Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Got a question for the Fitness Guru's...

Should I take a week off from the gym? The last time I took a week off was back in August. I've been lifting Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I do abs on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. Saturday is my day off/rest day.

I know it's beneficial to take a week off after 8-10 weeks of weight training but what about the situation I'm in? Is Saturday and my Tuesday/Thursday ab days considered enough "rest" for me? I feel like it's enough rest because I used to lift 6 days a week compared to now. Any help is appreciated
Originally Posted by 23legacy45

Got a question for the Fitness Guru's...

Should I take a week off from the gym? The last time I took a week off was back in August. I've been lifting Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I do abs on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. Saturday is my day off/rest day.

I know it's beneficial to take a week off after 8-10 weeks of weight training but what about the situation I'm in? Is Saturday and my Tuesday/Thursday ab days considered enough "rest" for me? I feel like it's enough rest because I used to lift 6 days a week compared to now. Any help is appreciated
If you keep your eating on point, it can be the best thing you can do for yourself. Its the holidays temptation is HIGH. but if you pull it off, you can come back feeling 
 . I personally know the holidays will get to me, so i made a mini workout for the holidays, simple squat bench pull deadlift routine in the morning, and once the meals come in, i just eat 
 good luck man. choose wisely 
Originally Posted by NavyBoy24

Wanted to go from 175 to 200.. (im 5'10) is this a good workout to build mass in a short span of time? (10-20 pounds of muscle by march)

Routine For The First Two-Three Months:

    * Monday: Chest / Triceps
    * >Tuesday: Back / Biceps
    * Wednesday: Shoulder / Traps
    * Thursday: Thigh / Calves / Abs
    * Friday: Chest / Triceps
    * Saturday: Back / Biceps
    * Sunday: Shoulder / Traps

      ** Cardio should be done 3-4 times a week for 30 minutes on medium intensity if you are bulking.
      ** Cardio should be done 4-5 times a week for 45 minutes on medium-high intensity if you are cutting.

      By using this routine, you are focusing on both building muscle mass and defining the muscles at the same time. You must combine both compound and isolation exercises into your workouts.

Chest / Triceps Days:

    * 1 Set of warm-up on bench followed by 3 sets of 12, 8, 8 flat bench press
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 Dumbbell chest flies
    * 3 Sets of 10, 8, 8 Incline dumbbell press
    * 2 Sets of 10, 8 Weighted Dips
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 Skullcrusher
    * 2 Sets of 10, 8 Overhead Tricep Extension

Back / Bicep Days:

    * 1 Set of warm-up on pull ups followed by 3 sets of 12, 8, 7 lat pull-down
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 low row
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 high row
    * 2 Sets of 8, 6 Barbell pullovers
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 6 Deadlifts
    * 2 Sets of Alternating Dumbbell Curls

Shoulder / Traps Days:

    * 1 Set of warm-up on Dumbbell Military Presses followed by 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 Barbell Military Presses
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 Dumbbell lateral raises
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8 ,8 Dumbbell front raises
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 Posterior Flies (Machine or dumbbells)
    * 2 Sets of 10, 8 Dumbbell Arnold Presses
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 Heavy dumbbell Shrugs
    * 2 Sets of 12, 8 Heavy Behind the back barbell shrugs

Thigh / Calves / Abs Days:

    * 1 Set of warm-up on Full Squats followed by 3 Sets of 12, 10, 8 Barbell full squats
    * 3 Sets of 15, 12, 8 Hamstring Curls
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 Heavy Calf raises
    * 2 Sets of 8, 8 Heavy Squats on the leg press machine
    * 2 Sets of 12, 8 Leg extensions
    * 2 Sets of 50, 50 Crunches or as much as you can do
    * 2 Sets of Hanging leg raises (As much as you can do)

      By doing 8-12 repetitions for each set, you will stimulate maximum hypertrophy. However, this is based on the average person. Every person responds to weightlifting differently, some better, some worse. Simply try this routine and then adjust it according to your own unique body type.

      Warm-up sets require at least 12 repetitions depending on the size of the muscle and the amount of weight you are using. It is very important to warm-up and stretch the muscle group that you will be targeting before you start your routine. Failure to warm-up and stretch properly before workouts can result in severe injury.

      Another good idea is to warm-up the secondary/stabilizing muscles as well. For example, if you are going to be doing heavy barbell bench, I recommend that you warm-up the triceps and shoulders before heavy benching.
im sorry this is one of the worst workouts ive ever seen. no rest what so ever and unless you are a bodybuilder... body splitting just isnt the way to go. gain muscle, lose fat, whatever it is...COMPOUND EXERCISES every other day, GO HARD for 45 minutes, increase weight after every workout.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH


except for the 4-pack.........perfection

Perfection is about maintaining excellence til the day you die. Your statement is void.
Originally Posted by jordan23collecta

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by Al Audi

 he brings up BPSE (body split epidemic) basically originated from bodybuilders/steroid users that many guys follow today
Old time bodybuilders didn't rely on body part splits. They focused on the big lifts. I'm talking about before bodybuilding's golden age(the 60's/70's)
Too much kipping in the video above. Weighted pull ups should be for strength. Kipping it doesn't help

body split epidemic is what?  and what is kipping if you dont mind me asking..?

Body part split routines. Like chest/tris on monday, back/bis on tuesday, shoulders/legs on wednesday, etc. Too many people that don't need to be using them(novices/beginners) are the ones that are using them. They're really only meant for advanced trainees that are already proficient in the compound barbell lifts.
Kipping is when you generate momentum to help with the movement. Take the standing press for example. If you strict press, your upper body will be doing most of the work. However, say you bend your knees and generate momentum with the knee movement, it'll help the movement of the barbell. That's a push press, which you can use more weight on than a strict standing press. In pull ups, you can swing your legs, among other ways to kip to help make the pull up easier. That's why many people can only do kipping muscle ups, but have not progressed to strict Muscle Ups yet. They haven't properly focused on the strength portion of the muscle up.

jordan23collecta wrote:
anyone hear about the 'spinach bodybuilding' ?

I've heard of it before. There are athletes that eat pounds and pounds of vegetables per meal. They experience significantly improved recovery from those that don't eat quite so many vegetables. It's true that nobody eats enough of their vegetables though. Pretty much anyone can improve something from simply eating an extra pound or two of vegetables in their diet regularly.
Thanks for the replies. I have another question: Is it okay to workout a certain muscle on the same day every week, or should I switch it up for "muscle confusion"? My next workout plan starting on January 2nd-Feb 28th has a muscle assigned to a certain day of the week (e.g. Legs on Mondays, back on Wednesdays, etc.).

Btw for muscle confusion, after a while I switch the reps and weight, and change from different excercises that hit the same target muscle. Is it okay if I have assign days for one muscle for a span of 8 weeks?
wow I've been eating tons of food from Thursday to Sunday. I've looked at myself in the mirror and damn my face well actually my whole body my stomach, my legs, my chest look fat as !!+%! lmao. Like damn I know there's some water weight gain in there but I know for damn sure I gained some fat along with it.

I came into the gym today and the front desk person even didn't recognize me at first thats how I different I look I guess. Workout was @$%* today I almost f'd myself over doing squats today I couldn't rep 225 like I could and all my muscles and joints feel like @$%*. I'm not even gonna look at the scale... I was 154-153 before Christmas.

Wow it's gonna take some weeks to a month to undo this I think.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

you definitely dont need a complete week "off" but a deload week where you do like 50% of your normal workout load would be good

now are we talking weight or reps?
probably gonna do this next week, havent had a break in a LONG time
Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

you definitely dont need a complete week "off" but a deload week where you do like 50% of your normal workout load would be good

now are we talking weight or reps?
probably gonna do this next week, havent had a break in a LONG time
either one.....personally running through my entire workout doing half my normal weight would just feel silly so i would suggest half the load at a little under your normal weight. 
more arnold.....jesus i cant believe he was <250 lbs at 6'1, he was massive


also im kind of pissed i was planning on cycling late jan and finishing up before spring break but i realized i go away on march 14......which means even if i did only a 6 wk cycle (which is actually not terrible with test prop) id be starting my 2nd week of pct when i went away. not good, still thinking of doing it and somehow avoiding drinking and hitting the gym (not a hotel gym, finding a real one hard but that really sounds like it would be difficult. not to mention all the 
 looks id get for not drinking and driving to some gym every day, even though all my buddies work out. 
ive been using jack3d and creatine ethyl ester pre workout and then glutamine and whey and casein (if i lift in the evening) for about a month. ive been lifting since i was in 8th grade and haven't seen results like im having now. anyone else getting good results from similar supplements?
i know everyone is all about eating right but i dont really have time to keep track of my diet
Yea, my gym has a belt for everyone to use, I don't carry the 45 between my legs lol, that'll be nuts. The plate just happens to be there once I go up.

Aboutg the cycle, its tempting, I finally found a legit source, and I wasn't even looking for one.
I know I'm not at my natural limit, nor close to it; but damn, I sure do want to run a light cycle, ex: anavar stacked. But I haven't researched it enough.

Damn my face is puffy, I ate so much choclate cake, oreos and milk; it was like masturabation, after I ate it all I was like "what have you done?!?!"...going to keto it for the week. Keep lifting heavy.
I've had a perfect year. Didn't miss a workout. Made great progress.

Ditched barbell flat/decline presses a while back and went back to dumbbells on both of those. Much better pump/results. Incline barbell is still good, though.

The commuting is starting to wear on my body. I'm seriously starting to hate going to my campus gym 13 miles away from home on bus. It's annoying as hell. Whatever, this will end soon.
dude ive been the exact same hyper cutter

ditched barbell completely aside from light incline bench supersetted with cable flies at the end of my workout

feels great.

njcollector anavar is great as far as orals with mild toxicity and sides but if you do cycle use some sort of test as the backbone
Originally Posted by hotshots24

Originally Posted by NavyBoy24

Wanted to go from 175 to 200.. (im 5'10) is this a good workout to build mass in a short span of time? (10-20 pounds of muscle by march)

Routine For The First Two-Three Months:

    * Monday: Chest / Triceps
    * >Tuesday: Back / Biceps
    * Wednesday: Shoulder / Traps
    * Thursday: Thigh / Calves / Abs
    * Friday: Chest / Triceps
    * Saturday: Back / Biceps
    * Sunday: Shoulder / Traps

      ** Cardio should be done 3-4 times a week for 30 minutes on medium intensity if you are bulking.
      ** Cardio should be done 4-5 times a week for 45 minutes on medium-high intensity if you are cutting.

      By using this routine, you are focusing on both building muscle mass and defining the muscles at the same time. You must combine both compound and isolation exercises into your workouts.

Chest / Triceps Days:

    * 1 Set of warm-up on bench followed by 3 sets of 12, 8, 8 flat bench press
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 Dumbbell chest flies
    * 3 Sets of 10, 8, 8 Incline dumbbell press
    * 2 Sets of 10, 8 Weighted Dips
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 Skullcrusher
    * 2 Sets of 10, 8 Overhead Tricep Extension

Back / Bicep Days:

    * 1 Set of warm-up on pull ups followed by 3 sets of 12, 8, 7 lat pull-down
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 low row
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 high row
    * 2 Sets of 8, 6 Barbell pullovers
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 6 Deadlifts
    * 2 Sets of Alternating Dumbbell Curls

Shoulder / Traps Days:

    * 1 Set of warm-up on Dumbbell Military Presses followed by 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 Barbell Military Presses
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 Dumbbell lateral raises
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8 ,8 Dumbbell front raises
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 Posterior Flies (Machine or dumbbells)
    * 2 Sets of 10, 8 Dumbbell Arnold Presses
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 Heavy dumbbell Shrugs
    * 2 Sets of 12, 8 Heavy Behind the back barbell shrugs

Thigh / Calves / Abs Days:

    * 1 Set of warm-up on Full Squats followed by 3 Sets of 12, 10, 8 Barbell full squats
    * 3 Sets of 15, 12, 8 Hamstring Curls
    * 3 Sets of 12, 8, 8 Heavy Calf raises
    * 2 Sets of 8, 8 Heavy Squats on the leg press machine
    * 2 Sets of 12, 8 Leg extensions
    * 2 Sets of 50, 50 Crunches or as much as you can do
    * 2 Sets of Hanging leg raises (As much as you can do)

      By doing 8-12 repetitions for each set, you will stimulate maximum hypertrophy. However, this is based on the average person. Every person responds to weightlifting differently, some better, some worse. Simply try this routine and then adjust it according to your own unique body type.

      Warm-up sets require at least 12 repetitions depending on the size of the muscle and the amount of weight you are using. It is very important to warm-up and stretch the muscle group that you will be targeting before you start your routine. Failure to warm-up and stretch properly before workouts can result in severe injury.

      Another good idea is to warm-up the secondary/stabilizing muscles as well. For example, if you are going to be doing heavy barbell bench, I recommend that you warm-up the triceps and shoulders before heavy benching.
im sorry this is one of the worst workouts ive ever seen. no rest what so ever and unless you are a bodybuilder... body splitting just isnt the way to go. gain muscle, lose fat, whatever it is...COMPOUND EXERCISES every other day, GO HARD for 45 minutes, increase weight after every workout.
Damn, and i got that from too...well will post a full body intermediate workout and see if its worth while or not. I wanted something to start with by Jan.
ignore him thats a huge overreaction

ive seen great gains from a bodypart split program

also have seen great gains from a compound only full body routine but muscles for show like biceps calves etc. get ignored which i dont like
^ I am well aware of that
, but also i kind of agree being the reason that i wouldnt always want to hit the gym each day for a specific body part. I would much rather have a full body workout that requires me to head to the gym 3-4 times a week..

Does anyone have or know websites that has it?
Originally Posted by NavyBoy24

^ I am well aware of that
, but also i kind of agree being the reason that i wouldnt always want to hit the gym each day for a specific body part. I would much rather have a full body workout that requires me to head to the gym 3-4 times a week..

Does anyone have or know websites that has it?

haha yeah, sorry for the overreaction, just trying to get my point across, that you can get same/or better results, with taking 3-4 lifting days a week, and resting and eating well on off days. 
Originally Posted by BdeaZy

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH


except for the 4-pack.........perfection

Perfection is about maintaining excellence til the day you die. Your statement is void.
He hasn't die yet..
but.. since that photo has been taken, he has become an iconic movie star, govner of Cali, and lucrative business man overall.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

ive seen great gains from a bodypart split program

also have seen great gains from a compound only full body routine but muscles for show like biceps calves etc. get ignored which i dont like

but you can still throw those show work outs in also.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH


except for the 4-pack.........perfection

ehh in terms of Olympia.. Delts too small ..quad sweep matter fact overall quad size, horrible back That chest still is the bizness tho I'd only put Ronnie Coleman and Johnny Jacksons chest above it.
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH


except for the 4-pack.........perfection

ehh in terms of Olympia.. Delts too small ..quad sweep matter fact overall quad size, horrible back That chest still is the bizness tho I'd only put Ronnie Coleman and Johnny Jacksons chest above it.
 you mean in terms of 2010 olympia with 2010 drug regimines with truckloads of hgh, igf-1, igf-2, insulin, etc. which they didnt use back then..........and i agree i guess but apples to oranges you know? 
plus those builds look terrible imo. arnold's , to me, is actually something that would look good off the stage, although he's really at the upper limits of size  
I picked up a few books recently. One of them that stuck out to me that can and should be picked up by many is "8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back". It's aimed at those that have back pain, but should be picked up by everyone. Very few people in industrialized countries have good postures, and even fewer people know what good posture actually is. She proposes that many problems can be treated through improved posture, and she goes into great detail describing what proper posture is. She also demonstrates how to get into proper posture while sitting, reclining, sleeping, etc.
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