Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Zyzz

how many times a week should you squat/train legs?
Once a week should be fine, 2 at most with 3 days atleast inbetween. Leg workouts can be brutal and you dont exactly give them the proper rest they need after a workout if you live an active lifestyle.


Friday-Arms (bicep/tricep)

This is my friends routine ive been following but the thing that concerns me is the lack of rest time for the triceps. You do work them out during chest/shoulder days. Then we go again Friday. I was thinking of just doing chest/shoulder/tricep all in one day cause I dont really hit chest that hard. 2-3 exercises and thats it. I hit back/bicep, and shoulder days hardest. Any way I can tweak my routine? Im about to stray away from my friend's.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

I think the  only "essential" supplements are whey and vitamins. Whey for quick protein absorption right after you workout, but eating a protein rich meal is just as good. Vitamins, well that doesnt need explanation.
I have friends who used tons of supplements, glutamine, amino acids, NO Explode, C4, etc. I work just as hard as they do at the gym, without pre-workouts, and all those other supplements are just too much IMO.
Essentials: Multi vitamin, vitamin d, fish oil
Nice to have: whey protein, bcaa's and other amino acids

Zyzz wrote:
how many times a week should you squat/train legs?

Depends on your goals, training status, and intensity. Beginners can do 2-3 times per week. Advanced trainees might do it once a week, if even that often.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

I think the  only "essential" supplements are whey and vitamins. Whey for quick protein absorption right after you workout, but eating a protein rich meal is just as good. Vitamins, well that doesnt need explanation.
I have friends who used tons of supplements, glutamine, amino acids, NO Explode, C4, etc. I work just as hard as they do at the gym, without pre-workouts, and all those other supplements are just too much IMO.

Pretty much. A lot of people get too dependent on supplements and use it as their main source. A supplement is called a supplement for a reason.
Originally Posted by jumpmankb

I haven't been to the gym since November, but I've been going to the gym for about four years now on and off and am pretty experienced.

What should I do this first week back in a while? I don't want to strain or pull anything. Thanks in advance.

Remember what you did when you first starting lifting/working out? Do that..

Don't try to go too hard or you may hurt yourself. Just pick a body part(s) and do some exercises you are familiar with. Good luck.
Starting to work out again after not being able to for 10 months.

Going to start walking and jogging with a little bit of running.

I gained 56 lbs, can't wait to lose it.
Next Months Cover... Dude is seriously ripped

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Probably no real reason.  They probably don't know better.

Only time I really see that is when I see a couple workout together.

Does anybody use TRX straps (Suspension Training) to workout.  I'm interested but they are expensive.
I use them to do inverted rows occasionally. Doing pushups on them is crazy hard, my arms are shaking everywhere and feels like my chest is going to explode
Very few people can even do a support on them, let alone any strength elements. After a while of using them you get used to the instability though. Dips, push ups, static holds, etc. are difficult at first and are still harder than their stable counterparts.

Finally found out what the TRX is. Don't like it. Same as gymnastic rings, however rings are better if you ask me. ~$200 for TRX or $60 for rings.  Rings can do more and can be scaled up/down for many different levels.
Is there a certain brand of "recovery protein shake" that you recommend over another? I was considering Muscle Milk..I just dont know anybody that uses it.
Originally Posted by GoldenTicket21

Is there a certain brand of "recovery protein shake" that you recommend over another? I was considering Muscle Milk..I just dont know anybody that uses it.

Muscle Milk is terrible. Get ON Gold Whey.
lost 5lbs since i started lifting again...feels good man. (5/12/11)

routine 1st and 2nd week
Cardio 30min then
Then i hike for an hour

I just finished a 3 and half hour hike at the marin county on sunday so my legs are sore. cannot wait till i weigh myself again this week.
Originally Posted by Jada2001Retro

Starting to work out again after not being able to for 10 months.

Going to start walking and jogging with a little bit of running.

I gained 56 lbs, can't wait to lose it.
Muscle building is also the key to fat loss.. try to lift weights if you can. Don't have to lift anything heavy.. but a decent routine will go a long way..   
Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by GoldenTicket21

Is there a certain brand of "recovery protein shake" that you recommend over another? I was considering Muscle Milk..I just dont know anybody that uses it.

Muscle Milk is terrible. Get ON Gold Whey.
What makes muscle milk terrible? And will do. You ever had the cookies n creme flavor?
Originally Posted by BattsLM

Originally Posted by Jada2001Retro

Starting to work out again after not being able to for 10 months.

Going to start walking and jogging with a little bit of running.

I gained 56 lbs, can't wait to lose it.
Muscle building is also the key to fat loss.. try to lift weights if you can. Don't have to lift anything heavy.. but a decent routine will go a long way..   

I can't really lift anything because I still have this thing in my chest, doc said if I put pressure on my chest muscles it could explode.Yeah I was planning to lift when I get it removed, diet and running/walking/jogging is my temporary plan.
that dude's build is more tone now than it was before he looks like he lost some weight and toned up
Originally Posted by GoldenTicket21

Is there a certain brand of "recovery protein shake" that you recommend over another? I was considering Muscle Milk..I just dont know anybody that uses it.
My homeboy that's a personal trainer and big into holisitc medicine and training warned me about Muscle Milk and other shakes and proteins like it because he said they have a hefty amoutn of toxins that create a long-term deficiency and cause damage to your muscle tissue etc...(I may be misquoting him but that's what I remember).

Anyhow, he recommended that I use an all natural and preferably organic Whey Protein powder mixed and blended with fresh or frozen fruits and juice and yogurt no longer than 20 minutes after the workout and then have one first thing in the morning the day after and drink lots of water...Hope this helps.  It helped me get very cut in a matter of a few months.

Reason for posting in here:  After a few injuries, major life events (learning that I had a sister after 23 years of never knowing and then meeting her), bachelor parties, weddings, getting sick, busy at work and with school, and just an overall lack of motivation, I've gained 20 lbs and lost almost all the definition in my arms, back, chest, abs, and shoulders and I feel it.  Gotta get back into training with the quickness.  I sustained a minor injury when the blood vessels in my index finger popped in a little wrestling last week, so I'm waiting for that to heal.

After doing 15+ years of Kung Fu and being in top shape I started lifting weights about a year ago to build some muscle mass since I wasn't doing Martial Arts anymore and was just really boxing and messing around with my buddies that still train in martial arts here and there, I liked the results I was getting and so did my girl, so that was extra motivation to keep it going, but I stopped about 3-4 months ago and I really fell off.  I let myself go to the point that I'm getting a stomach

So, I'm gonna get back on my regimen and get to a good level to maintain and taper off the weights from there once I build the definition and mass I want to maintain.  Basically my regimen is a mix of: 2-3 days lifting weights (all major muscle groups; 2 exercises per group; 3 sets), Jogging around 8-9 minute miles twice a week alternated with swimming laps in a pool, some jumping rope, stretching, boxing and light sparring, and walking at least 4 times a week to keep moving and burning calories.

The weight lifting I do was recommended by my old Kung Fu instructor and reinforced by my homeboy that is a personal trainer; basically it is muscle confusion designed to just tone up a little and get cut while building some muscle mass, I'm a pretty big dude already 6'1" 180-185 is my goal, right now I'm pushing 205.  I want muscle tone and I don't want to lose much flexibility or speed or functional strength if I can avoid it at all.

I alternate my reps each day.  One day I do three sets of 12, 10, and 8 reps.  Then I do three sets of 4 reps.  Then a day of three sets of 8 reps.  A day of three sets of 10 reps.  Then a day of three sets of 15 reps.  Then start over again.  Obviously on the day I do 4 reps I am lifting considerably more weight than I do on my 15 rep days.  I try to alternate the exercises I do for each muscle group as well and mix it up as much as possible while still working in push-ups, manual dips, and pull-ups as much as I can.

So, hopefully I can get started on this next week with this index finger fully healed.  My goal is to be back down to 180-185 and toned and cut by September or October.  And from there just maintain the weight and muscle tone. 

excuse the hat hair/ thinning i got going on

anyways this was this morning COLD, no workout or pump.

weighted in at 222lbs. just started my cut stack/cycle.
excuse the hat hair/ thinning i got going on

anyways this was this morning COLD, no workout or pump.

weighted in at 222lbs. just started my cut stack/cycle.
Jada2001Retro wrote:
Originally Posted by BattsLM

Jada2001Retro wrote:
Starting to work out again after not being able to for 10 months.

Going to start walking and jogging with a little bit of running.

I gained 56 lbs, can't wait to lose it.
Muscle building is also the key to fat loss.. try to lift weights if you can. Don't have to lift anything heavy.. but a decent routine will go a long way..   

I can't really lift anything because I still have this thing in my chest, doc said if I put pressure on my chest muscles it could explode. Yeah I was planning to lift when I get it removed, diet and running/walking/jogging is my temporary plan.
Oh ok. first man.. Good luck with your goals.

nealraj006 wrote:
scshift wrote:
ooIRON MANoo wrote:
Probably no real reason.  They probably don't know better.

Only time I really see that is when I see a couple workout together.

Does anybody use TRX straps (Suspension Training) to workout.  I'm interested but they are expensive.

I use them to do inverted rows occasionally. Doing pushups on them is crazy hard, my arms are shaking everywhere and feels like my chest is going to explode

Very few people can even do a support on them, let alone any strength elements. After a while of using them you get used to the instability though. Dips, push ups, static holds, etc. are difficult at first and are still harder than their stable counterparts.

Finally found out what the TRX is. Don't like it. Same as gymnastic rings, however rings are better if you ask me. ~$200 for TRX or $60 for rings.  Rings can do more and can be scaled up/down for many different levels.

trx straps are 100..

and you can scale the trx straps up and down as well, adjust to diff levels and heights.

theres ALOT more to do excersice wise than just rings.

i only incorporate it with my workouts to throw a wrench in it.

i switch up diff things i do on them every 2 weeks or so, so i dont get used to em.

i also  do pushups on the balancing surfboard.
What's going on guys, I see a lot of info being tossed around so I have a few questions:

Is there a way I can gain a decent amount of weight (maybe twenty pounds) to basically get rid of my "chicken chest" and get some meat on my ribs without hitting the gym? What type of diet do you suggest? I had a book about Herschel Walker and it was very insightful as to which exercises I could choose from but until I get it back I just need a quick starting point. Thank you in advance.

Side note: I want to avoid using any type of shakes or anything like that, I want to do this naturally with maybe the exception of some helpful vitamins.
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