Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

I just bought some Whey Protein for the very first time (ON vanilla Ice Cream ) ...
Ive been going to the gym Strictly for HIIT and regular cardio for now.
Whats the best way to put this Whey to use?
My goal is improved Cardio system and general fat loss.
Originally Posted by NoSlickRemarks

I just bought some Whey Protein for the very first time (ON vanilla Ice Cream ) ...
Ive been going to the gym Strictly for HIIT and regular cardio for now.
Whats the best way to put this Whey to use?
My goal is improved Cardio system and general fat loss.
drink it to fulfill your protein requirment
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

What are you guys eating today???
Military press today so i'm going BIG on food.

morning: bagel w/ almond butter. 8 egg whites
noon: bag of baby carrots, 4 slices of 12 grain (WOW 20g carb, 5g pro per slice), with almond butter and blackberry jam, 1cup milk, 1 cup choco milk
afterschool: 2 LARGE chicken fajitas again, avacado, broccoli (*%@%%%% dig broccoli)
after workout: 1 cup oats, 8 egg whites, banana, 1 cup chocomilk, scoop of whey, 5g fiber, 1tbs flax oil, 3tbs almond butter
evening: undecided, maybe pizza!

not even gonna add that up, definitely 4k cals
morning scoop of whey banana
lunch potbellys uptown salad
snack loaded potato with chicken, beans, salad
dinner chicken, mac n cheese, mashed potato
snack before gym: unknown
after work out whey with creatine
Originally Posted by LightskinFlYbOy 718

first day on cut since last summer  i had 5 small meals but counted the calories its going to past 2,000 is that OK? btw I'm 6'3 and 187lbs
1-4-8-12 meals it doesn't matter when or how often you eat. It only matters with your caloric intake for the day.

Find your maintenance calories and then deduct 400-600 calories from that total. I'm 5-11 and 183, I workout 6 days a week lifting hard/heavy weight moderate cardio nothing excessive at all and I am on a cut, started at 195. Looking to minimize muscle loss as much as possible and I'm eating 2200-2400 calories a day and I am losing 1-1.5 pounds a week which is perfect.
Originally Posted by Where Are You Harold Miner 2

Originally Posted by LightskinFlYbOy 718

first day on cut since last summer  i had 5 small meals but counted the calories its going to past 2,000 is that OK? btw I'm 6'3 and 187lbs
1-4-8-12 meals it doesn't matter when or how often you eat. It only matters with your caloric intake for the day.

Find your maintenance calories and then deduct 400-600 calories from that total. I'm 5-11 and 183, I workout 6 days a week lifting hard/heavy weight moderate cardio nothing excessive at all and I am on a cut, started at 195. Looking to minimize muscle loss as much as possible and I'm eating 2200-2400 calories a day and I am losing 1-1.5 pounds a week which is perfect.
gotta hit the right macros too, caloric intake is nothing without knowing your macros.. google is your best friend
Originally Posted by NoSlickRemarks

I just bought some Whey Protein for the very first time (ON vanilla Ice Cream ) ...
Ive been going to the gym Strictly for HIIT and regular cardio for now.
Whats the best way to put this Whey to use?
My goal is improved Cardio system and general fat loss.

I recommend these flavors penut butter/chocolate and cookies and cream.
I suggest 2 scoops in water in the morning and 2 scoops with water immediately after a workout.
I suggest copping a Body Fortress shaker. You can get it at walmart.

You can keep your whey in it and shake it up so you don't get those annoying clumps. Also I suggest using a specific cup to use for your whey drinks because it leaves a horrible stench in the shaker I use.

I put 1 scoop of whey in my oatmeal and 2 scoops of whey in water right after a workout.
Originally Posted by syxth element

Originally Posted by Where Are You Harold Miner 2

Originally Posted by LightskinFlYbOy 718

first day on cut since last summer  i had 5 small meals but counted the calories its going to past 2,000 is that OK? btw I'm 6'3 and 187lbs
1-4-8-12 meals it doesn't matter when or how often you eat. It only matters with your caloric intake for the day.

Find your maintenance calories and then deduct 400-600 calories from that total. I'm 5-11 and 183, I workout 6 days a week lifting hard/heavy weight moderate cardio nothing excessive at all and I am on a cut, started at 195. Looking to minimize muscle loss as much as possible and I'm eating 2200-2400 calories a day and I am losing 1-1.5 pounds a week which is perfect.
gotta hit the right macros too, caloric intake is nothing without knowing your macros.. google is your best friend
OK how to find out calories maintenance so i can deduct 500? and whats macros? sorry I don't know this term and Google search it and getting weird results
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Zyzz

what are you guys doing for Lent? im contemplating giving up meat

I dont get it? Why are you giving things up?
Religious custom

does Easter start in March? seems is coming closer every year.
but anyways, if i can finally rid soda out of me for those 40 Days, i think i can finally kick it for good. 

But been meaning to Ask, why all the love for Buffalo Meat? 

is it the taste? or is it extremely Lean Meat?

Educate me NT
Originally Posted by BK201

Originally Posted by NoSlickRemarks

I just bought some Whey Protein for the very first time (ON vanilla Ice Cream ) ...
Ive been going to the gym Strictly for HIIT and regular cardio for now.
Whats the best way to put this Whey to use?
My goal is improved Cardio system and general fat loss.

I recommend these flavors penut butter/chocolate and cookies and cream.
I suggest 2 scoops in water in the morning and 2 scoops with water immediately after a workout.
I suggest copping a Body Fortress shaker. You can get it at walmart.

You can keep your whey in it and shake it up so you don't get those annoying clumps. Also I suggest using a specific cup to use for your whey drinks because it leaves a horrible stench in the shaker I use.

I put 1 scoop of whey in my oatmeal and 2 scoops of whey in water right after a workout.
Sounds Good. I ordered a pair of blender cups from GNC for $10 a couple days ago. Its on the way!
Originally Posted by ii FLaSh ii

Originally Posted by SoHi 23

been !@!*%@$ with turkey burgers on the george foreman grill recently

What do you add to it? Or you just throw it on the grill for 6 minutes and eat it like that?

yeah man I didnt have any condiments so it was straight Burger + buns

$*#% is mad easy to make tho, and pretty damn good.
So I bought a pre-workout supplement for the first time..."1MR".

I'm kindda ashamed of myself for resorting to this and dropping $50 on this product but my workouts the last 2 weeks have been terrible. I actually gave up and walked out of a workout yesterday for the first time in like 4 years because I had no energy or focus at all. Hopefully this product gives me the jolt that I need.

To anyone looking for a great pre-workout product, I strongly suggest ephedrine. Between 8-24 MGs about 1-2 hours pre-workout will give you all the focus and energy you need while lifting. I took it for about 2-3 months and my lifts were going up while I was losing fat...some days I'd go to the gym in the evening on an empty stomach and still hit personal records while on ephedrine. It's very cheap (around $4-5 a bottle over here) and it's very effective. I'm off it now because I was using it to cut weight but I think it'd work just as great for those who are just looking for a pre-workout supplement. Just go easy on it and dont take more than 8 MG the first few times you try it. Your body gets used to it after a while and after about 3 weeks you could bump up the dosage to 24 MG but they say you shouldnt exceed that amount at one time.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Tevez, ephedrine is not legal to sell here in the US.
I'm pretty sure it's sold in the could also find it under the name "Bronkaid" which is basically ephedrine.

Over here it's sold as a nasal decongestant and you cant buy more than 3 bottles at a time. It's by far the best fitness supplement I've ever taken...I only dropped 7 pounds in 2-3 months on it but it got me into single digit BF% and my strength actually went up. Some days I barely ate anything yet I was lifting for 2 hours and I didnt want to leave the gym.
Originally Posted by krazyg

Originally Posted by robxdrew

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

When people are leaning out/cutting do you switch your lifting routine/style or is it stricly a matter of diet?

I just switch up my diet.  And I always lift hard.

Some people advise to do cardio, but I don't care for it much. A little HIIT here and there.  
Originally Posted by robxdrew

Do you guys think that an elliptical is good for burning fat or is it a waste of time?

It doesn't hurt for the fat loss process.  But what intensity are you doing it at and for how long?

I usually do it for 30 min. on level 11 with the "interval mode" on. I used to jog but I started hearing bad things about jogging. Are there any better solutions for me to shed some weight?
The most lean I've ever been was after my summer cut last year. All I did was drop carbs and did some cardio after each lifting session. I still ate carbs for breakfast and pre/post workout. More carbs on leg days I think. For cardio, I would do HIIT about 1-2 days out of the week, and my post-lifting cardio sessions would be fairly light (15-20 min.) I recommend the stair-master for cardio. Low Impact and pretty brutal on high intensity. My lifting workouts were kept the same though. However, I lost a bit more muscle than I would have liked. I didn't lose much strength really, but I definitely looked smaller.

Today I ate

Breakfast: Greek Yogurt mixed with Cottage Cheese, sugar-free jam, and some cereal.
Lunch: Chicken and Cilantro-Lime rice from some Peruvian restaurant.

I've been stuffing my face more than usual this past week and have actually lost weight. My lifts went up this week though. Maybe it was water weight.

What do you guys mean by HIIT?
Weight lifting is actually better for losing fat than cardio? 

Lastly, do you guys have any suggestions for a good cardio workout without putting my joints in danger (ie jogging)?
Originally Posted by wildcatoffense

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

What are you guys eating today???
Military press today so i'm going BIG on food.

morning: bagel w/ almond butter. 8 egg whites
noon: bag of baby carrots, 4 slices of 12 grain (WOW 20g carb, 5g pro per slice), with almond butter and blackberry jam, 1cup milk, 1 cup choco milk
afterschool: 2 LARGE chicken fajitas again, avacado, broccoli (*%@%%%% dig broccoli)
after workout: 1 cup oats, 8 egg whites, banana, 1 cup chocomilk, scoop of whey, 5g fiber, 1tbs flax oil, 3tbs almond butter
evening: undecided, maybe pizza!

not even gonna add that up, definitely 4k cals
morning scoop of whey banana
lunch potbellys uptown salad
snack loaded potato with chicken, beans, salad
dinner chicken, mac n cheese, mashed potato
snack before gym: unknown
after work out whey with creatine
Morning: Scoop of Whey Cookies and Cream
Mid-Morn: Scoop of Case-in Creamy Vanilla

Lunch: a Banana 

Mid/Dinner: Double Whopper W/Cheese 
  (My first burger in 5 weeks.)

After work out: Chicken, Steamed Veggies, brown rice.  
Originally Posted by LightskinFlYbOy 718

Originally Posted by syxth element

Originally Posted by Where Are You Harold Miner 2

Originally Posted by LightskinFlYbOy 718

first day on cut since last summer  i had 5 small meals but counted the calories its going to past 2,000 is that OK? btw I'm 6'3 and 187lbs
1-4-8-12 meals it doesn't matter when or how often you eat. It only matters with your caloric intake for the day.

Find your maintenance calories and then deduct 400-600 calories from that total. I'm 5-11 and 183, I workout 6 days a week lifting hard/heavy weight moderate cardio nothing excessive at all and I am on a cut, started at 195. Looking to minimize muscle loss as much as possible and I'm eating 2200-2400 calories a day and I am losing 1-1.5 pounds a week which is perfect.
gotta hit the right macros too, caloric intake is nothing without knowing your macros.. google is your best friend
OK how to find out calories maintenance so i can deduct 500? and whats macros? sorry I don't know this term and Google search it and getting weird results
Realistically if you have been at the same weight for a while take what you would eat over 3 days count EVERY calorie - dont guesstimate and then average it out. If not their are maintenance calculators you can google. I would try 3 or 4 of them and then average. Then you plug in your workout level and multiply to get your calories to stay at your given weight. From that final number you will subtract the 500. Dont over do it or you will lose a lot of strength. Its a slow process and you have a while tell summer anyways.

Macros are your food breakdowns. For a cut I would recommend 40 protein 40 carbs 20 fat. Or ever 45 pro 35 carb 20 fat.
Protein should be food - supplemented with a shake.
Carbs should be complex - think whole wheat, brown rice, sweet potatoes, red potatoes etc.
Fat should be healthy fats. Olive oil, nuts, avocado etc.

Also, take a multi vitamin and fish oil. FISH OIL is a must on a cut in my opinion.

I think that should wrap it up.
I'm 23 years old, 6'3" and weigh about 195-196. I am at approximately ~16% body fat. I've lifted on and off my entire life.
My question is this, how do I gain lean mass, while cutting fat and maintaining a weight of 190-195ish? I'm not looking to get huge, just more lean and cut with some muscle mass and drop by BF% to 12ish.

So, in terms of diet/cardio/weights what should I be doing? Or, is this not possible? Would I need to do a bulk phase, followed by a cutting phase? Vise versa? Everyone I talk to gives me different answers. Some people say it's possible because a lot of beginners shed fat while adding mass when they start up lifting again. Others say it's not possible without completing the bulk/cut or cut/bulk phases.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Originally Posted by ii FLaSh ii

Originally Posted by SoHi 23

been !@!*%@$ with turkey burgers on the george foreman grill recently

What do you add to it? Or you just throw it on the grill for 6 minutes and eat it like that?

yeah man I didnt have any condiments so it was straight Burger + buns

$*#% is mad easy to make tho, and pretty damn good.
Yea the grill makes everything so easy... I hate cooking but this makes everything better
Ok so I'm a slim guy. I weight around 170 and i'm 5'11. The problem I have is that although I am a slim guy, I have a belly and some chest fat. Nothing too noticable with my shirt on but it bugs me when I look in the mirror. My goal is to get bigger since like I said I'm a slim guy (think soccer physique), but I hate my chest and stomach fat. I really dont want to cut because I'm already a pretty slender guy with not too much muscle mass and I don't want to get extremely skinny. Is it possible for me to gain size while trying to lower my BF in my stomach and chest area(which is where I store most of my BF)?
Looked in the mirror this morning and realized my shoulders/traps have small bruises on each side from the @$*%!!$ calf raise machine 
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