STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread


Motivation Monday :pimp:
Hitting the gym tonight with full force! Gonna finish the year strong and start 2013 on a good note!
Whats a respectable deadlift for your average strength lifter?

I guess let me paint the picture....

I deadlifted for the first time EVER last week and stopped at 225 because I didnt want to be super sore.

I feel I could have done alot more, but after reading some of these posts... I just dont want to injure myself.

I'm 5'8 175lbs.... decent strength. Granted I've just started working lower body into my lifting after tearing my achilles in May.

Would I be setting myself up for disaster by shooting for alot more weight? Or is hitting 300+ on deadlift no big deal and I need to stop being a vagina?

I would just ask somebody at my gym....but literally nobody deadlifts there. Help me out NT
What's up fellas? Long time lurker that decided to post. About to start working out again. If you guys have any tips on how to stay motivated and get yourself to the gym when you just don't wanna go let me know. 
to me 315 or 3 45lb plates on each side is where it starts to be a respectable deadlift... I wouldn't feel bad saying it in front of my lifting friends lol. But people who don't lift will be :wow:

if you feel like you could do more heavier just add a little more weight next time and see how it goes.
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Whats the need to dead lift though?

Seems like high risk for injury and not a lot of reward

To each their own tho
Been back in my work out groove and been having some good workouts the past few weeks. Now I go to the gym and mess up my thumb bad playing basketball before I lift. Didnt even wanna play a full court game but figured it would be a good warm up for my back/bicep day. Thumbs so messed up I cant even text with my right thumb.
There goes a week.
Whats a respectable deadlift for your average strength lifter?

I guess let me paint the picture....

I deadlifted for the first time EVER last week and stopped at 225 because I didnt want to be super sore.

I feel I could have done alot more, but after reading some of these posts... I just dont want to injure myself.

I'm 5'8 175lbs.... decent strength. Granted I've just started working lower body into my lifting after tearing my achilles in May.

Would I be setting myself up for disaster by shooting for alot more weight? Or is hitting 300+ on deadlift no big deal and I need to stop being a vagina?

I would just ask somebody at my gym....but literally nobody deadlifts there. Help me out NT

I weigh 228 and did 235x5 last week.. People on seem to be in the 160-180 range doing 300-465 though :wow:

Deadlifts >>>>
wait dudes just said they dont do deadlifts...LOL

brah you can do sqats deadlifts and bench press 3 times a week and have that be your lifting routine and get right.
I know the DL is a great lift if done properly, but I dont **** with them, never have really

Part of me feels like people do this lift because its the lift they can actually add more that a couple plates on, aka they can put a lot more weight on the bar vs a squat or bench and lift it

I'm only on box squats at this point in my life. Got them Teardrops looking RIGHT
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Its only a risk for injury if you don't use good form, almost every muscle is used while deadlifting.


From my pov though I could get more detailed and better work in those same muscle groups breaking them out on diff days instead of doing an essential 'full body lift'

My 4 day split of Chest - Back - Legs - Shoulders/Arms wouldn't really allow me to go HAM on deads or at least I wouldn't wanna be blowing my wad like that

But like I said to each their own. I used to be on that athlete lift program when I was still playing organized sports, powercleans, deads, snatch etc... Now that I'm not its all about the aesthetics for me :smokin , I don't need to have that kind of strength anymore, I feel plenty strong as is. Dont get me wrong tho I still go HAM on the parallel box squats, but just dont strive to put anymore weight on as at somepoint its just going to increase my chance for injury.
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I would add deadlifts and squats to my routine but I just don't want to risk blowing out my knee again, granted I can leg press a lot, that's good enough for me.

I've never even seen anyone do deadlifts at my gym come to think of it. I might just put some lightweight on the bar and try some one day.
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Appreciate all the Deadlift insight....

Wednesday is back/bi day for me so I'll prob go up to 275 and see how it feels.

My thoughts on it is if I truly want to have a strong body...How can I just neglect my lower back?
man the people that dont deadlift are missing out on a great muscle builder.
since i started to deadlift heavy i have seen great gains.
for the guy that asked about deadlifts numbers: im 190 and deadlift 345, trying to get to 400 by the end of the year :smokin
i don't deadlift because i'm not confident enough in my form to go heavy enough for it to be effective

contemplating getting a few training sessions to get it in check though
i don't deadlift because i'm not confident enough in my form to go heavy enough for it to be effective

contemplating getting a few training sessions to get it in check though

same boat.

Just starting messing with deadlifts. Currently doing sets of 135 x 10 trying to get my form down. Wanna get up to 225. (i weight 160).

Sometimes, it kills my lower back though, form is so crucial.
Dont go for too many reps on deadlifts .. Go heavy and do 4-6 reps. I do 4x6. FORM FORM FORM

Damb i guess im a weakling im only doing my bw + 5 lbs :wow:
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