Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Dropten

Never understood this zyzz craze. He was always scrawny to me. Did aas to obtain that???

scrawny?  cereally?
are you the no-neck-having, hgh gut type of dude?
Originally Posted by OHyeah10

Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by OHyeah10

ive gained like 8 pounds recently! i quit working out and eat fast food almost everyday. what to do????

uhh get back in the gym and stay away from fast food?... I can't believe some of the stuff I read in this thread
no motivation brah. What do you do when you feel lazy?
I realize that I won't reach my goals by sitting on my couch eating mcdoubles and I get my #$% to the gym.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

who else is bulking this fall/winter? cant wait

lean bulk of course.

i am, i cant wait either. I saw great progress on my last bulk.
When do you think you'll start yours?
i was planning on starting sep 1 give or take a couple days

maybe a bit later, but def before october. so if i lean bulk with no fat gain it gives me ample time since lean bulking is slower than dirty bulking

and if i change my mind and bulk dirtier it gives me enough time to be cut for summer
lot of people seem to start to bulk in the winter like in dec...not enough time imo

how about you man?
I always seem to be more conscious of what I eat in the winter and less apt to eat healthy in the summertime.  Its basically the opposite of what most people do.  
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

i was planning on starting sep 1 give or take a couple days

maybe a bit later, but def before october. so if i lean bulk with no fat gain it gives me ample time since lean bulking is slower than dirty bulking

and if i change my mind and bulk dirtier it gives me enough time to be cut for summer
lot of people seem to start to bulk in the winter like in dec...not enough time imo

how about you man?
i was thinking about the same thing, probably right when classes start back up to be honest, i wanna have plenty of time
yup that's perfect IMO

and it allows for you to tweak your routine/diet etc......if you leave only just enough time you have to have everything perfect from the get-go and that's not really feasible for me
hey guys i have a trying to do new exercises, some not necessarily bb style sure a lot of you guys do planks ,right? i tried them the other day and i couldn't do em for more than like 10 seconds because it was killing my shoulders.......putting weight on them at that position hurts for some i doing it wrong or is there something wrong with my shoulders? 

for the record ive tended to have shouler pain when doing a lot of chest exercises, definitely something i tend to strain, or maybe theres an injury? dunno
Originally Posted by fresh2deff

How to improve my bench press?? Any tips???? I max out right now at like 165..... Pretty new to weight lifting, but I feel embarrassed seeing dudes half my size pushing 200+.

what's your routine like? sets? reps per set?

One thing that definitely helps is to record in entirety your workout (i.e. write it down).  That way you'll be able to actually track the progress and know exactly how to push yourself.

Also if you feel like you're plateauing at flat barbell bench, try substituting flat dumbell bench instead.  Additionally, work on isolations for some of the secondary muscles involved in benching (especially triceps)
So I'm going to start up at the gym again(it's been a little over a year). I'm at 185 right now and want to drop back down to 160-170. Last time I didn't take any kind of supplements. I went from 200 to 170 in 2 months and plateaued. This time I want to get a little more more muscle tone . Any recommendation on a good supplement?
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

hey guys i have a trying to do new exercises, some not necessarily bb style sure a lot of you guys do planks ,right? i tried them the other day and i couldn't do em for more than like 10 seconds because it was killing my shoulders.......putting weight on them at that position hurts for some i doing it wrong or is there something wrong with my shoulders? 
for the record ive tended to have shouler pain when doing a lot of chest exercises, definitely something i tend to strain, or maybe theres an injury? dunno
To be honest that doesnt sound too good... even before touching a dumbbell I could do a plank for 60 seconds. You might have a problem with your shoulders bruh
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Originally Posted by Dropten

Never understood this zyzz craze. He was always scrawny to me. Did aas to obtain that???
Well, he wasn't massive, but he was probably the ideal size for most people.

And what he obtained was only over the course of 2 years, which is impressive...juice or no juice.


Not impressive for a juicer. I made better progress just eating and growing up
Originally Posted by timbo109

Originally Posted by fresh2deff

How to improve my bench press?? Any tips???? I max out right now at like 165..... Pretty new to weight lifting, but I feel embarrassed seeing dudes half my size pushing 200+.

what's your routine like? sets? reps per set?

One thing that definitely helps is to record in entirety your workout (i.e. write it down).  That way you'll be able to actually track the progress and know exactly how to push yourself.

Also if you feel like you're plateauing at flat barbell bench, try substituting flat dumbell bench instead.  Additionally, work on isolations for some of the secondary muscles involved in benching (especially triceps)
everything he said. also for me and IMO, on month of july i changed my workout routine on chest/legs/back pretty much the big muscle group, i did the 5x5 routine and seen great gains on strength. i suggest you look that up.

right now im doing a 32 sets workout on major muscle and i feel like a beast at the end. 
Have any of you guys tried Deer Antler Spray? Or know someone that has? I saw an article on it a few minutes ago. Sounds interesting lol
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