Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

ShadyKay NT wrote:
EMkicks wrote:
How long should a bulk last (weeks) and what are some excercises to make my arms wider (from the bicep up to the shoulder)??

There are no designated lengths that a bulk should last.  Set a weight goal, reach it, and then end your bulk...simple as that.

Curls for the girls. (Bicep Curls, Hammer Curls, Chin-ups, Bent-over Row underhand grip)

Tris for the guys. (Tricep extension, Tricep pulldown, Overhead extensions)

Shoulders to get boulders. (Military press, DB shoulder press, shoulder raises lateral and front)

Thanks my dude
keepzdasneakz wrote:
definitely look more into tricep workouts if you desire a wider-appearing arm. One that Shady listed that I highly recommend are the tricep overhead extensions and close grip benchpress.

My triceps are fine, its the bicep that I am really wanting to widen up. My biceps grow in a vertical direction but they dont seem to grow width wise. It may be genetics, my pops is a reall slim dude with thin arms. I need to in-coorporate overhead extensions into my work out and already do the close grip benchpress.  Thanks for your input

Truballa101 wrote:
Do you have a target weight?

During a bulking phase most people try to add .5 to 1.5 lbs a week.

And the best exercises for overall mass are COMPOUND movements.

If you wanna spend half an hour in the gym doing curls then go ahead

I would recommend chinups and pullups to target the biceps

Dips and bench press to emphasize the triceps

Shoulder/Military Press for shoulders. Good luck

No targeted weight. Just want to add muscle mass. Guess thats not really productive if im not assigning any measurable numbers to it.
Just going off what I see in the mirror.

Compounds are definitely in my workout and I save the curls to finish off my arm days. Will incorporate more chin ups. My shoulders are something that I struggle with in the gym. I was involved in an accident coming up on 2 years ago that left my right shoulder damaged. When doing any exercises involving the shoulders I struggle with the slight pain I feel with lifting/pushing the wight (this also affects my bench). But I keep persevering through it.

Thanks for the input bros.
placed a supplement order today.
-animal test
-no xplode
-on whey
-on casein

will be getting another thing of animal test and mstak when i get paid again.

trying to get to a cut 200 by summer. i hover around 190-193 right now.
There are very few feelings that match a return to the gym after a few weeks time hiatus. I literally feel revived! Anticipating every workout like I never heard of

Correct me if I am wrong, but it isn't a digestion based effect.

I think it has to do with the anabolic response being increased due to the concentrations of amino acids present in the bloodstream during the exercise.
Anyone have experience with recovering from general anesthesia? And how long did it take for you to get back in the gym? I swear doing anything remotely strenuous makes my heart race.
I'm back on my routine after a month lay off due to being extremely busy and man it was hell. I was weak and out of breath, the good thing is I feel great right now and happy to be back at it.
Finished tied for first this month in my gym's Gun show contest went from 18" to 19" in 4 weeks. Makes me think i can break 20 inches by 2012

Started Aug. 20th - 150lbs.
Weighed in today - 165lbs.

Goal - 175.

Almost there

Keep up the hard work NT.
Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

Correct me if I am wrong, but it isn't a digestion based effect.

I think it has to do with the anabolic response being increased due to the concentrations of amino acids present in the bloodstream during the exercise.
Thats the theory.

It's not a great theory either, IMO. 
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

Correct me if I am wrong, but it isn't a digestion based effect.

I think it has to do with the anabolic response being increased due to the concentrations of amino acids present in the bloodstream during the exercise.
Thats the theory.

It's not a great theory either, IMO. 
And drinking it =/= instantly into your blood stream, does it?
Unless you're straight freebasing BCAAs and doing lines of it between sets 
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

Correct me if I am wrong, but it isn't a digestion based effect.

I think it has to do with the anabolic response being increased due to the concentrations of amino acids present in the bloodstream during the exercise.
Thats the theory.

It's not a great theory either, IMO. 
And drinking it =/= instantly into your blood stream, does it?
Unless you're straight freebasing BCAAs and doing lines of it between sets 
Not an expert on this but... You can feel coffee within minutes of drinking it. So if youre working out for 60 minutes or whatever, and youre drinking something from the get go it doesnt seem so far-fetched that you might feel the effects of the drink before your workouts over, right?
I drink my xtend all pre workout about 15-25 mins beofe I lift and I think it works better than drinking during

pumps are insane
Originally Posted by MarcMac360


Started Aug. 20th - 150lbs.
Weighed in today - 165lbs.

Goal - 175.

Almost there

Keep up the hard work NT.

yeah yeah to that.. went from 145 after finishing p90x to 170 on ss..

im still bringin it tho..

192lbs this morning.

cold pic.

i need to tan

strength is still up there - esp compared to my weight.

recent numbers - 315 on inlince barbell, 375 on flat barbell, 455 deadlift, and 405 squat (i just maxed last week, i was curious)

alot of weight lost from 260
is it genetics or do i just not train well? i ask because im 210 and i max 240 bench which is ok with me, but i workout with a trainer who is only like 190 and he maxes 370 which doesnt make sense to me because im only like three inches taller than he is but thats negated by me being 20lbs heavier and hes built like a rhino and im built like Chris Paul, i know all about the posterior chain training and stuff, its the reason why my bench went from 185 to 240, i guess my question is how do i get more massive without gaining weight?
slickp42189 wrote:
is it genetics or do i just not train well? i ask because im 210 and i max 240 bench which is ok with me, but i workout with a trainer who is only like 190 and he maxes 370 which doesnt make sense to me because im only like three inches taller than he is but thats negated by me being 20lbs heavier and hes built like a rhino and im built like Chris Paul, i know all about the posterior chain training and stuff, its the reason why my bench went from 185 to 240, i guess my question is how do i get more massive without gaining weight?

only way to get "massive" is by gaining weight.

i was talking to donnie - number one powerlifter in the world (friend of my girlfriends dad)

and he said a strong back = strong bench.

showed me some new technique on how to bench - very insightful.

getting into position - shoulder blades squeezed onto the bench- then lock your grip into place - while back is nice and tightly positioned.

youll be able to have more of a "drive" off of your chest.
Originally Posted by bwood056

192lbs this morning.

cold pic.

i need to tan

strength is still up there - esp compared to my weight.

recent numbers - 315 on inlince barbell, 375 on flat barbell, 455 deadlift, and 405 squat (i just maxed last week, i was curious)

alot of weight lost from 260

Looking good. MT2 will get you tan quick.
Originally Posted by bwood056

slickp42189 wrote:
is it genetics or do i just not train well? i ask because im 210 and i max 240 bench which is ok with me, but i workout with a trainer who is only like 190 and he maxes 370 which doesnt make sense to me because im only like three inches taller than he is but thats negated by me being 20lbs heavier and hes built like a rhino and im built like Chris Paul, i know all about the posterior chain training and stuff, its the reason why my bench went from 185 to 240, i guess my question is how do i get more massive without gaining weight?

only way to get "massive" is by gaining weight.

i was talking to donnie - number one powerlifter in the world (friend of my girlfriends dad)

and he said a strong back = strong bench.

showed me some new technique on how to bench - very insightful.

getting into position - shoulder blades squeezed onto the bench- then lock your grip into place - while back is nice and tightly positioned.

youll be able to have more of a "drive" off of your chest.
yea that was a poor choice of words i guess i meant how do i gain girth? i would like to have big arms and a small waist, and yea i understand a strong back equates to heavier lifting across the board which is why ive been deadlifting, something i havent done prior to april 2011, but its crazy when i see guys like James Irvin who has my exact specs but im lookin like Waldo
If you wanna be bigger at same weight it'll require adding muscle and losing fat. A 200 lb guy at 5% bf us gonna look a lot bigger then a 200 lb guy at 15% bf. I'd gain the muscle then lose the fat.
sprained my ankle BAD, ive been missin basketball for a good min

what is a good way to get cardio in with my ankle? was thinking biking IF taken slowly but other then that i have no idea. Cant really do any running or any impact movements on it yet. Actually ran to catch the bus this morning and hurt it like a MF
Im getting started on P90x tonight. Anyone have any words of advice?

Specifically regarding a good workout schedule? Id prefer to do it Monday-Friday immediately after work...then take weekends off. Is this a good idea?
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