Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Anyone here take Presurge Unleashed? i bought Wild berry punch and it smells good, but im not going to try it until 2 weeks.. any feed back I appreciate it
Originally Posted by Pill Clinton

Originally Posted by AME416

Need a new 5lb ON jug
 I've tried the strawberry

Loved the chocolate

what should I try next?

Cookies and Cream is fire

Was wondering how strawberry tasted. Not too good?
Considering this, just a couple more scoops until I need a new tub
Damn y'all. I've made good strength gains the best two weeks going up 10 + lbs in all my lifts.

Can't gain a *@!*!+% pound though
Great workout today.

- Did lifting from 8:00-9:30am
- Went home and made my shake (live literally 30 seconds away) Chilled for about 30 minutes
- Back at the gym to do Cardio and Cross Fit Training from 10:00-11:45
- Steam room for 15 minutes
- Hooping 12:00-2:00pm

Hey guys, I've been lurking this thread for a long time now, but it's time to ask for some help.

Here's the deal.
I am 6'9 and weighed only 220 lbs. This seemed like the weight I was stuck at. I used to do a lot of weight training (every other day) and got somewhat stronger at first then plateaued. I did get a bit stronger as far as lifting weights but my build barely changed, and I believe this was due to not eating enough. I also think that I was over-training and I was having re-occuring injuries. My shoulder went bad for a while and my lower back have been screwed for a long time too (Dr. says it's my disc). I've been properly stretching over time and have taken a break from heavy lifting. My shoulder is much better and my back is slowly getting better.

So 3 weeks ago, I've been sent to Saudi Arabia on a business trip for a month. Being well rested I thought this was my chance to get back into lifting and attempting to do it right. I came in at 227 lbs. Some goals I wanted to attain before coming back to the states were: being able to do 10 full range of motion pull ups and chin-ups, be able to do at least 8 reps of 205 lbs on the bench, 8 full range of motion dips, and most importantly gain some mass.

I have access to a lot of food since it's dirt cheap out here, unfortunately no supplements. I have been eating on average 5000-6000 calories a day (much more than I ever tried to eat before). 3 big main meals, and 3-4 smaller meals throughout the day. I try to eat clean calories and a lot of meat. I do cheat a little here and there (piece of fruit cake, candy bar, ...), perhaps 2-3 times a week.

So I have 1 week left before coming back to Cali.
What I've accomplished:
- 10 full range of motion chin ups (checked)
- 5 pull ups (why so weak compared to chin ups? How can I get better? I'm really struggling with those)
- 195lbs * 5 on the bench. I was able to do 10 reps of 175. This is slowly improving.
- 6 dips

I am currently at around 237lbs. So that's around 10 lbs in 3 weeks. Is that too much, too quick? My build seems def. stronger, but I also feel chunkier, especially around my mid-section. I can still see the top 4 abs under good lighting condition, but it seems that if I keep eating at this pace, I will gain too much bad weight. What would you suggest I do?

So basically, I wanna get bigger. I'm obviously just trying to bulk up and get as strong as I can right now, then I'll cut and trim later on. The thing is, how much to bulk and eat?  I don't wanna get too fat.
My linky #@# is also really bad on that pull up bar. My bench is also super weak... I'm not even close to be able to push my own body weight. The problem is that I really struggle since my arms are so damn long. How can I get better? Any tall dudes who used to be skinny on here?

Please advise....
Originally Posted by frenchhustler19091

- 10 full range of motion chin ups (checked)
- 5 pull ups (why so weak compared to chin ups? How can I get better? I'm really struggling with those)
- 195lbs * 5 on the bench. I was able to do 10 reps of 175.
- 6 dips
That's because chin up (close grip) focus more on biceps and the wider your grip goes (more of pull ups) it focuses more on your lats.
as far as diet goes. I just focus on eating complex carbs as my carb source like oats and sweet potatoes/yam, no white rice. chicken/tuna/salmon for my protein source. and have a good amount of fats. don't be scared of fats. I take fishoil and I cook with olive oil. Lots and lots of milk. Add veggies, fruits and yogurt. I don't really calorie count or be too technical with what I eat. If I see that I'm gaining a little bit of fat, I lay off the food a little. But don't be scared of having a little gut when you're bulking.

Just do a lot of heavy compounds bro and eat and eat and eat and you will gain. And don't forget to sleep. Sleep is so important.
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Great workout today.

- Did lifting from 8:00-9:30am
- Went home and made my shake (live literally 30 seconds away) Chilled for about 30 minutes
- Back at the gym to do Cardio and Cross Fit Training from 10:00-11:45
- Steam room for 15 minutes
- Hooping 12:00-2:00pm


   RIP Fambs
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Great workout today.

- Did lifting from 8:00-9:30am
- Went home and made my shake (live literally 30 seconds away) Chilled for about 30 minutes
- Back at the gym to do Cardio and Cross Fit Training from 10:00-11:45
- Steam room for 15 minutes
- Hooping 12:00-2:00pm


your doing way too in such little time.

spread it our throughout the day
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Great workout today.

- Did lifting from 8:00-9:30am
- Went home and made my shake (live literally 30 seconds away) Chilled for about 30 minutes
- Back at the gym to do Cardio and Cross Fit Training from 10:00-11:45
- Steam room for 15 minutes
- Hooping 12:00-2:00pm


Wow....if it works for you like that keep it
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