Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Ok so I'm a slim guy. I weight around 170 and i'm 5'11. The problem I have is that although I am a slim guy, I have a belly and some chest fat. Nothing too noticable with my shirt on but it bugs me when I look in the mirror. My goal is to get bigger since like I said I'm a slim guy (think soccer physique), but I hate my chest and stomach fat. I really dont want to cut because I'm already a pretty slender guy with not too much muscle mass and I don't want to get extremely skinny. Is it possible for me to gain size while trying to lower my BF in my stomach and chest area(which is where I store most of my BF)?

Sup bro,

this may not be what you want to hear...but you may need to bulk first, then cut down.  so that means that your bf% will naturally rise.  sounds to me like you skinny-fat, so you need to put on some mass before even thinking about getting rid of the fat on your chest/stomach area.

once you get to the desired size, then you can go on a careful and precise cut, so that you don't lose much of your gains.

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Ok so I'm a slim guy. I weight around 170 and i'm 5'11. The problem I have is that although I am a slim guy, I have a belly and some chest fat. Nothing too noticable with my shirt on but it bugs me when I look in the mirror. My goal is to get bigger since like I said I'm a slim guy (think soccer physique), but I hate my chest and stomach fat. I really dont want to cut because I'm already a pretty slender guy with not too much muscle mass and I don't want to get extremely skinny. Is it possible for me to gain size while trying to lower my BF in my stomach and chest area(which is where I store most of my BF)?
Just eat more WHOLE foods and lift and let nature have its way with you. Focus more on compound lifts (bench, dips, squats, pullups, pushups). Eat slightly more than your maintnence and your body will start to look how it's supposed to.

Originally Posted by i just got lucky

Does anyone have a core work out routine they can share?
Squats, deadlifts, pullups.

Woodchoppers, windshield wipers, cable crunches (HEAVY and 10 or less reps)
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by i just got lucky

Does anyone have a core work out routine they can share?
Squats, deadlifts, pullups.

Woodchoppers, windshield wipers, cable crunches (HEAVY and 10 or less reps)

Thanks, will have to try that in a couple of days.  Windshield wipers
  - I'm not a big fan.
Originally Posted by NoSlickRemarks

I just bought some Whey Protein for the very first time (ON vanilla Ice Cream ) ...
Ive been going to the gym Strictly for HIIT and regular cardio for now.
Whats the best way to put this Whey to use?
My goal is improved Cardio system and general fat loss.

Originally Posted by i just got lucky

Does anyone have a core work out routine they can share?

My fav is the medicine ball sit-ups.  We call em the Lebrons
Cuz I saw him doing em.
I've been buying gnc wheybolic, but its kind of expensive u guys recommend anything else and is wheybolic really the best
Money, i tried Bioforge last year and over all strength went up my sex drive and made me more aggressive. alot of positive reviews for bioforge

Wait for Bioforge V3 should be out this month
drop 40 in two months , im feelliiinngggg goooodddddd, tryin the p90x to burn body fat now, pics , no romo
before, me and wifey

Originally Posted by j671

drop 40 in two months , im feelliiinngggg goooodddddd, tryin the p90x to burn body fat now, pics , no romo
before, me and wifey


Damn, good job man. 

Mind sharing your routine/diet? I need to drop some weight like that. 
hmm, lets see.
I work 4 days a week/12 hrs a day.completely cut off soda and snacks
days I work, wake up at 6pm eat a bowl of cereal,at 200 am lunch ( 2 cans of tuna.bout 13grams protein and 1.5 fat)come home at 7am.hit the weights for about an hr( I take my time)Then I cardio for an hr ;5miles.My trick is I dont eat 6hrs before I go to sleep.In between meals , I eat grapes grapes grapes..find something you loveeeee and will never get tired of.Also, MUSIC is a great booster for energy whEn working out
days off , I just repeat, but do doubles SOMETIMES.My way of dieting is definently not good, but now im eating 3 times lean meals.lots of fish fish..I think I can breath i get my body off.I'll start bulking up..probably one about 10 pounds of mass..
and thanks about the wifey comment.However, im not gonna feed her
NOTE: I do take hydroxycut and protein shakes..%##! cost me 75 bucks.I think its pretty much ALLLLL protein.However, I only take it if I feel I worked out hard enough..thanks all and goodluck to all...PATIENCE IS THE KEY WORD WHEN LOSING WEIGHT
Originally Posted by j671

hmm, lets see.
I work 4 days a week/12 hrs a day.completely cut off soda and snacks
days I work, wake up at 6pm eat a bowl of cereal,at 200 am lunch ( 2 cans of tuna.bout 13grams protein and 1.5 fat)come home at 7am.hit the weights for about an hr( I take my time)Then I cardio for an hr ;5miles.My trick is I dont eat 6hrs before I go to sleep.In between meals , I eat grapes grapes grapes..find something you loveeeee and will never get tired of.Also, MUSIC is a great booster for energy whEn working out
days off , I just repeat, but do doubles SOMETIMES.My way of dieting is definently not good, but now im eating 3 times lean meals.lots of fish fish..I think I can breath i get my body off.I'll start bulking up..probably one about 10 pounds of mass..
and thanks about the wifey comment.However, im not gonna feed her
NOTE: I do take hydroxycut and protein shakes..%##! cost me 75 bucks.I think its pretty much ALLLLL protein.However, I only take it if I feel I worked out hard enough..thanks all and goodluck to all...PATIENCE IS THE KEY WORD WHEN LOSING WEIGHT

What do you usually do for cardio?
nothing much really, all I did was the tread mill..5 miles in 1hr..not too bad.first week almost died could only do 1 I just gradually increased every week , or according to how bad my legs were, I did take half the dose of protein recommended for recovery because you still tear muscle when running.MUSIC got me through it.watching the dam tv while running was not taking the focus off running.I guess the music just let me forget that I was running.So , I just kept going and going.Oh yah, another thing .They say instead of doing ONLY CARDIO, you should lift too(not incredible hulk type say lifting added to cardio, may help to increase metabolism.Thus, burning more fat
Originally Posted by j671

nothing much really, all I did was the tread mill..5 miles in 1hr..not too bad.first week almost died could only do 1 I just gradually increased every week , or according to how bad my legs were, I did take half the dose of protein recommended for recovery because you still tear muscle when running.MUSIC got me through it.watching the dam tv while running was not taking the focus off running.I guess the music just let me forget that I was running.So , I just kept going and going.Oh yah, another thing .They say instead of doing ONLY CARDIO, you should lift too(not incredible hulk type say lifting added to cardio, may help to increase metabolism.Thus, burning more fat

Much appreciation man. I'm gonna get on that. I think I may just use the elliptical though since jogging effs up my joints.
Originally Posted by CarolinaPack04

Originally Posted by NoSlickRemarks

I just bought some Whey Protein for the very first time (ON vanilla Ice Cream ) ...
Ive been going to the gym Strictly for HIIT and regular cardio for now.
Whats the best way to put this Whey to use?
My goal is improved Cardio system and general fat loss.


i swear i thought i invented this combo. its amazing. 
Originally Posted by j671

nothing much really, all I did was the tread mill..5 miles in 1hr..not too bad.first week almost died could only do 1 I just gradually increased every week , or according to how bad my legs were, I did take half the dose of protein recommended for recovery because you still tear muscle when running.MUSIC got me through it.watching the dam tv while running was not taking the focus off running.I guess the music just let me forget that I was running.So , I just kept going and going.Oh yah, another thing .They say instead of doing ONLY CARDIO, you should lift too(not incredible hulk type say lifting added to cardio, may help to increase metabolism.Thus, burning more fat
Not trying to go in on you cause it worked for you but the general consensus for the best ways to shed fat is to lift heavy + light cardio if needed and a good solid command of your diet/nutrition.

Meal timing does not matter - i.e. you can eat before bed (even carbs)

Over doing the cardio can hamper your weight loss as well.

I've said it a few times on here, the best way to cut and maintain muscle mass which should be the ultimate goal in my opinion is to LIFT HEAVY, and LOCK IN YOUR NUTRITIONAL INTAKE/MACROS.

Thats my .02
Originally Posted by robxdrew

Originally Posted by j671

drop 40 in two months , im feelliiinngggg goooodddddd, tryin the p90x to burn body fat now, pics , no romo
before, me and wifey


Damn, good job man. 

Mind sharing your routine/diet? I need to drop some weight like that. 
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