Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Durden7

PR on Deadlift today.  6x365.  Felt good.  
That's awesome...

I am following the 5/3/1 program by Jim Wendler.
Flat BB Bench

4 accessory lifts

Back Squat

4 accessory lifts

Standing Military Press

4 accessory lifts


4 accessory lifts

The main lifts I keep low rep, high weight.

Accessory lifts I do 5x10.

How are you liking this?
My main problem with 5/3/1 was the entire concept of working with 90% max or whatever it is. I understand the premise and it's benefits, but I underestimated my max numbers when I started. My bench press didn't really increase - but that was due to a few things in retrospect.

PLUS the program banks on progress coming from the "+" reps. Your last set is five reps... get in six or seven. I'd often find myself unable to push myself past the rep scheme on a purely mental thing -  Like.. "okay just get two more in and the pain is over". 

The most important thing is to really move the earth beneath your feet on the last set of your primary lifts.

Anyways... just skimmed through about ten pages of new discussion on here. Been MIA - living in a camp.

All of you guys obsessing over macros, heavy vs. volume, this movement vs. that movement, what routine to do, etc, etc, etc you're really misusing your time. I've seen the most growth and progress having literally no choice in my foods (I eat what camp cooks that day), and lifting after 14 hours at the job site each day.

Just focus on the fundamentals - 1)lifting form (avoid injury), 2)eating the right amount (be reasonable), 3)full effort for those 4-5 hours a week you lift. 

It's where 80% (i'd argue 90%) of your results will come from.

Keep up the hard work everyone 
can anyone help me out with this. i get a pain for a couple days after when i do squats by my obliques. am i doing technique wrong? also i usually do a warm up set then build my way up to 315lbs if it matters of 4 sets total.
my moobs, i do not want them. any exercises specifically target this problem or diet changes i should make.
Originally Posted by airheaddd

my moobs, i do not want them. any exercises specifically target this problem or diet changes i should make.

what does your eating habits look like, as of right now?

may want to add a weight training regiment to the equation, it will help.
Originally Posted by Club 27

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

smoking and running???

ur gunna hate it, as stated vape if your doin cardio... i smoke before i lift ocassionally... gives me some crazy focus sumtimes

and that workout is OD... time to benefit ratio no bueno im sure...
i actually enjoyed it.
wasnt even thinking about the miles i was putting in.

just had the ipod on blast thinking "damn Cudi, why u so depressing?"

I wanna burn and bike ride one day.
Just started getting serious about working out and want to get quite a lot bigger, im a tall slim guy and find it hard to put any weight on at all to build muscle. I have been looking into whey protein, does this actually help and will it help a lot
Originally Posted by jonathan0389

Just started getting serious about working out and want to get quite a lot bigger, im a tall slim guy and find it hard to put any weight on at all to build muscle. I have been looking into whey protein, does this actually help and will it help a lot
Take whatever amount you're eating, and double it.  You will get bigger.
^what he said. Whey is good post workout and I'd advise it then but if its all you added it wouldn't do much. You need a calorie surplus to grow.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Club 27

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

smoking and running???

ur gunna hate it, as stated vape if your doin cardio... i smoke before i lift ocassionally... gives me some crazy focus sumtimes

and that workout is OD... time to benefit ratio no bueno im sure...
i actually enjoyed it.
wasnt even thinking about the miles i was putting in.

just had the ipod on blast thinking "damn Cudi, why u so depressing?"

I wanna burn and bike ride one day.
You guys are def not from SF.
anyone here have any posture problems theyre trying to fix? i noticed i have developed some APT (anterior pelvic tilt)/hyperlordosis of the lower back from so much sitting due to driving/school.

trying to stretch the hip flexors out daily, target hamstrings more, buy a foam roller and use that, etc.

i feel like narealj knows a ton about this sort of stuff
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

anyone here have any posture problems theyre trying to fix? i noticed i have developed some APT (anterior pelvic tilt)/hyperlordosis of the lower back from so much sitting due to driving/school.

trying to stretch the hip flexors out daily, target hamstrings more, buy a foam roller and use that, etc.

i feel like narealj knows a ton about this sort of stuff

Definitely. My lower back is a wreck. It's even worse for me because Im a pretty big guy (6'4"$*+ 305). Bout to get rid of a couch or two cuz I know those are partial culprits with these sinking seat cushions. But a more sedentary lifestyle definitely leads to this and other bad habits as well.

I've been to the chiropractor and he's told me the same, to stretch those hip flexors morning and night. Hell I stretch them multiple times a day, including before any heavy sets on anything stressing the p-chain. He also said I got mild scoliosis, my right leg is slightly shorter than my left, and one of my discs in my lower back looks like it has extreme pressure on it. %%+! sucks

I foam roll like 3-4 times a week in my gym as well. I think I over estimated it's effectiveness. My back is still killing me when I get home unfortunately. I haven't been able to heavy squat in months and I keep my deadlifts lighter as well. I swear I thought losing weight would make things easier on my back. %%+! is worse now.
Definitely gonna need an MRI soon.
yeah ive heard stretching/foam rolling isnt enough.....apparently muscle imbalance is a culprit as well

ive been stretching a ton and it hasnt really done much...

strengthen hamstrings and glutes i am told

i feel like my glutes get worked a lot by squats though......hamstrings definitely could use some work though
theres only so much you can do really... 8 hrs a day in one position is 8 hrs ya kno

what your doing is about the most you can reasonably. we all have imbalances of some sort
fair enough but i dont need to spend 8 hrs a day like that (yet....when i get a job itll be a diff story) enough exercise and stretching should be able to counterbalance it

ive seen plenty of people fix it when googling info about it, but it seems like you really have to aggressively address imbalances and stretch regularly
Should i be taking a day off after every gym session?

or is it ok to do go everyday...

vague question ik
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

How are you liking this?

My main problem with 5/3/1 was the entire concept of working with 90% max or whatever it is. I understand the premise and it's benefits, but I underestimated my max numbers when I started. My bench press didn't really increase - but that was due to a few things in retrospect.

PLUS the program banks on progress coming from the "+" reps. Your last set is five reps... get in six or seven. I'd often find myself unable to push myself past the rep scheme on a purely mental thing -  Like.. "okay just get two more in and the pain is over". 

The most important thing is to really move the earth beneath your feet on the last set of your primary lifts.

Anyways... just skimmed through about ten pages of new discussion on here. Been MIA - living in a camp.

All of you guys obsessing over macros, heavy vs. volume, this movement vs. that movement, what routine to do, etc, etc, etc you're really misusing your time. I've seen the most growth and progress having literally no choice in my foods (I eat what camp cooks that day), and lifting after 14 hours at the job site each day.

Just focus on the fundamentals - 1)lifting form (avoid injury), 2)eating the right amount (be reasonable), 3)full effort for those 4-5 hours a week you lift. 

It's where 80% (i'd argue 90%) of your results will come from.

Keep up the hard work everyone 

Brett, the most important thing to keep in mind is to alternate between accumulation and intensification phases. Read up on Dual Factor theory and you WILL see gains. Density training and other methods for accumulation. 5x5 and others for intensification.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

anyone here have any posture problems theyre trying to fix? i noticed i have developed some APT (anterior pelvic tilt)/hyperlordosis of the lower back from so much sitting due to driving/school.

trying to stretch the hip flexors out daily, target hamstrings more, buy a foam roller and use that, etc.

i feel like narealj knows a ton about this sort of stuff
Death stretch from
Foam rolling/Self Myofascial Release(different from foam rolling) for the quads, IT Band, and adductors
^thanks dude
all of that makes sense....i actually had a little IT band tightness in HS and i wouldn't be surprised if i had it now and didn't notice, since i only notice it when it i do a lot of running

adductors i never work so that also makes sense.....abductors get worked from squats but adductors probably not

what is the death stretch though? i searched for it on google and on that site and i got no results.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

depends on the workout routine.....full body yeah every other day off is fine

body part split....take like 2 days off a week
kk for sure, another question i still looking to lose around 15lbs of fat...

how long would it take if i stopped doing as much cardio and just by lfting.. (was doing cardio for about 15min after workouts)

210 right now btw....keeping my cals around 2100...
depends on your bf% bro....if you're 25% BF, losing 15 lbs will be a lot easier than if you're 15% BF.

also depends on your diet.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

depends on your bf% bro....if you're 25% BF, losing 15 lbs will be a lot easier than if you're 15% BF.

also depends on your diet.

i think i am around 25%, 6 3, 210....i know you cant really base bf off of stats...but im not really lean

and my diet is pretty clean for the most part
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

anyone here have any posture problems theyre trying to fix? i noticed i have developed some APT (anterior pelvic tilt)/hyperlordosis of the lower back from so much sitting due to driving/school.

trying to stretch the hip flexors out daily, target hamstrings more, buy a foam roller and use that, etc.

i feel like narealj knows a ton about this sort of stuff

my shoulders hunch forward whether walking or standing.  it's been like that since forever.
would building my upper back help pull my shoulders back in a neutral position?  
^i wouldn't try to lose it super fast just aim for 2 lbs a week at the most. Losing it any faster then that will cause to much muscle loss. I don't do any cardio when I cut anymore and drop my bodyfat better then I used to with cardio. Cardio just killed my muscle and for me was counter productive. I'm cutting now at 3500 calories a day and losing weight almost to fast there. Im at 350 grams protein 350 grams carbs and 78 grams fat. I'll stay here until I stall then drop 200 calories and continue. As long as I eat healthy and put forth maximum effort on my workouts i can cut pretty high calorie and no cardio.
Originally Posted by Based Mod

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

anyone here have any posture problems theyre trying to fix? i noticed i have developed some APT (anterior pelvic tilt)/hyperlordosis of the lower back from so much sitting due to driving/school.

trying to stretch the hip flexors out daily, target hamstrings more, buy a foam roller and use that, etc.

i feel like narealj knows a ton about this sort of stuff

my shoulders hunch forward whether walking or standing.  it's been like that since forever.
would building my upper back help pull my shoulders back in a neutral position?  

my physical therapist tells me to walk with my chest out and shoulders back to ensure spinal comfort and keep posture in check.
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