Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by BangDak

^Most likely sitting...standing presses do more harm then good. you can easily hurt yourself like that.

Standing OHP. 
I do the lift "raw" and my back is seriously compromised. I think if I used a belt I could add a few pounds+reps to my lift.

Just started doing front squats. Getting my form down PAT before attempting any real weight. I think I've been doing 3x10x95
wawaweewa wrote:

Was that a 200 KG deadlift? I hope so...

That hyperextention+shrug at the top made me weezy 

P.s. was it you who suggested those chinese leather lifting gloves? They work great... people looking at me mad weird though 

EDIT.. 180lbs BW
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by BangDak

^Most likely sitting...standing presses do more harm then good. you can easily hurt yourself like that.

Standing OHP. 
I do the lift "raw" and my back is seriously compromised. I think if I used a belt I could add a few pounds+reps to my lift.

Just started doing front squats. Getting my form down PAT before attempting any real weight. I think I've been doing 3x10x95
Your core is prob very weak so that translates to a weak press. I don't think standing strict OHP is necessary either way but yours is pretty weak accounting for your weight (I'm thinking you weigh 160-175?). Improve your front squat and your OHP will shoot up. Strict OHP is a lot of core/trap / rear delt. Front squat works all of those pretty well. 
Im a newbie to deadlifting and whatnot and im pretty sure im going to feel really stupid after this but..
But 200 pounds  x 10 reps? Or am I missing something? 
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Im a newbie to deadlifting and whatnot and im pretty sure im going to feel really stupid after this but..
But 200 pounds  x 10 reps? Or am I missing something? 
It's in kilos
200 kg = 440 lbs. 

For a guy under 200, that's not all too bad. 
Getting back into the gym after finals/graduation craze.

Reorganizing my routine to focus more on legs and back.

Monday: Squat/quads, chest/tris.
Tuesday: Deadlift/hamstrings/calves, back/bis.
Wednesday: rest.
Thursday: Squat, shoulders/tris.
Friday: Deadlift/calves, back/bis.
Saturday: rest.
Sunday: rest.

Right now:

Deadlift: 325 3x5.
Squat: 245 3x5.

6'4" 200.
Originally Posted by HankMoody


Everything You Know About Fitness is a Lie
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Posted By Daniel Duane On January 21, 2011 @ 3:06 pm In Cover Stories,Features,Mind & Body
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Photograph by Frederik Broden
[h2]Gym machines are boring, CrossFit is sadistic, and dieting sucks. Luckily, none of them is essential to being truly fit. Through years of trial and error — and humiliation at the hands of some of the world’s top trainers — the author discovered the secrets to real health.[/h2][h5]by Daniel Duane[/h5]
I hate the gym. At least, I hate “the gym
Been a lot of talk aboutt he importance of vitamins in the last 10 or so pages
I've read numerous times that people take Vitamin D

Even if your multi gives you 100% of your daily value, you take that on top of it?

I don't see the reasoning for that?
some pics this morning.

should have done back pics, since i was working out back

anyways, im posting so when im done with my cut cycle, i can have comparison pics.

btw, was it necessary to quote that whole article again ?
6-8 weeks . just started yesterday

but have been clean cutting (no fat burner, just healthy eating and supersets) for about 2 months

started at 250 - at 222 now.

the 250 i was at was just big and bulky, still worked out everyday, just heavy weights.

ive never cut down before, besides football practice back in the day.
Originally Posted by bwood056

6-8 weeks . just started yesterday

but have been clean cutting (no fat burner, just healthy eating and supersets) for about 2 months

started at 250 - at 222 now.

the 250 i was at was just big and bulky, still worked out everyday, just heavy weights.

ive never cut down before, besides football practice back in the day.
im sure you've answered this before, but how tall are you? and have you always just been a naturally bigger guy?
Originally Posted by G Que

Originally Posted by G Que

OxyElite Pro users.. anyone have severe stomach pains as a side effect from using this??  been having some serious stomach issues and don't know if I can chalk it up to the OxyElite Pro or not

I've used it before and never had any severe stomach pains. I would stop using it. How many do you take a day?
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

... many people can def attain 80% of these guys�strength�with the right training and dedication.�
That's definitely true. Most people can attain 315 back squat, 400ish deadlift, around a bodyweight overhead press, etc. It's just a matter of necessity and training right. A gymnast/bodyweight afficionado doesn't need a 600 lb back squat and an o-lifter doesn't need to be able to do an iron cross. Would it hurt to add some things from a different discipline? Probably not.
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Originally Posted by G Que

Originally Posted by G Que

OxyElite Pro users.. anyone have severe stomach pains as a side effect from using this??  been having some serious stomach issues and don't know if I can chalk it up to the OxyElite Pro or not

I've used it before and never had any severe stomach pains. I would stop using it. How many do you take a day?
im only on my 5th day but i havent had any stomach pains at all, no side effects at all for that matter, everythings going great, i already notice a difference within these 5 days
Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Originally Posted by G Que

I've used it before and never had any severe stomach pains. I would stop using it. How many do you take a day?
im only on my 5th day but i havent had any stomach pains at all, no side effects at all for that matter, everythings going great, i already notice a difference within these 5 days
I've stopped for the time being and haven't had any stomach pains at all..i took 2 before breakfast in the morning and another 1 about 6 hrs later...i felt like i was getting some good results.. but i've stopped taking them.. any advice?  alternatives?
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