STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Que? Thats doesn't help your argument.

Just go back to your thread homie I made it just for you.

And da truth comes out....funny how you tried to mask your original intentions for creating that thread....and I'm the one acting like a female or being

Ok guys no problem :wink:
Obviously that post shoulda came along with a smiley emoji so that no jimmies are rustled....all them bech presses and arm curls got ya feeling all sorts of sensitive.

Ya can make jokes and throw jabs about Crossfit, but I can throw a slight jab about someone working out with an injury because you guys get upset...ease up fellas

Dude what happened to you? Used to seem like a pretty chill dude and then you started doing crossfit and it turned you into a troll. You said a few pages back this chick was doing burpees but you never said one handed. Then when someone says how ridiculous it sounds to do burpees on a dislocated wrist you say "one handed" and add an eye roll emoji.

People don't hate crossfit, they hate the arrogance and elitist attitude that comes with it. I know mad crossfit people that know their **** and their mad cool about it and don't get on a soapbox but it seems to be the ones that do crossfit for a few months and it becomes their religion and then suddenly they treat every bodybuilder or recreational weightlifter in the gym like they're all stupid. You don't see bodybuilders taking issue with other avenues of fitness. They don't sit their talking **** about yoga or marathon runners cause those people don't try to preach that their better than everybody.

I know I'm probably just adding fuel to the fire, and I've tried to stay out of all this for the most part but I just keep noticing how you seem to instigate stuff with insults and sideways remarks to people. Then if they mention crossfit you get on this thing about how everyone hates on crossfit.
And da truth comes out....funny how you tried to mask your original intentions for creating that thread....and I'm the one acting like a female or being

Ok guys no problem
Your delusional bro and a little to old to be getting in arguments with people on forums who you will never meet in real life. 

You keep talking smack about bodybuilders and bench press when I'm sure you struggle with any weight over 135.

So please go back to thread I made you, I still respect you for wanting to be in some kind of shape but you show me why I know more girls that crossfit then guys. 
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Your delusional bro and a little to old to be getting in arguments with people on forums who you will never meet in real life. 

You keep talking smack about bodybuilders and bench press when I'm sure you struggle with any weight over 135.

So please go back to thread I made you, I still respect you for wanting to be in some kind of shape but you show me why I know more girls that crossfit then guys. 

You get more personal with each post tho...I'm not here to troll this thread man...I just don't understand why Crossfit can't be discussed in here wothout you guys getting up in arms...what is it?

Do you guys not realize the irony of these arguments?...anyways bros, it's all love.
Btw my apologies....won't hear me utter the word CROSSFIT in this thread again...I don't want to be labeled a troll, I know how annoying it is to deal with one in the DB I truly apologize.
Yeah its personal who cares **** you ***** 

You dodge all my statements anyway.

One love.

Sorry for derailing this thread bros. 
So I came back to the gym, trying to dd it to my local gym sucks as it is, with 1 smith machine and no free weights, only dumbells, and thre is these two dudes posted up on the smith machine doing dips this normal?....huffing and puffing lookin at themselves in the mirror :x
I opened up a blink membership for my wife...I can come as a guest for only 20$ this joint sucks I know that, but paying 200$ a month for my other workout, I can't really jump into an 80$+ contract for another

Figure I can just lift dumb bells....but the douchery going on in
No max heart rate is just 220-age.  You used the formula to find your target heart rate for a specific intensity, like 70% as you used.

And Quell, do you know if you have high BP? I would go see your dr or a cardiac specialist

Thanks for the responses guys.

Well I have only been working out the past few months, I am not overweight but not in great shape (a little bit of a beer belly if anything). My diet isn't the greatest but I also don't eat red meats or fast food, mainly just chicken and pizza to be honest.

I will have to find out what my resting heart rate is. I don't get winded running or on the elipticals, but when I play basketball I'm winded after 2-3 minutes :x
but the douchery going on in
just like crossfit, it's the same with conventional gyms - there's good and bad. as a whole, the (UFC) gym i workout at on the weekends has a great vibe. most people have their headphones on or are locked into their own workouts. if you make eye contact you get a smile and a wassup nod. one enthusiastic guy on 10 scoops of jacked doing calisthenics between sets and fist bump when you get to the water fountain same time :lol: got this one guy always wanna ask me "who fought this weekend?" even if there were no recent UFC fights. no douchebags at all. couple huge roided out prison guard types come in sometimes but they polite as hell :nthat:
just like crossfit, it's the same with conventional gyms - there's good and bad. as a whole, the (UFC) gym i workout at on the weekends has a great vibe. most people have their headphones on or are locked into their own workouts. if you make eye contact you get a smile and a wassup nod. one enthusiastic guy on 10 scoops of jacked doing calisthenics between sets and fist bump when you get to the water fountain same time :lol: got this one guy always wanna ask me "who fought this weekend?" even if there were no recent UFC fights. no douchebags at all. couple huge roided out prison guard types come in sometimes but they polite as hell :nthat:

True indeed....guess that's what I've been trying to say all along...dumb people everywhere, a gym or a box.
One of the best things about the Military is the gym is free and always opened..They closed one of the basketball courts at half court and made it the Crossfit area (free too) offer a couple classes a day and the girls 
..did a few classes to get ready for a deployment everyone was pretty friendly but there was this one skinny clown trying to kiil himself squat cleaning 
 Coaches had to save him.. 
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