STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

guess sme of you missed the point of that video... :lol:
get your proteins from FOOD not a damn bottle. a scoop or two a day is fine. anymore than that... :smh: :x

again the guy has won 8 straight mr olimpia, whos here has won one or is even competing?
for him it has work wonders, but for the average person theres no need for that and i understand you're point.
but you cant compare us to him thats what im saying
Felt good gettin back in the gym yesterday......felt damn good

Word.. Going today around 2 before my physical therapy.. Tore my Achilles completely.. Miss the atmosphere and the women...

Back in the summer before my tragic injury..
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can someone post a link to the 5x5 starting strength plan that was mentioned i believe on page 113? i googled a couple of similar things but didnt find an actual workout plan, just theories about how often to lift. Any help on the actual regimine would be greatly appreciated, thanks

This is the one I used a couple of years -

It really worked for me - huge improvements in strength and even people I didn't know well would say things - the muscle mass across my upper shoulders especially was incredible after about 2 months.

I think the best thing about it is the fact that when you get to 5 reps you add more weight - so in the few weeks preceding you'll manage maybe 5 reps then 5 then 4 then 4 then 2 - and as soon as you can do 5,5,5,5,5 you add some weight - and you'll go back to failing on a couple of the sets.

It worked for me I think mostly because I never coasted - it's easy to think "I've done 10 reps of this before so I'll do 10 again" - but you're not really pushing yourself. This way you can't really do that because it's the weight changing and the target is always 5. Made sense to me anyway.
Dude is the definition of little Wayne's line "When comes to that weight I dont struggle. I just lift." Damn, that means something to me. I want the ability of that Finnish guy.
This isnt the fourm to make fun of people who try hard to get healthy and into shape. LuckyLuchiano is making some serious progress and is contributing by encourging others to get into shape by showing his own progress. Eff that noise DaulDierce. If you have nothing nice to say or contribute, then, Go play in the street.
DEEP. NT is on point today with the thought-provoking, motivational thoughts. I cant wait to get back into the gym today. Thank you so much! :D

LMAO. I dont think Lucky is soft like you. F up. You always acting all sensitive and ****.

Word.. Going today around 2 before my physical therapy.. Tore my Achilles completely.. Miss the atmosphere and the women...
Back in the summer before my tragic injury..

Whats your ab routine?
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What's everyones Gym plans for the weekend?

Legs for me tonight and then my 2nd Chest day of the week tomorrow, REST DAY Sunday and cheat day :D

Did some good chest work yesterday. Legs tonight, gonna kill it. Heavy leg pres, heavy lunges, deads and some calf work. tomorrow..not sure. depends on how i'm feeling and my energy levels. I'll need to do my back one of those days either tomorow or sunday. then either some shoulders or arms. whichever I'm feeling up to. Shoulders is probably the bigger need at the moment
Whats everyones main leg routine?

I keep mine simple with:

Cardio (20 mins)
Squats x superset with lunges
Leg Press x superset with leg curls

Whats everyones main leg routine?

I keep mine simple with:

Cardio (20 mins)
Squats x superset with lunges
Leg Press x superset with leg curls


Mine is simple as well. I've pretty much taken out barbell squats. Subbed them for other exercises I felt put less pressure on my knees.

Heavy leg press.
Heavy db walking lunge, alternating between deep and shorter lunges to emphasis either the hams or the quads.
Calf work.
1 hr in & out.
Barbell squat
Leg press superset wit calf raises
Barbell lunges
Standing calf raises

Y'all do dead lifts for back day too ? Or just leg?
What certificates do you have? I've been looking into different ones and can't decide which one I should try to get, they seem expensive.
Im certified thru afaa and i studied kinesiology in really depends on what u wanna do tho..thru afaa u do personal training and group training..and  i was a fitness consultant before i became a trainer so i was able to get my cert for free thru the company..otherwise i think their around 3-500 bux..u get a packet and u have to study it
Word.. Going today around 2 before my physical therapy.. Tore my Achilles completely.. Miss the atmosphere and the women...
Back in the summer before my tragic injury..

Damn. Mirin. haha.

Yo. I woke up with a sore throat and feeling sick. Today is leg day. Would y'all stil hit it?


of course. besides that adrenaline will have you feeling fine for the time being. then you can get sick when you get back home lol.
Damn. Mirin. haha.
Yo. I woke up with a sore throat and feeling sick. Today is leg day. Would y'all stil hit it?
if you're sick then rest up so you can go at it at 100% quicker

if it's just a sore throat then take a hot shower and go put in work.

sidenote, my bum *** knee has kept me from doing legs for like 2 weeks now. feelsbadman
Whats everyones main leg routine?
I keep mine simple with:
Cardio (20 mins)
Squats x superset with lunges
Leg Press x superset with leg curls

HOw do you superset squat with lunges. (I couldn't do that)

1/2 mile jog
Leg press warm up
Front squat
Leg extenstions (1x50 45 lbs)
Whats everyones main leg routine?
I keep mine simple with:
Cardio (20 mins)
Squats x superset with lunges
Leg Press x superset with leg curls

HOw do you superset squat with lunges. (I couldn't do that)

1/2 mile jog
Leg press warm up
Front squat
Leg extenstions (1x50 45 lbs)

Idk man, I've been supersetting squats with lunges for awhile now. I may switch it up and have lunges and squats be a stand alone exercise though.

Thinking doing:

Leg Press x superset with calf rises (Don't work my calves enough)
Leg curls x superset with leg extensions

Was it on this forum where I read Leg extensions are bad for your knees? :nerd:
Felt good gettin back in the gym yesterday......felt damn good

Word.. Going today around 2 before my physical therapy.. Tore my Achilles completely.. Miss the atmosphere and the women...

Back in the summer before my tragic injury..

looking good dude! football? strong neck. good stuff. I'm sure you'll get back to this form in no time. Good luck with the Achilles rehab.
Whats everyones main leg routine?
I keep mine simple with:
Cardio (20 mins)
Squats x superset with lunges
Leg Press x superset with leg curls

HOw do you superset squat with lunges. (I couldn't do that)

1/2 mile jog
Leg press warm up
Front squat
Leg extenstions (1x50 45 lbs)

Idk man, I've been supersetting squats with lunges for awhile now. I may switch it up and have lunges and squats be a stand alone exercise though.

Thinking doing:

Leg Press x superset with calf rises (Don't work my calves enough)
Leg curls x superset with leg extensions

Was it on this forum where I read Leg extensions are bad for your knees? :nerd:

yea, unnecessary pressure on the knees. and an unnatural movement that you wont be performing out in the real work. just unnecessary overall. try and shorten up on your lunges. dont go down quite as far, you'll feel a great burn in the quads from this.
Whats everyones main leg routine?

I keep mine simple with:

Cardio (20 mins)
Squats x superset with lunges
Leg Press x superset with leg curls

Leg extensions 4 sets 

Hamstring curls: 3 sets 

Standing Calf raises: 3 sets 

Seated calf raises: 3 sets

Barbell Squat: 8 sets

Barbell Lunges: 3 sets

Leg Press: 3 sets

Takes me about 1hr and 20mins
Just brought some vibrams. I'm going to try them out on my legs days. I still got to get Rehband 7051 and I'm also looking into Inzer belts (or any off brand like it)
Just brought some vibrams. I'm going to try them out on my legs days. I still got to get Rehband 7051 and I'm also looking into Inzer belts (or any off brand like it)

I started out using my vibrams just for leg day. Now I wear em all the damn time, too comfortable :smh:
Whats everyones main leg routine?
I keep mine simple with:
Cardio (20 mins)
Squats x superset with lunges
Leg Press x superset with leg curls

Tomorrow is Leg day for me.

My routine is:

Squats on Smith Machine (Planet Fitness is WHACK!)
Leg Press
Calf Raises on Smith Machine
More Calf Raises with dumbells
Lunges with dumbells
and I do some ankle exercises with resistance bands at home.
Whats everyones main leg routine?
I keep mine simple with:
Cardio (20 mins)
Squats x superset with lunges
Leg Press x superset with leg curls

Leg Press
Calf Raise

All reverse pyramid style, then I crawl to my car

Also to Marvelous Marvin Hagler,
I'd advise against using the smith for squats (or anything for that matter), unnatural fixed movement.
Free weights is always best, if they don't have them at your gym it's definitely time to switch
Word.. Going today around 2 before my physical therapy.. Tore my Achilles completely.. Miss the atmosphere and the women...
Back in the summer before my tragic injury..

Dam achilles injuries are the worse. I suffer from tendonitis of the achilles. It seems that the more often i train legs the better they get. Hope you fully healed from that. What rehab did you do to recover from that?
Leg Press
Calf Raise
All reverse pyramid style, then I crawl to my car
Also to Marvelous Marvin Hagler,
I'd advise against using the smith for squats (or anything for that matter), unnatural fixed movement.
Free weights is always best, if they don't have them at your gym it's definitely time to switch

Wish I could, but the next closest gym is quite a few miles away from me.

Planet Fitness is about 1 mile away from my house. Might just get off using the smith machine for squats and just do dumbell squats. :\
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