want to add muscle all over -your best bet is a basic mass building routine. Compound movements & upping your protein intake are the basics.

Google will help you find a suitable starter routine, or I'm sure the good people in this thread could give you some advice & tips.

I just started eating 5-6 meals a day and weight training to gain some muscle mass. Bu,t I've heard that jogging or other extensive cardio exercises can actually be conter-productive when trying to get muscle mass. So the question is, is it a good idea to continue jogging while trying to put on a few pounds to keep my body fat down (ideally to keep my stomach fat in check), or is it smarter to gain mass and then work on losing weight after I reach my goal weight?
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

smoking and running???

ur gunna hate it, as stated vape if your doin cardio... i smoke before i lift ocassionally... gives me some crazy focus sumtimes

and that workout is OD... time to benefit ratio no bueno im sure...
i actually enjoyed it.
wasnt even thinking about the miles i was putting in.

just had the ipod on blast thinking "damn Cudi, why u so depressing?"
Originally Posted by alhubley

Yeah around 8 reps is where you wanna be on first set. Each of the next sets you'll probably lose a rep or two. I wait 90 seconds between sets for first 2 exercises and 3 minutes between sets on squats and deads. As for warm ups i do a few reps at about 50% and 75% for the first 2 lifts and work my way up with about 4 warm up sets on squats and deads. I don't kill myself on these just get a feel for the weight.

Hey mate, what happens when you stall on a certain exercise? i.e. can't make 20 reps on bench

Do we continue trying to get that 20 then after 3-4 tries we decrease the weight?

Damn im going to need a spotter
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