Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by oo206oo

Im getting started on P90x tonight. Anyone have any words of advice?

Specifically regarding a good workout schedule? Id prefer to do it Monday-Friday immediately after work...then take weekends off. Is this a good idea?

Don't do the entire P90X routine if you're trying to get massive. I was a scrawny dude before I started it and got even smaller after I finished it. However I got ALOT stronger after I finished the 3 months (which is obviously more important than size). I'm still skinny but I can lift as much as most dudes in the gym (I'm still not @#$% compared to 99% of people in this thread though 
i think same goes for insanity......been doing it for 2 weeks now
and i feel so much physically stronger but i lost a lot of weight o_0
Thanks guys. Im actually trying to lean down a bit so this may have been an awesome decision already.

Im getting married in hawaii next year so i gotta get my lean muscle game on.
Originally Posted by alhubley

If you wanna be bigger at same weight it'll require adding muscle and losing fat. A 200 lb guy at 5% bf us gonna look a lot bigger then a 200 lb guy at 15% bf. I'd gain the muscle then lose the fat.
i never checked my body fat, i dont think its high but then again ill never know until i check, thanks for the insight, i cant believe i overlooked somthin so simple
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

Correct me if I am wrong, but it isn't a digestion based effect.

I think it has to do with the anabolic response being increased due to the concentrations of amino acids present in the bloodstream during the exercise.
Thats the theory.

It's not a great theory either, IMO. 
And drinking it =/= instantly into your blood stream, does it?
Unless you're straight freebasing BCAAs and doing lines of it between sets 
It should, if your GI Tract is functioning properly. Loads of people have a leaky gut and other issues with digestion(low HCl production, food sensitivities). Brett, you still a 'hardgainer'? Try an HCl loading test: http://www.charlespoliqui...h_Hydrochloric_Acid.aspx

Most people don't dose BCAA's high enough to receive the benefits of taking them. If you're not taking atleast 40 grams during a workout, don't waste your money. You're better off with 40-50 grams per workout for 1-2 months than with 6 months of 5-10 grams per workout.

Coach Poliquin has a few podcasts on his site that I've found to be a great introduction to his work. Lots of good info for beginners. Check them out, they're well worth the price:
Anyone lose sex drive whilst in a workout/diet routine for a month or 2? Mayn.. just been so busy working out/eating a @$+! load (bulking) and when I get home like chics on tv/etc.. just dont appeals man lol %%! is going
Today was deadlift day for a group of meatheads at my gym today.

I was easily the skinniest guy.. actually but quite a high margin.

Yet I had 90lbs higher on the lift and much better form than any of them

feels so good.
Originally Posted by I3

Anyone lose sex drive whilst in a workout/diet routine for a month or 2? Mayn.. just been so busy working out/eating a @$+! load (bulking) and when I get home like chics on tv/etc.. just dont appeals man lol %%! is going

can't help you there fam. NFN has me on the other extreme. Mrs ButterWorth is starting to look good right about now... 
what the best new pre-workout supp now ?? I havent been on any in months and i know there is always something new coming out
You guys ever heard of Obi Obadike? http://www.simplyshredded...-simplyshredded-com.html

guy def knows his stuff.
I look great right now lean and strong but I need that one extra push to get over, after this im taking professional photos finally, im my biggest critic but this time im goin to a top guy in the industry for some pointers anyways ive contacted him about a 8 week diet and training program, itll cost me $300 dollars also. plan to be at that 4-5% after this program, i am single digit bf currently, will update you guys finally, i been lurkin/quiet for a while now i know 
i need some help yall...
Spoiler [+]
about 5 years ago i lost 75 lbs.. weighed 225 now im at 150 (5"7") . only dairy i get is in my protein shakes. rarely eat processed junk and red meats, no bacon.

physical strength isnt the most beastly but im def strong for my weight. ive been hittin my abs hard in the gym and working on my core area.

problem is i still have water weight left that sits in my stomach thats been here for years. !%+!@ been buggin me too, i was even contemplating seeing a surgeon. now that im past that surgery stage, i want to do whatever i can to help with this issue.

any supps that can help get rid of this annoyance.
^ Look into EC stack and up the cardio bro, only way to get rid of it is to lower your bf. Keep at it strong and be patience, results are guaranteed. 
^Try not to do intense cardio while on an EC stack if you decide to do that. I tried intermittent fasting at one point and it really worked. Requires a bit of psychological perseverance but managed to lose 75 lbs so you should be fine.
Originally Posted by alhubley

I'm on cycle and can't be in the same room as my girl without having an erection. Even when she knocks it down it's ready to go 5 minutes later lol. It's nice and sucks at the same time
whats cycle?
Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

i need some help yall...
Spoiler [+]
about 5 years ago i lost 75 lbs.. weighed 225 now im at 150 (5"7") . only dairy i get is in my protein shakes. rarely eat processed junk and red meats, no bacon.

physical strength isnt the most beastly but im def strong for my weight. ive been hittin my abs hard in the gym and working on my core area.

problem is i still have water weight left that sits in my stomach thats been here for years. !%+!@ been buggin me too, i was even contemplating seeing a surgeon. now that im past that surgery stage, i want to do whatever i can to help with this issue.

any supps that can help get rid of this annoyance.


through crossfit and eating habits I went from 287 to 185 (in around 2.5 years) and have been struggling w/ this. I'm sure it's loose skin tho, and I've always contemplated surgery. I said eff it and bulked back up (just oly/power lifting) to 195-200 and now wanna slim down again cuz I'm noticably slower w/ my crossfit stuff. Anyway to get rid of the loose fat?
today i just finished my container of JetFuse and wanted to know how long should i cycle off until i try a new product? while im off of it can i use another supplement thats does

not have caffeine in it?
Damn, haven't slacked in awhile...f'd up the past three days after a pretty strong year.

The last two months or so I haven't been treating it like I did earlier in the's time to get re-focused!
what do you guys think
pull ups or push ups for a female that is trying to avoid getting that "wider" chess look but still get a toned back.
Originally Posted by bwood056

Originally Posted by Paladizzle

What lifts would you guys suggest in order to increase your vertical? Squats/Deadlifts/Lunges?

also do front squats (barbell on chest)
do ur calf raises on the edge of something
manual hamstring curl (on ur knees, back towards partner, partner holds down back of ankles)
side lunges w/ barbell will also make you more explosive
DO NOT LEAVE OUT CORE WORK.  so many people underestimate what the core does for jumping.
do lots of core stuff and also watch ur diet.  can't be soarin if you all bloated.

and remember, plyos are key too.  such as jump rope, ladders, frog leaps, and all types of other @@%$. 

make sure you get proper rest and ice for those knees.  any questions holler at me.  went from barely dunking to windmilling  in about a year.
It was stated earlier but I too feel like i have no sex drive. I've just been working out a lot lately(crossfit + strength training) and i have none whatsoever. i recently just had a slight injury to my lower back from a 455lb DL max and i think that may be also a factor
^word up fam.. there's like no desire. Been pretty much working out non-stop 4-5 days a week for the past 2 months.

***!+ become so routine, im just too tired when i get home. i just get my meal and sleep..
im reposting cause i didnt see anyone respond about this.. today i just finished my container of JetFuse and wanted to know how long should i cycle off until i try a new product?

while im off of it can i use another supplement thats does not have caffeine in it?
Originally Posted by jorrdanfan23

im reposting cause i didnt see anyone respond about this.. today i just finished my container of JetFuse and wanted to know how long should i cycle off until i try a new product?
while im off of it can i use another supplement thats does not have caffeine in it?
Depends how long you have been using, I do 8 weeks on, then take 4 weeks off. Avoiding caffeine will lower your body's tolerance back down so that you can get the most out of your pre-workout when cycling off.
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