Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Al Audi

You guys ever heard of Obi Obadike? http://www.simplyshredded...-simplyshredded-com.html
guy def knows his stuff.
I look great right now lean and strong but I need that one extra push to get over, after this im taking professional photos finally, im my biggest critic but this time im goin to a top guy in the industry for some pointers anyways ive contacted him about a 8 week diet and training program, itll cost me $300 dollars also. plan to be at that 4-5% after this program, i am single digit bf currently, will update you guys finally, i been lurkin/quiet for a while now i know 
Go to a Biosignature practitioner. That's what they do. The results will be well worth it
Kind of an assenine question here, but does anybody have a personal preference on the brand of protein that they take? For the longest, I've been on Optimum Nutrition WHEY but after teaming up with a new trainer, he's got me on ISOflex Whey. Flavor is not as good as ON, but looking at the Nutrition facts on the back, ISO has about 6 more grams of Protein per scoop and less Fat and calories....Probably about 8-9 Calories and Grams of fat less than ON.
Anyway, I just brought this up cause I just ran out of the ISO a couple of days ago and still have about half of a large container of ON Whey and I've been getting my doses out of the left over stuff...So I was just wondering what the community might say about their preferential Whey protein sources. Thanks Fam!
Originally Posted by jorrdanfan23

while im off a supplement that im cycling can i still use a different product that has no caffeine?
I don't see why not
Originally Posted by Al Audi

You guys ever heard of Obi Obadike? http://www.simplyshredded...-simplyshredded-com.html

guy def knows his stuff.
I look great right now lean and strong but I need that one extra push to get over, after this im taking professional photos finally, im my biggest critic but this time im goin to a top guy in the industry for some pointers anyways ive contacted him about a 8 week diet and training program, itll cost me $300 dollars also. plan to be at that 4-5% after this program, i am single digit bf currently, will update you guys finally, i been lurkin/quiet for a while now i know 
very sceptical about this l2l
I found this thread just now on Page 8 

Anywho, I've asked this time and time again, but always get overlooked.

I want to start preparing for the FDNY (Fire Department) exam, and so I need to start bulking up in hopes of passing the physical exam.

What workouts do I want to do to bulk up, and how do I want to eat? Mind you, I want to work on my abs as well, so I do not want to gain any fat that will hinder my ab progression.
bkmac wrote:
I found this thread just now on Page 8 

Anywho, I've asked this time and time again, but always get overlooked.

I want to start preparing for the FDNY (Fire Department) exam, and so I need to start bulking up in hopes of passing the physical exam.

What workouts do I want to do to bulk up, and how do I want to eat? Mind you, I want to work on my abs as well, so I do not want to gain any fat that will hinder my ab progression.

To bulk up you'll need heavy compound lifts and to up your calorie intake -lots of protein and clean complex carbs throughout the day. It's inevitable that you will add fat to your mid-section.
Find out exactly what drills you'll be required to do for the exam and work on those, improving your times etc.
Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

bkmac wrote:
I found this thread just now on Page 8 

Anywho, I've asked this time and time again, but always get overlooked.

I want to start preparing for the FDNY (Fire Department) exam, and so I need to start bulking up in hopes of passing the physical exam.

What workouts do I want to do to bulk up, and how do I want to eat? Mind you, I want to work on my abs as well, so I do not want to gain any fat that will hinder my ab progression.

To bulk up you'll need heavy compound lifts and to up your calorie intake -lots of protein and clean complex carbs throughout the day. It's inevitable that you will add fat to your mid-section.
Find out exactly what drills you'll be required to do for the exam and work on those, improving your times etc.
Yup, base your workouts around the compounds:

Overhead Press
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

bkmac wrote:
I found this thread just now on Page 8 

Anywho, I've asked this time and time again, but always get overlooked.

I want to start preparing for the FDNY (Fire Department) exam, and so I need to start bulking up in hopes of passing the physical exam.

What workouts do I want to do to bulk up, and how do I want to eat? Mind you, I want to work on my abs as well, so I do not want to gain any fat that will hinder my ab progression.

To bulk up you'll need heavy compound lifts and to up your calorie intake -lots of protein and clean complex carbs throughout the day. It's inevitable that you will add fat to your mid-section.
Find out exactly what drills you'll be required to do for the exam and work on those, improving your times etc.
Yup, base your workouts around the compounds:

Overhead Press

Thanks fellas. I definitely need to start incorporating deadlifts into my workout.
Is anyone here a CSCS? If so, any tips for the exam? I'm taking it in a week, and just started studying. I know there's a lot of overlap with CPT exams, but anything different of note?
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

bkmac wrote:
I found this thread just now on Page 8 

Anywho, I've asked this time and time again, but always get overlooked.

I want to start preparing for the FDNY (Fire Department) exam, and so I need to start bulking up in hopes of passing the physical exam.

What workouts do I want to do to bulk up, and how do I want to eat? Mind you, I want to work on my abs as well, so I do not want to gain any fat that will hinder my ab progression.

To bulk up you'll need heavy compound lifts and to up your calorie intake -lots of protein and clean complex carbs throughout the day. It's inevitable that you will add fat to your mid-section.
Find out exactly what drills you'll be required to do for the exam and work on those, improving your times etc.
Yup, base your workouts around the compounds:

Overhead Press

Good info there man.
anyone here take Dymatize Xpand Extreme Pump? is there a difference in the cafferine free? i also felt me stomach a little achy but was able to work out
I kind of ate real bad over THanks giving into today... I gained like 5lbs 

Will spend the next two weeks beating myself doing cardio
Whenever I eat oatmeal I always have to keep a bottle of febreeze on deck

Anyone else have this problem?
And how often do y'all take fish oil? (pill form)
Originally Posted by topherr

sprained my ankle BAD, ive been missin basketball for a good min

what is a good way to get cardio in with my ankle? was thinking biking IF taken slowly but other then that i have no idea. Cant really do any running or any impact movements on it yet. Actually ran to catch the bus this morning and hurt it like a MF

not sure if someone has already answered this pages previously, but you could try hand cycling and or swimming (depends on the ankle range of motion) but at least swimming helps with putting weight on your ankle/impact on a hard surface.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Whenever I eat oatmeal I always have to keep a bottle of febreeze on deck

Anyone else have this problem?
And how often do y'all take fish oil? (pill form)
Simple solution: don't eat oatmeal. It's a very common allergen, as are most grains. Least problematic is generally rice. Food allergies are very common, and everyone should individualize their dietary approach. There is nothing special about any of the staple bodybuilding foods(chicken, oatmeal, peanut butter, tuna, beef). Actually, sticking to only those foods is a terrible idea. Food sensitivities arise, and you are not exposed to a wide variety of nutrients(food is more than just carbs, protein, fat). Rotate your foods as often as possible to avoid sensitivities, inflammatory responses to diet, tastes, textures, and...restriction. The average person only eats 17 foods in their lifetime. Don't be one of them.

Fish oil: Ideally, every meal.
Looking for some help guys I slightly injured my shoulder a few weeks ago felt like a strain nothing bad. I took a week and a half off to feel better and went back to the gym today, got a little excited and maxed out on bench at 365. The shoulder felt fine after and I went on to flys and first rep I felt a pop, now the shoulder is killing me from pec to shoulder area any advice on a quicker recovery? Don't want to but might set an appointment with a Ortho mid december if nothing works.
^ sounds like bicep tendon, i slightly tore mine a year ago.

stay away from flat bench, flys - oddly enough incline never hurt it.

i started back on flat after a month - using a block system for rehab.

basically 2x4 block on my chest, restricting me from going all the way down - opening up my chest - to bicep tendon.

started at a high height, and over the next month n half worked down to nothing, and i feel fine now.

pain once in a while, but nothing to serious.

btw i went to a specialist for shoulders here in tampa fl. (told me to not lift ever again ) lol i lauhged and walked out.

i dont train as heavy as before - most of my reason for my drastic weight lifting change, but i still will max once in a while.

just no OD weight every day like i used to. got to let that baby heal up.
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