Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by N0toriousBee

for weight loss, is it bad idea to replace breakfast with a double serving of a protein shake?

I'm currently using ON whey. Rest of my diet consist of high protein, low sugar, low carb type foods. Trying to stay away from the breads and rices but they are so damn complimentary. Want to drop some pounds (20) for the summer and beyond.

You could do that but I always think that some Carb's in the morning are essential to get kick start your body so I would recommend a Protein \ Oats sludge bowl,

Mix 2 scoops of Whey , Dash of Milk, Oats and some Honey and put it in the Microwave for 2 minutes - then stir like crazy when its done and you have yourself a good breakfast there
So I recently purchased MHP isofast-50.

Anybody else tried them? I'm not sure if it's placebo effect, but I'm feeling and seeing great results.
Anyone ever complete Insanity? Loved the first month, got through it fairly easily, though it was HARD work, just started month 2 and it is bananas!
Originally Posted by IronChef

Anyone ever complete Insanity? Loved the first month, got through it fairly easily, though it was HARD work, just started month 2 and it is bananas!

Yeah... you should do Asylum after you complete month 2.
Originally Posted by Prettyboy RY7

Originally Posted by N0toriousBee

for weight loss, is it bad idea to replace breakfast with a double serving of a protein shake?

I'm currently using ON whey. Rest of my diet consist of high protein, low sugar, low carb type foods. Trying to stay away from the breads and rices but they are so damn complimentary. Want to drop some pounds (20) for the summer and beyond.

You could do that but I always think that some Carb's in the morning are essential to get kick start your body so I would recommend a Protein \ Oats sludge bowl,

Mix 2 scoops of Whey , Dash of Milk, Oats and some Honey and put it in the Microwave for 2 minutes - then stir like crazy when its done and you have yourself a good breakfast there
i just put a cup of oats with whey and mix that. no blending or microwaving. anyone else just drink uncooked oats? its easier to down it for me
Reached my goal, in a month I've dropped from 208 lbs to 200 lbs even and looking a lot more cut.

In dire need of some motivation for some reason today, anyone got anything?
Weights not dropping like it was but I am seeing the differences in my face and my torso. Another day another mile.
Originally Posted by dharv

Anyone have success swimming 3+ days a week rather that cardio? I burn muscle extremely fast doing cardio. So I'm looking to swim to maintain muscle. Been to Jamaica and the D.R where they do tons of swimming, and them dudes are shredded.

Hello? Lol
Originally Posted by dharv

Originally Posted by dharv

Anyone have success swimming 3+ days a week rather that cardio? I burn muscle extremely fast doing cardio. So I'm looking to swim to maintain muscle. Been to Jamaica and the D.R where they do tons of swimming, and them dudes are shredded.

Hello? Lol

Yes, I have been swimming 3 days a week and running sprints/playing ball 3 days with 1 rest day. Definitely seeing results.
Originally Posted by MeloManFan

Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

Originally Posted by Zyzz

muscle milk is terrible

but yes i would say protein shakes are worth it. they do help in recovery/muscle building.

if you want a good brand go with ON whey or Myofusion.
do they make ready to drink or just the powder
Not too sure if they make pre-made shakes, but I would assume they just sell the powder. If your looking for good whey protein shakes then look into these as well as Isoflex.
Also, one question for yall. When you guys do dumbbell chest press, do you turn the dumbbells inwards when you reach the top? Like this:


My boy told me that it helps target the chest better. Any truth to this?
I heard the same but for a fly (I put my pinky together at the top of the rep) I usually press with a bar.
So sun is out, Vitamin D intake is in place...time to lose that weighted which has accumulated for the past few months. For those of you who may be new tot his....Don't forget to get plenty of sleep. Read an article in the school paper emphasizing how sleep helps increase resting BMR. Lack of sleep also increases your body's sucrose production ( if I remember correctly) but basically lack of sleep increases your risk for diabetes this way.
When you dudes go swimming, what do you guys do? Instead of cardio is what i'm talking about. My pool is about 18x30, it's a !%$$ ing monster

Once this weather gets better, i'll be implementing it more
Originally Posted by Navarretr

Counting calories... Any easy way to do it? Apps? Or tips? Anything will help.

What do you do if you're eating a slice of pizza or a sandwich from work and you don't know the amount of calories? Thanks

Theres an app for iphones/itouch/pads called  MyFitnessPal that I use. Pretty handy app, not sure if they have it for android users. 
Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

Originally Posted by Zyzz

muscle milk is terrible

but yes i would say protein shakes are worth it. they do help in recovery/muscle building.

if you want a good brand go with ON whey or Myofusion.
do they make ready to drink or just the powder

no they dont, why waste money on pre made when you buy the powder and make your own with most likely less cal and just water.

if you want the best taste go with Myofusion, in water is amazing
gone through 2 tubs recently, ordered 2 more 5lb the other day
yeah i heard about them so you think that would be my best option for post workout 
Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

do they make ready to drink or just the powder

no they dont, why waste money on pre made when you buy the powder and make your own with most likely less cal and just water.

if you want the best taste go with Myofusion, in water is amazing
gone through 2 tubs recently, ordered 2 more 5lb the other day
yeah i heard about them so you think that would be my best option for post workout 
recently got into muscle pharm COMBAT cookies and cream flavor and it's honestly some of the best tasting protein shakes iv had
Originally Posted by dyzzle

Originally Posted by Prettyboy RY7

Originally Posted by N0toriousBee

for weight loss, is it bad idea to replace breakfast with a double serving of a protein shake?

I'm currently using ON whey. Rest of my diet consist of high protein, low sugar, low carb type foods. Trying to stay away from the breads and rices but they are so damn complimentary. Want to drop some pounds (20) for the summer and beyond.

You could do that but I always think that some Carb's in the morning are essential to get kick start your body so I would recommend a Protein \ Oats sludge bowl,

Mix 2 scoops of Whey , Dash of Milk, Oats and some Honey and put it in the Microwave for 2 minutes - then stir like crazy when its done and you have yourself a good breakfast there
i just put a cup of oats with whey and mix that. no blending or microwaving. anyone else just drink uncooked oats? its easier to down it for me
I used to make a shake with a scoop of pro complex gainer banana flavor, a spoon of Pb, a cup of uncooked oats and two egg whites.. it was thick and yummy

cant make it anymore since i switch to gold standard mocha cappuccino
Originally Posted by gil23

Originally Posted by dyzzle

Originally Posted by Prettyboy RY7

You could do that but I always think that some Carb's in the morning are essential to get kick start your body so I would recommend a Protein \ Oats sludge bowl,

Mix 2 scoops of Whey , Dash of Milk, Oats and some Honey and put it in the Microwave for 2 minutes - then stir like crazy when its done and you have yourself a good breakfast there
i just put a cup of oats with whey and mix that. no blending or microwaving. anyone else just drink uncooked oats? its easier to down it for me
I used to make a shake with a scoop of pro complex gainer banana flavor, a spoon of Pb, a cup of uncooked oats and two egg whites.. it was thick and yummy

cant make it anymore since i switch to gold standard mocha cappuccino
Will def give these mixtures a try...thanks guys
Need a new 5lb ON jug
 I've tried the strawberry

Loved the chocolate

what should I try next?
i have muscle pharm combat powder cookies and cream. it's really good. no chemical smell or taste. doesn't mix well with a shaker cup though. you'll need a spoon or some kind of stirrer.

i also heard trutein is good. I think I'll try that next.
Originally Posted by AME416

Need a new 5lb ON jug
 I've tried the strawberry

Loved the chocolate

what should I try next?

Mocha cappuccino if you like coffee.... It doesn't feel like you are drinking a protein shake.
For guys that have done IF and work 9-5 jobs: how have you scheduled your eating window with workouts? I'm looking to start this to do some cutting, but I'm having trouble figuring out the best 8 hour window for meals.
I've read that the most recommended schedule is meal window 12pm-8pm, workout towards end of fasting window at approx 10/10:30am -12pm to conincide with the first meal at ~noon. Working 9-5 obviously doesn't allow me to get my workout in at 10:30 am. I'm used to working out after work (6:30pm), but this would mean my meal window would run from ~8pm-4am.

Can anyone offer some advice?
Originally Posted by k32m

For guys that have done IF and work 9-5 jobs: how have you scheduled your eating window with workouts? I'm looking to start this to do some cutting, but I'm having trouble figuring out the best 8 hour window for meals.
I've read that the most recommended schedule is meal window 12pm-8pm, workout towards end of fasting window at approx 10/10:30am -12pm to conincide with the first meal at ~noon. Working 9-5 obviously doesn't allow me to get my workout in at 10:30 am. I'm used to working out after work (6:30pm), but this would mean my meal window would run from ~8pm-4am.

Can anyone offer some advice?

Break fast at 1PM.
Eating window is 1PM-9PM

I lift at 7:30.
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