Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Eat almonds, lots of em. Good for that belly fat, good for overall weight management. Also cardio always help too. I had stubborn belly fat, a good diet x cardio = losing it fast. Im amazed how much changing my diet and cardio has killed a lot of my belly fat. I can see my abs now
Nuts in general are too energy dense for most people to consume regularly in large amounts. As a condiment, they're fine, but there are quite a few issues with high consumption on a daily basis. Caloric density, excessive omega 6 fatty acids, lectins, etc. Better fat sources include meat and other animal products(preferably grass-fed/pastured/organic), olive oil, and coconut products.
A bruhs is Chicken pot pie a bad meal? With the veggies and chicken, I of course know the cream/butter isn't good for a diet
Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

A bruhs is Chicken pot pie a bad meal? With the veggies and chicken, I of course know the cream/butter isn't good for a diet
you just answered your own question
starting Insanity tomorrow.. I'm 209 LBs, 6'0 ft, 23% body fat..

I wanna get down to 185 and about 10% body fat

think it's possible?

I'm also thinking of doing insanity 3 days a week, and lifting on the other 3 days, and using sundays as a rest day.

Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

A bruhs is Chicken pot pie a bad meal? With the veggies and chicken, I of course know the cream/butter isn't good for a diet

yes its bad
Originally Posted by AIRjuhst

starting Insanity tomorrow.. I'm 209 LBs, 6'0 ft, 23% body fat..

I wanna get down to 185 and about 10% body fat

think it's possible?

I'm also thinking of doing insanity 3 days a week, and lifting on the other 3 days, and using sundays as a rest day.

absolutely it's possible....if you keep up with it long enough.  you didn't say how long you're planning on keeping this routine, so don't expect those results in a few weeks.
Originally Posted by 216301baller

For my NT fitness guru's: Why is it that bench declines every week..I started at 185 max now Its damn near impossible to do one

For me, I do 3x15, 4x10, 5x5, in order and I usually see gains each time. Obviously alternate each workout

Got this from my HS football coach, usually use those sets and reps for most of my workouts.
HELP. I need some tips on doing pull ups. I need to get to 3 by May and I can barely do 1 right now. I leave for bootcamp in June, but I need to pass the Initial Strength Test. Thanks in advance
Alright guys I need some help with my diet. I am a vegetarian and now I find out that I have gluten-intolerance. So I can't eat meat or anything with wheat in it.
My options are very limited and I run out of ideas as to what to eat. I am 6'1 and weigh 195....I would like to get down to 180 or 185. At the same time I would
like to gain muscle. I have access to the gym everyday of the week so I can't make any excuses not to go. Any help is appreciated.
Originally Posted by jazz145

Alright guys I need some help with my diet. I am a vegetarian and now I find out that I have gluten-intolerance. So I can't eat meat or anything with wheat in it.
My options are very limited and I run out of ideas as to what to eat. I am 6'1 and weigh 195....I would like to get down to 180 or 185. At the same time I would
like to gain muscle. I have access to the gym everyday of the week so I can't make any excuses not to go. Any help is appreciated.
Rice, oats, peanut butter, eggs, cheese, milk. 
i need an easy and quick warm up . i wanna start working out at home. i use to just run as my warm up at the gym but now ill be at home. any suggestions.? stretches as well.
For me, I do 3x15, 4x10, 5x5, in order and I usually see gains each time. Obviously alternate each workout
Makes sense. Let me experiment with it starting this week.

Eat almonds, lots of em

I do eat Almonds but I count em. It's excellent for protein/fibre but don't over do it. My main issue with it is the gas situation 3 hours later
Originally Posted by Truballa101

gettin ready to pack on some weight.

is gaining 1.5lb per week too much? how about 2lb per week?

well if that's fat then it's bad. it doesn't matter on how much you're gaining, what matters the most is what you're gaining in those pounds.

and I hope you got some good appetite. that's a lot to gain per week brah. I hope you're prepared for some lifestyle changes when you want to gain weight. It sounds good right now but when it gets out of control you'd be wishing you never gained that much.

i need an easy and quick warm up . i wanna start working out at home. i use to just run as my warm up at the gym but now ill be at home. any suggestions.? stretches as well.

- put on your sneakers and walk/jog around the block. if you live in an apartment then go up and down the stairs.
- YouTube
^^ get jack3d its definitely the best pre workout product available. some people swear by others but jack3d gives me the cleanest energy. I'm an animal when i take it 
Can I see results in my ab-workouts despite being on a bulking routine of constant, but regulated, eating-to-gain-weight/mass?
i messed up my neck/back last week.. not being able to do my daily routines has had me feeling miserable & useless.

headed to the chiropractor this weekend to see what the hell is going on.

starting doing FST-7 just to try it out.
did chest monday, back yesturday, and so far i am sore as hell!

it hits really well and i feel like it is a great workout program, try it out fellas

also hitting the dieting hard, cuting back on carbs and upping the protein and green veggies.

Originally Posted by bkmac

Can I see results in my ab-workouts despite being on a bulking routine of constant, but regulated, eating-to-gain-weight/mass?

If you're bulking you're putting on fat. If you're putting on fat some of that is going to be on your stomach. Your abs wont be visible until you cut to a low bf percentage. What I've found out is that as long as you're feeling the burn your abs are being worked out. I usually go to failure on any ab exercise and have seen great results when on a low cal/low carb diet.
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