Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Just ran 6.2 mi tonight... most I ever have in my life!! 
 I'm motivated
Originally Posted by Based Mod

Originally Posted by ElCubanoDel510

So I've dropped down to my goal weight. went from 190 to 169 in a month and a half. How do I get my muscles to be more defined though? Lifting lighter weights more reps or heavier less reps? I've been hearing about both since my high school days, but which one is actually more effective?

more reps
more reps with lighter weight is a myth

keep lifting heavy and remember its mostly about diet. stay disciplined

Kind of a vent post but I see this all the time and dont really get it and want to know if I'm the only one to think this:

Does anyone else think non weighted ab work like crunches and all those variations are useless? I mean, I see the building endurance aspect of it but face it, people do them to get cut up for the most part right? I know the abs are made in the kitchen with diet etc and that is true, but why wouldn't you want to build your abs up by doing weighted exercises only, like cable crunches, weighted leg lifts/crunches etc so your bf % wouldn't have to be as low to have some solid definition?

I dont know, maybe this is flawed reasoning and Im wrong but I just never really got it, but it has certainly worked for me

Good work in here tho everybody
keep it up!
Originally Posted by Based Mod

Originally Posted by ElCubanoDel510

So I've dropped down to my goal weight. went from 190 to 169 in a month and a half. How do I get my muscles to be more defined though? Lifting lighter weights more reps or heavier less reps? I've been hearing about both since my high school days, but which one is actually more effective?

more reps
No, build muscle and burn off fat. Simple as that, theres no such thing as toning and all that crap people tend to talk about.

40, I think the same thing
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by Based Mod

Originally Posted by ElCubanoDel510

So I've dropped down to my goal weight. went from 190 to 169 in a month and a half. How do I get my muscles to be more defined though? Lifting lighter weights more reps or heavier less reps? I've been hearing about both since my high school days, but which one is actually more effective?

more reps
more reps with lighter weight is a myth

keep lifting heavy and remember its mostly about diet. stay disciplined


I've always wondered how aesthetic a world class powerlifter would look if they went on a crazy cut. They'd probably be ripped
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by Based Mod

more reps
more reps with lighter weight is a myth

keep lifting heavy and remember its mostly about diet. stay disciplined


I've always wondered how aesthetic a world class powerlifter would look if they went on a crazy cut. They'd probably be ripped

Do you guys recommended a specific diet routine to go with workouts? I`m tryna burn fat, that if my most important thing. I already have the frame I want cause of sports back in the day, but I got lazy as hell past 2 years, and gained weight.
Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

more reps with lighter weight is a myth

keep lifting heavy and remember its mostly about diet. stay disciplined


I've always wondered how aesthetic a world class powerlifter would look if they went on a crazy cut. They'd probably be ripped

Do you guys recommended a specific diet routine to go with workouts? I`m tryna burn fat, that if my most important thing. I already have the frame I want cause of sports back in the day, but I got lazy as hell past 2 years, and gained weight.
If your starting off just watch your calorie intake per day. When I started I usually kept it at 1200-1500. After I got to my goal weight I cut down my carbs  and started eating things that are high on protein.

Might have to give that ab workout posted a try.
Originally Posted by ElCubanoDel510

Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans


I've always wondered how aesthetic a world class powerlifter would look if they went on a crazy cut. They'd probably be ripped

Do you guys recommended a specific diet routine to go with workouts? I`m tryna burn fat, that if my most important thing. I already have the frame I want cause of sports back in the day, but I got lazy as hell past 2 years, and gained weight.
If your starting off just watch your calorie intake per day. When I started I usually kept it at 1200-1500. After I got to my goal weight I cut down my carbs  and started eating things that are high on protein.

Might have to give that ab workout posted a try.
Ok, I`m tryna cleanse my body before I get my membership to a gym (lol dont get paid till next week)

are Fast food Salads bad news? sometimes I dont have time to cook, and I figured those may be a good move for lunch at work.
Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

Originally Posted by ElCubanoDel510

Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

Do you guys recommended a specific diet routine to go with workouts? I`m tryna burn fat, that if my most important thing. I already have the frame I want cause of sports back in the day, but I got lazy as hell past 2 years, and gained weight.
If your starting off just watch your calorie intake per day. When I started I usually kept it at 1200-1500. After I got to my goal weight I cut down my carbs  and started eating things that are high on protein.

Might have to give that ab workout posted a try.
Ok, I`m tryna cleanse my body before I get my membership to a gym (lol dont get paid till next week)

are Fast food Salads bad news? sometimes I dont have time to cook, and I figured those may be a good move for lunch at work.
I'd just buy one of those big bags of precut salads they sell at grocery stores. It should be cheaper to.
This bulking sucks. I feel hella fat. I want to go back on a cut but I'm trying to resist the urge to put back in cardio.
^im the same way I hate being all bloated and fat feeling while bulking. Cutting is much easier for me but it ain't gonna get me where I wanna be alone.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

If my max DL is 365 for 1 rep and i'm trying to gain overall mass + strength, what would my deadlift warm up+working sets look like?

Right now it's been:
i think you are wasting too much energy on lightweight.

my max is around 365 as well and i go..

135 x 10
225 x 8
315 x 6-8
and then to 365, i dont think its jumping too much in weight because 135-225 is really lightweight on dls if your max is over 315.

you should have more energy to waste on heavier weight

lmk how it goes
^ Yeah that's a lot of reps.

I usually just start of light, (60kg) couple of reps to get warm, add a few more plates (80kg), then (100kg) then go bizzurk after. I know by that 100kg my back/quads/hams/glutes are warm and ready to get wasted.

I wake up the next day dying. But it's okay, the day after squats - i dont wake up
Originally Posted by itzbooranss

This bulking sucks. I feel hella fat. I want to go back on a cut but I'm trying to resist the urge to put back in cardio.

I feel fat plus feel like I'm in a food coma all day long from all this damn food
 I'm a skinny hardgainer so I have to eat almost 1000 calories over my maintenance to see results

And I'm definitely gonna miss my abs
Originally Posted by Cole World

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

If my max DL is 365 for 1 rep and i'm trying to gain overall mass + strength, what would my deadlift warm up+working sets look like?

Right now it's been:
i think you are wasting too much energy on lightweight.

my max is around 365 as well and i go..

135 x 10
225 x 8
315 x 6-8
and then to 365, i dont think its jumping too much in weight because 135-225 is really lightweight on dls if your max is over 315.

you should have more energy to waste on heavier weight

lmk how it goes
Thanks man I'll try this out.
What should I be focusing on for reps/sets if I was going to do that to increase my strength? Focus on pulling more reps of 365 (1-3 maximum) or doing higher reps (5) at like 335??
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by itzbooranss

This bulking sucks. I feel hella fat. I want to go back on a cut but I'm trying to resist the urge to put back in cardio.

I feel fat plus feel like I'm in a food coma all day long from all this damn food
 I'm a skinny hardgainer so I have to eat almost 1000 calories over my maintenance to see results

And I'm definitely gonna miss my abs
I've been doing long enough to understand the importance of bulking and I really don't give a %$@$ if i get flabby because it's so easy to lose fat.
but GOT DAMN I don't enjoy eating all day, feeling bogged down, hitting the bathroom numerous times,etc
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Thanks man I'll try this out.
What should I be focusing on for reps/sets if I was going to do that to increase my strength? Focus on pulling more reps of 365 (1-3 maximum) or doing higher reps (5) at like 335??

I'd keep the reps low. A couple months ago I was trying to increase my deadlift, I did them in sets of 3 reps and just kept adding weight every time.

It rose every workout and I hit my maximum on New Year's Eve last year, then I chilled with the heavy deadlifts for a long while.
Originally Posted by itzbooranss

This bulking sucks. I feel hella fat. I want to go back on a cut but I'm trying to resist the urge to put back in cardio.

ok not just me...feeling all this extra water in me due to the protein shakes , slightly annoying 
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by itzbooranss

This bulking sucks. I feel hella fat. I want to go back on a cut but I'm trying to resist the urge to put back in cardio.

I feel fat plus feel like I'm in a food coma all day long from all this damn food
 I'm a skinny hardgainer so I have to eat almost 1000 calories over my maintenance to see results

And I'm definitely gonna miss my abs
I've been doing long enough to understand the importance of bulking and I really don't give a %$@$ if i get flabby because it's so easy to lose fat.
but GOT DAMN I don't enjoy eating all day, feeling bogged down, hitting the bathroom numerous times,etc
prob try to get around 4-5 of your max then move on to higher weight after that
Strict military press of 135 today first time ever

The key was keeping the warm up reps lower so my wrists weren't so sore because that's always been the governing factor.

All of my lifts have gone up over the past few weeks.... increase in calories and elimination of alcohol is my secret
im up 16 lbs since the end of summer. feels ok. should be doing better though, havent been going to the gym as frequently since my car got broken into and its in the repair shop
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by itzbooranss

This bulking sucks. I feel hella fat. I want to go back on a cut but I'm trying to resist the urge to put back in cardio.

I feel fat plus feel like I'm in a food coma all day long from all this damn food
 I'm a skinny hardgainer so I have to eat almost 1000 calories over my maintenance to see results

And I'm definitely gonna miss my abs
I've been doing long enough to understand the importance of bulking and I really don't give a %$@$ if i get flabby because it's so easy to lose fat.
but GOT DAMN I don't enjoy eating all day, feeling bogged down, hitting the bathroom numerous times,etc
As for you DLing... I would do 5 x 135, 5 x 225 to warm up... then do 6 working sets at 6x, 3x, 2x, 6x, 3x, 2x (progressively heavier weights) keeping in mind that the idea is that between the first 3 sets and the second 3 sets you should be able to up the weight (5-10 pounds). don't really think maxing out every time is really gonna help you build strength
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