Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by ccobryan173

IF seems ridiculous so hard to maintain and live like that seems so unnecessary. I guess maybe itd give results but what happens when you go back to a normal diet cuz clearly that way of eating at least for me couldn't last more then 3 months
False. What's hard about waking up and walking out the door? Which is unnecessary: lugging around multiple tupperware containers of premade food or walking around with a bottle of water or cup of coffee/tea?
There are many cultures that don't even eat 3 square meals a day. Breakfast is a relatively new invention and from what I can tell, most people shouldn't be eating first thing in the morning anyway.

Brett knows what it's about


Does that Kane dude eat?

But I guess its different from being in shape to getting into shape.. he talks about Sushimi, a burger and bacon? Come on y'all
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by I3

Does that Kane dude eat?

But I guess its different from being in shape to getting into shape.. he talks about Sushimi, a burger and bacon? Come on y'all
Not sure how much of this is legit....

This whole diet thing is so damn confusing. I might end up spending a year taking nutrition in college just for personal understanding. 
College nutrition courses basically discuss the guidelines that the government talks about: low fat, high carb, "heart healthy". I only took a nutrition course because I wanted to learn more about the micronutrients and their roles in the body in detail. I learned a good bit, but there was a lot of information that was taught that I disagreed with or didn't care about learning(like when to use an IV or when to bolus feed a patient in the hospital). It's good to start out with, but you might end up more confused than before you took the class just because they also talk about the extremes of deficiences and disorders.

Durden, whatever you want to call it: invention, tradition, act, etc.
I think dieting is pretty simple...

Basically you want to lose weight? Eat less than you're maintenance levels.. gain weight - eat more.

The level you under/over eat will take time to perfect, everyone is different.

Then when you understand part, look at what foods you're eating - are they clean - whole unprocessed foods? What liquids are you taking? What are you're patterns? Do you buy food/cook food etc..? Whats you're budget? When do you work out?

Cool, so you've decided how you want to eat, you've taken a look at what food you've eaten/eat and now you can put together a simple plan:

- I want to lose body fat.
- I need to eat a bit less than my maintenance levels
- I eat a average amount of junk food and drink soda once a day.

So start off by but eating less of what you normally eat - eat the same foods, just smaller portions. Then begin change you're foods, try eat some cleaner unprocessed foods, that dont need this and that, just pure cooked food with a bit of seasoning perhaps. Cut the soda to 2x a week maybe, then eventually you'll get sick of soda.

It's not an easy process, but if you take small steps into it you'll get there. There will also be times where you lose motivation, so take a week off, or if thats hard take one day a week where you can eat the foods you like.

People get bogged up by macro nutrient ratios, nutrient timing etc.. If you're really after that sub 10% look, then I guess you should really look into that, but for those who want to get shredded, its just a as simple as eating clean foods, minimizing the sodas/drinking/junk food and being consistent with it.

Im sure Durden and the others will tell you the same thing, doing the basics right and understanding you're body first will get you more results than going right into the nitty gritty of things.

Combine that simple diet with a great calorie burning workout, compounds + isolation + some sort of cardio 2-3x a week and you'll get there. But remember it won't happen overnight, but it will happen.

The biggest and best ingredient is consistency and dedication.. without those two you're not going anywhere. Dedication is not eating no fast foods, or staying in the gym for 2 hours or doing an extra set (although that will come eventually) - its just being honest with yourself, sticking to you're goals.

Obviously, for those who aren't the regular joe, you know that certain things such as macro nutrients, timing etc.. can have their affects - and this is the difference between a 10-11% to say 7-8% person..

Notice I havent mentioned anything about supplements yet?
Thinking about getting these. I just want some more comfort when I run/walk.
How do these function for you? Do you have to take out the insoles that are in the shoes? What if the insoles in the shoe can't be taken out? Such as Air Jordan Vs?
What are the best kind to buy?
As always thanks NT.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Durden, whatever you want to call it: invention, tradition, act, etc.

Define relatively new.

I dont think theres anything new about eating breakfast at alllll. 
Originally Posted by ChiefWiggum

I just ordered white flood, i'm going to try it out. How do you guys (who've taken it) like it?
ive used WF before

good product, a sustained engery doesnt have you as amped like say a super pump and others

really good focus. i believe they put huperzine A in the formula.
To Brett or Nealraj:

After my fat loss has sort of slowed down, I couldn't help but finally consider the idea of IF, especially since I'm heading back to school now and it seems ever so convenient for my purposes in training and my schedule. my question is, how often do you guys do this? Is your IF schedule catered more towards BMI maintenance or to get more shredded?
I'm reading up a little on leangains and supposedly this will help substantially in getting rid of this damn "stubborn" fat I've been trying to rid myself of since I was a kid. How many days do you think I should keep this up per week if I seek the best results?
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Durden, whatever you want to call it: invention, tradition, act, etc.

Define relatively new.

I dont think theres anything new about eating breakfast at alllll. 
That term is subjective. In the history of +*+! sapiens, it's "relatively new". In civilized society, some would and some wouldn't consider it "relatively new", depending on how far you talk about.
If you look at the lifestyles of current and previous traditional tribes, you'll notice that many do not schedule a meal in the morning. If they eat, it's never a full on meal. They don't roll out of bed and pick fruit from their backyard for breakfast. The San of Namibia are an example of this.

About that link posted above, I partially agree with it. Theoretically, as long as you got your calorie needs met, there's nothing "wrong" with eating "traditional junk food". However, you miss out on the numerous vitamins, minerals, phyotnutrients, etc. that are part of "eating clean". You could make your own pizzas and whatnot out of "clean foods", but I doubt that everyone has the time or energy for that. There are studies to show that mineral deficiencies have contributed to behavior problems in children. I think that it's important to eat clean because it teaches you a lesson that's deeper than just nutrient intake. Food can be very symbolic if you look at it as more than just food.
My only problem is deciding how to go about obtaining my goals. Dedication and consistency are down pat.. but the details are so fuzzy

I'm 170lbs and 10%BF
I want to be 190lbs and 7%BF.... over the next four years. More immediately I'd like to be 180lbs and 7%, so I want to make sure I'm eating the right stuff to help this..
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

My only problem is deciding how to go about obtaining my goals. Dedication and consistency are down pat.. but the details are so fuzzy

I'm 170lbs and 10%BF
I want to be 190lbs and 7%BF.... over the next four years. More immediately I'd like to be 180lbs and 7%, so I want to make sure I'm eating the right stuff to help this..
dude please try to eat basically have no muscle mass..I'm basically the same weight sitting at 8-10BF but you look like Michael Cera in comparison..just saying no hate
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

My only problem is deciding how to go about obtaining my goals. Dedication and consistency are down pat.. but the details are so fuzzy

I'm 170lbs and 10%BF
I want to be 190lbs and 7%BF.... over the next four years. More immediately I'd like to be 180lbs and 7%, so I want to make sure I'm eating the right stuff to help this..
dude please try to eat basically have no muscle mass..I'm basically the same weight sitting at 8-10BF but you look like Michael Cera in comparison..just saying no hate
...I'm pretty sure I remember you posting a pic, and you didn't look any bigger than brett.
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

My only problem is deciding how to go about obtaining my goals. Dedication and consistency are down pat.. but the details are so fuzzy

I'm 170lbs and 10%BF
I want to be 190lbs and 7%BF.... over the next four years. More immediately I'd like to be 180lbs and 7%, so I want to make sure I'm eating the right stuff to help this..
dude please try to eat basically have no muscle mass..I'm basically the same weight sitting at 8-10BF but you look like Michael Cera in comparison..just saying no hate
...I'm pretty sure I remember you posting a pic, and you didn't look any bigger than brett.

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

My only problem is deciding how to go about obtaining my goals. Dedication and consistency are down pat.. but the details are so fuzzy

I'm 170lbs and 10%BF
I want to be 190lbs and 7%BF.... over the next four years. More immediately I'd like to be 180lbs and 7%, so I want to make sure I'm eating the right stuff to help this..
dude please try to eat basically have no muscle mass..I'm basically the same weight sitting at 8-10BF but you look like Michael Cera in comparison..just saying no hate
...I'm pretty sure I remember you posting a pic, and you didn't look any bigger than brett.

rite... me last year early... will post update pics soon improvement is crazy striated tri's..etc
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

no omo.... but is it true if you lose a certain amount of pounds or fat... your dong gets bigger?
Lol wut?

Maybe appear bigger.

 i swear i heard this before... and i mean not where you are fat lose weight and you can see it again... 
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett
dude please try to eat basically have no muscle mass..I'm basically the same weight sitting at 8-10BF but you look like Michael Cera in comparison..just saying no hate
...I'm pretty sure I remember you posting a pic, and you didn't look any bigger than brett.

rite... me last year early... will post update pics soon improvement is crazy striated tri's..etc

Like I said...

Talkin' 'bout he looks like Michael Cera in comparison. Ha!
Yeah dude you can't say no hate and then drop this on a dude


...that was straight shots fired. I'm not running around this forum acting like The Situation.

I could eat 10,000 cals a day it's not going to add muscle any faster. I understand only a couple of lbs of muscle can be built each month, but I'm seeking the knowledge of NT to help make sure I obtain at least that.
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

no omo.... but is it true if you lose a certain amount of pounds or fat... your dong gets bigger?
Lol wut?

Maybe appear bigger.

 i swear i heard this before... and i mean not where you are fat lose weight and you can see it again... 
For obese men, the layer of fat in their midsection could be so thick that their unit actually becomes smaller. Your joint is actually twice the length that extends out of your body 

I know this because a local radio station held a "smallest penis contest" and some dude was so fat he scored -0.10 centimeters... NEGATIVE PENIS 
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