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Dont go for too many reps on deadlifts .. Go heavy and do 4-6 reps. I do 4x6. FORM FORM FORM


The one thing I never got was.. At one point I could DL 315 but I still would have a hard *** time to twist open these tight jars at work that I had to ask my coworker to open it. He's a skinny old guy that doesn't even work out and has easier time than me opening them. :smh: Must be that old man strength meh.

I wish I had these at my gym: the trapbar for deadlifting


to avoid something like this
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Does anyone here Or anything of that sort? Am I even allowed to ask that here? I have many questions.

They aren't worth. All the pro's aren't worth the health risks now and in your future years. Just eat right and stick to your routine and you'll be good. Just take creatine. 
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Dont go for too many reps on deadlifts .. Go heavy and do 4-6 reps. I do 4x6. FORM FORM FORM

The one thing I never got was.. At one point I could DL 315 but I still would have a hard *** time to twist open these tight jars at work that I had to ask my coworker to open it. He's a skinny old guy that doesn't even work out and has easier time than me opening them.
Must be that old man strength meh.

I wish I had these at my gym: the trapbar for deadlifting

to avoid something like this
Wearing shorts while DL'n? No bueno
Dont go for too many reps on deadlifts .. Go heavy and do 4-6 reps. I do 4x6. FORM FORM FORM


The one thing I never got was.. At one point I could DL 315 but I still would have a hard *** time to twist open these tight jars at work that I had to ask my coworker to open it. He's a skinny old guy that doesn't even work out and has easier time than me opening them. :smh: Must be that old man strength meh.

I wish I had these at my gym: the trapbar for deadlifting

to avoid something like this
Wearing shorts while DL'n? No bueno

I stopped using the trap bar for deadlifts because it felt like a hack squat to me, I felt it all in my quads. Now I use the trap bar for heavy shrugs and farmer walks. If you wear shorts while deadlifting just use high socks or shin sleeves, thats what I do
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I love deadlifts. Good form and you have zero to worry about. 8) I was trying to teach my boy how to do them last week and homie b'd out lol his excuse was "nobody else at this gym does this crazy ***, snap your **** up lift."

"deadlifts separate the boys from the men in the gym."
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Good to hear about all this dead life talk. I just started doing it and I am doing 135lbs for 3 sets about 12 reps per set just to make sure i have my form down perfect. Then do 2 sets about 8 reps each at 185. I weight 175lbs

I have only done this twice since i started to work my dead lifts in since i have off on weekends now from football and soccer. But i have really hurt my lower back playing soccer and that is one of the worst pains ever. So i don't plan on going any heavier yet until i am absolutely comfortable with it.

Squats on the other hand i love.
Hey guys, been lurking this thread for a while for tips and success stories. Felt that this is a good time to show some of my results.
You guys keep me motivated.

Started at 240 lbs on the left and currently at 187 lbs on the right.
Started the year off doing p90x2 then literally went to the gym every single day.
An hour of cardio and an hour of heavy lifting.
Cut out on the fast food, sodas, high sugar and fatty foods and just been more selective on what i eat.
Hope everyone is fighting through the cold. It's tough going to the gym when it's cold out.

Great job

I hope you take this as a compliment

How much water do you guys drink a day? What're the benefits of drinking a gallon of water a day? I don't drink a gallon but I'd say I at least drink half a gallon.
How much water do you guys drink a day? What're the benefits of drinking a gallon of water a day? I don't drink a gallon but I'd say I at least drink half a gallon.
 Water is absolutely necessary for building muscle. Also, drinking water throughout the day and during your workout will give you more "energy", meaning you will feel less fatigued. It could be the difference between one more rep.

People really underestimate the power of water. If you find it hard to drink an entire gallon, spread it out and try this. Drink a glass before, during, and after every meal.
Today was back day.  Felt SOOOOOOO good.  I'm 6'-0" 190lbs.  I got my deadlifts up to 225lb and 205lb for my romanian deadlifts.  Wide lat pull-down up to 220lb.

Felt good.  Making gains, seeing progress.
I made a promise to myself, that I was gonna push myself a lot harder with better consistency. I really thought I was gonna vomit after ending my workout with hiit.
Hit 435 x 5 on DL today...I credit that to Gunplay - Bible on the Dash...As far as getting a gallon of water a day goes, I'm not sure what you guys do for work but when I worked in a office I kept a 32 ounce water bottle and just made sure to refill it at least 4 times through the the water I got from my 2 protein shakes made it easy.
Hit 435 x 5 on DL today...I credit that to Gunplay - Bible on the Dash...As far as getting a gallon of water a day goes, I'm not sure what you guys do for work but when I worked in a office I kept a 32 ounce water bottle and just made sure to refill it at least 4 times through the the water I got from my 2 protein shakes made it easy.

I have a 16 oz water bottle I keep at my desk pretty much I drink it when I first get to work, then 1 hr before lunch, then during lunch, and then 1 hr after lunch. When I get home I drink before, during , and after dinner.
Water is very important but idk whats wrong with me, im bulking and im getting sick of food. ive lost my appetitie and i rarely drink water.

during the summer and before i started to bulk i was drinking 1.5-2 gallons of water a day.
Water is very important but idk whats wrong with me, im bulking and im getting sick of food. ive lost my appetitie and i rarely drink water.
during the summer and before i started to bulk i was drinking 1.5-2 gallons of water a day.
I remembered you said you drink a lot of coffee. I know caffeine suppresses the appetite
getting enough water is vital. i drink a good 2 gallons of water a day.
for the people that dont like the taste or think it taste too plain yah should try mio energy...
started using it last week and love it so far, the green thunder flavor is :smokin
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man the people that dont deadlift are missing out on a great muscle builder.
since i started to deadlift heavy i have seen great gains.
for the guy that asked about deadlifts numbers: im 190 and deadlift 345, trying to get to 400 by the end of the year :smokin

I believe you guys about the deadlifts, i'd just rather do things that dont have so much injury-potential. Especially with some of my issues (back, knees, and shoulder) and the fact that i'm not a professional- i'll stick to other stuff. :\ more power to yall though

There isnt any more potential for injury than any other weightlifting exercise. Its actually one of the few compound movements that doesnt put joints and muscles under compressive force. (Bench, Squat, Presses, etc.) I believe that bench pressing has a much greater potential for injury than a deadlift does. Theres only an increased risk of injury because its a really technical lift.

I aso think the problem is that its lumped into a "back exercise" which it really should be. Its a totally different kind of back exercise compared to the other more common ones.

Good to hear about all this dead life talk. I just started doing it and I am doing 135lbs for 3 sets about 12 reps per set just to make sure i have my form down perfect. Then do 2 sets about 8 reps each at 185. I weight 175lbs

I have only done this twice since i started to work my dead lifts in since i have off on weekends now from football and soccer. But i have really hurt my lower back playing soccer and that is one of the worst pains ever. So i don't plan on going any heavier yet until i am absolutely comfortable with it.

Squats on the other hand i love.

12 reps even just to make sure your form is perfect is too many.
I'm looking to put on some weight, mainly muscle.  I'm roughly 145 right now, 5'10, trying to get to around 160-165.  I go to the gym but I'm about to start going six days a week.  What I really don't have as much knowledge is on what or how I should eat? I plan on eating anywhere from 5 to 8 meals a day.  What should my diet consist of or meal plan throughout the day? Any help would be greatly appreciated 
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