Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by itzbooranss

Can anyone share a compound exercise workout?

I'm trying to move away from isolation workouts 4 days a week.

Would rather do bench presses + deadlifts + squats every time I work out but I don't know how to break it down for every day I go
Mon - Squat 5x5, Bench 5x5, Deadlift 1x5
Wed - Squat 5x5, Shoulder Press 5x5, Powerclean 5x5
Fri- Squat 5x5, Bench 5x5, Deadlift 1x5
Originally Posted by syxth element

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by I3

^ Tell me about it.

Im seriously fatigued and sore its ridiculous. I've done a 5 day split and have never felt this taxed before. I better take a week off.

I just love the progress in terms of performance on the court, jumping higher, running faster is almost as ridiculous as my CNS. But i might just do what you said and maybe even stop squatting/deadlifting for a few weeks and just recover.

Switch it up. I used to squat/deadlift every week, then I took about a one month break and did other exercises like front squats and single leg deadlifts. A couple months later I tested it again and my squat increased. My deadlift stayed the same.

Right now instead of doing back squats I'm doing front squats. I've plateaued on the back squats and now I'm focused on getting my front squat numbers up.
You do hack squats along with those front squats for hamstring development? Front squats hit the core and quads, not so much hams.
Front squats are a great exercise but be sure to switch it up. You don't want to end up w/ super strong quads but weaker hamstrings/glutes. That can lead to injury when exercising with heavier weights

I'm a big fan of back/hack squats. I've been doing volume training @ 8x5 sets for the past few weeks on leg day. I need to switch it up so I don't end up burning my cns out.

Sounds good fellas.

Im currently taking a week off squats. I may go into front squats for a few weeks then revert back to the original.  I haven't thought much of doing Leg Press because they seem scary.. all that weight coming down on you lol..

Did deadlifts today at a heavy but challenging weight - back feels good!..  till tomorrow
Originally Posted by Cole World

Do you guys do deadlifts or back or leg day?

I've been doing them on leg day, will be trying 365 next Saturday and hopefully my grip doesn't give out like always.
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

For my dudes done bulking bout to cut, are you changing your workouts or just your diet?

I'm looking to eat less (esp. carbs), add more cardio (1hr/day minimum) and try to keep the rest periods between sets/exercises to under 1 min. I'm hoping that if I continue to lift the weight I'm doing now (and continue trying to increase it), that combined with the above will lead to shedding more pounds...
Been incorporating a lot of cereal in my cut diet, not the sweet stuff and with only skim milk. Yay or nay?
Any recommendations on which are good, been eating a lot of Kellogg's fiber plus berry yogurt crunch
I renew my Greg Plitt membership every couple of months cause of the lack of updates
Yes hi hello

I need some help figuring this out. Whenever I do squats, I seem to get an ache on both upper thighs. Now, I experienced something like this before, but it was only my right one and to fix it I took a week off the gym. Now I'm wondering what I can do avoid these aches because I'm starting to go hard inthe paint and this is somewhat furstratating since my progresses is coming to a halt.

I appreciate the help ya'll.
Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

Yes hi hello

I need some help figuring this out. Whenever I do squats, I seem to get an ache on both upper thighs. Now, I experienced something like this before, but it was only my right one and to fix it I took a week off the gym. Now I'm wondering what I can do avoid these aches because I'm starting to go hard inthe paint and this is somewhat furstratating since my progresses is coming to a halt.

I appreciate the help ya'll.
Aches? During the lift? After the lift? Is the pain muscular (trust me you would know)
Please elaborate if you're trying to get good responses.
well as of saturday morning, im down to 190 from a 227 lbs starting point, my goal is 180 but im thinking 175 would be ideal, im just happy im about to break into the 180's, haven't been like this since high school, and im 26
im 6ft tall btw
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

Yes hi hello

I need some help figuring this out. Whenever I do squats, I seem to get an ache on both upper thighs. Now, I experienced something like this before, but it was only my right one and to fix it I took a week off the gym. Now I'm wondering what I can do avoid these aches because I'm starting to go hard inthe paint and this is somewhat furstratating since my progresses is coming to a halt.

I appreciate the help ya'll.
Aches? During the lift? After the lift? Is the pain muscular (trust me you would know)
Please elaborate if you're trying to get good responses.

During the lift. Once I go down it starts to ache a bit and it goes aways once I'm back up. I'd say so? Its by my pelvic area. Where my thighs starts. Idk if its the muscle or the joints.Apo Iogize forany mistakes in my typing. I am using a cellphone.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

Yes hi hello

I need some help figuring this out. Whenever I do squats, I seem to get an ache on both upper thighs. Now, I experienced something like this before, but it was only my right one and to fix it I took a week off the gym. Now I'm wondering what I can do avoid these aches because I'm starting to go hard inthe paint and this is somewhat furstratating since my progresses is coming to a halt.

I appreciate the help ya'll.
Aches? During the lift? After the lift? Is the pain muscular (trust me you would know)
Please elaborate if you're trying to get good responses.

During the lift. Once I go down it starts to ache a bit and it goes aways once I'm back up. I'd say so? Its by my pelvic area. Where my thighs starts. Idk if its the muscle or the joints.Apo Iogize forany mistakes in my typing. I am using a cellphone.
So I've dropped down to my goal weight. went from 190 to 169 in a month and a half. How do I get my muscles to be more defined though? Lifting lighter weights more reps or heavier less reps? I've been hearing about both since my high school days, but which one is actually more effective?
my only problem post workout is that i dont have a appetite really..its of course healthy then the calorie count isnt that much (filling though) ...
 but i can go through my fav junk food no problem 
Originally Posted by ElCubanoDel510

So I've dropped down to my goal weight. went from 190 to 169 in a month and a half. How do I get my muscles to be more defined though? Lifting lighter weights more reps or heavier less reps? I've been hearing about both since my high school days, but which one is actually more effective?

more reps
Any good ab workouts?? Wanna hit my abs real hard this winter. Should i just do the p90 ab ripper workout with situps and weighted leg raises?
If my max DL is 365 for 1 rep and i'm trying to gain overall mass + strength, what would my deadlift warm up+working sets look like?

Right now it's been:

aaaaaaaaaaaand I'm basically worn out from there.

this is done on back day and my issues with this warm up/working progression is:
1) I have no energy for pull ups and barbell rows
2) Hitting a 1 rep max is very hard on my body.

would it make more sense to focus on increasing the reps for 335 or 315?
Advice, input?/
What workouts can I do while I have a sprained/bruised left wrist, besides Abs and (some) Leg workouts? Or am I better off taking for rest and doing just Abs at home?
Originally Posted by roc4life24

my only problem post workout is that i dont have a appetite really..its of course healthy then the calorie count isnt that much (filling though) ...
 but i can go through my fav junk food no problem 
I'm the same. I started taking Dark Matter right after my wait an hour after that then you take your PWO meal. I've def seen an improvement in my gains and recovery since I've started taking it. Great source of complex carbs which is very important post workout and its easy to take down, for me at least.
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