STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I don't care if its crowded or not crowded you never know what the other people in the gym want to use. If you are not using it then get off.

My gym has two flat benches one incline and one decline. So one guy will be using the first flat bench, then another guy will have a towel on the second flat while he does cable cross overs for 30 mins then comes back to the bench. There will be 3 total people there lifting yet both benches are now occupied.
just started a new plan. kinda busy at work so it's:
M - bench 5x5 squat 5x10
W - dl 7x1 bench 5x10
F - squat 5x5 dl (unsure - maybe 3x10 or sets of pull-ups depending on how my back feels)
will do accessory work on those days.
Tu&Th - some mobility work as time allows.

goals will be to be consistent, get my overall strength up, and stay injury-free. i'll be on a caloric surplus and not gonna worry too much about belly.

bodybuilding/physique is not part of the goals. any input is welcome.
would like to see your meal plans for your surplus if you don't mind
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That circuit stuff is super inconsiderate imo.

Especially for the people who take like 60 secs each exercise and still have the nerve to take like a 2 minute rest time.. you just took 5-7 minutes doing 1 set of your circuit....... in a semi crowded gym.

Now if you have the space for it and no one else is using machines do your thing.

Phone zombies, I remember our gym use to ban phones on the floor (at least using them for pics and talking ...mp3 was fine) but of course you can't ban people from that...
Anyway. my trainer always told me don't bring your phone with you period. you got time to text thats time you can be putting in work. staying focused on what you need to accomplish in the gym. if you need to text or talk go outside or to the side.

one more rant......
geezus stop recording yourself do every set of your work out.... I can understand wanting to put a PR on your FB or Twitter/IG but every set.... really? you making a work out tape billy blanks?
exercises and movements that i've pieced together from vids posted here like the ido portal squat series. mostly for hips, ankles, etc - stuff to help me with squats. shoulder work too. might buy some bands to help.

last week was only my first week so i'm open to suggestions. been messing around at work too much so i can only lift 3 days/week (i lift at work) or it'll look bad when i reprimand people for tardiness or productivity.
resistance bands for plyo and mobility/stabilty training are a great investment. i have a whole set from rogue fitness. they were a little pricey, but so far worth every penny.

i lift around 3 days a week, one day on, one day off. i do plyos/mobility on my off days. the bands have really helped with my shoulder stability when it comes to snatching and whatnot
would like to see your meal plans for your surplus if you don't mind
will be eating 3 meals a day. steak, hamburger, chicken, turkey, eggs, oatmeal, rice, pasta, and whatever fruits and greens. probably 2 protein shakes/day using whole milk. snacks will be nuts and fruits. going to try and limit the ice cream, pop tarts, and sugary cereal. shooting for around 3000 cals/day. will weigh myself on mondays and take it from there. gotta make a spreadsheet on my comp to track lifts and be consistent. only supplements will be the protein and a preworkout. i got really weak after i did the weight cut and then slacked off for months afterwards.
will be eating 3 meals a day. steak, hamburger, chicken, turkey, eggs, oatmeal, rice, pasta, and whatever fruits and greens. probably 2 protein shakes/day using whole milk. snacks will be nuts and fruits. going to try and limit the ice cream, pop tarts, and sugary cereal. shooting for around 3000 cals/day. will weigh myself on mondays and take it from there. gotta make a spreadsheet on my comp to track lifts and be consistent. only supplements will be the protein and a preworkout. i got really weak after i did the weight cut and then slacked off for months afterwards.
Don't forget fried rice, ribs and ice cream Mike! 
Hey guys, first post on this thread.
I have a question, do i lose weight too fast?
29 jan 130kg
Today = 124kg
I've been eatin healty right now, no more junk food or sweets
Less portion and only eat main course(chicken,fish but mostly chicken) at 1,4,7pm if i wake up at 12 :lol:
If i wake up early i will have a breakfast of 1 wheat bread + scrambled white eggs.
Cause i've seen some people who lost weight fast still have some extra skin in their body example : man boobs,arm fat.
And i dont want that, cause my target is 85kg
Please help guys!
Thanks a lot!

PS : i never work out while losing this weight,and actually what motivates me is diabetes, i need to stay the **** away from that **** :lol:
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Hey --- I'm gonna start posting in this thread regularly now. I'm around 200 lbs trying to get to a lean 175-180 before July.

I recently just got Frederic Delavier's Strength Training Anatomy book which is a fantastic resource for learning how any particular exercise works a particular muscle group. The drawings are very accurate as he has studied anatomy and human physiology extensively. Lots of high quality information in this book. I want to get his other book on core training, as I'd like to really develop my abs. But I need to get a better diet routine established. I cheat way too much by buying chocolate chip cookies from the bakery and eating them all in one or two sittings. :smh: I have a bad binge eating habit.
Is it bad that my biceps don't get sore anymore a day after a workout?

Now that I think if it, none of my muscles get sore anymore. I've only been working out everyday for a month now...and I go as heavy as I can with the weights I doing something wrong?

And I reaaaaally wanna lose some stomach fat. I absolutely do not **** with cardio though. Is there any way around this? I just don't see myself running on a treadmill for hours trynna lose a couple pounds in my waist, word to missy elliot
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Is it bad that my biceps don't get sore anymore a day after a workout?

Now that I think if it, none of my muscles get sore anymore. I've only been working out everyday for a month now...and I go as heavy as I can with the weights I doing something wrong?

Bad form most likely
lose fat or build muscle. choose one.

you don't need to feel DOMs to have a good workout.

Not true. The left two photos are only approx 6 weeks difference from the right one. 100% Natty. A lot of genetic factors play into the ability to burn fat and gain muscle at the same time, but it is possible if you get everything right. I also wanted to share this photo with my NT fitfam just to show hard work pays the f*** off. I'm 7 weeks out from my first NPC Men's physique show! Super excited. Any other competitors in here/anyone with advice as the show gets closer?

Not true. The left two photos are only approx 6 weeks difference from the right one. 100% Natty. A lot of genetic factors play into the ability to burn fat and gain muscle at the same time, but it is possible if you get everything right. I also wanted to share this photo with my NT fitfam just to show hard work pays the f*** off. I'm 7 weeks out from my first NPC Men's physique show! Super excited. Any other competitors in here/anyone with advice as the show gets closer?
Nice work, I wouldn't mind being cut up one day. What are you about 5'6-5'8 160-170?
You can do both, simultaneously.

You don't need DOMS, but no soreness whatsoever? Program must suck, or must be genetic freak of nature.
I get sore from squats/DL every week no matter what 
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