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lol. Its just the net fellas. Its all fun and games. If he wanna see pics of random guys progress pics and admire them. Its all love

got to the gym at my sunday usual 5-530am. did about hour and some of push after warming up for about 20 mins. got home and my gf wanted to hike up diamond head so instead of sleeping we did this walk. the ground is uneven and my feet ended up hurting more than anything else. is there anyway to strengthen or improve flexibility in the tendons in my foot? she wants to do this every sunday morning and i'd look like a kook if i say no cause she's the one carrying our son up the mountain. need to figure out how to do it and not get sore feet.
got to the gym at my sunday usual 5-530am. did about hour and some of push after warming up for about 20 mins. got home and my gf wanted to hike up diamond head so instead of sleeping we did this walk. the ground is uneven and my feet ended up hurting more than anything else. is there anyway to strengthen or improve flexibility in the tendons in my foot? she wants to do this every sunday morning and i'd look like a kook if i say no cause she's the one carrying our son up the mountain. need to figure out how to do it and not get sore feet.
I'd say hiking up a mountain with uneven ground is a pretty damn good way of strengthening your feet, developing balance etc. In short, keep up with teh hiking, you'll probably adjust to it as you go.
PanaRican: I was a proud Equinox member for 6 months. Great experience, exclusive clientele. Doesn't exactly cater to the power lifter type. More businessmen and soccer moms. Love the Kiehl's products. Fitness goals are of course primary priority, but the networking and women don't hurt.

The only time I ran into a predominant seemingly homosexual membership or demographic was the Greenwich Village club. And everyone was friendly within reason.
Gonna attempt to start getting up in the AM and go get my workout on before work from now on. Gonna get up at 5 we shall see how it goes...
I've always considered getting an Equinox membership but can't pull the trigger on the monthly fee since all I do is lift, cardio, and bball. The one in the SF financial district is :wow:. It was an old bank that got converted into a gym.
PanaRican: I was a proud Equinox member for 6 months. Great experience, exclusive clientele. Doesn't exactly cater to the power lifter type. More businessmen and soccer moms. Love the Kiehl's products. Fitness goals are of course primary priority, but the networking and women don't hurt.

The only time I ran into a predominant seemingly homosexual membership or demographic was the Greenwich Village club. And everyone was friendly within reason.
Yeah it's pretty nice. I'm in Boston the one in the Back Bay. There's another one in the financial district and a new one opening out in the burbs. Each club is built into a pre existing structure so it has it's own characteristics. Ours used to be an indoor parking structure so it's mad spread out on one floor.

I've always considered getting an Equinox membership but can't pull the trigger on the monthly fee since all I do is lift, cardio, and bball. The one in the SF financial district is :wow:. It was an old bank that got converted into a gym.

415: Best way is through a friend employed by the company. Discounted membership.

Yeah he's right if you can get a break on that it helps a lot.

You're in Boston, right? How are the facilities?

Facilities are top notch, as far as appearance, cleanliness, the locker rooms, spa, etc... It's just a matter of what your fitness goals are. It's not ideal for powerlifting but our floor had a good amount of open space. Again, I work here so I don't deal with paying the membership etc.If I didn't work here but needed a gym in this area i would most likely still use this gym but if it wasn't about location I'd go somewhere with more racks, etc. we have 2 squat racks, 2 flat benches, 2 incline, no bumper plated but the 45s are round, and dumbbells go up to 110. Enough to get in good lifts and it pays better than my last gym which was a BSC
Figured they would be nice as hell, never been in one, always wanted to check it out.

I am a BSC member, I bounce around Watertown, Central, Davis, depending on the day, and where I am at. I find myself at Watertown more and more because of the space, dont feel as cramped as Central or Davis.

Only problem with Watertown is only 2 squat racks and problem with BSC in general is this new gym wide makeover where they are taking up valuable space to put the green turf down, etc. :smh:
got to the gym at my sunday usual 5-530am. did about hour and some of push after warming up for about 20 mins. got home and my gf wanted to hike up diamond head so instead of sleeping we did this walk. the ground is uneven and my feet ended up hurting more than anything else. is there anyway to strengthen or improve flexibility in the tendons in my foot? she wants to do this every sunday morning and i'd look like a kook if i say no cause she's the one carrying our son up the mountain. need to figure out how to do it and not get sore feet.
Try training/running in Vibrams.  One of my boys swears by 'em.
First day of the new routine was a success! If I can just get used to getting up early for these work outs ill be good :smokin :smokin
Figured they would be nice as hell, never been in one, always wanted to check it out.

I am a BSC member, I bounce around Watertown, Central, Davis, depending on the day, and where I am at. I find myself at Watertown more and more because of the space, dont feel as cramped as Central or Davis.

Only problem with Watertown is only 2 squat racks and problem with BSC in general is this new gym wide makeover where they are taking up valuable space to put the green turf down, etc. :smh:
I toured the Davis BSC but if I remember correctly it only had one squat rack and the sales person blew up my phone after that. how's the Central location?
First day of the new routine was a success! If I can just get used to getting up early for these work outs ill be good :smokin :smokin

it'll become easier after a while. I did it for the winter months last year due to the fact that I go to my schools gym and their hours are odd during winter break. I actually started feeling better waking up at 5:00 and working out as opposed to going after work. Slept a whole lot better at night too. Unfortunately my job has me working different hours every single week/day so its hard to do it on the regular when one day you get off at 5:30pm and the next your off at 11:00pm :smh:
PanaRican: I was a proud Equinox member for 6 months. Great experience, exclusive clientele. Doesn't exactly cater to the power lifter type. More businessmen and soccer moms. Love the Kiehl's products. Fitness goals are of course primary priority, but the networking and women don't hurt.

The only time I ran into a predominant seemingly homosexual membership or demographic was the Greenwich Village club. And everyone was friendly within reason.
Yeah it's pretty nice. I'm in Boston the one in the Back Bay. There's another one in the financial district and a new one opening out in the burbs. Each club is built into a pre existing structure so it has it's own characteristics. Ours used to be an indoor parking structure so it's mad spread out on one floor.

I've always considered getting an Equinox membership but can't pull the trigger on the monthly fee since all I do is lift, cardio, and bball. The one in the SF financial district is :wow:. It was an old bank that got converted into a gym.

415: Best way is through a friend employed by the company. Discounted membership.

Yeah he's right if you can get a break on that it helps a lot.

You're in Boston, right? How are the facilities?

Facilities are top notch, as far as appearance, cleanliness, the locker rooms, spa, etc... It's just a matter of what your fitness goals are. It's not ideal for powerlifting but our floor had a good amount of open space. Again, I work here so I don't deal with paying the membership etc.If I didn't work here but needed a gym in this area i would most likely still use this gym but if it wasn't about location I'd go somewhere with more racks, etc. we have 2 squat racks, 2 flat benches, 2 incline, no bumper plated but the 45s are round, and dumbbells go up to 110. Enough to get in good lifts and it pays better than my last gym which was a BSC

What's the employee discount and what's up bro you good? how's everything?
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Every Equinox employee gets one friends or family discount on a membership.

It used to be something like $85 per month. Instead of the usual $130-$140 monthly. Month to month as long as the employee is active.

One location though, not All-Access.
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